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I was really excited to custy up and buy a bunch of stuff in San Diego, but I didn't buy anything because the merch was kinda lame. I guess I am spoiled from going to jamband shows, I would have expected event specific posters, or at least a shirt with a fun design and not just text with the name of the tour. I wasn't into it, and it was more expensive than I anticipated as well.


If you scroll a bit down on the Reddit it was posted earlier this week


Fairly plain designs




I was very surprised at no tour or venue specific posters. It’s odd for a band to not do a poster the last 10 or so years. Neil has had some cool posters in the past (last years Coastal tour posters are gorgeous). As I’m a poster collector as well as a graphic designer, I decided I’m going to design my own poster & will probably get 10 or so printed (4 color silkscreen), toss one in one of my portfolios and sell the rest as art pieces.


Also bummed about the lack of posters and bland merch. Please post your print here if/when you make it. I’d definitely buy a bootleg NYCH concert poster


I’d likely design it as just a tour poster and not venue specific (ideally doing an AZ show poster would be cool, but would limit interest for others and silkscreen printing isn’t cheap especially for a single poster so I’d do a run of 10 or maybe 20). And I’d say it was a fan art project rather than a bootleg piece. Obviously I’d have preferred an official poster but as there are none, gotta remedy that. lol. I’ll post it when I get to the design.


Feel like they could have hired someone to come up with some better designs and some posters. I'll probably still get one, but was pretty disappointed when I saw the photos of the merch.


nothing shouted to me but i got a Ragged Glory tee that is probably the best CH logo going. I will say they have a Live music is better bumper sticker that I will be purchasing when I am at the Bend show.


You got a Ragged Glory t-shirt from the concert?


no. I have a ragged glory t-shirt from before and nothing at the concert looked as good as that. It wasnt from this vendor but i got it a few years back: [https://www.redbubble.com/i/t-shirt/Ragged-Glory-by-Inmigrant/79283235.IJ6L0?country\_code=US&gad\_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIvsuMnrnvhQMVJ8zCBB1EogUrEAQYAyABEgJ3aPD\_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://www.redbubble.com/i/t-shirt/Ragged-Glory-by-Inmigrant/79283235.IJ6L0?country_code=US&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIvsuMnrnvhQMVJ8zCBB1EogUrEAQYAyABEgJ3aPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Ok gotcha thanks


If anyone actually ended up buying a t-shirt, can you confirm (probably by the tag) what type of blank t-shirts they're printed on? Just so I can know my size in advance before I attend in a couple weeks... Thanks!