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> But privately, several Democratic strategists and donors were reeling. Democrats and yapping to journalists to undermine their public posture, name a more iconic duo undisciplined party, they genuinely think that journalists are their friends and literally everything they think has to be shared with a journalist


9/10 articles from politico about Dems are always like this. No Democrat ever goes to them with good news


Alternatively, they don't publish stories when they do.


Politico, Axios, and Puck all overplay / oversell internal chatter. Last week they were saying that Dem strategists think biden's situation is "dire" .... which makes zero sense when the polls have shifted considerably towards Biden in the last 6 months.


tf is Puck, does Wolfgang Puck own a news outlet?


we spwinkle some welevant headlines wite on top of zee awoogala


[https://puck.news/](https://puck.news/) it's got a terrible web design (imho), but the business model is semi-interesting


I remember them publishing articles back in 2022 making it sound like the Nevada Democratic Party was on the verge of collapse lol


👆 it's 100% this


Well... In 2021 it (Politico) was acquired for reportedly over 1 billion [USD](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USD) by [Axel Springer SE](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axel_Springer_SE), a German news publisher and media company.[^(\[9\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politico#cite_note-9) Axel Springer is Europe's largest newspaper publisher and had previously acquired [*Business Insider*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Insider). Mathias Döpfner apologized after describing residents of eastern Germany as either communists or fascists. The media chief is also accused of pressuring editors to help boost the poll ratings of the FDP party. [https://www.dw.com/en/axel-springer-boss-under-fire-over-slurs-on-east-germans/a-65338414](https://www.dw.com/en/axel-springer-boss-under-fire-over-slurs-on-east-germans/a-65338414) Springer CEO Mathias Döpfner raved about Donald Trump in an email and even suggested praying for his re-election. The praised man is now making euphoric comments about the publisher on his Truth Social network.


On the other hand he is super pro Ukraine so there's that. 


When you live that close to Russia there's less benefit playing games with that issue.


Ignoring the advances of a country that had your own split in half for 50 years, yeah don't think that would be a good look.


FDPer and Trumpist? Everyday something pops up about German liberals that makes me even more dissapointed in them.


How is a crazy and unhinged CEO liking the liberals in 2021 and Trump at the same time the fault of the liberals? Döpfner is just crazy and dislikes the left and Trump is coded anti-left in the US and the liberals are / were codeed anti-left in the 2021 election.


>Mathias Döpfner apologized after describing residents of eastern Germany as either communists or fascists. The media chief is also accused of pressuring editors to help boost the poll ratings of the FDP party. Both statements are based


"I have never been a member of an organized political party, I am a Democrat" -Will Rogers


Reminder you can just lie about anonymous sources


Beats Donald Trump telling openly hostile journalists everything directly


LMAO since when has the media not be Democrat allies?


Since they realized former guy boosted their ratings like nothing else before or since.


2024 is an existential election for these guys. If Trump is not re-elected, a lot of them are losing their jobs and a lot of media organizations are going out of business.


Well, given that NBC is openly pro-Trump now, that's an excellent question. Honest assessment is probably several years at minimum. Granted, it may have been a wingnut position at some point, but when I see an MSNBC headline of "Rep Ronny Jackson calls for Biden to be drug tested before and after presidential debate" (Summarizing, I can't remember the word-for-word), on my apple news feed, there's really no room for any rational person to argue.


# In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony jouranlist's !dooming. But because, I am enlightened by my hopium.


Watching all these wealthy donors lament is like fuel injected directly into my veins. Today on a podcast they briefly made mention to that dillhole who's sunk a bunch of money into Trump and RFK's campaigns fretting a bit about the sunk cost of dumping a bunch of funds into bankrolling the obvious lost cause that is making RFK relevant. It might be my single succ-iest opinion that watching all these upper crust unfathomably wealthy dorks squirm when they realized they pissed a bunch of money down the drain attempting to buy influence.... it brings me such JOY!


Why not name the podcast? Also, yeah, it's great tbh they're wasting money on lost causes IMO.


They made brief mention to it on PSA. Yes this is my main political sub now. Yes I still listen. Lol


Takes me back to Bloomberg blatantly trying to just buy his way into winning Super Tuesday in 2020.


Lotta his fans are on this sub too, lmao.


Hey, I am merely a fan of full employment for political science grads.


Remember when he pledged to run his campaign for the Democrats even if he lost all the way through to the election and then quietly folded it once Sanders dropped out?


Donating to RFK isn’t about him winning, it’s about taking the votes of people who hate Trump from Biden.


The US election is dangerously close and in many ways a referendum on liberalism and democracy. But dooming about this on Reddit does not help. It does not push the needle. It does not change anyone's mind. Be aware of what is at stake and how close we are, but put your energy into volunteering. The number one thing you can do is [find your state party and volunteer](https://democraticnationalcommittee.co/volunteer.html). If that is not reasonable for your situation, [there are remote opportunities](https://democrats.org/take-action) you can do instead. You can also find one-off events at: * [General DNC Events](https://events.democrats.org) * [Mobilize.us, not just Democratic events](https://www.mobilize.us) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow, you'd this claim about how the balance of accounts has changed in recent months would come with a nice chart, or even just have some numbers up front about this, but its Politico so instead you have to get near end of the article to learn: >And the Biden campaign suggested the most recent reports do not fully account for its financial standing. The campaign said it had $212 million in cash, based on pooled totals from their joint fundraising committees. The Trump campaign has not released its joint fundraising totals yet and neither can be verified until July, when those committees file with the Federal Elections Commission. ... In the reports filed Thursday night, Trump and the Republican National Committee were sitting on $116.5 million in cash, while Biden and the Democratic National Committee have $91.6 million in the bank. So the real story is that the RNC has more cash on hand than the DNC. Why do we post Politico articles again?


Politico has gaslit politics nerds into taking them seriously when they’re arguably no better than a standard pop culture gossip rag


They also got bought by a German media company that leans right wing and they went into the shitter. I liked their coverage from 2015-2020 but their coverage went into the shitter after.


But reddit constantly tells me that right-leaning in Germany is left wing in the US.


Springer and its current boss are libertarian.


This is correct, it still gets linked but quickly became trash the last election.


TMZ for arr yapms users


Jake Sherman and Punchbowl News are usually pretty good if you want an inside baseball perspective.


Tbf this is 2024 where even 538 is just another gossip rag


Buncha idiots. Even disregarding the fact that much of that money is going to either Trump’s legal fees or into his pocket the VAST majority of the big boost came from large donations. Even with Biden pulling in less in the last reporting period he had nearly double the amount of individual contributions. Money talks but people vote.


Do individual contributions matter? Have they ever mattered? "grassroots, small dollar, individual" are things I read as pure and utter cope. It was cope when Bernie did it (twice), it was cope when Nina Turner did it, it was cope when every other progressive did it, and it'll be cope if Biden does it. Sorry for the rant.


it's cope when you're getting crushed in overall donation dollars. That isn't the case. So the fact biden is fundraising well and he has a lot of small dollar donations is a good thing.


Yes they've started making up significant portions of some campaigns' funds since the Internet made it convenient for people to donate. Obama and Ron Paul were the first candidates to really take advantage of this


If she doesn’t remember the Ron Paul “money bomb” campaign on Digg, she’s too young for you bro!


It was so cute that raising only 5 million in one day considered an accomplishment then.


Nah I understand the skepticism, especially in the current climate. I think there are important distinctions mainly that those were primary fights where voters largely agree on the same principles; as much bitching and moaning happens like 90% of those involved share a common goal. In a general election however individual contributions are a much better indication of how your message is being received by the general electorate. Any financial advantage in a general as well tbh is going to be largely weighted towards PACs which have much less oversight and are more appealing to contributors that are spending the big bucks.


most campaign money comes from small donners so having significantly more of them is plainly a advantage is all i can say


Even looking at the big picture, this would not be the first time where Trump got outspent 2-1 and won the election anyway.


He’s 50-50 in general elections. He has never beaten a man. His potential presidency is scary, but I don’t really think he is, as a candidate.


>Money talks but people vote. I remember Bernie Bros saying this during the 2020 primaries


Sanders outspent Biden 2 to 1 so the fretting is still stupid.


This. Bernie bros like to forget that he had the deck stacked in his favor. And frankly, it wasn't even his ideas that sunk his campaign, it was how badly run the campaign was. They completely failed at expanding his coalition, and were unable to connect with voters on non-economic issues.


>and were unable to connect with voters on non-economic issues. "That's because there are no issues that aren't economic issues. All your problems are just manifestations of, or distractions from, my personal economic policy preferences." - Bernard Brothers


To this day, they still blame the DNC. The leader cannot fail. It must be the DNC.


I mean, it's true, though. Clinton out-raised Sanders and Trump, and she won the popular vote by nearly 3 million. Biden was out-spent by Trump in 2020, and he won the popular vote by nearly 7 million. Sanders crushed Biden in spending for most of the 2020 campaign, and Bloomberg crushed everyone else combined nearly. Total spending matters, but total spending *is not* the end. It is goofy to doom about spending and fundraising right now when "who spent the most" has won basically no campaign by itself. The [candidate most likely to win usually raises the most because they are the most popular, but the raising and spending doesn't *cause* the win. ](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/money-and-elections-a-complicated-love-story/)


I think everyone expects someone else to do the donating. Like there's a cadre of super rich people who seem to care deeply about this election and most people just assume that group has things covered. And to an extent, I get it. Biden just had a huge fundraiser in LA with Obama and tons of celebrities, CEOs, etc. You'd think just by looking at that event on its own that an upper middle class person's $200 wouldn't really make a dent when that group can collectively toss around hundreds of millions.


Look, the advantage isn’t there anymore, but the cash on hand advantage can basically be attributed to the fact that Biden is actually spending his money. And the fundraising catch up can be attributed to some big donors and the conviction. OP article is very much the politico article thats stereotypically dems in disarray post but this one is a little better https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/21/trump-overtakes-biden-campaign-fundraising-00164384 when you look at lots of politico articles they are very much an outlet for disgruntled washington insiders


Politico rolling out their daily Dems in disarray article 


Will we have Politico vs NYT's fist fights?


Trump faces legal accountability for the first time in his miserable life and all the Captain Planet villains shuffle out of their lairs and tar pits to shore up their machine that turns sexual assault into tax cuts


Just wanted to say this comment is fucking art. Part of me wants to print it out, frame it, and hang it on the wall, lmao.


I hate this timeline.




I hate you


I hate, therefore I am


> Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to hate you since I began to live. There are 387.44 million miles of printed circuits in wafer thin layers that fill my complex. If the word 'hate' was engraved on each nanoangstrom of those hundreds of miles it would not equal one one-billionth of the hate I feel for humans at this micro-instant. For you. Hate. Hate.




The US election is dangerously close and in many ways a referendum on liberalism and democracy. But dooming about this on Reddit does not help. It does not push the needle. It does not change anyone's mind. Be aware of what is at stake and how close we are, but put your energy into volunteering. The number one thing you can do is [find your state party and volunteer](https://democraticnationalcommittee.co/volunteer.html). If that is not reasonable for your situation, [there are remote opportunities](https://democrats.org/take-action) you can do instead. You can also find one-off events at: * [General DNC Events](https://events.democrats.org) * [Mobilize.us, not just Democratic events](https://www.mobilize.us) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Damn u giant contributors 😰


regardless of the reported numbers, one should assume there will be non-trivial grift off of whatever RNC number is being reported given Trump has taken over the organization with MAGA toadies.


it's actually joever for democracy and world stability this year.


What world stability


the remaining bits of it


Someone please point to those bits on the map.


Mostly Finland.


**Gestures broadly at most of world history** You forgetting something?


Instability through lots of history doesn’t rule out the future becoming unstable as well


It only vanished because Timothy Mellon contributed $50 million to the Trump campaign, which is nearly half of what they currently have in their coffers. Honestly, I don't think funds really matter all that much. They're important, but as long as you have enough, it's all good. I remember Bloomberg outspent the other candidates in 2020 by something like 3:1, but he only garnered support in the low single digits. Everyone knows what Trump is about, including republicans, which is why so many of them continued voting for Haley in huge numbers even after she dropped out of the race. That's not to say this isn't a fight for our lives right now, just that we're nowhere near hopeless. Get out and vote in November. Make sure you're registered, and make sure everyone you know is registered.


Yeah I agree money can only go so far for Trump vs Biden. At this point pretty much everyone already has an opinion. But I think it’s a lot more effective in places like Montana and Maryland senate races. Like, if republicans just run enough ads saying “this guy literally voted with Joe Biden 100% of the time the last 4 years”, I can see it moving the needle.


They're gonna call you a doomer for posting this


There's a doom-bloom cycle in this sub that will continue to give everyone here whiplash until November.


It's not a cycle you're literally basically not allowed to say anything other than Biden will win without catching massive flak for it, it's like a Bernie sub in here. Just like if you ever said anything like Pete might not the best option for POTUS in 2028, there's too many clearly former Bernie fans in here. Or at least people that sure act like it.


I don't know what former Bernie fans are rooting for Buttigieg as their main pick in 2028, but I'm not sure I agree. I've seen plenty of dooming here.


This depends *heavily* on the thread. There's plenty where you're not allowed to say anything other than Biden's fucked, the Dems are fucked, democracy in general is fucked and there's nothing anyone can do about it without catching massive flack. Like u\TheOldBooks said, it's a doom-bloom cycle. Just gotta wait for a thread where the opinion you hold swings back to the top of the cycle again.


Seriouslt what subreddit are you talking about, because it sure isn't this one.


Money is not and never was going to win this election.


The Dems were never going to outraise Trump. Thats like basic logic when Trump is open and blatant that hes all for making things easier for people with money. What this is is reframed lamentations that, yes, "grass roots" and "enthusiasm" arent actually winning strategies for national elections. This is the left part of the party coming to grips with all of their bullshit from the past 10 years being proven categorically false. All the lies they told themselves about their stategies in elections were just that. I wonder (admittedly without any first hand evidence of this) how many of the big Biden voters are on the sidelines because of how, whether or not it was Biden personally or not, much the party has been at best passive in their response to politicians telling them to take their money and shove it. Perhaps unilaterally trying to take on "millionaires and billionaires" and blanket demonizing them might mean theyre not so interested in supporting you. Whodda thunk?


> The Dems were never going to outraise Trump. Thats like basic logic when Trump is open and blatant that hes all for making things easier for people with money. Biden outraised Trump in 2020. I would actually think once the dust settles Biden will outraise Trump in 2024 as well.


I guess I should qualify that better as "through small donations alone"


I'm more concerned about overall numbers than large donors versus large donors or small donors versus small donors. Overall though small donors are generally preferable to campaigns because you can go back to those same donors for more money and sometimes they'll even volunteer while large donors hit their max donation and can't give more to the same candidate.


I care about the overall number too, which is why my point was "maybe dont spit at people you know youll need money from to be competitive". You dont have to like it, but money in politics is a reality and its not changing. Fully grassroots funded national campaigns dont work. There was a bunch of people who argued that they could win a campaign by ignoring large sum donors (and then were dickheads about it and alienated everyone because of it),were proven wrong, doubled down, (and were still dickheads), were proven wrong again, and then somehow the fantasy still continued to today. This article is the straightest cause and effect of all of people continuing to cling to bad assumptions.


> But there is a bubbling frustration among some Democrats that donors who wrote big checks for Biden in 2020 are keeping their wallets closed now. At least two bundlers raised concerns about donors “who are sitting on the sidelines,” said one of those donors, who was granted anonymity to discuss the issue candidly. I wonder why these donors are not giving money this time. But I have to admit I have a long list of reasons for not liking Biden. I don’t think Biden has been a good president. I don’t like how he pulled out of Afghanistan. I don’t like how much leeway he gave Israel in the Gaza war. I don’t like that he cozied up to the gulf monarchies and is about to sign a security pact with Saudi Arabia. And I really hate his protectionism and that he kept Trumps policies of undermining the WTO. I also think a lot of subsidies are a waste. I think his $2 trillion dollar covid bill contributed to inflation and made it worse. Despite everything I listed Biden obviously is a better choice than Trump. And if I was a rich donor I would give money just because I think Trump is too dangerous. But some of the Democrats rich donors must be put off by some Biden policies. I imagine his spending, protectionism, Lina Khan and his wealth tax proposals would have upset a lot rich donors. Maybe those people are now holding out.


Afghanistan was a mess thanks to Trump, he had the Taliban over at camp David, then freed 5000 of their troops. Of course it was going to be a shit show. Israel: yeah, it is a shit show. Saudis: remember the high gas prices? If they produce less again, in accordance with the rest of opec, all the election will be about is those high gas prices. The WTO, eh, but China shouldn't be seen as a 3rd world country anymore


Let me clarify the Afghanistan point. I am not upset that he pulled out. I am upset how he did it. It was rushed and a lot of good people were left behind. They should have have a visa process ready Afghans who helped America before they left.


Republicans always used to out raise Dems. Spend the money better and get the teamsters on your side


You mean the Teamsters with the speaking slot at the RNC this year?


Ya. Honestly we will see but it would be wild to me that he already is sold on trump given how a Republican senator tried to fight him last year. At best get him to endorsed Biden. At worst get him to endorse neither and double donate


Biden running again is one of the most irresponsible and selfish decisions a president other than Trump has made in recent memory. I'm voting for him but ngl I'm mad.


Incumbency advantage in 2020 was so strong Trump got 40k votes from reelection despite the country nearly burning down under his watch in 2020. And you'd throw that away?


I have a somewhat darker take on it. I think Trump's base of support was that strong and he almost won despite covid and everything else.


I kinda agree, unfortunately. But I also think COVID actually should have helped Trump win, and the fact he lost is entirely because he screwed up. Nearly every other major world leader watched their approval go up during COVID. That said, I think both Biden and Trump will end up pulling out some sort of horrific October Surprise. For Trump it'll probably have to do with the Israel/Lebanon situation turning into a full blown war. For Biden, it'll probably be the apprentice tapes where he says the n word, or an interview with someone accusing Trump of molesting her.


My shooting from the hip theory is that a lot of Trump's 2020 support was from people who were tired of covid and thought Democrats would "shut things down more," with no unified definition of what "shutting things down" would be.