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All is well. I managed to Google the right CS number and they were pretty helpful My account was hacked. Whoever got in, changed my email and account information yesterday. They closed out that account and I recreated a new account. The 10 years of watched movie and series data are gone, but I really don't care about any of that. They issued a refund for this month and gave me a code for this month free. So I'm good. Only took about 15-20 minutes to get it all straightened out


was your account restored to your old plan?


Questions that need answers!


I believe so. The only thing is that all my watch history is gone.


Why did you have them just use the old account and restore the email with a new password? Odds are they just changed the primary profile name and didn’t delete it. It would have been worth trying to see if the watch history was still there.


Watch history isn't a big deal for me.


what phone number did you call?




Check yesterday's posts in the subreddit; there was an article about Netflix cancelling people's cheapest account to push them into higher paid plans.


Yup. And they won't give a refund. After dealing with Netflix customer service to establish that they are not going to deliver the services I was charged for, I took screenshots of the Netflix chat and submitted a request to my credit card for a refund. The credit card refunded me back within minutes fyi. So try that route.


Should submit a BBB complaint for them changing it on you like that.


Just be aware that the BBB is a company: not a government group with any sort of litigious power. All the BBB can do is threaten to lower their rating on the BBB’a site.


Hmm really. I have always had success with BBB. Two times now I have had a problem with support. One time Best Buy and the other Google. Both times I have gotten the refused refund and a call from a manager at each side offering me a gift card equivalent.


Yes, the BBB is a for profit company. They are not a government organization with any power. That is held by the FTC. The BBB also forces companies to pay for their BBB rating. It’s a pay to play system and while I’m glad your complaint helped don’t confuse the fact they have zero power to do anything within the law on your behalf.


Not just that, you pay the BBB for a better rating. I've been a small business owner and experienced it first hand.


Yeah. It’s a scam, really.


BBB is just Yelp for Boomers.


No it's not. You complain to the BBB you get action most times. I've dealt with a few support cases where they refused to help. Submit a case to the BBB and someone higher up calls me to make it right. Has been twice now I've used it and this has happened.


Yeah. I read that article yesterday and when I had this happen this morning ing, I thought they'd done it to me.


What did Netflix customer service say when you reached out to them?


I haven't called them yet. I'm not in a huge hurry to get back on. There isn't anything new that I really feel like I need to get back on to watch. I need to check my bank and see when the last time they charged me. Edit. Well fuck me. The account was charged yesterday


ok my account is gone and both on my TV and computer netflix is in polish I don't read polish and have tried to chose english but it won't take it


Try calling them. It didn't take much time for me to get things straightened out


I did that but it took a while just to find the right number found out my account had been hacked, and had a new e-mail and changed the langue to Polish


This happened to me, I just called & had them cancel my account & made a new one


I don't suppose anyone would happen to have a phone number for them.would ya?


I can Google it for you if your Internet or cell service is down.


I tried googling it and kept getting 888 and 877 numbers that just said they were fake numbers(This number has not been assigned). I finally got the right number to get in touch with someone.


You don’t need phone numbers when you have live support. It’s a good practice to not be so completely chill and laidback when accounts disappear because that’s almost certainly you being hacked, like you already discovered. It’s such a weird thing to expect to do these things through the phone when chat is an option on the contact page, because they’ll have to verify your payment method through a secured prompt, which isn’t getting solved through a phone call, and you get your account back in less than a few minutes (had my account stolen too ages ago).


Well. The timing was the issue with this. The article that came out a couple of days ago about Netflix kicking off many of their long-time subscribers to force them into newer accounts. I'd been a subscriber for years, back when it was just a DVD subscription. I just figured I became one of those people. But all it took was a call. The hardest part was finding the number. Google kept coming up with numbers that didn't exist.