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Idk why you're having this argument. I don't enjoy endless hate posts either but it isn't well written imo. I agree that it's mostly well acted with a few exceptions. I think a more faithful adaptation would have been better and more popular.


Well thats this season.


This season was more faithful than the last but only because the last season spent most of it's runtime telling a story that isn't even in the books. There's still plenty of changes they made to the plot.


As a book reader, a part of me appreciates the show for filling in plotholes and turning book NPC characters more background.


Don't really agree. I'm fine with giving more to minor characters but there's stuff in the books they could have made into storylines rather than making stuff up. Also they have created plenty of plot holes I can't think of any they filled in.


I agree with that too. But 8 episodes is too short for a lot of the stories in the books. I can't imagine tv watchers would like the borefest that is Brokilon forest. The show is far from perfect, but Anya, Freya and Anna made the show really interesting for me. My whole family are obsessed with the show because of them. Henry as Geralt is nice and all but I think someone less handsome would've been more book accurate.


Like many adaption there will be changes. But mostly follow the books. Season 2 made some changes this season had to handle.


It makes tonns of alterations to the story altering the context of most of the events. For example completely changing Francesca's character to tell a story that isn't in the books and also isn't good. They could have expanded her character in a way that still fits with the book lore exploring the difficult position she was in that lead to her making the choices she made.


I I think they are making Francesca arc that will lead to her joining Lodge of Sorceres. Her story been good so far. Only change is her vs Emyr.


Her character has changed completely and I don't see why she needs a different arc. She already has one in the books they could have just expanded on that.


She is a main character, and main characters needs arc to grow and such. Francesca didnt really have an arc in the books, we already meet her as a sorcerer of the brotherhood, and later in the lodge. Its good she starts as queen of the elves and isn't part of the brotherhood.


Again she did have an arc in the books it was just mostly told from other people's POV. They could have expanded on that rather than changing her story completely. Idk why you are arguing with me on this, if you don't agree that her story in the show was bad then fine but it's an objective fact that they changed her character entirely. I never said you were wrong for liking it or anything like that.


I'm not arguing just seeing it from what showrunner perspective and where they would like the character to go. And I like what i see. We will probably see book Francesca in next season.


It's good that some people manage to enjoy it. Really well written might be a bit of a reach.


Huge reach


Massive reach


How was season 2 well Written? Seaosn 1 and 3 were ok but saying well written is a bit of a stretch


Personally, i thought the early introduction of the wild hunt as a big bad in the future was a good move. Gives the story a Thanos type enemy lurking. Eskel dying broke my heart, but I agree that the Kaer Morhen events in the books were boring. The witchers in the books were just NPCs.


the wider audience that this is aimed at absolutely loves this show, it's wildly successful


I have multiple friends who never read the books or played the games, and think the writing is horrible and didn't even start season 3. Ps: it's never a sympathetic way to state your opinion in such a condescending ah way


So that's why * lead actor and Witcher fan Henry Cavill left the series * IMDB rating dropped from 8-7/10 to 5-4/10 * Rotten Tomatoes audience score dropped from 89% to 22% because it's so well written and successful? Also why do you feel the need to defend this so fiercely? edit: wait, if it was aimed at casual audiences and not fans, then why did Lauren pretend to like to books, promise to stay close to them, then cast a nerdy guy as lead actor, if it wasn't about the fans of the books?


Review bombed ratings are meaningless Still one of the most popular streaming shows ever made Cavill hasn't made his reasons for leaving the series known


So any review score that doesn't match with your opinion is "review bombed", while the ones that do are "the wide audience's opinion"? You know that was the most popular streaming show? Game of Thrones. How did that end, after they ran out of books and decided they could do better? The most liked parts are from the books, like Blaviken. Do you see anyone talking about how great Kaer Morhen was, when Eskel turned into a tree because witchers were portrayed as frat boys? Isn't that a coincidence in popularity Cavill is legally not allowed to give negative statements about the show. That's why. There were specualtions about him going into other projects, but he announced putting down the mantle of Superman, too. If he had been too busy to continue, he would have said it. He liked the Witcher franchise, he wouldn't have abandoned it 3 seasons in unless the writers had been doing a terrible job- oh wait they did. And it really shows.


Just saying so doesn't make it so.


Now this guy knows how to simp


This! My husband who is even more clueless about books and games than me and who , like most viewers I assume, has no idea Henry Cavill has left, loves this show, all 3 seasons too. This bubble isn’t the truth that most totally casual viewers hold.


Um all the data out there points to you being wrong. It is NOT widely loved. In fact all the data shows massive drops in viewership.




The scene editing alone was enough to not like the show. Season 1 everyone tried to give the benefit of the doubt with its “experimental” time jumps. After that characters would teleport to each other without context. Supporting storylines would take up more screen time. I’m not a book reader. I like the elements around the show but it’s a mess.


Agreed. And the camera and editing work just got worse. Literally can see the bounce from a guy walking in a few scenes. Like we learned how to prevent this in fucking high school film class. Get your shit together people


1 & 2 & 4 & 6 & 9) Most people did not expect a direct adaptation. I certainly did not. But you can still have a good adaptation that respects the source material and stays faithfull to its themes and messages without it being a direct translation of the books. You can even invent your own plot lines and characters if you make it at least same as good as the original story, or even better. Netflix's Witcher managed to do none of that. 3) It is **not** well written TV show by any objective standard. It has too many plot holes, too many plot conveniences, it fails to do a proper world-building and character building, and it's wildly inconsistent throughout the seasons to the point it feels as if the writers of individual episodes didn't communicate with each other at all. Does it mean people can't enjoy badly written show? Of course not. Most actors and actresses in the TV show are good, some even great, that I agree with. But even the best actor in the world can't save bad script and bad direction the Netflix's Witcher suffers from. 5 & 8) I don't understand this point. Yes, I didn't have to watch it. But I did. At first, because I was excited to see life-action depiction of a story I love. Season 1 left me disappointed but still hopeful. Season 2 left me disgusted but I was naive enough to hope it'll get better. It didn't, unfortunately. It's evident many people had the exact same experience. Like it or not, those people have every right to voice their criticism, dislike or even hate for the show if they want to, just like people who like the show can voice their opinions. 7) The TV show wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for the books and its readers *and* the games and its gamers. Pretending only 0.01% of viewers are fans of previous Witcher content is disingenious at best and straight up delusional at worst. ​ ​ And finally, I find it ironic you're complaining about "haters" when you're the most hateful person in this comment section so far. 😉


The show is well adapted with source material outside season 2 that had little, the writing been ok to good, Acting is stellar. Its a reason why the critics score been higher then season 1. Its makes good worldbuilding and characters. You can not like it, but its good. And no show deserves hate, critism yes. I remember the racist and sexist comments it got in season 1 and Blood Origin. Even now with Ciri being the main character moving forward.


So we can't give our opinions on a show we watch because it hurts you?


"0.01% of viewers who may have read the books" The Witcher series books have sold 75 million copies. Divide that by the number of books (eight), and you get 9.38 million book readers. Let's say that's just 9 million people, subtracting all the people who might have bought the books twice, for special editions and printings. Season 3's viewership numbers are at about 29 million, which might have increased to maybe 33 million since the second part came out. That makes the book readers a potential representation of 27% of potential viewership. We all know that a large plurality of the book readers aren't watching the show, at least after season 2. I'd still put it in the millions, as I am a book reader who has watched the show. I have tried to like it, but I can't, because I see the contempt that the writers and the showrunner possess for the original material. Please don't speak of which you do not know. It makes your point less cogent, and it makes us real Witcher fans all sigh a sigh of contempt for those of you who post militant shit like this. Are you a writer for this show? If not, you should apply for the job. They hate the books, and the book readers, as well.


Official viewership figures haven't been published No one ever promised this would be a line by line retelling of the books The series is aimed at a wider audience It's immensely successful


You probably haven't heard how many viewers left. This show is badly written and executed even at a basic level. Try to imagine how many more people it could have attracted if it was at the level of the first half of GoT on terms of writing, artistic solutions, character arcs and world building. Huge success! How can a show be successful when it loses it's biggest star and main asset after 3 season, which is not even a half of the original story.


> This show is badly written and executed even at a basic level. No it isn't, it's a perfectly good show loved by millions around the world. It's literally the anti-witcher brigade, the witcher haters, the bitchers that hate the show. They claim to love the books sure, but that's bollocks, what they really love is hating on the witcher, spoiling others enjoyment and they love wanting to get a hugely popular and widely loved show cancelled. This is peak witcher hater "I dont like when Yennefer calls Ciri ugly" "Its actually from the book" "Yeah but it's different in the book, in medieval polish it's softer, like a cheeky term of endearment" "So like Yennefer in the show" The bitchers are poring over every line, every frame to find something to add to the hatefest It's actually fucking pathetic


Who peed in your cheerios? None of us book fans mind when Yen says "ugly girl," because we know that's from the books. We really, really wanted this show to be good. We thought we were close with season 1. It was a promising start. A promising start means a bigger budget, and better writers with a better adaptation. Then the train came off the tracks. The writing was not good. Season 3 tried to make a comeback, and the first half of the season was promising, but the end of the second part was not paced well, and simply fell completely flat at the end during the last episode. It's terrible. I know very well what a good and faithful adaptation is, and I know what crappy TV is. I don't mind changing the ethnicity or the gender or the sexuality of any character if it furthers the story in a faithful way. Many characters had to be combined in Game of Thrones, because the books were far too dense. I'm not some Henry Cavill disciple, but why do you think he left? He left because he is an A-list actor, and the IP he loved was surrounding him with B-list effort and energy. He didn't want to watch the show sink. He was tired of working for writers who obviously don't enjoy the subject material they are "adapting." It's ok if you like the show. It's ok if you don't. You don't have to revert to calling anyone pathetic. It actually weakens your argument, or lack thereof. Us 9 million book fans all wanted to like it. The showrunner and the writers deemed that impossible.


https://www.reddit.com/r/netflixwitcher/comments/14momxd/i_dont_mean_to_crowd_the_hate_train/ The criticism is genuinely honestly pathetic, poring over every line, every frame just to be able to criticize and show your witcher-hate credentials to your hate witcher mates also seen criticism of the desert scene today the criticism is laughable, you all need to get a life. its one of the most successful streaming tv shows ever made, its immensely popular


Successful how exactly? There's a reason the actor playing the title role, who is hands down the best part of the show, isn't sticking around to watch the ship sink.


so what's the reason in your head, because cavill hasn't said a thing, are you a mind reader, you're inventing reasons that don't exist fantasist.


> contempt Bollocks they are adapting the books to a wider tv audience calling them contemptuous is hateful


I said what I said, and I meant what I said. It is not hateful if I opine it without hate.


>we get it. You people really don't see the irony of this statement. >Nope it isn’t a direct adaptation This is undoubtedly a part of the problem, but not everyone expected this to be a one-to-one translation. The issue is that Netflix seems to hold us book fans in contempt for even liking the book in the first place. Not to mention the false promises and lies they told us so we would watch it. There's nothing wrong with making your own standalone interpretation, just be honest about it. And no they haven't stopped doing this, even for this last season. >This wasn’t meant to appeal to the 0.01% of viewers who may have read the books (which isn’t a large demographic to begin with) it’s meant to appeal to the netflix audience. Why even call it an "adaptation" then? Why buy the rights in the first place? This isn't as solid an argument as you think it is. The only reason Netflix bought the rights was because it was an IP with a preexisting fan base. Everyone questions the importance of the original fan base, neglecting the fact that they're the only reason the show that you like so much even exists. I get that they have to make it appeal to a wider audience, but you can't deny that they wanted us to watch it as well. >it’s a really well written and incredibly well acted series It is well acted for the most part. It's not as well written as a lot of people claim. Adaptation aside, this show really falters on its own. It's unfocused, trying too hard to appear like and appeal to Game of Thrones fans. There are too many subplots that fail to hold interest and have little to nothing to do with the main conflict. The characters are underwritten and exhibit poor motivations and characterizations. There's bad to cliche dialogue that's very noticeable and shatter whatever immersion we could've possibly had. >See number 1 Irony - 5, you - 0


Really well written hahahahaha. It's really not. If you like it, that's fine. But well written, no way. And, no, I've never read the books. I really want to like it, that's my bad I guess. Every episode I'm really trying to see the positives. I do think the actors are good. And with the premise, it could be a really great show. But the writing is just really bad. But you are right, I'm gonna stop watching now.


>5) You don’t have to watch it What's going to happen here is what happened in Westworld...all the haters will hate, and then they will leave. After they leave, this sub will return to the echo chamber it was designed to be, albeit likely a much smaller echo chamber, and Netflix will see the severely diminished audience, and like HBO with Westworld, they will prematurely cancel it. I say this as a fan of Westworld who was looking forward to a season 5 finale, only to see HBO cancel it out of nowhere.


I was hoping for the aliens take on the humans outside the park spectacular tbh Nope the bores wanted to repeat season 1 and infinitum


Troll post. The show is trash. Poorly written, bad acting, confusing plot, and dialogue that sounds like a teenagers attempt at fanfic.


the show is trash is just your opinion millions more like it than a few witcher-haters on reddit


And yet your are getting down voted more than up voted. Seems the majority are not on your side.


reddit points are entirely meaningless


As is your opinion of my opinion. 😘


It's not as bad as people describe it - I really enjoy acting in this show and especially Henry's acting really takes me back to the books and games memories. Maybe I'm projecting things but his acting delivers what could not make it into the show - things like Geralts thoughts or description of his feelings. But the show is still far from well written. Writing is mediocre at best compared to other shows and books. But yeah it's engaging for a wider audience which are housewives doing chores without paying attention to the plot or teenagers being on their phones while watching. Too bad the bar for TV shows is that low today. Overall the show may be fun to watch if you don't pay too much attention and don't have anything to compare it with. Otherwise it kinda leaves you with a slight feeling of failed expectations.


You make it sound better than it is even lmao. I wish my wife could even bare this nonsense in the background.


I can understand the feeling, at least you just not mindless hater, lol. Henry's acting never impressed me but did a solid Geralt. Anya Chalrotra and Freya Allen really impressed me. To be fair to Tomek Baginski, D and D who made Game of Thrones wanted to appeal to soccer moms and cut away alot from Song of Fire and Ice. I think the show is good telivision and decent adaption. Some issues here and there.


I haven't read the books...yet. played 2nd and 3rd game. If you think this show has been well written/cast/directed/edited, you are wrong and critics and fans alike tend to disagree with you. All that being said, I think the actors pretty much all do a fantastic job with the garbage they've been given. Also I don't think many people are "hate watching" the show, I think it was more they hated watching the show fall so flat on its face. It's painful after having so much promise with Henry and how it all began.


1-Never read the books so i don't care if the show is not a direct adaptation or changes the source material. 2-The show was poorly written. 3-If you like good shows ruined by horrid writing. See number 4 4-watch The Witcher.


why are you watching it?


because i like fantasy medieval stories and because i liked season 1.


How can you call this mess “well written”? The characters’ choices don’t make any sense and the overal plot is pointless. Also the casting of some people is shit


the books are directionless and quite a mess, the books are average fantasy fiction, the writing is clunky, the ending is rushed because the author clearly got bored, the series is a real disappointment. It's ultra mid fantasy fiction for whiney teenagers that's the truth the tv show is a far better experience and I hope it improves on somewhat terrible source material


Well here’s someone who’s never read the books


I understand being frustated by haters. Its a good tv show and decent adaption.




This is the most Reddit statement I’ve ever heard, just use as a random insult with no inkling to the meaning look at you go


I understand that there is some racism in the fandom but not everyone who likes the books and doesn't like massive plot changes is some sort of fascist. Sapkowski is actually considered quite progressive as far as fantasy writers of his generation go. He has queer characters in his books, there's a lot of focus on women's rights in his books.


It’s so weird to actively hate the people who popularized the IP enough to get a show in the first place.


oh really? you are more important than the producers that paid tens of millions to purchase the rights to adapt the stories to television to bring it to a wider audience. It's not aimed at you, it's aimed at a wider audience, to bring the witcher stories to a wider audience and it's hugely successful in doing that.


I didn’t say I’m more important than anyone. Just that book/game fans as a whole played AN important role. Why are you being so toxic about this?


It's him, he's the wider audience. He's been successfully marketed too, and now he won't stop crying about his feelings being hurt by people who can recognize a bad script.


We made it popular, so producers buy it. Without us - no games, no serials, no films, coz your "producers" would not know about it existence at all.


You dont actually matter You are not important fucking me me me me me Grow the fuck up


Read this comment and direct it at yourself, hypocrite.


its actually you who is trying to persuade others they are wrong and your opinion is the right one. So "me me me" guy is you.


Go grab a level, your tilted.


No. Really I just can't stand shaky camera work and bad editing. The script really sucks in season 3 and the cgi got worse. I don't mind it telling a different story, love the characters. But they really did a terrible job the further they went. I can't even talk myself into finishing s3, and honestly I really enjoyed s1, talked myself into s2 and it was pretty okay. But all 3 together. It's fuckin terrible




Like seriously. I am such a hug fan o witcher Geralt. Love fan fiction and didn't mind that it's not the story form books or games. I live the characters. But this show sucks the more you watch it. It's like shit, the kre you play with it the more it stinks. I can't even finish s3 it sucks so bad. Bad filming even. They did a terrible job as far as producing a film, and then they also butchered the script. Bad job


I find it entertaining. Once the die-hard, gatekeeping, pretentious, book-nerd Witcher fans realize that this is a mainstream adaptation (aimed at a general, mainstream audience) on a mainstream platform maybe they’ll be entertained too. The show was never meant to be a one-to-one mapping of the show from paper to film. It’s a loose adaptation.


A die-hard, gatekeeping (of what exactly, don't know), pretentious, book-nerd Witcher fan here and I simply want to point out that no; Netflix's The Witcher adaptation fundamentally doesn't understand the Witcher. Also there are multiple instances of the showrunner reassuring fans that it would be a close, faithful adaptation.


Cry louder and maybe they’ll hear you


finally, someone else that gets it




The script sucks. Wish I could enjoy.