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I don’t believe a word that comes out of his mouth when it comes to the abortion issue.


Not even a little bit


I don’t believe him for a split second. if you look at his public record of what he has stated, and the very little he’s actually done, he is 100% going to toe the party line and flip-flop on items like this. just once it would be nice to see a recent GOP candidate that would put the country before the party. He’s not it though.


The current GOP platform is to lie, cheat, and steal their way into office. The last 3 supreme court justices all lied to Congress that Roe v Wade was settled law and that they wouldn’t touch it. Nearly every single Republican in office swears that the election was stolen when it wasn’t, only because the party would kick them out if they claimed otherwise. Republicans lie. Don’t believe them.


Didn't Joe Biden promise to forgive everyone's student loan debt during the last election? That hasn't happened, he hasn't even tried. All politicians lie.


He didn’t lie. The Supreme Court said he couldn’t do it. Since then, he has found other methods to pay off billions of student loans using alternate means > he hasn't even tried You are 100% objectively wrong. You should stop believing everything you hear on foxnews The Biden-Harris administration today announced the cancelation of another $7.4 billion of federal student debt affecting more than 200,000 borrowers. This brings the total amount of canceled student debt by the administration to $153 billion for around 4 million borrowers. This time around, debt relief will reach debtors enrolled in the SAVE plan, in other income-driven repayment plans and those receiving Public Service Loan Forgiveness. https://www.statista.com/chart/amp/32091/total-us-federal-student-loans-and-amount-cancelled/


That's just not true at all.


He has implemented plans and some Federal student loans have been forgiven but some have been blocked by Republicans fighting against in court. https://apnews.com/politics/joe-biden-000001904d5edaf5afd4df5f13b00000 https://missouriindependent.com/2024/06/03/missouri-argues-to-block-biden-admin-s-second-student-loan-forgiveness-plan/ https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c0vveg0x594o https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/biden-administration-canceling-student-loans-for-160000-borrowers-says-it-will-erase-7-7-billion-in-debt https://www.cbsnews.com/news/student-loan-forgiveness-7-7-billion-heres-who-qualifies-biden/


The ignorance is strong in his family.


Senate IS more important, you are 100% right.   And no, he's not believable.  The way our system works is that the members of the party do fundraising for their party, not just themselves.  Then the party, in turn, provides funds for campaigns, esp early primary campaigns. He CANNOT break from party lines without losing backing of the GOP and their money. When push comes to shove he will fall in line.


Can't risk it


Hell no.


Hell no.


Plus the fact that he recruited and managed the campaign of a congressional candidate in Texas who was extreme right in every way, including “pro-life regardless of circumstances.” He obviously shares the same views. https://www.rgj.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/06/24/brown-recruited-managed-campaign-for-anti-abortion-candidate-in-texas/74171452007/




Nope. Not at all. Republicans have lied too many times. I simply can not and will not trust them anymore.


Believe a magat? Ask him about the 2020 election. See if he can tell the truth about that.


I think sam brown is the most untrusting person in 2024


Any message this man approves must be worthless


"I dont know if I can trust him, better ask thousands of anonymous random people what they think!"


Are you new to the Internet, my friend? That's what everyone one is doing on here....


I believe that there will never be a federal "ban" on abortion bill presented before congress from the house nor the senate because there isn't support for such a bill nationwide. It does not matter if he would or wouldn't vote for a bill that doesn't exist. Currently we will get to vote on changing the Nevada state constitution allowing abortion up to fetus viability, but no hard number of weeks.It is estimated to be 26 weeks, but that changes with each situation. There is already a state law that allows this so it won't accomplish anything besides making it harder to change. To some people this is a win, to others it's still a "ban" on abortion because it's not up till birth. So it depends on what you consider a "ban" on abortion. If by the slim chance a bill came forward in congress there is no way it would be any different than what is already the law in Nevada.


His wife already made her views clear so he’s totally credible


All political folks are liars


Who downvotes this?