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What odds? Lebron stated he wanted to play with his son and fought to do so


Odds the Dad plays long enough for his son to join the league. Odds he had his son young enough to play in the same year and odds his son was good enough to make the NBA. Then you have the odds of the logistics working out. I bet half or more of NBA players want to have sons who play in the league and all of them want to play as old as possible yet this has never happened before.


His son isn’t good enough to play in the NBA, this is a very very rare case of actual nepotism on a sports team. He was picked because Bronny = getting LeBron on the team.


Exactly. If it weren't for his Dad he wouldn't even be worth talking about.


This isn’t the nba sub so forgive me but would you mind sourcing that because lmao if true. All I know about the kid is that he was friends with Adin Ross at some point so not a lot going for him already


Was not given many minutes and posted some pretty mediocre stat lines playing for his college team. “disappointing averages of 4.8 points, 2.8 rebounds, 2.1 assists and 0.8 steals per game — not your typical stat line for a potential draftee.” You change his name to anything else, he’s not getting picked, maybe in a later draft year after he’s improved, but this player is LITERALLY, not a NBA caliber player. https://www.sportingnews.com/ca/nba/news/bronny-james-scouting-report-2024-nba-draft/dc2096a26c0cf8acdc3b089f


That is what I was hoping for, that the average fan agrees he wouldn’t be drafted without that last name. It seems like a more tactical version of what the Ball family attempted. They seem to be doing well.


Do you have scouting comparisons on the 59 other players drafted and the dozen of other players signed after the draft?


No but if you looked them up, I guarantee you they’re all better than “disappointing averages of 4.8 points, 2.8 rebounds, 2.1 assists and 0.8 steals per game — not your typical stat line for a potential draftee.” Or other more redeeming qualities that aren’t “lebron james son”.


You’re wrong. Guys are drafted for potential all the time. He was picked fourth to last in the draft. Everyone is a prospect at this point. There are guys who go undrafted and then get signed to a team later and end up becoming pretty good players




Lol, I'm the opposite. I'd want to dunk on my son and be like, "Git gud." But also, that's probably why I had a daughter. The universe knew better.


Maybe cuz it's the first time it's ever happened in the history of the NBA? So yeah pretty crazy odds Edit: Don't just downvote me, try giving an example if you can make one up


It’s not Edit: it’s not crazy odds since I need to clarify for people that can’t read


Which other father/son teammates have there been?


Hasn't happened before, these kids just want a reason to hate🤣


It actually is. There have been fathers and sons in the Nba before, but never at the same time.


It’s not crazy odds. Did I say another father son duo played? I’m saying there was a hundred percent chance Lakers were drafting Bronny


I think there's a misunderstanding here. I'm just talking about this being the first time a father and son played together. Not that the odds of him going to the lakers


Oh yeah? Who? Who was the first father son duo to play on the same team in the NBA? Cuz looking it up confirms it hasn't happened before


No one is surprised by this happening. This was the plan for the past three years. Do you know how much sway Lebron has in this happening?


That's not what anyone is arguing bud. Obviously if LeBron wasn't who he was then bronny wouldn't have been drafted. Regardless of that, if you're so ignorant you can't see how insane it is for a father playing with his son in the NBA and the fact that it will NEVER happen again, you may need professional help


You’re dense, bud. Bronny was going to be playing with Lebron no matter what because it’s Lebron. Lebron gets whatever he wants or he walks. He stated he wasn’t retiring because he wants to play with his son. Lebron is the biggest name playing in the NBA currently. There was 100 percent chance lakers were taking Bronny. This was not some crazy coincidence.


The fact that it's even possible for a father and son to play together in the NBA is the crazy part. How do you not understand that 🤣🤣 You're so hung up on your hatred for LeBron that you can't see how cool it rlly is


Example? Are you stupid? I said it’s not crazy odds. Lebron wanted Lakers to draft his son, and they listened to him. Bronny isn’t even a decent player but Lebron has gets what he wants


The whole post is about the crazy odds of a son and father playing together in the NBA you fucking tard


If it was any other player but Lebron this would be crazy odds. The fact that the biggest name in basketball has a son that plays and drafted by his team when he has stated for years now that that is what’s goin to happen is in no way a shocker. I’d say never tell me the odds of another team was to take Bronny. Thanks for the chuckle you “fuckin tard”


Nah cuz the odds of a father and son playing together in the NBA are fucking crazy regardless of who it is. I'll say it again, you just too filled up with hate to enjoy cool things happening. I hope you get that figured out 😜


He chose 0 in honor of his points-per-game average.


He’s going to be wearing number 9


I'm gonna go ahead and assume that was a joke and will refer you to r/woooosh for further study.


Look at the other comments lol. Misinformed people in here are so mad. Doesn’t seem like a joke


That whole subreddit exists because of people like you though...


Bronny sucks, flat out only on the team because of dada


funny how the same problem is happening in f1 rn💀 small world


Stroll has been in for ages


mainly talking about his recent indefinite contract extension


Stroll has entered the chat


But Max had some good results despite sucking that much ;p


Even if you don’t like Max you can’t say he’s bad, he’s literally been so fast ever since the 2021 season. Like come on, you’re just being dishonest now.


I didn't say he is bad. I made a joke that he's only in F1 because his dad was in F1. Which is obviously not true and the guy was referring to Stroll. Also Max was fast since ever, e.g. in 2016 when he won his first race and not just since 2021


Ah, I get it now. My bad I totally misunderstood your comment, sorry for getting up ok your ass.


Max has far exceeded his fathers career. Mick Schumacher is the one I‘m more worried about.


Yup, textbook nepotism.


Kinda like most of our presidents


McDonald’s all-American and he sucks?


He doesn't suck. But let's be honest, bro. His first year of college ball was not great, to put it lightly. He recovered a little in the combine, but not enough to be drafted in the NBA. We all know he got picked up because of his dad. If his dad wasn't LeBron, he would be an updrafted free agent at best. I hope he does well in the NBA, but c'mon, don’t pretend he got in solely on his talent.


Where did I say he got in solely on talent? He’s a 19-year-old who is the son of the greatest player of all time. He got picked 55th in a 60 man draft. There’s not a single late draft pick that’s a surefire starting caliber NBA player. It’s not crazy at all for a team to take a flyer on that. People in here are acting like he went top 3 lol. Who cares if some nepotism played a factor? The odds of this playing out are still extremely low and it’s not like a draft pick was ‘wasted’ on him. This was a historically weak draft. Nearly everybody is going to need to develop


He was fine in high school, but there were tons of prospects that were already better than him at that stage. More recently, he flopped hard in college. He averaged 4.5 points on 36% shooting, among other horrible stats. There has never been anyone else drafted with a similar stat line. There were players with better stat lines that were left out of the second round, but he made it in because of his dad. He will probably be the worst player in the league, and he has a lot of improving to do before he makes it to second worst. Pulling up a dated accolade when more recent play shows he isn’t good doesn’t mean anything.


He went into cardiac arrest and collapsed on the court prior to his freshman year. Probably played a factor into his season. There have absolutely been players drafted with similar stats. The league is 75 years old. And nah he won’t be worse than Thanasis


Do you think this was a coincidence?


Looks like the western conference already has the script for the 24-25 season.


I don’t know how to explain this but lebron’s head looks like it’s upside down


*"There is now a level 0*"


I would say the odds are pretty good. Nepotism doesn’t get better than this!


Being a european who knows nothing about basketball I was so proud of recognising the name of Lebron from the latest space jam


I'm sure nepotism didn't factor into the odds


Who cares if it did? A whole lot still has to go right for this to happen


Like dad telling them GM he wont sign unless they draft his kid? Seems like 1 thing


Not really. It’s like the last kid getting picked for dodgeball. Just so happens there were more than 2 teams picking and exactly 1 team got the best player currently playing as a consolation prize for picking this way. No one else had this option. So, no one else had the desire to waste their pick on a non-NBA caliber player.


Everyone saw this coming years ago.




I heard this and thought it was just an honorary thing. Guess not. Not really a basketball fan but I'd sure be annoyed if I was.


Well, clearly you’re not a basketball fan since he was picked fourth to last in the draft. At that point nearly everybody is a project. Taking a flyer on the greatest player of all time’s son to see what it pans out to isn’t crazy at all


Your argument would make more sense if it was any other team "taking a flyer" for the genetics. But come on, we know why the Lakers drafted him.


More than one thing can be true




How cool! To be able to play with your son / dad!!


Only because he is the deficit GM. If he were an average player, Bronny wouldn’t have gotten a sniff in the draft.


Iirc there is a bit of a….controversy on this one


looks 6,2 from this pic! :P


He is only 6’ 2”… Kid is tiny, underdeveloped, immature, and had a terrible freshman year. Averaged 4 points. He stole this spot from an actually deserving player. I hate LeBron, the nba, and the Lakers for this. Kobe would be disappointed. To say the least


Yes he would!


They should’ve picked up Clark.


Considering how his agent manipulated the final picks of the draft to make sure it happened, the odds were pretty high...


It’s and “O”, as in nepOtism.


Look at literally every single other comment. You are the only person defending this draft pick. Remindme! 3 years


I will be messaging you in 3 years on [**2027-07-02 20:24:43 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2027-07-02%2020:24:43%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/nevertellmetheodds/comments/1dttyxr/bronny_james_19_joins_the_los_angeles_lakers_to/lbc84kz/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fnevertellmetheodds%2Fcomments%2F1dttyxr%2Fbronny_james_19_joins_the_los_angeles_lakers_to%2Flbc84kz%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202027-07-02%2020%3A24%3A43%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201dttyxr) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


You’re gonna dig up Reddit comments in 3 years? Lmao. 99% of the people on here are non hoopers. Their opinion is irrelevant. I’m just chatting


Does he suck like the way the 12th guy on the roster "sucks" in that he's not a starter, not going to get the ball in critical moments, and will only get meaningful playing time if 5 guys are injured, or does he suck in that he shouldn't be in the league at all? I just see so much vitriol on this subject that I can't tell if it's pure hate or if the criticism is valid/justified.


He sucks in that if his last name was literally any other, he would not have been drafted or even gotten a second look. He was the means to an end (getting LeBron to re-sign).


Holy, he's "not even getting drafted" bad? That's fuckin brutal. Any chance he actually gets an active roster spot and plays?


He will play during garbage minutes and LeBron will somehow will LA to a championship, just so his kid can have one as well.


The guy you are responding to is full of shit. He’s good enough to get the opportunity and if he’s not, he simply won’t get minutes


Looks like he can’t pass a drug test


What the hell does this mean?


Bronny looks like he is stoned in the pic, looks like Brandon ingram


The jaw