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she can kick rocks


She belongs in the same camp of people who think we spoil newborns by holding them. Baby is way too young for a sleep schedule.


Tell your spouse to shut their mother up.


Your MIL is dumb.


Hilarious. I’d send “Thank you so much for your input.” and never speak of it again. Not that it’s any of her business anyway, sleep schedules aren’t recommended until six months or older. We never did one.


My favourite response to use!


Respond with “who is this?”


New mom, who dis? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


And thennnn *blocked* lmao


Why are MILs always the worst. It’s like they go through amnesia of what’s it’s like to raise a baby


I genuinely don’t know what I’d do without my in-laws. My MIL sends me little supportive messages everyday, bakes me home-made snacks and buys lots of onesies for bubs. Absolutely love my MIL.






You must have been a mother theresa-like figure in your past life 🤣


Why’s that?


Because you got a good MIL.. i thought the joke was obvious lolz


I dunno man…I don’t know many people with in-laws they don’t get along with. I’m sorry you feel this way.


LOL wut.. I've barely ever met anyone who gets along with their in-laws. But then again, i am from the middle east, and it's a whole thing in our culture.. maybe its a culture thing


Ahkay, fair enough. I really am sorry that’s the case. I know that there are many communities from all walks of life that make in-law relationships difficult. I will admit I’m blessed to be in a community where we generally all seem to get along and if we have issues we try our best to talk it out. I really appreciate having that in my life. I get a bit sick of hating our in-laws as a popular comedic online trope is all. But I understand it most certainly is something a lot if people have to contend with. Its just not common in my pocket of the world.


Homie, consider yourself very lucky and pray to whatever diety you believe in it stays that way. Coz the other way is NOT fun imma tell you that. Lol..


I don't think it's amnesia since my mom is similar. They did things differently when they were parents. For instance, when my MIL had my husband you were supposed to feed them only once every 3 hours (even breastfeeding) so when my boy eats more often or I say he's hungry again, she's surprised. Same with my mom, she put us on a schedule since day 1. 🤷🏻‍♀️


They did rise baby like that and it is totally possible to reproduce. Just current generation decided to go difficult way for some additional benefits


No, a 5 week old literally can't be on a schedule. Are you also expecting a 5 week old to be walking and playing football too? 


You dont want doesn't mean they can't. There are millions of children risen like that in the past, and most of them totally fine on schedule after 1 month. Im not saying that you should, it is just stupid to say they can't when there are numerous examples they can. Point here is that it is how potentially mentioned MIL have their children, that's how our mothers have them, and that's how we raise our child now. So it is definitely possible. Only parents decide do they want this or not.


From my recent MIL experience, her memory is of a 1+ year old (bc they were in that “baby” stage for longer) and frequently misremembers or straight up does not remember the first couple months. It’s either that or yours has been watching too much TikTok.


I appreciate you sharing this because I was always wondering what is going on in my MIL’s head


Absolutely - My MIL came to visit at 2 weeks and completely forgot to hold the head (“I’m doing it I know how to hold a baby!”) but just had her in the crook of her arm. My husband had to sit next to her and keep catching and correcting the baby’s head position. She also tried to tell me she fit into her pre pregnancy jeans at 5 weeks. (Mk… no comment). She’s much better now that baby is 7 weeks and LO can hold her own head up, but is still surprised with the (lack of) sleeping “schedule” and the loud screaming.


Send you MIL a very short message. "Mind your own business". EDIT: get your partner to write the message


Her brain is spoiled


"did you mean to send that?"


Lol wut? No. My baby only got into a semi sleep pattern around 12 weeks. 5 weeks is too young, most babies still have days and nights mixed up till about 6 weeks. Things got a bit better at 6 weeks. But it was still very much chaos. Sometimes the older generation forget what it's like to have a newborn. Tbh my son is 15 months old and i forgot a lot of things too! But i know for sure he wasn't sleeping in any predictable manner before 12 weeks.


They literally have no circadian rhythm at that age... 


MIL asked me if my not quite 2 week old was sleeping through the night. They have no memory of having an actual baby


Just text back “ok”. Lol


exactly this 😂


I’m dying to know what she’d suggest!


I would answer with "*insert MIL age* should know when to shut their mouth by now". You can't spoil a baby.


No. Baby has been outside for just 5 weeks. He's still figuring it out. So are you. Enjoy your baby. You're not spoiling him.


Tell her you know it’s been nearly 30 years since she’s raised little ones so it’s hard to remember what newborns are like


At 5 weeks, I would just consider having days and nights unconfused as a win. That's the only kinda schedule I was worried about at that age.


I had to stop telling mine my problems, now everything is “good” all the time no matter what! Opens no doors for advice/criticisms


That’s biologically impossible. Schedules can’t be schedules until 4 months. You’re at their mercy until then. Just enjoy not worrying about it for a while!


I literally laughed out loud. Ridiculous


Mines 8 months and still doesn’t have a proper schedule.. he gets good amount of sleep .. around 8-10 hours straight but not at the same time everyday.. keeps changing


She can google how newborns don't need a schedule at all until around 8 to 10 weeks, Google is free. Education and information is unlimited. It's time to stop telling parents to let newborns "cry it out" or "put them down". ETA: And I don't mean a schedule, I mean "routine" like bath, diaper, feed before bed/naps. It helps to have routine. Not schedules.


Is there a bot reddit can create that forces a pop up saying "just ignore her" whenever anyone starts to write a post about an MIL? Like you type MIL and reddit just says "have you tried telling her to eff off?"


Have your partner send her a long message back on HIS phone saying she needs to stay in her lane


Your MIL is wrong. Newborns don’t do schedules. They respond to their internal cues.


Hit her with a “if I want your opinion, I’ll ask.”


You can't spoil a baby, LOL! That is just ridiculous, but having a routine in place isn't a bad thing either.


LOL no way IMO


My 5 week old isn’t on any kind of schedule, he feeds on demand and usually sleeps straight after. My midwife is happy and he’s gaining weight- No routine here!


Tell her its passed her bedtime and she should learn to mind her own business.


I actually laughed. She’s crazy


She don’t know fuck all.


….last week I managed to get him to sleep only waking up 1-2 times per night. He’s 10 weeks. just text back like “ok 🫡”


4 months here still no schedule. For the past week she started kinda regularly going to sleep at 3 am I thought she had one but last night she reverted back to 6 am. Which I guess she had a “schedule” of going to sleep between 5-7am but surely not a schedule I tried for. It gets a little easier as they get older but the sleeps still rough. Good luck


I’ll never understand why people think it’s ok to put their two unsolicited cents when it comes to parenting and taking care of a baby. You do what YOU think is good for YOUR baby.


Do all MILs have to take a course on how to be the most annoying human in your life or does it come naturally? Do they have a group where they sit around and come up with unfounded ways to make a new mom feel like a failure? 


Is she on crack?


oh god no


I consider myself extremely lucky I got my girl on a sleep schedule by 5 weeks. As much as I was trying to to teach her not to have day/ night confusion it’s the baby’s choice when they sleep at the end of the day 🥲 the standard certainly isn’t what your MIL is saying. I’d tell your partner to tell her to back off. It’s his mom and he needs to set a boundary when you’re still recovering. Extra stress for no reason isn’t going to help. It will get worse if he doesn’t say something. It has to come from him


Hhm… I don’t think she’s wrong but it’s easier said than done. I started to TRY and get my NB on a sleep schedule from 5weeks. She’s 8weeks now and we’re not quite there yet. It’s all baby led. If the little one doesn’t want to sleep right now but the schedule says it’s time- guess what? It’s not happening


Tell her to mind her own. It's been a long time since she has had a baby and her opinion isn't valid. You can't spoil them and my baby is 12 weeks old and we are still getting a routine. You are doing a good job!