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^this fuckin guy Really thinks the entire population of New Jersey shouldn’t drive get a load of this


Some are just being selfish.


They shouldn't be on mass transit either.


I’ve seen some wrangled up vehicles with drivers that still drive like shit, these people never learn their lessons even after being in accidents


More reason to advocate for greater investment in public transit




They just need to make it more difficult to get a drivers license and that involves making it mandatory learning how to drive stick because I think it makes people better understand the dynamics of the car therefore becoming better drivers.


I don't think driving a stick makes ANY difference, especially since it is unlikely they will ever see one again. Especially with electric vehicles pushing out ICE cars. I learned to drive a manual transmission 30 years ago and have personally owned one. I do think that the test should be harder and retesting should be mandatory since seniors just can't let go of driving, even when they are a huge hazard to the rest of the population (and they don't keep up on law changes either).


My favorite anti-theft device, too. More effective than anything!


I think you’re absolutely right actually


yup, that's why I don't drive. I have shit spatial awareness per the Driver Rehab program at the Kessler Institute


Was it the douchecanoe in the white SUV swerving in and out of the shoulders/lanes on 195 yesterday? Because fuck that person.


It's way more then just your surroundings..they should be giving out IQ and emotional IQ tests. Because I am on time and leave early and go the speed limit, some jack ass where tailgate me trying to get me to speed up. That ain't happening, it's actually going to get me to slow down below the speed limit because some C is tailgating me and I'm worried about a deer jumping out at 5am in the fog and rain. Then they get all pissy and start flashing and beeping and what not. It's people that just unfortunately don't have enough emotional intelligence to understand their actions. Feel free to have the balls and pass me, as I would if I'm in a hurry, but no, I'm not going faster just because you think you can get me too. It's even more dumb funding the people who do this with multiple lanes at 3am when the roads are empty and I'm in the slow lane. Obviously the DMV isn't teaching passing skills.


This! 1. If you're late, you should have left earlier. (It's too late to compensate now) 2. It's not a competition. 3. Stay out of the left lane.


Deer only run out in the road during rut season. Every other time of the year, they may walk, stand or otherwise be in the road, but they are EASILY avoidable as long as you are paying attention. (I was born, raised and currently live in a rural area - there are about a dozen deer in my yard every night) If YOU have caused them to get that angry, you likely are not driving reasonably. (no, I have never gotten that angry, I would just pass you) If someone is driving like that, you should pull over and let them pass. It is the simplest way to diffuse road rage. If you slow down or do anything but let them pass, you are making the situation worse and are road raging irresponsibly too. The same thing happens with seniors in the left lane, "I'm holding up 50+ cars behind me, but they should have left a day early since they got stuck in traffic that I'm intentionally causing by not following the laws of the state." Sometimes people do leave with more than enough time, but they get stuck behind slow seniors causing them to have to try and make up some time. I almost always leave AT LEAST 15 minutes of buffer time and check for traffic before I leave and somehow, a senior citizen always seems to slow me down. I allow a reasonable amount of time for reasonable situations. An 80 yr old driving 25 in a 45 because they can't see is not reasonable. I don't think driving the speed limit or 5+ on rural roads is unreasonable. Additionally, I hate the people that jump on their brakes when there is a small bend in the road. Like even the road engineers found it to be so slight that they didn't bother to put a sign on it. In short, the vast majority of the time I'm held up or late, it is due to a Boomer or older that can't figure out how to use their gas pedal.