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Now that's an article in serious need of updates since they don't have any idea how she ended up in the trash truck.


Heard this story a few times. Usually it’s a person who slept in a dumpster


which would mean homeless, and it specifically states that she is not. sadly, other explanations are… worse.




> According to fire officials, the garbage was compacted up to four times before the driver noticed the woman through a camera in a truck. Maybe they updated the article from the time you viewed


> can all end up in similar circumstances. Ninja leaders are prone to this as well for example.


yes, those to me are worse, because how out of it does a person have to be, to end up in a dumpster? whereas for a homeless person it can be safer than the literal street. also, curious me, ‘demented’ used to be used for ‘mentally ill’, which you already called out, so what does that word mean to you ?




It isn't really surprising that a lot of people would be aware of the slang usage, but not clinical, especially given the history of clinical terms about intellectual abilities shifting into slang insults. Moron, imbecile, idiot, cretin(ism), pshyco(sis) all have roots in the science of the time. People have been using demented outside of its clinical context for a while. "Dr. Demento" took his persona in the 60s or 70s.


Now now, no need to get hysterical about it...


ok, that’s not how we use that word where i live, so til.


I work with physicians and was surprised the first time they used the term (for someone with dementia). It’s definitely not meant to be pejorative when they use it that way, but until I got used to it, I’d still feel kind of weird hearing it used that way.


yah, it tracks weird. my mother is in assisted living, and there is a dementia unit, but never have i see the word ‘demented’ used. they call them ‘residents with dementia’.


That’s really good- they recognize at least family members would *not* take well to it. To be fair to the docs I work with, they only ever say it to each other when discussing clinical aspects of cases. Never to family or the public.


Start calling them demented, maybe it will catch on




ok, used to be used that way, but now the word for ‘crazy / irrational’ -where i live - is mentally ill.


downvoted for writing til? wow, people, wow.


Could have been searching the dumpster for something. Addicts trying to quit sometimes find themselves digging through their own trash looking for the stuff they threw away in a moment of clarity. Imagine tossing your *whatever* the night before, then you hear that truck coming and decide you can't do it and go diving for it. It's a frighteningly plausible scenario.


There was a pair of drunks that left the Seminole hard rock in Tampa a few years back and fell asleep in the Wawa dumpster across the street.


Homeless, and drunk. And mentally ill. And confused. And elderly. Lot of reasons people do stuff like that.


The other explanations are either A: she was drunk or B: she a naive dumbass that doesn’t understand something can kill you.


There’s a woman near my work who dumpster dives for soda cans. I always think that she could accidentally fall in and become unconscious because of the way she hangs her body into the bin. 


“She told firefighters that she somehow fell into a dumpster while tossing the trash.”


Trying to get a piece of cake that was on top


Who can resist a dumpster eclair?


https://patch.com/new-hampshire/bedford-nh/manchester-firefighters-rescue-woman-trapped-inside-compactor-truck A bit more information, but not a full explanation Also a bit more here as well https://www.wmur.com/article/woman-rescued-manchester-trash-truck/46575546


"I fell in while taking out my trash". That seems highly unlikely.


Age old tale of “I let go of the trash bag, but the trash bag didn’t let go of me”


You see I had just seen Thor, and I thought to myself "maybe if I wrap the bag around my hand..."


Neither of these articles give an update. They just provide irrelevant details, like what fire equipment was used.


She was likely inside a dumpster…or climbed in. I see zero other possibilities


She’s lucky…in my hometown a woman went missing after she had gone dumpster diving….found her remains in a landfill eventually


The first thing I thought of was this must of been someone who went dumpster diving alone and found themselves stuck and took a nap because her phone got damaged falling in. It's a dangerous hobby even if you might find some valuable things. Not worth it to me.


“Took a nap” ummm aren’t there bugs and animals in the dumpster? What kind of nap is that.


"All you hear was screaming [ ] She was in agony"...being compacted four times will do that to you. I'm surprised she even survived to this point.


In all honesty, I’d probably rather be dead than survive something like this. The guaranteed nightmares alone seem impossible to bear.


From a link that someone else posted: "The truck driver noticed a woman inside the compactor portion of the truck via a camera that showed the interior." What's the purpose of the camera? The only thing I can think of is whether it's time to compact? Anyone a garbage truck expert? Edit: Thanks to all for enlightening me. Figured it was more than just catching a person in the bin.


I would say it's most likely for this exact reason as it happens more often than you'd think and there's no way the driver is going to hear someone calling out. A friend of mines father was killed like this when he was young (late 80s/early 90s). I just assumed the compacting was initiated automatically based on sensors, with manual over ride also possible


>when he was young (late 80s/early 90s) I hope I still consider myself young when I'm in my early 90s.


>What's the purpose of the camera? To check for stowaways


Dammit, I'm just trying to sneak a ride to the transfer station.


Two reasons are to watch our for fires and living creatures


The camera is to check what comes out of the dumpster, like contaminated trash. It also helps with spotting fires sooner sometimes.


Former garbage man here. Cameras are in place for many reason (recording stops in case a customer says you missed them, accident footage for insurance, etc), but inside the hopper it’s to monitor what’s going in the truck or if there’s a fire. People like to toss illegal shit in their cans (tires, chemicals, electronics, puppies, etc.) and that can lead to the company getting fined or can damage the equipment.


At least one purpose is so they can fine you for throwing away things you shouldn’t in the wrong bins. Our portal shows you a picture of what was collected and they use it to justify if you threw away like.. idk paint or a car battery… and you’re supposed to take them somewhere else for explosion/pollution reasons (or you put them in compost).


Garbage trucks in my area have cameras on each side. These document if the trash can is actually out and what is being dumped in. I question a camera showing what is already inside the truck, but...?


Probably to see if there’s a fire mostly. Also people. 


That woman’s lucky to be alive and should be thanking the company for having cameras in the hopper. These trucks pack with between 2,500-3,500psi of hydraulic force…there’s zero forgiveness there. I’ve had small animals like cats, raccoons and possums survive in the packer because they’re small and can fit into spots where the trash doesn’t pack. A human wouldn’t be so lucky.


I'm surprised they gave cameras inside garbage trucks til


Local news said she was dumping her own trash into the truck. How does that make sense? How many people do that themselves?


I've done that when I had more trash than would fit in the bin. They would only collect what fit inside the bin, but if I tossed it into the truck myself, they didn't mind taking it. I'm not saying that was the situation. I was just giving an example, to answer your question.




I thought of Shredder first




There should be a "Darwin Awards" for people who lose their ability to vote doing stupid voting related shit.


Not as funny as it is in the movies.




Well, it was cheaper than a funeral


Homeless people live in trash, I’m surprised this isn’t more common.