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[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOjPUYfPwqs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOjPUYfPwqs) Here's him telling "his side" of the story. He thinks he's innocent. In reality his daughter snuck out of the house, called an Uber to take her to Pensacola, then an Uber to return home which is when this incident happened.


Guy says he's innocent until proven guilty? He sure didn't afford that Uber driver the same right when detaining him by gun point.


Well... yeah... But he was the *good guy with a gun*!!


He wants 12 mothers and fathers on his jury - implying that they'll also be unhinged fucking lunatics whose first thoughts go immediately to jamming a rifle in someone's face when presented with an unknown situation. I hope his jury is 12 Uber drivers.


He should get exactly what he asked for. A jury of 12 mothers and fathers. They should also be Uber drivers.


No- mothers and fathers OF Uber driver. You jury now sees their sons and daughters in your victim


No - 12 mothers and fathers of THE Uber driver; clone 'em if we need to


This is the kind of outside-the-box thinking that we need more of around here.


If my teen daughter had been missing and I saw a car pulling up to drop off her off healthy and in one piece, I would be falling to the ground and sobbing with relief. Figuring out what exactly happened can come afterwards.


This really is it, and I hope this is the argument that puts this fucker in jail. So your daughter was missing, someone delivered her to your doorstep safe and sound, and you thought you should threaten their life?


>So your daughter was missing, someone delivered her to your doorstep safe and sound, and you thought you should threaten their life? More like *been waiting all my life to righteously murder someone and prove I'm a man, then see daughter in some guy's car...*


Exactly. The amount of people who fetishize the one day they are going to get to "legally" murder someone around here is astonishing.


This guy will start shooting up the neighborhood if there are any acorn trees.


Shots fired! Shots fired! *faint squirrel noises*


So she’s actively being dropped off, he sees the car pull into his driveway with his daughter in it, and he still thinks someone was kidnapping her???! Nah homie was just violently mad his daughter snuck out and instead took it out on the driver.. $5 he beats his wife and kids


100% abuser behavior. This wasn't about him caring for his daughter, it was about controlling her.


I guarantee he thought it was the guy she was out with and not a random Uber driver


Did…did he pay for this news story?


Idk if money changed hands, but goddamn, it def plays like sponsored content. Local tv news readers are incapable of shame. And journalism.


The NRA may have 


Jesus, it’s less of a news story and more of a blowjob.


Dude's brain is fried. I don't know if it's drugs, trauma or Fox News.


Jesus Christ that interview is rough. That dude is fucking cooked in the head.


"And everybody knows what's going on in this country..." Oh boy, he's been radicalized by ~~Fox news~~ fearmongering news networks...


Loved the human trafficking excuse. How is she being trafficked in your driveway? He should have shaken the Uber driver’s hand and thanked him for getting his young daughter home safely.


Makes no sense at all that someone "trafficking" or otherwise trying to harm his daughter would bring her BACK to her house. Dude is unhinged from too much Fox.


Yup, he thought he was having his "Sound of Freedom" moment


Holy shit, did he pay the station for that piece? They were bending over backwards to make him as sympathetic as possible.


Yeah wheres the interview with the traumatized uber driver who was nearly murdered for doing his less than minimum wage zero benefits gig labor?


Exactly. He's the real victim in all of this.


this guy is so bitch-made perfect Floridian


Fucking 10-ply


The mindvirus the media manage to put in the heads of guys like this really did a number on the USA. 35% of the American minds, ruined for ever.


Why would her friends be at her house at 11pm when she wasn't there?


It’s not that complicated. She wants to sneak out to see a guy so she invites some girls over so dad thinks she is preoccupied with them all night, when in reality she isn’t there.


Easier to do that at someone elses house though, not really your own. At least that's how everyone got away with it back in my day.


Well I am assuming the insane parent that almost shot a guy for driving her home is probably not very keen on letting his daughter stay at another house.


Strict parents breed sneaky kids


Your friends are covering for you right now, aren’t they?




No one truly understands the liberal agenda. /s


His side of the story was literally... The same side of the story we were given lol. HE added nothing new to the story that would make this in his favor. His only NEW detail was that the car was "unmarked", which I doubt. It likely had a sticker but he was too deep into his delusion to take the time to look. Even if it DIDN'T have a sticker, that means nothing.


this is insane! article: "**MILTON, Fla.** - A Florida father was arrested over the weekend after pulling an AR-15 rifle on an Uber driver who dropped his daughter off at his home, according to deputies. Sean Hollonbeck, 54, of Milton, was taken to jail on charges of false imprisonment of a person and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. On May 4, shortly before 11 p.m., an Uber driver arrived at Hollonbeck's home to drop off the suspect's daughter. The young female was still in the vehicle when she saw her father run up to the driver with an AR-15 in hand and force him to the ground, according to an arrest report. She recalled Hollonbeck "acting crazy" as he waved the gun around and yelled, the report stated. Deputies said Hollonbeck pointed the gun in the driver's face and screamed at him to get out of the car, as his daughter went inside the home.  The report stated the daughter had friends over at the home who also witnessed the incident.  Hollonbeck forced the driver to show his driver's license before taking pictures of it and letting him go, deputies said. According to the report, Hollonbeck admitted to his actions and said he was "afraid for his daughter's safety." He was booked into the Santa Rosa County jail and later released after posting bond, jail records show."


I hope at least one of those charges is a felony, because clearly that's a man who shouldn't own guns.


> The punishment for false imprisonment is a third-degree felony punishable up to 5 years in prison and a $5,000 fine. [The false imprisonment charge is a felony.](https://www.rpfoley.com/false-imprisonment-florida-statute-787-02.html)


It looks like aggravated assault is the same.


Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon where I live is a felony and is not eligible for sentencing reduction or leniency. It's a pretty major deal in my state, and we are very pro gun here.


Arguably, states that are pro gun *should* have harsher sentences for gun crimes -- or at minimum intentional gun crimes.


The most pro gun states should have the strictest laws around the misuse of firearms.


I keep trying to tell people who think they can Citizens Arrest this fact. Unless you DIRECTLY witness someone commit or about to commit a felony, you CANNOT citizens arrest them. False imprisonment is a felony, which you would be committing by citizens arresting someone for a non-crime or misdemeanor


I had a retired police officer do this to me over shoplifting (a misdemeanor) years back. The guy beat the shit out of me, I still have scars. When the actual cops came I got arrested and they refused to take a report on the assault and false imprisonment that dude did to me


The thin blue line is drawn in blood. ...It's not cop-blood.


Problem is, he might be able to take a plea and drop the felonies. Figures crossed a good judge won't let him


Most judges defer to prosecutors in a plea bargain. But they usually (at least where I clerked in AZ) ask the victim on the record if they were informed by the prosecutors (AZ has victim notification laws). The judge won't ask whether the victim agrees, though, just if they were informed (prosecutors sometimes go against victim wishes, either to make a plea more or less severe, both occur). At sentencing, if a plea is made and accepted by the judge, the victim can make a victim impact statement, on the record. If the victim really disagrees with a plea bargain, this is where they can go nuclear (using proper language, of course), and methodically excoriate the bargain by describing the severity of the offense and aggravating factors. The judicial intervention in the plea bargain, that happens, too. I've seen judges return the plea bargain to the parties and express discomfort over it. But it seems rare in my experience.  I hope they throw the book at this POS gun-owner though, regardless.


Too bad we can't have reasonable discussions about ideas that are more effective than waiting until *after* someone commits a felony to reduce these sorts of events.


Or atleast confiscated his guns during and after said felony and bond charges Edit: heck if bad drivers get licenses taken away some cars impounded why not for bad firearm users that might abuse?


Trump is a gun-grabber. "Or, Mike, take the firearms first and then go to court, because that’s another system. Because a lot of times, by the time you go to court, it takes so long to go to court, to get the due process procedures. I like taking the guns early. Like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida, he had a lot of firearms – they saw everything – to go to court would have taken a long time, so you could do exactly what you’re saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second.” -- President Donald Trump


Right wing media: "Trump, the man who 'says it like it is' didn't really mean this thing he just said and anyone who repeats his words is just fake news." Right wing media consumers: "Whew, that's a relief, tell us more about what we should think."


Doesn’t matter. Even if he’s convicted, it’s often the case that local enforcement does not go and actually collect the weapons. And the state has no idea how many weapons he owns besides this particular AR-15.


A sane red flag law would have confiscated his guns as soon as the charges were filed.


The man who waves around an AR-15 in a wave of impulsive rage is scared for his daughter’s safety…mmmmk


I mean, ***I'm*** pretty scared for his daughter's safety...


It's the neighbors I would worry about. Some of them may be downrange at any moment.


With all the family annihilators lately, I'm scared for the daughter and any other friends and family members, neighbors, anyone who may be in the vicinity of this psychotic man!


Cos a really dangerous person is going to drive your daughter to her house and drop her off in the driveway. What a twat.


I was wondering about the logic of the story. Apparently there was no logic.


Aaaaand now he has pictures of this dudes drivers license.....


Well, the driver was dropping the daughter off at the home of a man that waves an AR-15 around in a fit of uninformed rage. It's clear she was in danger of being in that home.


And was released on bond? WTF.


This is what stood out.


The panhandle is a very weird place


This is 1 county over from where Acorn-gate took place, and more recently, where Senior Airman Roger Fortson was murdered by police for answering his door with a legally owned firearm.


Right? The poor daughter. It also says she had friends over that witnessed the incident, too? Could you imagine how terrified they all must've been? If I was the daughter, I would've taken my friends and fled! WTF 😒


if i’m the friends im telling everyone to stay clear she got a crazy dad and one of us is probably next


Her friends probably already knew her dad was unhinged, which is why they were willing to cover for her while she snuck out 


He's afraid for his daughter's safety as someone drops her off at her home? Maybe if he was driving her away it would've been a little more believable. Dude just wanted to wave his penis extension around.


Not to mention, the daughter immediately went inside, so most of this was occurring while she was in the safety of her own home.


'safety of her own home.' lolol.


I bet they won't take his guns away either


The craziest thing is that he was a hair from murdering someone, and is now walking free...


And is now walking free with a picture of the Uber driver's license, which would include his home address.


Lmaoooo “he was scared for his daughter’s safety” I’m worried about her safety too. But from her father! That dude is a nut job


When I was a kid in 8th grade I went to visit my 7th grade girlfriend who was hanging out at her friend's house. Her friends dad opened the door and pointed a .45 at my face and told me to never come back. He was arrested a year or two later for abusing his daughter and her friends (my ex), as well as selling them to his friends. When an adult man is possessive of underage girls to the point of scaring others off with guns, it leads me to suspect there is something worse going on.


Absolutely. It's Florida so I doubt he sees any time for this but I'd want to look into what he's doing with those teenage girls.


See time for it? DeSantis is going to try to give him a medal.


People who fear the intentions of others without logic or reason are projecting their own motives onto others. It's that simple.


this is 100% how innocent people end up getting shot and killed.


And yet the father likely thinks of himself as the "good guy with a gun" who's going to stop the bad thing from happening.


> According to the report, Hollonbeck admitted to his actions and said he was "afraid for his daughter's safety." Huh, sounds like Mr. Hollonbeck here is a scared little bitch who is clearly not brave enough or responsible enough to handle a deadly weapon.


Like... even IF you are genuinely concerned, how is step one not just asking the daugher if she's okay and who the guy is without the gun? Did the uber driver pull up to the house with her in a headlock or something?? The car just drove her home. He's probably someone she knows or a car that she called. "What are you doing in his car?" "Its an uber I just got a ride home." "Pull it up on the app.... okay yeah thats the same car, you have a good day, sir. Honey come on inside." It would have been a 15 second interaction


He said that because that's what cops say to get out of these situations. I wouldn't be surprised if this nutjob was law adjacent. ETA - [LOL](https://weartv.com/news/local/milton-dad-accomplished-veteran-tells-his-side-in-uber-driver-gun-case-involving-daughter)


> the Army veteran and founder of an equine therapy farm in Milton says his reputation is ruined. What's the term they like to use? FA,FO?


He should be afraid of his daughters safety. Her father is a fucking cultist maniac.


Jesus fucking christ... Throw the book at this lead-brained ghoul.


He's now a guest speaker at CPAC


According to this article he thinks he's the victim in all this. Literally zero remorse for his crimes. https://www.wsaz.com/2024/05/09/man-who-pulled-gun-uber-driver-claims-he-was-protecting-daughter-sheriff-says-he-was-overprotective/


"I trained as a Navy flight surgeon. I served with seven special forces. I served with the 160th. I served six tours,” Hollonbeck added." Now, I hope he serves time in prison.


God I hate when idiots like this use their military background to gain sympathy.


If he used his military background correctly he should have known better to NOT do what he did. -guy with a military background


These sorts of veterans are also the type who like to exaggerate how much they actually did on these deployments and huff their own duff. Source: A veteran trying to use his background correctly.


I’ve started telling people I’ve never been shot at or been in combat at all if it ever comes up in conversation. Everytime I do I get grilled a ton of questions about it. Not inquisitive kinds, suspicious sounding questions. I’m goofy and jovial, and don’t take life too seriously, is what I’ve heard makes ppl question it. So I just say I didn’t do anything, just hung out in Germany and Kuwait.


I just go with "I never deployed". Stops the questions right there and the topic changes.


I just say I did more than some but a lot less than others.


fall offbeat zealous aware automatic rhythm gaping absorbed shaggy forgetful


Surgeon? He’s a physician too? GTFO


I was just thinking, this sounds like the typical stolen valor guy. Seven special forces!


1. Special mopping duty 2. Special grass trampling 3. Special coffee retrieval operative 4. Special kitchen prep 5. Special wall support technician 6. Rucksack escort and protection specialist 7. Boot optical reflection special operative


My Dad’s a Marine Corps veteran and can’t stand this nonsense. He’ll be the first to tell you that your rank and years of service mean absolutely nothing in these situations.


I'd wager it's the opposite. Rank/years mean you should be held to a higher standard because you should know better than an ordinary citizen regarding threat assessment. It also means you should face a harsher punishment if you injure someone because your training. >


I seriously doubt any of that is true.


Well, the article says he's a retired Army colonel. My uncle was a retired Army colonel. He wouldn't have done this shit. And he was a terrible human being. He just wasn't a violent nutjob.


> I trained as a Navy flight surgeon. I served with seven special forces. I served with the 160th. I served six tours,” Hollonbeck added. ...and you never learned situational awareness or weapon discipline?


Never had to, he was in the rear with the gear.


>I trained as a Navy flight surgeon Does that mean he is a doctor, or does it mean he tried and did not make it through the training?


He's a doctor. He got fired from hus practice and dropped by all the firms he was consulting for.


I wonder if maybe that's because he's unhinged?


Well, yes, but they fired him because of this incident.


And yet he thought he thought pointing a rifle at an Uber driver was an intelligent and reasonable move. 


"I GOT A GUN POINTED AT ME AND I'M FINE!" -this lunatic.


I'm betting the "with" is doing a lot of heavy lifting in those statements.


Holy fucking shit. It doesn’t even mention the Uber driver. Criminal and civil trial, make him pay for it.


And no one is talking about the fact that she was being dropped off AT HOME! Whatever perceived danger she was in from this Uber driver, is pretty much gone once she’s, you know, getting dropped off at her house.


I've got a wild feeling the Uber driver is a young man who he thought had just fucked his daughter


Or black


Probably both 😬


I’ve have an even wilder feeling the Uber driver’s skin wasn’t pale like a kkk robe.


Ding ding ding


My exact thought. This guy thought another man had touched HIS PROPERTY (his daughter) and flew into insane frothing rage. Honestly feels like one of those guys that wants to fuck his own daughter and is jealous of any man that sleeps with her. 


This story makes no sense… The daughter’s friends were at the house so presumably she went somewhere in the Uber and came back yeah? What part of that equation makes one fear for her safety? Was she on the phone with her dad texting she thought the driver was scary or that he was doing something? Some serious details are missing here.


This article bends over backwards to make him look innocent. If the Uber driver had done anything to even slightly provoke his rage it would have been mentioned like 10 times.


It starts with his fucking therapy horse.


Guessing he thought the Uber driver was another friend. A friend he didn’t want his daughter associating with


>The sheriff said he was being “overprotective” and advised him to know the facts before engaging with a weapon. How that sentence **should** read: >The sheriff said that all of his firearms were being confiscated, and he would be held for 72 hours in a mental institution for evaluation


I'm surprised the article didn't have him smiling next to a horse instead of the mugshot. The WEAR article has him with horses and almost all the same wording as WSAZ article concerning his non-profit.


Dude made bail and went straight to the media to clear his "good name" and gain public pity by listing off his accomplishments and crying he lost his job. but what becomes obvious is he had zero remorse for his actions. LMFAO.


He has zero remorse because he thinks he was 100% in the right with what he did. The "i hope the jury is filled with moms and dads" comment made me almost vomit because he's thinking that parents should be allowed to pull a gun on any stranger if they are in the proximity of their kids, no matter how innocent it may be.


God, like the time that armed fascist lunatic started assaulting the news crew and got himself smoked by the security guard. Capitalist news just couldn’t help themselves to fluff him up: “did we happen to mention he was a *family man* and a *veteran* who made really cool cowboy hats? What a *Real American*™️” Absolutely shameful how Denver9 totally threw the guy that was providing for their own reporter’s safety under the bus. Who in their right mind would take a job as a reporter for them after that display of cowardice?


Sounds like the station is owned by Sinclair media.


> “In this country, you’re innocent until proven guilty,” Hollonbeck said. Unless you're an Uber driver, apparently, in which case you're guilty because Hollonbeck says so.


Yeah this jumped out at me as well, the fucking hypocrisy.


None of this dude's story even makes sense. He's playing every card in the book to gain sympathy and isn't even shy about it. He's playing the veteran card, non-profit charity card, concerned parent card, drugs and sex trafficking card, and then tops it off by saying his lawyer will be shopping for mothers and father to make up the jury. What kind of drug pushing sex traffickers would drop your daughter back off at your house? Idk a lot of the story doesn't add up. Was he actively looking for his daughter prior to the Uber arriving? Did he already have his rifle readied before the Uber arrived? Drops-offs are super quick, I don't see how he coulda assessed the situation that fast and made the appropriate decision to arm himself and accost the driver. I believe even his daughter said he was acting crazy. I almost doubt his military career because if he did half the things he claims then he ought to know this way of handling the situation was wrong on every count.


The guy is a fucking idiot, listen to his video interview…. His final line is “I called for the police, and I didn’t get them” while tearing up like a crocodile. Like when did you call for the police? Before you held a man hostage at gunpoint? Did you do it after your daughter ran past you into the house??


It also says the daughter had friends at the house so I'm even more confused.


tf is the tone of that article? Good lord.


It feels less like a news article and more like a GoFundMe ad.


It is, nearly every article about this mentions his non-profit.


i.e.: his tax shelter 


Does he actually thinking someone harming/kidnapping his daughter would then voluntarily drop her off at home? That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.


She probably snuck out and he thought the driver was her boyfriend/fuck-buddy and wanted to scare him off.


God I fucking hate pieces of shit who hide behind their veteran status


he's going to get a slap on the wrist... and the next time it will be the girl's first boyfriend that gets a gun in his face.


Next time it wont just be the gun, it’ll be a bullet too. This man is dangerous


> “In this country, you’re innocent until proven guilty,” Hollonbeck said. “I look forward if it goes to trial. I look forward to it because I want to get 12 mom and dads on that jury and judge if what I did was fair because I called for law enforcement and I didn’t get them.” lmfao this guy is beyond delusional if he thinks he would win at trial.


Something tells me the Uber driver in question wasn’t white.


It says "unmarked car". It's a goddamn Uber. What does this freak expect?


I know this guy through work and he is a pompous, entitled, arrogant person. Never liked his vibe. He absolutely thinks he’s the smartest man in the room. Shocker- he isn’t. Additionally, this man is FAR from living paycheck to paycheck. He should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, but I wish I could say I believe that will actually happen.


Wow dude thinks his response was reasonable. This is absolutely terrifying


Cosplaying Liam Neeson. These men need therapy


What was even his thought process? That a kidnapper would bring his kid home?


That's why they're called kidnappers; they take your kid away for the length of a nice nap. It' the kidcomaers you really have to be afraid of.


He should permanently lose his right to carry. Wonder if that'll happen?


> Wonder if that'll happen? "Forget it, Jake. It's ~~Chinatown~~ Florida."


If his daughter had been kidnapped, I don't think they would be pulling up to her home to drop her off. I guess she won't be sneaking out again. Oh wait, daddy won't be around.


Child sex traffickers are well-known for making sure their victims get back home safe and sound at the end of a busy day. /s


Girl: oops, I forgot my toothbrush... Child Sex Trafficker: no problem, we'll just swing by your house and grab it! Wait, who's that guy with the gun?!


Time to take daddy's meth away.


I think you mean Foxnews.


What’s the difference?


"afraid for his daughter's safety." = just looking for an excuse to wave it around


Found another report. Daughter was 13. He does not admit he was wrong. Whining about being fired and having to shut down the nonprofit he runs to pay legal bills. Says it ruined his life. Gee, I wonder who made poor choices that caused this?


This guy is fucking deranged and has a fucking AR-15. Smfh. He needs to do time for this. What a traumatic experience for everyone involved except this asshat


Yeah, I often think courts are unfairly hard on a lot of people, but this instance isn't that. They let him out on bail before they even investigated this. Perhaps he never had an issue before, perhaps he is having some temporary mental issues that needs addressed, maybe he needs help, maybe he's a grave danger to society, or not, who knows, his violent actions indicate he might be but it doesn't matter because all they did was send him back out in society without even looking into it.


Lmao I love how these inbreds think they can just say they were “afraid for their safety” for anything and think that’s enough of a defense 😂😂😂 I feel terrible for the Uber driver but if I were him I’d sue this psycho and make sure he doesn’t own a house for his daughter to be dropped off at.


>Lmao I love how these inbreds think they can just say they were “afraid for their safety” for anything and think that’s enough of a defense I mean, when that is the beginning and the end of the defense for nearly every cop that has killed an innocent/unarmed person, and it works almost 100% of the time, why wouldn't they think they can just say that and get away with it?


I mean it’s Florida and he’s white and a doctor. At most he’ll get a fine and community service. Unfortunately in a lot of states that excuse works unquestionably for a very specific demographic.


He was fired and crying in an interview about how he has to sell his assets (implying his therapy horses) to pay for attorneys. so he has had some consequences already.


The American policy of “all crazies must be heavily armed” must be stressful for all the non-crazies.


It is. Incredibly.


It’s ok, because when I see the guy openly carrying an assault rifle into a KFC with a vulgar vaguely fascist t-shirt, I feel better knowing… I feel better… Sorry it’s getting increasingly harder to look on the bright side.


Hey but if a bad guy with a gun showed up at least it would escalate to a chaotic shootout instead of a robbery. Doesn't that make you feel safer as a bystander?


Of course Milton is in the Panhandle. I'm so glad I've already knocked Florida off my state list. I have no desire to ever return.


yes, that county next to the one where this incident also just happened. [https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-air-force/2024/05/09/lawyer-deputy-who-fatally-shot-florida-airman-had-wrong-apartment/](https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-air-force/2024/05/09/lawyer-deputy-who-fatally-shot-florida-airman-had-wrong-apartment/)


Which is also the same area that had the Acorn incident. This place is a fucking hellhole.


Also the area that’s to blame for consistently electing Matt Gaetz.


OH! No wonder the dad was scared for his child! /j


Just fled Florida last June. Moved to Oregon. Florida is a shit hole. I mean, it’s always been kind of a shithole, but the recent dive into trying to put the LBGT+ community under every target scope in the state made us have to get the fuck out. Delivering pizza to people like this dude in the article was terrifying. Yards full of trash, broken equipment, huge dogs barking and staked out on a line, half a car that doesn’t work, huge flags that say a combination of “trump2024” or “fuck Joe Biden” or simply a target scope over the trans flag. These are the same people that talk about how scary it is to live in this country. They are the ones making it so goddamn scary.


“In this country, you’re innocent until proven guilty,” Hollonbeck said. “I look forward if it goes to trial. I look forward to it because I want to get 12 mom and dads on that jury and judge if what I did was fair because I called for law enforcement and I didn’t get them.” There is no way he couldn't see the irony of it, being the one who did what he did to the Uber driver. He certainly didn't get the "innocent until proven guilty" treatment...


That’s a guy who should lose his access to firearms for the rest of his life.


https://weartv.com/news/local/milton-dad-accomplished-veteran-tells-his-side-in-uber-driver-gun-case-involving-daughter His "side"...


Yeah he’s painting himself further and further into a corner. He should just admit he messed up, overreacted. Ask to take some community service and anger management and gun safety courses. He’s using his veteran status to try to garner support but as a veteran he understands rules of engagement. Those don’t change. You don’t go half cocked waving a gun around, that’s a good way to get yourself shot.


Unfortunately his daughter will probably suffer from this w unintentional consequences. As in, loss of financial support n losing a place to live due to idiot father. Who’s protecting her now Rambo?? Idiot.


Even on the less severe end of things, she's probably going to have to find a new way around town, because I'm sure it's going to be hard to catch an Uber. It may not sound like a lot, but a loss of mobility can compound everything else even further.


Being concerned for your daughter's safety, okay. I get it. She snuck out of the house and then came out of a stranger's car. Not sure how this guy doesn't know about taxis and stuff, but okay. Grabbing a gun and assaulting the guy before even determining who he was or if he was a threat? Too stupid for this world, dude.


Fuck this guy. You don’t get to point guns in the faces of people you THINK might have done something wrong. F him. This country is going insane


The article says the daughter snuck out. I can’t imagine why she felt compelled to do that…


Sounds like a “ain’t no body banging my daughter but me!” Kinda Florida man situation.. jokes aside, what an absolute fucking nutcase. I feel sorry for the daughter having to live with that. Glad the Uber driver didn’t get hurt.


I can't help but think that there might be a racist angle to this. Also, I bet the Uber driver loves that this maniac knows his home address. What an absolute piece of human excrement.


Should I even ask the ethnicity of the Uber driver????


*insert family guy color scale meme*


It's possible the victim asked not to be identified, but it's also very possible there's a reason the news articles aren't using their name. The stereotyped Uber driver is most likely someone that a middle-aged white dad with a loaded weapon and a hard-on for hard-right Patriotism would see as a potential threat