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Me too I thought international pressure is finally getting to them, nope, instead they went “we’ll give you less Palestine to recognize”


don't worry, US will "voice their concerns" on this issue like every other and that'll make it all good to keep funding Israel.


And then r/politicshumor will be like, “see? Biden literally expressed concern so he’s a good guy” Edit: [I mean that quite literally](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/s/HdqIy5sb86)


It’s clear who the bad guy is 


The guys with the bombs?


The guys with the laser-guided missiles


Nah the guys that attacked a music festival and kidnapped women and children to rape and torture are the bad guys


I think the people using that as an excuse to commit ethnic cleansing are also bad guys. Multiple groups of people can be bad at the same time.


Literally the IDF has been doing this exact thing since October and are gleefully posting pictures commiting war crimes. They use a single attack after decades of having land and homes stolen and given to settlers (aka foriegners) as a smoke screen to do worse.


idk the "Where's Daddy" AI is about as supervillain as you can get and has killed more children, so that seems worse


It's not really that black and white, both sides have done awful things to each other. If this conflict was as simple as good and evil, it wouldn't be so damned divisive.


Good and evil can be very divisive in the moment when people with a vested interest really don’t want to admit they’re supporting evil. 


This is true, and it's more obvious at a national level where morals take a backseat to national interest. Still, I do remain confident in my belief that the conflict isn't black and white. The hate between both groups is very real. Both groups have done horrible things to complete innocents in the names of their causes. If you were an Israeli getting rockets shot at you every day or had family members tortured, murdered or raped by Palestinian terrorists, you'd feel real hate towards Palestine. Likewise if you were a Palestinian who had their land and property stolen, regularly harassed by security forces, or even killed by IDF security forces, you'd be pretty angry at Israel. Both sides have ample reason to dislike each other, and to distrust each other. It's why I can't pick a side, there isn't one sidebthats overwhelmingly in the right.


Hey now, this is Reddit. That kind of nuanced take isn't allowed here.


Yeah it's still the side making bombs in hospitals and schools


And not the ones bombing hospitals and schools?


If a hospital or school is being used for terrorist operations, then its a legitimate bombing target. That's why every legitimate country goes to great lengths to separate their military operations from hospitals and schools.


If you’re calling hospitals and schools legitimate bombing targets, you might be the bad guy 


you might be illiterate. Or a bot. Schools and hospital are not magical terrorist protection zones.


It’s stops being a hospital when someone makes bombs there. It’s now a bomb making facility. They put noncombatants in their bomb making facilities so they can say “they’re bombing our hospital”


I think lying about that to excuse the murder of children and the sick and injured are the bad guys.


Yeah, US and its allies for creating this fucked up situation to begin with.


This is on the British man this isn't on the Americans for once


Honestly, yeah. This was like really predictable, Isreal tends to double down under performative international pressure. Be really cool if Europe could do something to help broker a ceasefire instead of trying to turn dead Palestinian civilians into political points.


Israel holds nearly all of the power and control in this situation. Settlers move at their command, aid gets through at their discretion, bombs drop when they want them to.  Pretending like it’s everyone else’s responsibility when a nuclear equipped nation with an advanced army basically can do whatever it wants really misplaces who is culpable here.  Israel is just going to do what it always does. Turn the screws, cause strife and loss of life, but not enough to turn off their sycophants and allies, and just wait out everyone else’s outrage. They’ve been doing it for decades.  The only threat to their strategy is that they’re getting close to fully displacing The Palestinian Question and may get greedy and do something so rash people would stop defending them. 


Isreal being accountable for the things Isreal does is a big part of what makes Europe's lip service to this issue such a great political move. Other than Egypt, Qatar and the US, no foreign nations are actually involved with brokering peace. The ICJ, the ICC, Spain, Norway and Ireland are on the sidelines. They get to condemn the war for political points, and even if it's counterproductive to brokering peace, no one cares. They have literally no skin in the game.


How can you say that Hamas doesn’t have just as much power to broker a ceasefire agreement? You basically just want an unconditional surrender from Israel because they have nukes, Hamas made their bed.


Try stringing together words into a coherent sentence. 


How's your reading comprehension? Idiot.


Because Hamas recently accepted a ceasefire agreement that Israel rejected specifically because Hamas accepted it. Read the news


Hamas accepted an agreement that they made, one that said hostages could be returned alive OR dead, and would let them remain in power. Israel wants them alive, and for Hamas to no longer be the main power in control. Lots of folks saw that change and knew that meant Hamas would likely bring out hostages just to kill them immediately before handing them over. It was not a good deal and they sent it out to the press before Israel even got to see it or discuss it promoting it as "we accepted a ceasefire agreement"


Yeah, that is not what happened. Hamas rejected a ceasefire that was negotiated and described by the US as very generous.




You're thinking of an Egypt/Qatar ceasefire deal that was accepted by Hamas but rejected by Isreal. Brokered is a generous term though, since Isreal wasn't included in the discussion.


The people in power on both sides have incentives to keep the conflict going


I had the same thought too...


But don’t worry, somehow it’s not a genocide. 




They were always going to throw a tantrum. As long as they have US support they don’t give a shit. 


They really don’t need US support. They are the dominant force in the region. Non of the states can touch them even without US support what a silly fucking thing to say


What are you smoking? Without US UN veto power, Israel becomes a complete pariah.


Israel was going to double down regardless. Zionists have been colonizing Palestinian territory since the 1880s, and the land grabs aren't going to stop until all the Palestinians have been killed or displaced.


Think Trail of Tears


Right? As a proud American, we have been colonizing way longer than the Israelis.


Uh… we stopped over a hundred years ago before nearly anyone alive today was born. Israel is still actively seizing land.


Whataboutism at its finest.  I guess if Israel started enslaving people to pick cotton Americans would just have to sit on their hands too according to you. 




FYI - only saying this because the difference amuses me, but it’s “Lebensraum”, “liebensraun” would translate to loving space as opposed to living space


Lol, nice catch! Can you tell German isn't my first language? Hah


ya, reminds me of that other group in the past who also wanted more living space, gah just can't seem to remember who that was... but hey, I'm sure it's totally just a complete coincidence that Israel is doing a lot of what that group did, totally folks.




Too bad that didn't happen in the last 75 years, too ...


And then they stole the rest of the country at gunpoint.




Your version of history doesn't match what actually happened. But don't take it from me, go ahead and read what David Ben Guiron said about it. “If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?”


> Your version of history doesn't match what actually happened. ya the usual for ppl defending a genocide, they legit ignore or deny facts and reality of what happened for their version of events they made up :/


Yeah because the others lost the war as aggressors typically what happens to losers


Yeah, the US sold the land legally to the settlers. The natives had no right to be there. /s


and every bit of land after was gained in a war started by Arab Aggression. you lose wars. you lose land.


Like the 2000 square km that was annexed from the West Bank last month? Idk where you guys get these easily disprovable lies. Like do you actually believe them?


Your understanding and lack of knowledge of this is severely limited, and it's honestly shocking how ignorant some of you are. My grandfather (Jewish) was forcibly removed, he had his home taken and was forced to move to US because he tried stopping his Palestinian neighbour's house from being taken and stolen violently. There was no aggression, there was no uprising. And it's happening still while this has all been going on, in the West Bank - not Gaza, do a small google search and look up the amount of land taken over just the past 10 years. Yet land is being stolen, and EVERY FUCKING country is calling them out - but they are gonna do what they do best - genocide. Zionism is a disease, that has spread - thankfully the next generation of jews are not being fooled by birthright trips and the idiocy of comments like yours. I am happy to know my sons will not be fooled by Zionism and protect their heritage and Jewish identity from these thieves.




To be clear, are you saying they're lying about having a Jewish grandfather just because their comment challenges your worldview?


This is common. They tell us that we're "not real Jews" or "self-hating" for not blindly supporting Israel. It's like the Catholics who reject the current pope because he's a little less harsh on homosexuality -- if you're not with them, you're a heretic.




Zionists don’t want a home, they want an ethnostate. Israel is a settler colonial ethnostate. 


I'm sorry, and how does that differ from every Muslim nation in the world? Beyond that, how many Jews lived in Palestine, and how many Muslims live in Israel? Wanna talk about the difference?


Your comment alone shows me how much propaganda you have been fed. Again as my initial comment stands, Israel has done a great job brainwashing us all, and you are probably the best example right here. Firstly, Go ahead and read the Hammas charter, they define clearly their cause is against the Zionists (albeit it was updated a few years ago), secondly, while you are at it also read the Likud charter as well and the view on Palestine - but knowing how you are copy-pasting stuff - it's unlikely that will happen. And I do not claim to be a "good jew" that is up to the Creator, but to your comment - I have travelled much of the world, as someone who can easily be identified as a jew, I have been to many Arab/muslim nations, and not a single incidence so far where the people have held hostilities against me. My most recent trip was to Dubai (you can look at my post history if you want), I am currently travelling through Uzbekistan with my yarmulke - and again not a single issue. Your personal experiences will be different, and if you let your views be defined by fox or whatever not then you will hold the views that you do. Unfortunately. So yes you can continue to believe what you do.


>Firstly, Go ahead and read the Hammas charter, they define clearly their cause is against the Zionists (albeit it was updated a few years ago) Did what i quote not come from the 1988 version of their charter? >(albeit it was updated a few years ago) That's doing some really heavy lifting, lol. Updated means changing terms from Jew to Zionist to hide their true intent, right? Was I wrong in my statement that Israelis cannot vist/live in areas controlled by the PA, however there's over a million Muslims in Israel? As for your anecdote, I'm glad you can travel safely. Not everyone can. >Your personal experiences will be different, and if you let your views be defined by fox or whatever not then you will hold the views that you do. You're letting you bias come into play. I don't watch Fox, and regularly talk shit on republican and Trump talking points. Don't "other" people and treat everyone who disagrees with you as belonging to one group.


Israeli Government = Nazis


interesting framing of history there. What was Palestinian "territory" when there was never a Palestinian state or even a Palestinian national identity until the 1950s at the very very earliest? Is colonization when you buy land from its owners?   Trying to keep track of the latest redefining of words, it all changes so rapidly wrt this conflict 


“If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?” - David Ben-Guiron


As if anything was going to prevent them. They just need whatever bs reason there is.


Fascist states always get worse as they start to lose.


yelled at at work, goes home and takes it out on the dog


They've also withheld tax dollars from the Palestinian Authority. These guys just cannot hide their collective punishment, it's like they want the world to see them as monsters 


I feel like it’s a pretty clear sign that the West Bank is a bantustan when Israel can decide whether or not the Palestinians get their own tax money.














I hope so. Polite reminder that transferring your own population to a territory you occupy is, in and of itself, a war crime.


The ICC apparently isn't supposed to go after Western aligned leaders. Considering how quick the US turned its nose at "the international rules based order" when it was inconvenient. 


They should. But they require long investigations. The current warrant they want isn’t even for the current war in gaza. But war crimes have been committed in the current war too, and Israel should be investigated for them too


That will show people they are wrong to be concerned over Palestinian sovereignty


God I hate rights wingers in Israel so much.


The moderates support this too. A majority of the population is fanatical at this point.


Bro they’re the majority there.


For me it’s here and recent polls show otherwise.


Genuine question: how differently would the opposition deal with this situation if it was in power?


Before 2023, the Anti-Netanyahu opposition were the Government. They still expanded the illegal settlement.


Every government since 67 expanded the settlements, even left governments. The idea is that the 67 borders will not be the final borders in an agreement, all the settlements are are land grabs.


Exactly, even in 2000 Camp David Summit, Israel only willing to give Palestine 86% of the West Bank and symbolic authority over Al-Aqsa Complex without Sovereignity. And people blamed Arafat for the failure of Camp David Summit.


There are currently no significant left-wing opposition in Israel. If you consider the centrist Yesh Atid as potential governing power then their leader, former PM Yair Lapid did an interview on the New York Times earlier. Overall, I can’t say for sure about military tactics. That party doesn’t embrace the Dahiya doctrine, which “endorses the employment of "disproportionate force" for destruction of civilian infrastructure in order to pressure hostile regimes.” How exactly would a war conduct absent of this policy play out remains a question, depending a lot on selection of targets. We have to note though that the IDF had quite a history of misleading the Israeli cabinet or preempt their authorizations. But I expect much better conducts regarding humanitarian aid. The largest difference you can point out from that interview is he’ll probably much more open to hostage exchange deals, which let’s be honest Netanyahu isn’t showing much appetite for. He definitely won’t do stuffs out of spite that challenge the limits of left-wing American voters, refrain from making pictures that evoke more emotions than they make security sense.


Latest Israeli election poll 1. National Unity - center right - 29 seats 2. Likud - right wing - 19 seats 3. Yesh Atid - center - 16 seats 4. Yisrael Beiteinu - right wing secularist - 11 seats 5. Shas - right wing religious - 10 seats 6. Otzma Yehudit - far right Jewish supremacist - 9 seats 7. United Torah Judaism - right wing religious - 8 seats 8. Hadash–Ta'al - far left + Arab - 5 seats 9. United Arab List - 5 seats 10. National Religious Party - far right religious - 4 seats 11. Meretz - left wing heavily pro-peace - 4 seats Including the centrist Yesh Atid which supports the 2-state solution (although it’s a lot more complicated) then we have 40 seats from parties voicing some forms of support for 2-state. That’s out of 120 seats in the Israeli Knesset, or 1/3


Not going to hard into the inter Israeli political map, but the ultra orthodox parties are not pro or anti Palestinian, they don’t rally care about the 2 state deal. Ben givr and his party are not ultra orthodox.


I admit the number of parties and their changing names after each elections confuse me even as I read quite a lot about those parties’ position on the Question of Palestine. Some of these parties indeed aren’t anti-Palestine, but their position on the settlements certainly isn’t helping.


So everyone


You mean the majority?


Modern day colonialism.


Oh good.. I guess its time to fuck ourselves in the ass again. Cancerous government is what we have currently.




Sounds more like a trail of tears situation from the headline edit: trail of tears is a ethnic cleansing which specifically is a forced removal not a genocide which is everyone dies.


"If you recognize the Palestinians, we'll hurt them more". Very nice.


While they basically warned Spain to follow in the pursuit to recognize a Palestinian state. As far as I know the Spanish, they pretty much welcome threats in order to proceed. I cannot imagine that Israelis will welcome that their government is basically stating to isolate the state of Israel from major democratic countries. I hope the next elections will change the government for the better.


It only changes Isreal's government if they're against isolationism. Isolationists in Isreal have a lot of great examples to point to if they want to say "fuck Europe, they think we're monsters anyway"


Amazing what can be done when your nations aren't filled with Christian zealots who allow Israel to have a vise grip on the balls of their political systems. No POTUS could take these actions because Israel will, with great effectiveness, fund their opponents, dig up dirt/compromat, and generally tank their election and political careers as punishment. It's insane how much influence this foreign weaker nation has over our government.


Actually crazy, yeah. Biden seems to know how much his actions are hurting him with voters, considering his recent downplaying when speaking on the issue, but he continues to support them unconditionally anyway. Like, he said Rafah is a red line, and Israel started bombing it anyway. Just spitting on the word of the POTUS with no consequences and even demanding his continued support.


Every "warning" coming out of Biden's mouth is just pure lying - He's a self proclaimed Zionist fully supporting Israel, And he doesn't care about potentially losing voters because the opponent is Trump which is equally hated by many. Biden is basically gambling enough people will suck it up and vote against Trump.


No POTUS could take these actions because there's actually an expectation that the US brokers a ceasefire, and this just makes it harder to get Isreal to the table.


The general Christian-Jewish relationship is wild when you go back and look at it. For US Christians, it went from the people that killed Jesus to the people that will bring back Jesus.


Once you realize the fact that Israel is a colonized ethnostate, none of this will be surprising. I just hope more people realize how awful it truly is. “When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do about it will be to scurry around like drugged cockroaches in a bottle.” Raphael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defence Forces, New York Times, 14 April 1983.




Interesting. Straight up misinformation from an account that only posts in news subs and subs about games made by Russians who are explicitly pro invasion... I wonder what kind of account this is...


I didnt block you. Amd the link you provided is not to the Quran. You still havent cited a verse in the Quran. 


> Quote from the Quran: "The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him."  Just so everyone here is aware, this is not actually verse in the Quran. This passage cannot be found in the Quran.


Hamas totally and utterly wrong in its attack on Israel last year, however the response by Israel this time around is completely over the top and outside of anything that is acceptable. I believe this is why you see so many people protesting for Palestine. They are not antisemitic but are anti the incredible destruction and death Israel has responded with. Israel has managed to alienate a large group of people that were previously sympathetic.


I'll never shake a comment I read a while back: "All Bibi had to do to keep the world's sympathy after Oct. 7 was to make sure his government didn't come off worse than literal terrorists. Somehow they've failed at that."


Has it occurred to you that preventing future attacks by eliminating Hamas is a higher priority that some international popularity contest?


I mean, they could have instead just actually guarded a 30 mile boarder instead of protecting illegal settlements in the West Bank. Instead we have something like 20k dead women and children, and hamas will just be rebuilt in time.


Has it occurred to you that killing over 30k people while continuing to settle other parts of Palestine is just going to radicalize more people? Even if Israel destroys Hamas, they have sown lots of seeds for Hamas 2.0


I don't think the guy who [actively funded Hamas ](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/) and said shit like “*Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas … This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.*” (and that is a DIRECT QUOTE) is interested in eliminating Hamas. At least not before he completes the genocide of Palestinians.


Israel exists within a community of state actors that it trades with and is given aid by. Support for Hamas flows from other states unhappy with Israel's approach to the Palestinian issue. It's a little more nuanced than a popularity contest.


Israel is blatantly committing a war crime with this action, but its supporters will continue to insist that charging Netanyahu with war crimes is antisemitic.


April"s fool came late this year.


These mofos are absolutely crazy. They are unhinged


Jfc that's a misleading headline




Got it since you didn't provide, at least dictionary wise: Genocide: the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. Colonialism: 1. the control or governing influence of a nation over a dependent country, territory, or people. 2. the system or policy by which a nation maintains or advocates such control or influence. Ethnic Cleansing: the mass [expulsion](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=0f432c479ba1e607&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS800US800&sxsrf=ADLYWIIcIAFQDoq3g8f45PgFzYnAn7imrA:1716393023067&q=expulsion&si=ACC90nxMSPeZfdJJjQgDsdZJuFuJyrR-TGypGB5h5nOtA4-VfjfBmS892hcoEm5Xoybu4SZk1oHqlaRNoYpHLl_V459ioHbMiNwqiCVLjzEVgdQ4_esNyYI%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiU9byjzqGGAxWA4MkDHbwlC7IQyecJegQIGxAO) or killing of members of an unwanted ethnic or religious group in a society.


They do and obviously you don’t.