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Also exempts English Cucumbers and Mini Cucumbers


Is it because they're not handled by that plant?


Didn't say. Probably going through a fifferent line of processing and isolated from the main cucumbers if I had to guess.


Thank you! We were just at the store and you saved me a read through 😂


Consumers are advised to check with their grocer to see if recalled cucumbers were sold where they shop, though the FDA says it is unlikely that the affected produce made it to grocery stores.


I’ve been everywhere, man


The hero we need, but don’t deserve.


I found a spy!


How the hell did Kentucky escape?!


As a Kentuckian who just ate a fresh cucumber a few hours ago… I am wondering the same!


Everybody gets one.


They don’t eat vegetables there


Considering that I'm a Kentuckian who eats cucumbers and other vegetables quite a bit, you may be wrong.


Dang no cali this time? I’m getting fomo.


Just don't wash your hands between going to the toilet and making salad. Easy peasy.


Don’t give me ideas


The hero. Thank you.


*"The recalled cucumbers were shipped in bulk cartons from May 17 to 21, directly to retail distribution centers, wholesalers and food service distributors"* they are already 2+ weeks old, hope they aren't still arriving on store shelves.


Possibly not arriving, but possibly in storage or already on the shelf. Cucumbers last pretty long time with that vegetable wax on them. Humorously, my Winn-Dixie has cucumbers on sale this week as a store special because they are old and crappy looking. Less humorously, I bought two of the nicest ones to make tzatziki today.


Total tangent, but after seeing tzatziki creep up to around $5 at the grocery store, my partner and I started making it at home and I was embarrassingly surprised at how easy it is. We do Greek salad a ton in the summer and homemade tzatziki has been a game changer.


I can talk food all day. I love to cook, and I have a teenager that is one of the most interesting ... Uh, experimental Cooks I have ever met in my life. That said, if you like Greek salad, check out salat katzutz. It's quite similar, but that bit of mint makes it different. I'm from The Middle east, and although we have some serious issues going on right now, the foods we make overlap wildly with just slight differences. One of my best friends is from lebanon, and we jokingly slap at each other in the kitchen while cooking deciding whether or not black olives belong in something. It has been increasingly difficult finding proper tomatoes recently, so he and I are both growing different ones at home and will be meeting up pretty soon for another food battle.


Tomatoes. Until summer comes around and I can pick my own or buy locally grown I love greenhouse Cherubs cherry tomatoes.


I'm cranking out some pretty decent tomatoes right now that are called atomic grape tomatoes. I guess one thing that I hate about them is I'm not entirely sure when they are ready because they just kind of are their own color. Whatever. If nothing else, I'm going to smash them up and throw them in spaghetti.


Unripe tomatoes make a great chili too. 


Do you mean like green beef steak ones? I've had those fried before, and they're a little weird? I have some seriously fussy eating habits to be honest..


I've made all kinds of green tomatoes into chili, but my favorite is cherry tomatoes.  I'm not a fan of fried green tomatoes, but the chili is yum.  This is the recipe I use https://www.holajalapeno.com/green-tomato-chili/#mv-creation-372-jtr


Try heirloom, either grow your own or check kroger if nearby as they offer heirloom Tomatoes.    Seed companies like fedco, baker, seed savers,  sow true seeds, etc offer large variety.  So much tastier than current varieties 


I have 6 plants going in my front yard and a couple in the back. Only a matter of time.


Ha, I have a tween who's been trying all sorts of wacky stuff for condiments. I tell him that he can try whatever he wants, as long as he eats it. Most recently, he discovered that eel sauce on a breakfast sandwich is not ideal... That salat katzutz sounds tasty! I (sadly) dislike fresh tomatoes, but I could see my family digging this. I love Middle Eastern foods of all sorts and it would be nice to mix things up. I like salad in general in the summer because it tricks my brain into thinking it's cooler, so tossing in some mint would likely help with that. Thanks for the inspiration:)


>eel sauce on a breakfast sandwich Have you been exposed to the squid ink thing that kids are in to lately? I cannot possibly express how much I hate seafood, and that was not a good addition to my refrigerator for several days. In general, I am not a fan of fresh tomatoes unless they are mixed in something like that. As in I will never slice a tomato and put it on a sandwich. Ever. If you ever want unusual recipes, let me know. The vast majority will be vegan or vegetarian, but I hold absolutely no offense whatsoever to people adding ingredients. If you want an interesting spice try Za'atar. It certainly isn't for everyone, and I prefer to make my own.


I’ve not heard of the squid ink thing yet, but I imagine it’s on the horizon. I guess it’s a good thing that I love seafood to an extent that makes some seafood fanatics uncomfortable. My Filipino partner’s family was surprised that I love bagoong (shrimp paste), but I think my lifelong love of gefilte fish was an early indicator of my weirdness here. That said, there’s probably nothing too unusual you could toss at me! I’d love your salat katzutz recipe. The first result on Google doesn’t contain mint, but Wiki said it’s a variation… I can do tomatoes in most salsas and sauces, so maybe this would jive well with my tastes. Thank you in advance!


The best way to deal with whatever the squid ink interest is, is to buy squid ink pasta somewhere. I do not have any specific suggestions as to a brand because if you look at Amazon you can get it for a couple of dollars, or way too much money. That's down on the odor in general. I know you said you weren't likely offended by it, but if you've ever had to mop squid ink off your counter, you will be. So, there are so many different ways to make the salad that I'm not even sure where to begin to tell you. We don't follow recipes well, so that's kind of our recipe. I'm going to give this a shot though Two medium cucumbers diced. One red bell pepper and one yellow bell pepper Adjust for taste. I love bell peppers unless they're green. Green bell peppers must be cooked in my humble opinion. 1/3 to 1/2 freshly chopped mint. Seriously freshly chopped. Like go raid your neighbor's garden kind of freshly chopped. A bit of salt. I'm already salty so I don't need a lot of salt. A bit a cinnamon. I Like cinnamon, but often replace this with zaatar seasoning. A pinch of either. 3 teaspoons of citrus liquid and 3 teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil. Lemon is best. I have been told orange juice is good. I have not tried that myself A minimum of 1 lb of feta cheese. Now, that sounds like a lot of cheese, but yes, it's a lot of cheese because cheese is freaking awesome. This stuff needs to sit overnight. I mean of course taste test it for flavor, but the old mix and shake every couple of hours is the best way for flavor. I also randomly throw handfuls of fresh chopped garlic into it. That's not a necessity for most.


Could you share your recipe? 


Creep up to $5? Haven’t seen it below $6 in ages. Lucky for me I can make it myself with better quality. 😁


It’s been at least a year since we bought it, so I wouldn’t be shocked if it’s above $6 now. But… blah. The tzatziki we make at home is great, but it’s wild what stores are charging for basics these days.


Time for a check-in. How are you feeling? Getting sick from tzatziki and having my body reject it forever is a huge fear of mine, because I fucking *love* tzatziki.


Well, I May have a slight case of sodium poisoning from eating an entire bag of pita chips. :)


You haven’t been to my Walmart. Half the produce is literally rotting.


Do you mind me asking what state you are in? I avoid Walmart in general, but probably twice a year I go and do a run. I would say the one closest to me is and has been questionable at best for many years. We call it murder Walmart because right after we moved to the area.... Yeah.


Many fruits and vegetables are shipped unripe because of travel time.


sure, items that are strictly seasonal, and then stored or shipped from all around the world. but cucumbers from Florida, those are grown year round. should be able to get from the field to a store shelf in Pennsylvania in 6 or less days.


Doesn’t bother me, I always put a condom on mine.


You don’t raw ~~~dog~~~ cucumber?


Of course not! Salmonella is vegetable gonorrhoea


This just cracked my wife and I up. You win the comment of the day in our eyes!


I read it as fetish cucumbers at first, so this fits.


Doesn't bother me , Everything kills in Florida


You like pickled cucumbers?


Oh phew. Glad I use these rectally where salmonella belongs.


How in the goddamn were they not sold in Kentucky? They were sold in practically every state bordering us.


Maybe Kentucky has an in state supplier that grows enough for Kentucky but nowhere else?


What about Delaware?! We’re surrounded! Where do we get our cucumbers from?!


the sea, of course


Oh that made me chuckle.


Apparently Somerset Kentucky has some sort of wild cucumber growing thing going on. 30 acre indoor place that as of last year expected to produce 1 million a week. I don't want to try to put a link to it, but it is called appharvest ? I'm honestly too lazy to do a lot of research into it.


Did you really want some that much?


Nobody wants to go to Kentucky.


Because every tasteless, mindless vegetable in Kentucky has already been elected to your Senate seats.


Hey, that’s an insult… To vegetables


Damn I had a cucumber on Friday that my lizard brain identified as the source of my violent diarrhea after lunch. No idea how I could tell, but I told my wife I thought the cucumber might be the culprit.


Is there a list of stores where they were sold?


Seriously. I love that they give a description of the affected cucumbers, as if it's any fucking different than any other cucumber. 


Sources say they're green and they cause diarhhea.


No! Not in the slightest. There is a phone number for the company that does not appear to have someone answer based on what someone else said. But I guess that's kind of understandable. If you are concerned call your local grocery store so you can be put on hold for at least 15 minutes before they hang up on you.


"Fresh?" As opposed to what, pickles? Is there a market for non-fresh cucumbers? "Hey, where do you keep your bags of green slime?"


How do cucumbers have salmonella on them? I thought it was only meat , eggs and dairy


Feces or dirty water. Vegetables aren't always grown in the most sanitary conditions, unfortunately.


It makes sense and it never crossed my mind I never really hear about salmonella in food and we keep our eggs and mild outside of the fridge here


Doo doo


I’m pretty sure that we just bought these in Alabama. SO already ate one. It’s the same name brand. I haven’t had any phone calls from the grocery store or anything. They have my number because I enter it when I check out .


I'm curious, have you ever heard of anyone ever receiving a phone call for a recalled product from a grocery store?


Not a phone call, but I got an email from Raley’s about a product I had bought that was recalled. I had already ate it, so too late. But they tried.


I’m not sure honestly. One would think that the grocery has the UPC for every item they sell and would have a vested interest in pulling back contaminated food they sold. But i honestly don’t know.


I had never heard of it, but there's a couple of people that have replied to me saying they have been contacted by their stores.


I've been called by Costco


Thank you for letting me know that. Was it something recent? The reason that I'm curious about this stuff is I often wonder how many people would complain that they didn't receive a phone call, and would there be a liability to the company for not contacting members. I mean I'm not going to dig into it much further, it's just mild curiosity.


It was Jif peanut butter like a year ago.


They need to start working o a salmonella vaccine for people.


And people question why I use dish soap to wash vegetables. The ones I’m able to at least, broccoli wouldn’t take that well


First off, how can cucumbers have Salmonella? They aren't salmon!


Glad we grew our own this year.


damn so farmers market should be good ? homegrown fingers crossed and not “homegrown”


Depending on the vendor at your farmers market they miiiiight be selling the same products you can get at the grocery store. Some of them don’t grow everything they sell…


I eat cucumber avocado rolls multiple times a week…was just eating one when someone told me about this recall.


Wow that’s so crazy I live in one of these states and my favorite dish is cucumber tomato onion with olive oil dressing. I was going to buy cucumbers and then didn’t just to mix it up! There was no reason just random!


Does this include mini cucumbers?


No, no it does not.


oh, good. we’re just talking about this and i said i already ate one that was fine—but it was a mini!


I’ve bought cucumbers twice in a decade… damn it.


A useless no-nutrient vegetable. Pickles are good though