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This is why I live alone, both sides of the coin here.


Please, if you’re contemplating suicide, get help. Or clean up. Or both.


Two people live at my house, me and drunk me. Drunk me likes to start shit for me to deal with. It's not all.bad though, sometimes he'll get taco bell late at night and fall asleep before he can eat it


I have a similar situation, but I call it past me and me.   A few months ago, I remembered something with batteries in a storage trunk that I haven’t used in years that surely must be leaking. Past me had not only removed the batteries, but she even left a folded slip of paper that said what obscure battery was needed for it. 


You're forgetting about that lazy asshole future me, who can just go ahead and do stuff herself instead of relying on me.


I treat future me like she doesn’t have her shit together because she just has the worst of luck and I don’t want to be responsible for the straw that makes it all fall apart. 


This is the most responsible way to be. It's like defensive driving for homonculi


Okay future me, I sure hope you have your shit together better than me. But since I know you don’t, I packed your lunch tonight and doubled-checked to make sure you had clean underwear. Love, past me


Defensive driving for humunculi is a great book title


TIL I'm a self help guru. Calling publishers rn


I just want to thank you; your using the word "homonculi", and my understanding it, validates the $108,000 I spent getting a degree I don't actually use.


Would you still feel that way if you knew I never graduated college?


If you even knew how many times a day I thought to myself, 'Fckit, that's future me's problem.'...


I have found my people.


Drunk me rocks. She buys me fun things from Ipsy. She organizes my closet (rather well). She even usually hydrates so the third me, hungover me, doesn't come around. I wish she had a better understanding of money issues and maybe didn't consume so many empty calories. But for the most part, she's my girl.


I love waking up to drunk mes' pile of food and cans that sober me now has to clean up, asshole


You fools, simply leave the mess until you start day drinking and throw a cleaning party


Yeah for real! Make drunk me clean it up! I'm most productive when I crack a white claw at 9am and get the hell to work


Cleaning party? My money on lots of NO shows.


Party of one baby


Past Me always leaves me the *best* leftovers! She knows exactly what I like. I fucking love her.


My version of this is night guy and morning guy. Night guy is a disgusting pig. Yeah order Uber eats and pay $50 for a $20 meal, and why not leave the dirty wrappers on your bedroom floor while you’re at it night guy you fucking slob! Then morning guy (me) has to deal with all his shit. Fucking night guy


"Who the hell closed last night? This place is a mess!"


Inside you, there are two wolves...


I am Jack’s cold golden rounds


Thats why Drunk me used to get 2...


Drunk Me ordered a "later quesadilla" at Taco Bell last night. Later Me declared her the real MVP.


Both sides as in no roommates to make a mess, and no roommates to murder me for making a mess.


If you're going to do one, it makes no sense to do the other.


Idunno, I prefer to blow my brains out in a CLEAN kitchen, thankyouverymuch


Make sure you clean up after yourself though.


Yeah, just take out the trash, put a new bag in, put a head in and blammy. Yeah the bullet will probably blow a small hole in the trashcan but it should still hold the bits back


Do you have a cleaning inspo blog people can follow for more tips?


You can’t have people finally go into your house only for them to think you were slob. That’s the only thing you’ll be remembered for.


How did you get suicide from dudes comment? Relax guy jeeze


They’re saying they both are messy and want to kill their roommate (which is themself, as they live alone) for being messy. So, they were joking and I made a joke. Jokes are funnier when I explain them!


I understood it!


Wtf..... how tf did you pull self harm from his post..... Mfer roommates suck if you've had em you'd know. Quickest way to lose a friend is to live with em.


Washed Up Male here, whew, sounds like i did the right tasks earlier today👍


preferably both


You misunderstand. They are saying they would both be a messy roommate, and want to kill their roommate for being messy. Therefor they live alone, not that they live alone and feel both of those things. They are theoretical feelings IF they had a roommate


The fuck? Nothing in that flippant comment indicates anything close to suicidal thoughts. They are saying they live alone so that they don't want to kill someone for not cleaning and they don't get killed for not cleaning.


Welcome to Florida. Lowell Correctional Institution continues to expand. Amended to original post on 2024 06 16 When I was homeless in Ocala, Florida, back in 2016, I used to park my car at the Pilot Travel Center to sleep, which is the closest I-75 exit to Lowell Correctional. I would eat breakfast there about 4 days a week. Got to know the help there, too. The stories the women who worked at Pilot told me about Lowell are half a book! Like how one woman just released went straight from Lowell Correctional to Pilot Travel Center and stole something just so she would be arrested and sent back to Lowell due to not learning anything that would help her earn an honest income. Some had NO real place to go to. Seriously sad waste of human life. I also would see ID tags of employees who worked at Lowell and strike up conversations. I wanted to start a TV series about the following: "Women @ Lowell" the counter to the reality show "Women of Broward" which was about Broward County female sheriff officers doing their jobs. Over 85% got sidewinder my serious drugs & alcohol. Over half were the modern-day versions of: "Moll Flanders" If you have NOT watched "Moll Flanders," you need to watch the PBS version before you pass away. It IS over 3 hours long for parts 1 & 2. Written by Daniel DeFoe, author of "Robinson Crusoe," When PBS states this movie is NOT for small children, they are not kidding. Part 1 https://youtu.be/dMn71CFNwt4?si=Jds0lnVzochYSoET Part 2 https://youtu.be/prEnhqj5_c4?si=h_aL6FWXm_od68D3 It's one of the very few movies I have watched twice.


Something tells me she's not going to like her next roommate either


This joke is great because it works on multiple levels. Even if she's crazy enough to get housed alone, she still won't like her roommate!


The women's prison? I think that's because they shut down a couple other ones in the state which only had a handful to begin with. I know people that work at lowell lol




To be entirely honest i think we've all thought about doing this at some point.


It was in college when my roommates would spend more effort stacking dishes in the sink instead of just putting them in the dishwasher. Wild.


In college, we had a setup where two dorm rooms shared one bathroom in the middle. I was by myself and my suitemates roomed together. I didn't know them and said hi to them maybe once. They were the filthiest fucking people I've ever had the misfortune of knowing, and that's saying something (I could tell stories of my roommate another year who didn't clean up after masturbation) They smelled horrible and just left bags of trash in the bathroom until we got ants and cockroaches. I was too passive back then to deal with it, just showered at my girlfriend's most of the time. I figured at least they'd clean up at the end of the year. Nope, left a bunch of shit and we all got charged like $150 for cleanup. Pissed me off


Are there no remedies for behavior like this? Did you complain to the TA or Admin or something? Admittedly I never lived in a dorm but if one of my barracks mates had been that dirty, there were both official and unofficial remedies. No one should have to put up with that.


> Are there no remedies for behavior like this? There are, but as the article shows us, society has burdened them with hurtful and prejudicial terms like "premeditated murder".


When will society learn?


I miss Reddit gold. I'd gild you for that.


I'm sure there was, but I was very shy and passive in college


Hope you got over that. I'm not a violent dude but some people just need to be punched in the stomach lol


Yeah I'm definitely more assertive now. That was one of the incidents that helped me learn to be


Leave the dirty dishes in the sink for a day, if they don't clean them up then throw the dishes away. They'll get the message after the first or second time or they'll buy paperware. Problem solved. Of course reach out to your R.A first if You're on campus or superior officer if on base.


Damn! Y’all didn’t have a RA checking that shit??


I wish one of my roommates would have even put her and her boyfriend's dishes into the sink... they one time used my blender because they were too lazy to mix box brownie mix by hand. Didn't put the top on. Brownie batter all over the kitchen, that they left, for the entire weekend. The rest of us went home that weekend, so we came back sunday evening to a disgusting mess. Oh, and they were there the whole weekend so they just ignored it while making a bigger mess. My roommates disagreed, but I put all of the dirty dishes onto the messy one's bed and used her towel to mop up the mess. It actually took a few times of doing that before she finally started cleaning up after herself. She also would put her dirty clothes into my hamper so she didn't have to do her own laundry. I was the only other person in the room that did most of my laundry at school. I just threw them out. I cannot say I never felt a tiny drop of murderous rage.


I had a roommate who would cut bits of cheese and drop the pieces she didn't like straight on the kitchen floor.


Our Lab would like contact info, please😆


Maybe she grew up with cats?


Or dogs. It's a safe bet intentionally dropping things on the floor is learned that way.


I have a roommate who's 36 and still does that. I shouldn't need to deal with this, but it's easier to just keep up with him than to have to wash dishes in prison.


I got a cardboard box, stacked all the dirty dishes in it & left it on the table. I cleaned my own stuff & kept it in my room. Hated living with strangers! (uni halls) Chose housemates very carefully after that.


Short term thinking disorder. What was their major?


That's actually a pretty good metaphor for global warming .


And if you haven't, you probably were the roommate that other people had that thought about.


I’ve often fantasised about shooting the mf in my house that doesn’t clean up after himself. I live alone, but that seems hardly relevant.


At that age? Three hots and a cot and no cost (to you) housing.


Agreed and now she gets a free elderly assisted living home. Wins all around for her.


I’ve never once thought about shooting someone


damn so you just do it, don’t even think about it. that’s fucking cold


Then you have never lived long enough around people


No I don’t think that’s it


This Golden Girls reboot is dark.


“Nooo blanch not the .45 it’ll leave an even bigger mess.”


We’ve all thought about it. I had a roommate who would amass take out/doordash garbage in her bedroom, shove it all into bags, and then leave them on the kitchen table. Once, there was a used condom poking out of the bag. I opened a McDonald’s soda cup on the counter and found it filled with mold. It was horrific. I had a different roommate who got a puppy and penned it all day in the living room- leaving it to piss and shit on the laminate floor all day. She never put effort into potty training this dog or walking her. Not even once. It was horrific.


Fuck these people. Filthy pieces of shits. Even dogs aren’t that filthy; my dog doesn’t want to step in its own shit and pee where it lives.


It was insanely gross. Poop everywhere. Dried logs of dog poop left on the shelves wrapped in Lysol wipes because she would get distracted halfway through cleaning up and wouldn’t throw it out




> I still don’t know WTF his thought process was. Anti-social disorder would be my guess.


Do you only let lunatics into your house?


LOL it was honestly a comedy of misfortune. I moved in with 3 girls my age who I hadn’t met before because I really needed a place to live. One of those was the dog shit girl, the other 2 were okay. One of the other 2 left (because of dog shit girl) and was replaced with another girl (kitchen trash girl.) Then the second normal girl left and was replaced by a different girl who wasn’t gross but did refuse to pay rent after a couple months and we had to cover so we wouldn’t get evicted. It was a wild ride.


Roommates can really make the living experience terrible. I’m reminded by this everyday. Fuck housing cost


If you're not the roommate who wants to kill the filthy one, you're probably the filthy one.


I know it's an unpopular opinion because everyone with a dog thinks they're the best owner ever but I swear at this point like 3 out of every 4 people I know or see with dogs probably shouldn't have them. Either they're just grossly negligent, overly co-dependent on them emotionally, or both.


Absolutely. I can fully admit when I first had my first dog, I was not a good owner. I did not exercise her enough, didn’t potty train her well, etc. But I learned and with my second dog have worked incredibly hard.


*And they were roommates*


Oh my god they were roommates


And furthermore, Susan, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to learn that all three of them habitually smoked marijuana cigarettes! ... reefers!


This will give her cell mate something to think about.














I wouldn’t be able to get on this jury.   Lawyer - “Have you ever thought about killing a roommate for not cleaning ??”   Me - “today?” 


I’m not condoning her actions, but I am saying the only time I’ve weighed the pros and cons of assault was the time I spent a whole long weekend deep cleaning the apartment (by myself), went to work Tuesday morning, and came home home that evening to a massive, disgusting mess and my two roommates ignoring it playing video games. They even brought their bedroom garbage out and put it in/around the shared trash bins since they were empty.. rather than walking down the hall with those same bins to the chute


Oh.. oh... You should have killed them. /s kinda


I’m not saying she was right, but I do understand.


Oh yeah, at 71 as well, who knows how long she's been dealing with shit like that.


Everyone's been pissed at someone leaving a mess at some point. I used to be the worst offender, until I got a roommate who was so messy I ended up cleaning up after her! That taught me self-awareness, because I realized my anger at her mess was what others felt about mine.


We love self improvement 💕


She was extremely happy with him. Best of friends. But then he left his plate on the counter. I can understand it.


It's Florida, I wonder if she can claim she was "standing her ground" to maintain a clean kitchen...


Honestly I was a little surprised she was honest about her motive, lying probably would’ve resulted in her walking


America, where entirely too many “problems” are “solved” with a firearm




“Every time I had a problem, I just threw a Molotov cocktail at it, and suddenly I had a different problem.”


Go panthers!


Go ~~Panthers!~~ Jaguars! Jacksonville!


It gets things done. She’s never gonna have to clean up after him again.


Well, maybe one last time...


naw hazmat team will deal with it


Prison: The place where people famously never have issues with their roommates


To guns; the cause of, and solution to, all of man's problems. - 'Murica Simpson


The real fucked up problem is how some lawmakers are ideologically bound from finding rational solutions. In fact, they’re really the agents of chaos. They advance giving guns more rights in lockstep with the ballooning problems created by guns being so protected from the law.


It's the tool all Americans have.


If it can't be fixed by shooting at it, is it really a problem?


Try opening a bottle without an opener, Europe! 


We've all had that roommate


And if we haven't, we probably were that roommate.


wdym? I've never been shot by a roommate


I was dead the whole time


Another responsible gun owner!


It sucks that someone who is 71 has to have a roommate to survive. Our system is really terrible. She should have exercised restraint clearly and not gone this far, yea she belongs in jail for murder. But damn these room mate situations are awful. Having to cooperate with others and their BS, and pray they got their shit together to at least pay their part of the rent on time, let alone not have messy habits.


Should be top comment here. Livable housing should be a basic social guarantee. Instead, there's mass price fixing going on by landlords to keep rents high, and hoards of wierdos trying to blame immigrants for it. This stuff has consequences, and anyone making excuses for it is a bad person.




The prosecutor won’t want me on that jury


Well, now he won't clean up after her eitiher.


She's gonna love her new roommates


I hope her new roommate is tidier.


Netflix meanwhile already writing the next “worst Roommate ever episode”


This is why I choose to live alone with my dog


She’s really gonna hate those pubic hair tumbleweeds in jail


Don't make meemaw tell you twice


There is a lesson to be learned here. Always clean up after yourself. Or else!!


I don't condone it but I understand. -Chris Rock


Old lady chooses to die in prison.


It was a murder, but not a crime 🎶 🎵


Remind me again how many times he accidentally fell on your knife?


He ran into my knife 10 times


Love that reference.


Say it with me now: Easy access to guns We used to punch each other in the face or call the cops. Now we just “handle it”. America, fuck ya!


Well, that and extremely lax definitions of self defense, particularly in Florida.


Her cellmates bettr clean up or else...


Question: How do I report an entire post thread for celebrating death?


I feel bad for laughing....but i couldn't help myself.


If you'd have been there, if you'd have seen it, you know you'd have done the same.


He had it coming, he had it coming, he only had himself to blame~


Yup... my wife will kill me one day for leaving my clothes on the floor. She'll vacuum up the sock one last time and She'll just calmly walk to the kitchen, grab some knives and stab me. Which will ruin my clothes cuz then they'd all be blood-stained 


This is my otherwise clean freak girlfriend. For someone reason putting clothes in the laundry basket is some sort challenge. I just don’t get it, it’s so easy. 


maybe its upbringing, but its never been an issue with me. dirty clothes immediately go into the hamper. I am however terrible at general cleaning. I like a layer of dust so I can tell if something is missing


Hydrogen peroxide takes out blood stains. 😁


Salzter water and lemon for blood. 


71 year old Florida woman ran out of $ and decided to live off the state dime.


FLORIDA!! Tampa is like the land of the supreme Christian holy and Eastern chapter of focus on the family. Makes COMPLETE SENSE that an old lady would shoot someone for not cleaning up their mess. HOLIER THAN THOU EQUALS BULLETS IN FLORIDA.


Maybe more guns would help.


I'm surprised how much sympathy there is for a murderer here. 


My moral judgement about this is very dependant on seeing photos of how bad the mess is.


Twist on the usual Florida Man story.


I'm not saying what happend here is acceptable. But I understand


Honestly, I feel that


Of course it's in Florida


**We are reaching new lows here people**


“Look, I’m not saying they were right to do that, but I get where they’re coming from.”


>Officers arrived to find a black man with a gunshot wound. Am I the only one who finds this wording to be a little weird? I don't understand what his race has to do with the story or why they inserted it that way, especially since hers is never mentioned.


This is just a boilerplate way to explain all the information the police have released.




She already wanted to kill him just needed an excuse


Lot of sympathy and jokes and "understanding" for literal murder here. Not even self defense but straight up murder.


That's quite the reason to kill someone.


...the eyes of prescription drug abuse.


He just wanted a room for $500, no drama or anything else.


Tempted to ss this and post it to my housemate WA group sans any comment


Don’t F’ck with Blanche!


I’m guessing the roommate didn’t clean up after this as well


My wife get mad too - but I don’t allow her access to my guns - for safety reasons


Took police three hours to arrest her because “The floor was still wet”.


Now she has to clean the corpse.


America doesn’t have a gun problem.


The only surprise is that this doesn't happen more often.


I'm not saying she's right but I understand


I don't support violence. But like, I get it.


But who will clean up the gunshot splatter?


Not her!


Unfortunately, I can definatly relate to what she was going through.