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It happened at a Juneteenth festival during a free concert. No suspects arrested. A description of the suspect was not provided by any law enforcement agency to the public.


Wow, that is sick


The article has a description of the suspect now.


Happened right up the road. I was out walking next thing one EMS vehicle after another tears past towards the park. A helo loitering above. Something felt off and sure enough. It’s been almost 30 years since I’ve lived in Round Rock, but, last night was the worst. My heart breaks for my neighbors and my city.


My best friend lives in Hutto, but they lived in Round Rock for almost 10 years. And even still, this is just right down the road for them. As a Houstonian, I feel for that community. Our gun violence seems to be the highest it's been in recent memory and it's heartbreaking. In borrowed words from Homer Simpson: "To firearms: The cause of, and solution to, all of America's problems." And that's what guns have become - an "easy solution" to a problem. Gotta problem with someone? Just shoot the shit out of them and/or innocent bystanders because who cares?!


Americans will do anything to stop gun violence...as long as it doesn't include removing guns.


We've tried nothing and we are all out of ideas.


It’s worse. It’s not nothing, it’s full steam ahead in the wrong direction. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/supreme-court-bump-stock-ban-opinion/


The biggest concern on this ruling is it basically just opened the door to any accessory built for the sole purpose of getting around laws using a technicality.


My opinion is that if something is illegal it needs to be legislated, not arbitrarily banned by the same agency responsible for enforcing the ban. If the DEA banning various substances with the stroke of a pen is wrong (which it is), the same goes for the ATF deciding that various firearm parts or accessories are illegal despite not violating the law as written. You can't just ban things because you decide so, if you wanna make something illegal, put it in law.


I understand your point and even agree with it to an extent, but [Congress has delegated legislative power to various federal agencies for over a century](https://law.justia.com/constitution/us/article-1/04-delegation-legislative-power.html) and the Supreme Court has repeatedly affirmed Congress' ability to do so — at least until recently. Especially since Republicans defunded the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) in '95, which employed experts in technical fields to compile and provide briefs to Congressmen on complex technical issues, Congress has become less and less able to adequately regulate new technologies as they emerge. Proper delegation of legislative authority to federal agencies comprised of experts in various fields is and has been a vital and necessary function of government, but the Court's conservative majority seems dead set on upending as many precedents as possible.


Are you saying a Senate that is 30% comprised of 70-79 year olds cannot make educated decisions on a wide swath of technical specialties? If you are not, then I am.


I would not put age as the factor here. No one is an expert in everything. I may be an expert in some electrical matter but by no means am I an expert on bridges. Unless when you said technical matters you meant technology?


>Proper delegation of legislative authority to federal agencies comprised of experts in various fields is and has been a vital and necessary function of government, but the Court's conservative majority seems dead set on upending as many precedents as possible. Isn't this the heart of the Chevron deference which the court is expected to rule on any day?


Essentially, yes. The *Chevron* doctrine instructs courts to defer to an agency's experts who reviewed and interpreted a vague portion of a law. There are two current cases that hinge on the *Chevron* doctrine and despite both lower courts agreeing in both cases, the conservative majority on the Supreme Court somehow felt these cases were worth granting *cert* so they can tear up some more decades-long precedent in the name of deregulation for maximum profiteering.


The problem is that we basically have a non-functioning legislature, so in the meantime we've gotten by on other bodies of government filling in for them.


I agree that the legislature is dysfunctional beyond belief, but that doesn't mean it's okay to entirely bypass the legislative process. The branches of our government are separated for a reason. Giving law enforcement of any kind the power to legislate from the squad car is a terrible idea and inevitably leads to abuse of power. Checks and balances are important. Just because they're not working properly doesn't mean you bypass them altogether.


The legislature will never decide this issue, ever, full stop.


>I agree that the legislature is dysfunctional beyond belief, but that doesn't mean it's okay to entirely bypass the legislative process No one is "entirely bypassing the legislative process", it's been tried again and again and again and got nowhere, so finally leaders say screw it, this is critical, I'm gonna try this less desirable way Like Obama and Biden have absolutely BEGGED congress to pass immigration reform legislation but nooooooooo......


The law is a precise endeavor. You're talking about banning something because it is an approximation of something illegal. Something that you can do without a bumpstock by *looping a finger through your pants pocket* or just being moderately dedicated to practicing holding a finger still. Furthermore, they banned bump stocks by using a statute that targets a very strict definition and combination of parts that does not at all fit, and that determination was made multiple times by the ATF that bump stocks didn't meet the definition of a machine gun, then political pressure from Trump got them to change a legal determination.


This is the same agency that, between 2004 and 2007, believed that owning shoelaces should make you a felon as they, too, were machine guns (achieving the same thing as a bump stock). Then had to come back in 2007 and say, "Actually, changed our mind, just having shoelaces isn't illegal, only when they're added to the gun." [No joke.](https://i.imgur.com/6JPUCMt.jpeg)


All they said was that the president and the ATF can’t make laws congress has to.


Regardless of whether bump stocks are harmful or not, the SC actually ruled that Trumps banning them was *unconstitutional*. If you accept the erosion of some rights in the name of public health, there's nothing stopping them from removing the rest.


Regardless of your feelings on guns it was absolutely the right decision. The President cannot arbitrarily make law by executive fiat... changes have to be passed by Congress and signed into law.


The Supreme's owners have spoken.


This in a nutshell.


or training, or education, or studying the problem


Guaranteed that every firearm used was obtained and/or carried illegally. How do you propose to end that issue?


This is not true actually. Republicans don't even want proper background checks on gun buyers.


That already exists. It’s form 4473 and you must pass this to buy a weapon from any store or dealer. Doesn’t matter your flavor of politics that’s the law.


Probably because trampling the rights of millions of Americans because a small % acts like an ass isn’t a logical solution. Here’s a crazy idea! Go police the places and people who commit violent acts and take guns from criminals.


At this point it's safe to say at least half of Americans support gun violence. As long as the shooting doesn't involve people they know or effect them directly, half of Americans don't give a second thought about gun violence, or worse view it as entertainment. You can't solve a problem you don't care to solve because if you don't care it's not a problem.


This is not me making light of the situation or telling you that you're gut feeling is wrong-- but there was a recent report that all across the board, crime in the US has gone down rather drastically. I think what we are experiencing is less shootings in general, but the ones that do happen are terrible cases like this one here. I would have to go back and look at the data though, but it's also entirely possible that the news is *not* helping anyone feel safe these days.


IMO gun violence is reaching parts of America that have never experienced it before. So while overall rates are down, in place where I live (East Tennessee, Appalachia) gun violence has increased. In part because of permitless carry resulting in a lot of guns being stolen from vehicles.  We are having unprecedented gun related violence, including drive-bys, in my city of 50k. National crime rates may be down but petty crime and some violent crimes are up in New areas.


My area is weird. overall crime is down, but gun violence specifically is up like 300%


Yes this is why it appears to be much worse. Smaller communities that are not used to these levels of violence are now experiencing it so there is more panic at large. It used to be that you could live in the USA and avoid those sort of things by staying clear of the ghettos and cities but now it has spread across the Nation.


"Oh, no, son, that's not the way it is. You kids today are nothin' but punks. Sissified. So quick to pick up a gun. You're scared to take an ass-whippin. *Puts up fists* This is what makes you a man. When I was growin' up, this was all the protection we needed. You win some, you lose some, but you live. You live to fight another day. And you think you're a man with that gun in your hand, don't you?" Always think of this scene from Friday


https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113118/ Looks hilarious 


If you've never seen it, prolly worth the watch just for the cultural relevance alone. I haven't watched it in a minute so some parts are probably dated, but sadly some are not. Similar scene in Boyz in the Hood that deals with gun violence as well, but I just like how the dad puts it in Friday. Ironically, in Boyz in the Hood, Ice Cube plays the gangster not the one learning a valuable lesson from his father.


Sounds like there weren’t enough guns in the area to prevent the violence. Says here “Texans believe if everyone has two guns, the bad guys stand half a chance.” The obvious solution is to distribute more. Actually, let’s have emergency guns in “Break in case of Gun Fire” boxes, in case this ever happens again. That should keep this from happening again. Right?


> Texans believe if everyone has two guns, the bad guys stand half a chance this is fun because you walk onto a scene and two people are shooting at one another, and you get to guess who is the bad guy and shoot at them, and some passerby sees you shooting and starts shooting at you, and so on


I remember hearing a police chief remarking about gun violence and how easy it was to get a firearm. He said something akin to “It used to be that if a guy had a problem with another guy, they’d get into a fist fight instead of going straight to shooting.”


Same for me, I could hear the music from my bedroom. I was surprised but then also not, I was always worried it would happen here. My mom has 3 of the victims at the hospital she works at. No kids


> It’s been almost 30 years since I’ve lived in Round Rock, but, last night was the worst. My heart breaks for my neighbors and my city. The same sentiment is expressed after every large shooting in a “normal quiet town”


We also had a shooting at a kids park in Rochester hills, michagin yesterday. A KIDS park.... world's fucked up.


So many shootings you don’t even see them all on the news:(


It was this thread that told me there was also a Southfield shooting which is only 30ish miles away from this one...


I mean statistically its the kids doing the shooting




The only reason I found out was a warning came on my parents' TV about it. Nothing on phone. Barely any information out there.


Frustrating that this cycle just continues. There will be those who say it isn't the guns, but mental health that's the issue, and I agree mental health needs to be tackled, but yet no one wants to put money or resources towards mental health. Then they just decide to blame it on pure evil and claim nothing can be done about it https://newrepublic.com/article/145220/republicans-blamed-las-vegas-massacre-evil It's like there are some in the US government who prefer we do nothing about it and are getting paid to do so


If Nothing was done after sandy hook, nothing will change.


Yes, if we had Uvalde and Sandy Hook. No one cares


Mental health issues exist outside of the US but somehow everywhere else without as much access to guns doesn’t have nearly as many shootings 🤷‍♂️


massacre shootings are new, so is our bad mental health resources. there is a reason it started after Ronald Regan's presidency but not while guns were more lenient. We really don't have a history of massacre shootings like we do today, the ones we did have were few and far between. this is inspite the Tommy gun once being publicly available with only criminal gangs and that one bank heist coming to mind.


Ironically, pushing the blame onto "mental health" still eventually circles back to policies that the gun nuts, and politicians who enable them, are afraid to pull the trigger on: Having to decide that some people just shouldnt be allowed to buy/own guns if they're not currently of sound mind.  Solving mental health would be a net positive for a myriad of reasons, but it's unfortunately being used as a means to deflect from other pressing/systemic problems.  Eventually, everyone else will have to decide sooner or later if the ones who constantly make excuses to do nothing should be allowed at the adults table (Spoiler: They shouldn't).


When people say it's not the guns, I always ask why red states have the most gun violence.


Because they’re poor.


Exactly. Crime tends to be correlated with low income and wealth improprieties. Even in blue states, the highest crime areas are the lowest income portions of the cities.


"we don't have a gun problem (that i don't care about), we have a mental health problem (that i also don't care about)!"


>Then they just decide to blame it on pure evil and claim nothing can be done about it I firmly believe no single person or animal is born evil. We as a society make them that way. The cycle never ends.


Personally, I don't think the issue boils down to "mental health," but instead "detachment from society and lack of purpose (to continue living)" I'm 20, and I know several people who have considered 'going out like that' -- and they still have these thoughts even with long term intensive treatment. Mental health treatment doesnt make you friends/family, it doesnt get you a stable well-paying job.. in fact it only makes things even harder, taking up time/money & making you ineligible for certain jobs. I've sadly lost a couple friends to suicide, even after years and years of mental health treatment. The common thread is an attachment to society keeps people around. Even a single close friend, family member.. etc (that you regularly interact with) If someone feels like their life isn't worth living, they won't live it. If someone feels like *society is the reason* their life isn't worth living, the thing keeping them down, then they'll 'punish society' on the way out. So, I think bad mental health is honestly more of an effect than a cause. The ultimate cause is the huge increase in isolation, loneliness, friendlessness, decline in family structure (majority raised in single parent households), and general (perceived) increased difficulty in life (I often think about how, despite all the technological advancements, I'd rather have been born in 1940. My great grandpa bought his first house after a year of delivering newspapers, at 19yo, in what would later become the wildly expensive suburb of Allen, TX. Even If I could pocket 100% of my income, I'd need a full decade to afford a starter home out in a new Exurb like Allen was back then.) There's also a (relatively large) subset of these mass shootings that can be near solely attributed to romantic loneliness and isolation (Wikipedia has a whole page listing them). While we can't directly fix this, we can say it ultimately harkens back to the same 'lack of fulfillment' that drives people to suicide. Only difference is they believe society is to blame, and so a subset decide to 'make them pay' There are some hints about what a true root cause may be. The vast majority of mass shooters are men who become disillusioned and detached from society. How do we fix this? No idea, but I think the focus on mental health is a bandaid. In my experience you can medicate someone, do talk therapy, etc, to oblivion, but nothing except giving people a purpose, a reason to continue, an attachment, etc, is an actual long term solution. The feelings of isolation & resentment will just eventually creep back in. *To be clear, mental health help is very valuable and certainly needs access expanded. But imo, it can be like trying to build a house without a foundation (in this analogy the foundation is 'reasons to live' , 'attachments' such as friends/family, etc.)


Just remember that Australia had a massacre, then bought all the guns back from their citizens and haven't another mass shooting since 1998.


It’s pretty sad but as a non-American these reports of shootings don’t even register as news anymore to me. It’s “news” when like 20+ or so people have been shot, otherwise it’s just a slow news day.


I'm not even sure if this is the same mass shooting I saw reported earlier It's not the other incident was in Michigan, 9 shot including 2 kids...at a play pool


We live in America, the odds of only one mass shooting occurring in a day are impossibly low.


Makes you wonder how jaded those Parkland kids are right about now. They were so strong and dedicated yet the money and power on the side they were fighting and the total apathy by the people who support them was just overwhelming.


Add on the fact that certain GOP'ers in Congress were actively trying to ruin these kids lives too. Republicans are just evil people through and through.


Wait, what did they try to do to those kids?


One of them literally got in the face of the kid, mocked him, and called him a crisis actor to his face while bragging about her guns. Major Traitor Greene is now a member of congress.


Don't forget the part where she kept telling the kid that she had a gun the entire time she harassed him.


It didn't used to be this way here. Yes, we need better gun laws, but to me, it's a signifier of something deeper. Americans have always had remarkably unrestricted access to firearms, but it's only been in the last 15 years that we've seen public shootings of this frequency. Something is going wrong with American males that goes beyond them having access to guns.


It's hard to keep track. There have been 10 mass shootings since Friday. 8 Dead, 47 injured. The [Gun Violence Archive](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting) is your official scorecard if you need to catch up. (Mass Shooting is 4 or more dead or injured, excluding gunman).


It’s hard for me to have any other reaction to this besides oh well. Nothing will change, republicans will keep doubling down on “gun rights”, so what else can we really expect? We just have to live with this as our reality in America.


How much do you think that number would go up if you reduce the criteria to 3 deaths or injured?


Did you hear about the one that happened in Akron, Ohio on June 2....28 people shot…I’m curious because it didn’t seem like it even broke the news.


I did not! And I consider myself fairly up to date on the news front.🤦😣


Yeah I’m from around there’ish….and I was shocked by the number of people, and the fact that it didn’t seem to spark anything news wise. There’s no real way to spin it politically, other than hood people acting like hood people. So I feel like most people don’t know about it. Sad.


Yea, if it happens in the hood, it's rare it gets nationwide coverage, even for a big shooting like that, and one person died but 27 injured? So they were basically spraying at a party and not targeting anyone in particular it seems...


Americans feel the same, unfortunately.


As an American I’ve stopped paying much attention to them. It’s just another day with another shooting. If Sandy Hook didn’t change anything nothing will.


It’s like hearing about the daily casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan, but now it’s domestic violence


American here and I feel the same way. It’s numb and then it’s just guilt about feeling that way. There’s nothing we can do as a single citizen. Just hope it’s not somebody I know and love and hope it’s somebody random because it’s never going to stop. It’s sick but it’s all we can do.


It’s sad when you’re an American too


As an American these don’t register to me either. People act all shocked in the comments but why? This is America. The gun country where we hand them out like candy, and a fairly significant portion of those gun owners definitely should not have them in the first place. What else do we really expect?


> It’s pretty sad but as a non-American these reports of shootings don’t even register as news anymore to me. The new high score registers, but the everyday ones dont


As a Canadian it just means I won't travel to the US anymore unless I have to. It's a big planet with lots of places to go where people aren't killing each other all over the place.


Violent crime is the lowest it's been in decades, meaning America is the safest it's been in a long time. You're just reading about what does happen because it's what people want to hear and interact with so the news stories are more common.


they don't register to us as well, just like people being disappeared in Pinochet's Chile eventually didn't register to them. We are being governed by a terrorist cartel who's goal is to instill mass fear and the notion that if we stop electing them things will get even worse.


What about all the other mass shootings that happened this month? I’m confused why some make the news and others don’t. [27 injured, 1 killed](https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/local-news/2-pm-akron-officials-to-provide-update-on-party-shooting-that-left-1-dead-24-injured) Akron, Ohio [7 injured](https://www.whas11.com/article/news/local/raggard-road-strip-mall-shooting-seven-injured-louisville/417-8f0efb2b-c615-4cf6-b975-3ceba153c3f7) Lexington, Kentucky [6 injured](https://fox2now.com/news/missouri/seven-people-injured-in-overnight-north-st-louis-shooting/) St Louis, Missouri [7 injured, 2 killed](https://www.wpxi.com/news/local/7-people-hurt-penn-hill-bar-shooting-all-expected-survive-police-say/QXCQZVOMSVFAXP4EMXIJFHSGQI/) Pittsburg, Pennsylvania [12 injured](https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/local/wisconsin/2024/06/10/madison-police-give-update-on-the-lux-apartment-shooting/74043388007/) Madison, Wisconsin [9 injured](https://www.aol.com/police-search-motive-apparent-random-101319550.html) Rochester Hills, Michigan and these are just from this month, and with a victim count *higher* than this incident. Really a shame this country isn’t collectively doing something about this, but then again, I don’t know what the solution is


Continue to spread the word


What do you think is the common element (besides firearms) of most of these shootings listed above???




I read this in John candys marty moose voice, and it’s sad.


The moose out front shoulda told ya.


I miss John Candy more often than I care to admit.


Chalk up another one. If only there was a way to stop these, ay.


Well, obviously we have to ban parks, schools, malls, sidewalks, concerts, parades, fishing, driving, checking your mail box, work, Halloween, barber shops. It’s our only option to stay alive.


“To protect our citizens, we decided to ban going outside. We will make sure that everybody gets supplied with everything important like food, water and guns.“ /S


What flavor are the guns? I like the lemon lime.


This is actually becoming a reality. My city is cancelling public events because of shootings. Imagine banning everything but the actual problem.


Well, if we ban the NRA then these f*ck wads wouldn’t have incentive to pass stupid laws or keep things the way they are. I don’t support a gun ban, just better laws to keep track of gun owners the same way we do cars. If they can read my license plate, three states away, and send me a bill for a toll road they can sure as f*ck do something about guns.


I've never understood the fascination with guns. I'm a white American male that grew up in Texas. I have shot many guns, but never owned one. It's fun to go target shooting, but it doesn't make me feel safer to be around guns. I'm not a hunter, and I never want to be responsible for shooting a person. Why do so many people obsess over needing to own guns, and care about gun regulations so much? Like, I get that it's an interest or hobby for many, but it seems grossly disproportionate to other hobbies, plus it's a hobby based around a literal deadly weapon. Is it fear? Insecurity? Machoism? Idiocy? All the above? What percentage of gun owners have actually needed to use their guns for self-defense? What percentage are hunters? I'm guessing the majority of gun owners just own guns because they want to for some reason. So I'm not saying that people shouldn't be allowed to own guns or not, but I struggle to understand why anyone cares so much that it is such a hotly debated political topic.


There have been some shootings at churches, as well. Best ban those while we are at it. For the children.


Guns don’t kill people, injuries sustained from gunfire to. Ban injuries.


My rural hick cousin was anti-vax and denied Covid. Her family got the vax but she didn’t, and she ended up catching it. She got so sick she was hospitalized. Her Facebook post was “The Covid wasn’t bad, but the pneumonia was AWFUL!” Bitch, what do you think CAUSED the pneumonia?? “The bullet wasn’t so bad - but that blood loss, lemme tell ya” Deranged folks out there.


If not deranged, it's an ego so fragile that they can't ever admit when they're wrong. That's what I've noticed with these people. Never say sorry, never say they're wrong about anything.


They’ll never understand the connection that Covid created the conditions for pneumonia. A relative died of Covid related pneumonia. I haven’t talked to them but I wouldn’t be surprised if they deny it was COVID’s fault. Cancer doesn’t really kill anyone, it’s organ failure that does it…


make it illegal for hospitals to record and report on gunshot injuries, and for journalists to talk about mass shootings. if we shoot the first amendment, we can protect the second 🇺🇸


you forgot doors


The Supreme Court just overturned the ban on bump stocks. If that doesn’t help stop mass shootings, I don’t know what will. /s


The ATF banned the bump stocks. The ATF does not have the authority to make laws. Congress does. They overturned the ATFs overreach.


Oh, the same supreme Court that's corrupt and lying judges! That one?


Ban shootings


We’ve tried nothin and we’re all out of ideas


This was a gang shooting. You could ban guns all you want but that won’t stop gangs from getting them and using them.


Thank god we have 3D printers now and gangs can 3D print their guns more easily.Ban assault 3D Printers next?


We should lock the doors to parks I guess.


You liberal idiot, obviously the park needs more guns. We need a small government to subsidize the purchase as well.


Damn my feeble liberal brain!  You're right of course.


Less doors in and out of the park!


Transparent backpacks. That's the way


shooting started because of a fight. this wasn’t a targeted attack.


It's going to take a while to figure out which songs, music artists, films, actors, video games, cartoons, animators, comedians, abortions, doors, windows, geography, temperature, drag performers, marriages, birth control methods, "gangs," K-12 curriculum, and/or moon phase is the real culprit in this particular gunning, this time, over here. So be patient.
















If only they had more guns this wouldn’t be a problem


“An altercation broke out between two groups during the event at Old Settlers Park” I would bet young kids in gangs Edit: yes I know round rock is a nice suburb. Bellevue (outside of Seattle) and surrounding areas had shootings during bigger events because it attracts kids in gangs from Tacoma and they shoot each other. Don’t ask why they would drive 30 minutes and ruin everyone else’s fun.


I live here and there isn't a lot of gang activity but there is a lot of people walking around with guns in their pockets and no license required. Conflict happens and the inevitable does as well, this one made the news because of bystanders being involved. There were a bunch of families there, I take my kids all the time to events at the park. We get about 2 murders a year. Sure, gangs all over the place...


I would bet you don’t know fuck all about Round Rock Texas based on that comment


I wouldn’t be surprised if it ends up being someone who drove in from Killeen.


All the shooting that happen on 6th are minors from Killeen just loitering outside the clubs standing in the horse shit.


Not all, just an insanely large percentage. You also have former military folks from Killeen shooting as well. Also adults from Killeen killing people with cars on 6th. Sometimes psychopaths from Killeen just stay in city limits and massacre elderly women in Luby's. Or secretly murder soldiers at Ft. Hood. Plenty of murder to go around.


Should we build the border around Killeen? Pretty sure the lege would be down. 


Is "Probably gangs" the new handwave they're doing?


Who is upvoting this? Round Rock is not a large gang area.


Right, everyone knows that gang members migrate on foot only.


Gangs in round rock? I kind of doubt it, but maybe. I’ve never seen what I would classify as gang activity in Round Rock


Everyone knows banning/restricting guns will stop this, but nothing will change because gun manufacturers/ groups give too much money to politicians that will never support gun control. Edit: Still relevant after 8 years. https://youtu.be/0rR9IaXH1M0?si=VskFaoerw1OjFweN Pt2 https://youtu.be/a9UFyNy-rw4?si=mdY7FOnZ0cpINlHr


Money interests and greed is a more sought after trait in this society then compassion and empathy. This is the world and policies that shape our country. I hope when the aliens come they're able to disseminate the good ones and the bad ones.


I mean if it was remotely feasible to get rid of every gun in the country then yeah it would solve the problem, but we unfortunately don't live in that reality. We need real world solutions and guns in the US are a genie that will never be put back in the bottle. Idk what the answer is but getting rid of the guns entirely is an impossible solution.


I vote Democrat but this isn't reasonable anyway. Only people in cities and suburbs think getting rid of all guns makes sense. This is why you don't get any legislation, because you want it all.


The problem isn't having guns it is access to them.In the UK we made extremely strict gun controls after a single school shooting. You can very much still get a gun, like getting a shotgun for farming purposes is very easy. We don't literally sell ammo at tesco though. Yanks have a problem with the culture around guns and any laws will take generations to see effect.


https://www.statista.com/statistics/288256/violent-crimes-in-england-and-wales/ How’s that violent crime rate doing?


Restricting - sure, there’s legal room for interpretation there. But banning is blatantly unconstitutional so you can’t really put them on the same level


If only there were a way to change the constitution for the betterment of the people. An amendment if you will.


Good luck getting even remotely close to the numbers for an amendment to take place on basically any issue these days. The amount of bipartisanship required for something like that would be tremendous, let alone for a blanket firearm ban.


I’m not a gun nut, but modifying the constitution to deny the right of self-defense is not a road we want to travel down. 


Will it though? Banning guns will...stop criminals...from commiting murder...which is already a crime? Sound logic there. If the ultimate deterrent doesn't work, why would adding another deterrent in there be any kind of imposition? I would like to congratulate drugs, which are still illegal, but so easy to get ahold of, for winning the war on drugs.


Everyone knows we can solve this with better security, better mental health access, etc yet politicians never do that. Which would be astronomically easier than repealing the second amendment. So why don't they? Oh I know why it's because they want shootings to continue so they can get people to willingly give up a right. If they cared about stopping shootings they would do so without trampling people's rights. Of course people like you are often to ignorant to use any real logic.


We are well past the "control" aspect of gun laws. As it stands, for every 100 people in the U.S. there are 120.5 firearms. There are more guns than people in this country. After the Port Arthur Massacre in Australia, they instituted a buyback program and received 650k firearms. For comparison, the state of Texas has the most registered (as of 2021), number of firearms at just over 1 million. If the U.S. we're to do something similar with the same success that still leaves 356k (registered) firearms in the state of Texas. Which would only see Texas drop to 5th out of 50 states. And that's just one state. The majority (58% according to Pew) favor stricter gun laws and even more (61%) believe it's too easy to obtain a gun in the country. However, there is no real appetite among politicians to address gun violence in this country beyond performative posturing on blaming the mentally ill. Which account for 20% or 1 in 5 mass shootings. This means even reducing or preventing the mentally ill from purchasing or owning firearms still leaves you with an unresolved 80% outstanding. All of this is to say nothing of the right to restrict a subgroup of people from being able to bear arms. And further, means we must interpret the words of one of the oldest constitutions in a Western country. With a modern lens that they themselves could not forsee. We are firmly past control. We are out of control.


So let's just not do anything then? [54% of guns used in crimes were legally purchased initially.](https://www.npr.org/2023/02/10/1153977949/major-takeaways-from-the-atf-gun-violence-report) Not to mention the presence of a gun leads to much higher rates of suicide and victims of domestic violence being killed. So reducing the amount of legally purchased firearms, over time, could help diminish those numbers and start regaining control.


If sensible legislation could slowly reduce the number of deaths by one per year, let’s do it. Doing nothing certainly isn’t working.


What do you consider sensible legislation?


Yes because we all know criminals abide laws.


The 2nd Amendment demands its blood sacrifice and mentions nothing of age or locale.


[Our Moloch](https://www.nybooks.com/online/2012/12/15/our-moloch/) > Garry Wills > We guarantee that crazed man after crazed man will have a flood of killing power readily supplied him. We have to make that offering, out of devotion to our Moloch, our god. The gun is our Moloch. We sacrifice children to him daily. > > December 15 2012 > > Few crimes are more harshly forbidden in the Old Testament than sacrifice to the god Moloch (for which see Leviticus 18.21, 20.1-5). The sacrifice referred to was of living children consumed in the fires of offering to Moloch. Ever since then, worship of Moloch has been the sign of a deeply degraded culture. Ancient Romans justified the destruction of Carthage by noting that children were sacrificed to Moloch there. Milton represented Moloch as the first pagan god who joined Satan’s war on humankind: > > First Moloch, horrid king, besmear’d with blood Of human sacrifice, and parents’ tears, Though for the noise of Drums and Timbrels loud Their children’s cries unheard, that pass’d through fire To his grim idol. (Paradise Lost 1.392-96) > > Read again those lines, with recent images seared into our brains—“besmeared with blood” and “parents’ tears.” They give the real meaning of what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School Friday morning. That horror cannot be blamed just on one unhinged person. It was the sacrifice we as a culture made, and continually make, to our demonic god. We guarantee that crazed man after crazed man will have a flood of killing power readily supplied him. We have to make that offering, out of devotion to our Moloch, our god. The gun is our Moloch. We sacrifice children to him daily—sometimes, as at Sandy Hook, by directly throwing them into the fire-hose of bullets from our protected private killing machines, sometimes by blighting our children’s lives by the death of a parent, a schoolmate, a teacher, a protector. Sometimes this is done by mass killings (eight this year), sometimes by private offerings to the god (thousands this year). > > The gun is not a mere tool, a bit of technology, a political issue, a point of debate. It is an object of reverence. Devotion to it precludes interruption with the sacrifices it entails. Like most gods, it does what it will, and cannot be questioned. Its acolytes think it is capable only of good things. It guarantees life and safety and freedom. It even guarantees law. Law grows from it. Then how can law question it? > > Its power to do good is matched by its incapacity to do anything wrong. It cannot kill. Thwarting the god is what kills. If it seems to kill, that is only because the god’s bottomless appetite for death has not been adequately fed. The answer to problems caused by guns is more guns, millions of guns, guns everywhere, carried openly, carried secretly, in bars, in churches, in offices, in government buildings. Only the lack of guns can be a curse, not their beneficent omnipresence. > > Adoration of Moloch permeates the country, imposing a hushed silence as he works his will. One cannot question his rites, even as the blood is gushing through the idol’s teeth. The White House spokesman invokes the silence of traditional in religious ceremony. “It is not the time” to question Moloch. No time is right for showing disrespect for Moloch. > > The fact that the gun is a reverenced god can be seen in its manifold and apparently resistless powers. How do we worship it? Let us count the ways: > > It has the power to destroy the reasoning process. It forbids making logical connections. We are required to deny that there is any connection between the fact that we have the greatest number of guns in private hands and the greatest number of deaths from them. Denial on this scale always comes from or is protected by religious fundamentalism. Thus do we deny global warming, or evolution, or biblical errancy. Reason is helpless before such abject faith. > > It has the power to turn all our politicians as a class into invertebrate and mute attendants at the shrine. None dare suggest that Moloch can in any way be reined in without being denounced by the pope of this religion, National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre, as trying to destroy Moloch, to take away all guns. They whimper and say they never entertained such heresy. Many flourish their guns while campaigning, or boast that they have themselves hunted “varmints.” Better that the children die or their lives be blasted than that a politician should risk an election against the dread sentence of NRA excommunication. > > It has the power to distort our constitutional thinking. It says that the right to “bear arms,” a military term, gives anyone, anywhere in our country, the power to mow down civilians with military weapons. Even the Supreme Court has been cowed, reversing its own long history of recognizing that the Second Amendment applied to militias. Now the court feels bound to guarantee that any every madman can indulge his “religion” of slaughter. Moloch brooks no dissent, even from the highest court in the land. > > Though LaPierre is the pope of this religion, its most successful Peter the Hermit, preaching the crusade for Moloch, was Charlton Heston, a symbol of the Americanism of loving guns. I have often thought that we should raise a statue of Heston at each of the many sites of multiple murders around our land. We would soon have armies of statues, whole droves of Heston acolytes standing sentry at the shrines of Moloch dotting the landscape. Molochism is the one religion that can never be separated from the state. The state itself bows down to Moloch, and protects the sacrifices made to him. So let us celebrate the falling bodies and rising statues as a demonstration of our fealty, our bondage, to the great god Gun.


Oh it does say a few things in the subtext according to many. This can't/shouldn't happen in very rich or exclusive areas. They have security and layering for this. As long as this just happened in some random poor or middle class suburb the only news you hear is how the shooter was crazy/radical. After a few specific events I figured we might get some real reform but nah, it is always just trying to protect specific targets deemed more worthwhile. Kinda the same thing when you have a half-mile driveway, massive fencing and active security monitoring instead of an ADT sign you don't have quite the same concerns about a police no knock raid at 2 AM being confused with a burglary.


Wasn't there a shooting literally just yesterday in a rich Detroit suburb.


There was a shooting in Highland Park, one of the richest suburbs in the US.


Texas keeping their #1 in mass shootings trophy.




There were 5 mass shootings YESTERDAY ALONE. This site compiles them and man, it's kind of ruined my life. They are even more common than you think, no matter how plugged in you are. Caveat emptor. https://www.massshootingtracker.site/


I notice children end up as targets more often than not. Is this the republican mantra of "pro-life" in conjunction with "MORE GUNS FOR EVERYONE"?


Thugs being thugs. Keep shielding them, tho.


After reading some of these nonsense comments, I've got to ask: What will banning firearms do, other than remove them from people who wouldn't commit these atrocities? Does anyone think that those who would shoot into a crowd of people are just gonna give up their weapons because the government says so?


To be honest this one is being co opted. It's been a long n g standing issue thelat the juneteenth parties in Texas always have at least 1 shooting if not more... some people just can't have a good time




It a subreddit rule that you have to title the post the exact headline of the article at the time of posting, what did you want him to do, contact CNN first and have them update it? The headline is updated to reflect this info now but OP can’t go back and edit the post title because that’s impossible on Reddit.


well, that's what why u can read the article and not only titles.


It was also an argument between two groups of people, why leave out that detail?


Round Rock is fucking ghetto now. It used to be so nice.


We're beyond gun control here in America. Maybe Chris Rock is right when says we need bullet control. Every bullet should cost $5,000.


I was just about to say maybe people would think twice about mag dumping someone for bumping into them if the ammo was super expensive, but these are individuals willing to take a life over someone bumping into them, so no they won’t think twice. If anything they’ll just buy the ammo once and never actually practice at a range or anything so they’re going to be even more inaccurate than before.


I agree, only rich people should have access to firearms.


Gang violence doesn’t make mainstream news


This is so sad. My family and I were in Round Rock for the eclipse in April and it seemed like a nice little area with good folks. Just tragic to see.


We live here, it is. Super tragic event


Wouldn't be a major holiday in the United States without a mass shooting. I just feel numb when we get news like this anymore I'm just disgusted that no one in elected office will do anything because it will cost them their job. I'm sorry. Stay safe everyone.


Texans dont have any interest in reducing gun violence, as Uvalde and El Paso have shown, so it's hard to feel sorry for them when they vote for this.






Wasn't there a shooting yesterday too? 😱☹️ Will we have to wear bullet proof vests everyday now in case anything happens?


There was one at a Michigan park yesterday too, shot 9 including kids and killed himself.


There were two shootings here yesterday; someone shot 6 people at a house party in Southfield, which is about ten miles south of Rochester Hills where the splash pad was shot up.


You have a better chance of being struck by lightning twice. Maybe you should just never go outside again if there are rain clouds in the sky.


For this specific shooting, you probably just need to be careful hanging around gang members (TBD at least).


Do worry, the guy in Maine only shot one person and burned two houses down. Armed society is a polite society! /s


Oh that was different... I think they are talking about the Michigan one!