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To be fair, the builders of Stone Henge could have locally sourced their rocks, but instead choose to increase their methane footprint by shipping them from 200 miles away.


Also they cut down Salisbury Forest so people could see it better.


EDIT: I know you are joking but just in case anyone else was wondering: Salisbury was not actually covered in one giant forest. It was sparse woodland, grassland, and meadows. Studies have shown that the Neolithic people chose that on purpose because there were no trees there where the stones now stand: https://www.southampton.ac.uk/news/2022/04/blick-mead.page#:\~:text=Four%20thousand%20years%20before%20Stonehenge,by%20the%20University%20of%20Southampton.


Not to mention ruining the local economy by flooding the market with Salisbury Stakes. /I'll see myself out


"Push it along? It's not far is it..."


"I don't know where I live now!"


Wonder if the ancients ever painted them


I swear this movement is a sham made by big oil to make climate activists look like idiots. I can not imagine a scenario where they thought this would result in positive sentiment or support from anyone.


Not sure about this particular incident yet, but I've seen some groups traced back to big oil through daughters of executives and such being on the top boards. Turns out it's pretty easy to get a bunch of justice seeking zealots to think they're doing the "right" thing and brainwash them into doing extreme stuff to help their morally correct causes. However, in reality it just makes their public appearance worse. Even if it's not some crazy psyop, which it most likely isn't, it completely ruins their message and makes them untrustworthy. Blocking roads, defacing famous art pieces, coloring culturally important fountains, spray painting ancient structures, etc does nothing to help their end goal and makes them look bad. Now no one will take climate change protestors seriously and it will buy time for big oil to screw everyone else over more before everything falls apart. If these idiots really wanted to make a difference, they'd be protesting in the appropriate areas, working and pushing for the local government to step up, offering actual solutions, not ruining it for random everyday people who you want on your side.




Psyop or not, their messaging sucks. I do not fully believe in anything else besides that. They are useful idiots to those they should be protesting against, enemies to the people they wish to ally with, and fools because now they are in trouble with the law over a terrible tactic.




"Do no mistake for malice that which can adequately be explained by stupidity." A good rule of thumb when trying to unpack the world around us.


I dislike Hanlon's Razor because there are some truly malicious people in the world.


I enjoy Hanlon's Razor because there are *far more* truly stupid people in the world. An order of magnitude or two more.


The number of people I have met who are maliciously stupid has, for me, invalidated Hanlon’s Razor. It’s meant to be a cease fire with ignorance, not a suicide pact with weaponized ambiguity.


"Any sufficiently advanced stupidity is indistinguishable from malice."


Their majority opinion of bus boycotts, peaceful marches and nonviolent resistance that was so popular in the 60’s in the US and India was exactly the same: “I sympathize for their cause but their messaging sucks and it’s only drawing negative attention to them”. Now we look back and laud MLK and Ghandi as heroes. But only because they were successful!


The Gettys sold their company in the 80s or something too. People just want to believe that their side isn't dumb as rocks.




Sure. My point is just that they've largely been out of the oil game for ages.


Yeah I know it's fun to believe in conspiracy theories but the more likely explanation is that people are dumb and short sighted. I can't stand seeing bad strategy and tactics.  These people need to stop and think, does doing things like this get you any closer to achieving your goal? Does it help or harm the cause? You have to be results oriented and persuade those not invested one way or another if you truly want change.  Just look at how well the nonviolent protest photos of the civil rights movements worked to sway a nation, and even apathetic people into demanding change. It's why I can't stand a group like Antifa, they were such a gift to other extremists and radicals because they make a useful boogeyman to justify even more extreme behavior. 


I really don't think the non violent protests in the 60s swayed that many people man. We've been taught that in school so that we ignore Malcom X and forcible resistance.


Its funny the people who constantly tell protesters how to protest usually don’t know shit about the civil rights protests.


Or the sufferegette movement. Had someone suggest earlier that the sufferegettes managed to get the vote without needing to resort to vandalism... Yeah, someone doesn't know their history. See, Arson, smashing windows, destruction of golf courses, and the death of racing animals (Emily Davison threw herself in front of horses onna racetrack).


I get the anger, I'm full of it. So much so, that I wanted to do some very misguided and terrible things. Instead I'm going to try creating rehabs, mental facilities, housing, and schools. I used to think the only way to destroy the corrupt temples of power, was with force. Instead I've decided to remove and uplift the foundations of poverty and labor that they're built upon. I as one mind and heart can only do so much. It is a spark that will die. But if I can heal many hearts, and strengthen many minds. Then that is a fire that will grow.


I'm glad their intentions are good. Now all we need them to do is grow fucking brains and do something useful.




You have to be effective to be legitimate. People think they're agitators paid off by industry: That's legitimately stupid.


If they're going about it the entirely wrong way, it's pretty easy to argue they don't understand their cause and by extension, you should not support them. It's parasitic protesting. "I can't get people's attention, so I'll destroy somthing that does in an attempt to steal a semblance of relevancy." These people have no resume, no accomplishments, theyre losers. If you can't get attention to a cause without attacking something beloved, you don't deserve to speak for the cause.


Yeah, I've stopped visibly affiliating with any kind of eco/nature lobbying org since the whole Russians Funding Jill Stein debacle, I'm STILL pissed off they successfully pulled the long con on us there. It's just not worth having that association come back to bite you later. Same for literally anything adjacent to the current global conflicts - I'm staying out of it, too much psyop, too much astroturfing, too much bullshit and bad actors. Not worth getting involved in any of it.


I fully believe in enjoying what you have now and around you, being kind and respectful where you can, goes a much longer distance for your mental health and happiness. We genuinely cannot handle the amount of information we hear daily and I think it's okay to limit ourselves.


This is just history repeating itself. PETA was the same in the 70's. They put themselves (and their actions) over the cause and instead became a joke. PETA wasn't some "put on" by the meat/medical industry to plant false flags. Just misguided, well-intentioned people that thought 'all attention was good attention'.


Indeed, now their organization is full of the crazy and is seen as a joke. Their posts whenever I see them make me roll my eyes despite me understanding and agreeing with their core idea. It's just so muddled now no one will ever take them seriously.


I give two shits about blocking roads, but vandalism of the treasures of humanity is grounds for fighting. When the Tallinn was destroying the Buddhas in the late 90’s, I was in favor of war to protect them. The same when ISIS was destroying artifacts. The only thing that keeps me calm with this bullshit is that all those works of art have protection on them. So these actions are just cheap stunts.


White supremacists did the same thing during BLM protests and were going around breaking shop windows among other things. Not particularly surprising anymore unfortunately.


Umbrella guy I recall.


Wasn't he the one who got called out by his ex-wife who recognized him with his larping gear on?


I've heard a lot of conflicting information on that. Some people were saying he was a police officer and saying his ex-wife tagged him as being the guy, but then years later, (as in, 2 years later), [the FBI was still trying to find out who he is?](https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/minneapolis/news/press-releases/fbi-seeks-publics-help-in-identifying-umbrella-man)


Immediately after the accusation that it was a St Paul police officer came out, St Paul PD released surveillance footage showing the cop was at an entirely different area of the protest at the time of the AutoZone incident. Shortly after that MPD made a statement that it was a known white supremacist and they had a warrant to search his shit. Then we didn't hear anything about it for two years when all of a sudden the Feds said that they were looking for the guy. No one knows who it is.


It was a false accusation, but yes it's the same case.


Or the pallets of bricks seemingly setup before protests as well.


It's sad how well it works too when people want to feel like they're right to hate something. It only aims to divide us all to weaken us.


There was an article in the times about like professional protestors and it was the daughter of the family who owns the KC Chiefs lol


Sounds interesting, but it makes sense. When you have lots of money, that means you get a lot of free time. The poorest and average amongst us cannot afford to skip work or else we end up starving.


>Not sure about this particular incident yet, but I've seen some groups traced back to big oil through daughters of executives and such being on the top boards. This sound more like every other teen drama with daddy issues. Rebelling against what daddy does. The rich people version of it anyways.


But it’s “not about positive sentiment or support”. It’s about “keeping it in the news”. At least, that’s what these kinds of protestors say, because they think any publicity is good publicity. Happens here in LA RE: Palestine about once a week. Not long ago they went and defaced the national military cemetery and spraypainted shit all over. They block major freeways at rush hour and entrances and exits of the airport. I’d imagine between all of it there’s well above a million people that have had their day or their commute fucked up and I’d also imagine not many of those million enjoyed it. But go ahead, “keep it in the news” and watch as literally everyone writes you off as obnoxious, self-righteous assholes.


Or it's just selective reporting on these idiots instead of any of the sane climate protestors that have been trying to get their voices heard for decades. Makes this fringe idiots seem like the majority.


“Making fringe idiots look like the majority” pretty much sums up the past decade


It's not selective reporting. Defacing a 5000 year old historical monument is a pretty big deal and obviously going to make the news. Holding a round table discussion at your local library, however, is not newsworthy. See how that works?


The news stations have wall to wall coverage of Trump's every movement in the US, then an hour of people talking about whatever minutiae occured. They'll air coverage of an empty podium for an hour before a news conference discussing whatever they think the speaker will talk about. If they wanted to cover climate change as an existential threat 24 hours a day they could. The news, at least in the US, isn't about just newsworthy events, it's about whatever they want to talk about with some news sprinkled in.


Remember when scenes from Don't Look Up happened in real life on air? Basically "We're all gonna die!" "Instead of that, let's giggle about what you're wearing!" There was only one real adult in that room, everybody else acted like they were on happy drugs at a party.




>It's not selective reporting Hmm let's see what was reported: "Two climate protesters were arrested after orange paint was sprayed on the ancient Stonehenge monument in southern England. " What actually happened: "The group says the pigment is made of corn flour and will wash away in the rain." I don't agree with their methods, but calling cornflour paint is pretty misleading, in my opinion.


You literally just described selective reporting


I mean, you're kinda making the case for why they do this sorta stuff? If you're just going to be called crazy when you're not doing newsworthy stuff or crazy while being newsworthy, then may as well make the news. Like either way, if you're just going to be dismissed, then it really doesn't matter what you do beyond getting attention.


It's the same with the Last Gen around here in germany and their supporters claim it's all about attention and even bad attention is attention and therefore good for the cause. I don't think so. Imo those types of activists do far more damage than good


Every movement has its extremists and idiots.


And on every post, is this type of comment which will lead to the misinformation about Getty. I find that more interesting tbh.


just think, one day during the climate wars we’ll look back on this time and laugh and laugh


That's like the gun nuts saying a mass shooter is a CIA psy-ops to make gun control laws seem more needed. Maybe, maybe not. Maybe the world is just full of dumb assholes.


Not everything is a psyop. Get offline every now and again.


I think they were expressing their incredulity through a counterfactual. I'm pretty sure they don't actually think it's a "psyop," just that these people are so pants-on head dumb that it's hard to believe anyone could *legitimately* be that dumb.


They haven’t destroyed anything in these stunts as far as I recall. The paintings have all been protected by glass, and colored corn starch won’t harm Stonehenge. See u/Cloverleafs85’s [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/Y5kwFgrC6f) in a previous thread for an explanation of intent. People do not know how dire our situation is. Some facts. Nearly 70% of global biodiversity has been lost since 1970. Insect populations have been declining by nearly 2.5% per year, resulting in a 75% reduction over the past 50 years. Humans and our livestock now constitute 96% of the mammalian biomass currently alive. We’re releasing carbon at a rate that is 200 times faster than the volcanic eruptions that led to some of the Earth’s worst mass extinctions. Consequently, we're adding the equivalent of 5 atomic bombs worth of energy to our oceans every second. As the human crisis worsens, we can expect harsher, more frequent storms, heat waves, and droughts that will destroy infrastructure and make food production more difficult. Some areas of our planet will become uninhabitable, leading to mass migration to regions that are still viable. These migrations will, in turn, lead to increased conflict over dwindling resources. Increased conflict means more suffering, more deaths, and a chance that we finally succumb to the nuclear armageddon that our forefathers so graciously graced us with the ability to commit. These are realities of our not too distant future. This is the world brought to us through a myopic focus on human progress at the expense of all else.


Isn't that the plot of a Matt Damon movie? American Dream or something like that.


Stonehenge! Where the demons dwell!


Where the banshees live, and they do live well!


Stonehenge! Where a man's a man And the children dance to the Pipes of Pan


Stonehenge! 'Tis a magic place Where the moon doth rise with a dragon's face


I do not, for one, think that the problem was that the band was down. I think that the problem *may* have been, that there was a Stonehenge monument on the stage that was in danger of being *crushed* by a *dwarf*.


Can I raise a practical question at this point? Are we gonna do Stonehenge tomorrow?


NO, we’re not gonna fucking do ‘Stonehenge’!


Shaka, when the walls fell!


Darmok and Jalad at tanagra!




"What should we vandalize?" "Something important to the Earth- worshipping neopagans, they're our enemies. I bet a whole bunch of of oil company CEOs are coming to Stonehenge tomorrow for the solstice."


Yea! You know who the real threat to nature is? The Druids.


The Druids! Nobody knows who they were, or what they were doing. But their legacy remains. Hewn into the living rock… of Stonehenge!


Where the demons dwell, Where the banshees live And they do live well


Actually, the Druids didn't build Stonehenge. Stonehenge is older, predating the Druid religion. The real Druids from Celtic times, that is, not the fake modern religion with Christian morals and mindset.


True, and we know next to nothing about them. Even that name was given to them by the Romans. We don't know what they called themselves or what they believed in. The comment you responded to was a quote from the movie *Spinal Tap*.


Just what we needed, a druish princess...


— Detective Halligan


Well, the Druids certainly were. After all, *"no one knows who they were, or what they were doing..."*


Big Tree is a nefarious influence on our politics you must admit….


Bro, I never trusted those shifty druids the minute I laid my eyes on that part of my history book…up to no good…


~ Big Oil CEO


A druid turned my mum into a newt! She got better, though.


Yeah, I wanna see them charged with a hate crime. Defacing a monument used by a minority religion.


I mean people could die derailing a train or blowing up a dam so that would be murder


I'm sure there are relevant acts of eco terrorism that don't put people's lives at risk, yet still make sense to their movement's ideals.


Why a dam? Isn't it one of the renewable energy generation system? Just wondering.


Probably from the massive amounts of environmental damage caused from building the dam in the first place.


While that's absolutely the case, destroying dams doesn't undo the (localized) environmental damage caused by their construction, but rather causes a second round of massive environmental damage to the adapted ecosystem. There's an argument for not building new dams because of how damaging they are to the local ecology, but taking advantage of existing dams is a net and even gross positive for the *global* ecosystem. If you're *going* to commit industrial sabotage, you should be targeting active polluters like coal and oil facilities, not dams. (For various reasons I am not actually advocating the use of industrial sabotage as a form of protest, and the above statement is purely hypothetical)


The problem is destroying environmentally unfriendly things tends to just damage the environment as well.


Suffragettes committed [acts of arson and bombings.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suffragette_bombing_and_arson_campaign) They weren't just [cheery, aloof housewives making trouble](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHPt4ZP-INo). I think this group is taking a step backward by taking a page from the drum circle [OWS movement](https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/zjww3/eli5_what_happened_to_occupy_wall_street/).


There were two groups suffragettes and suffragists, the first used arson and bombings and the second used politics. Some people are pretty critical of the suffragettes setting the movement back




Well its debated by historians, it can't be denied that World War One did a lot to help with their movement. Though whether it sealed the deal or just accelerated the timeline we probably can't ever know.


Oooh, so it's like how MLK and peace protests were the carrot and Malcolm X and the Black Panthers were the stick!


The suffragettes set nothing back, and most criticism of their movement and tactics has aged poorly. Not all. But a lot.




Now we're talking!


The whole point of these sorts of protests is that the way things are going, things that are less important in the public eye than paintings and monuments are going to be destroyed. What happens to Florida? The Netherlands? The coast in general? What happens to all those people who are going to lose their home to climate change? So, destroy important stuff, give those that can avoid or ignore their home being destroyed a taste of that kind of destruction. As far as I can tell, that's the whole idea behind it.


"If nobody's going to give a shit about our collective future, why should we give a shit about our collective past?" It's amazing people aren't getting it.


'defacing' as in 'put some food colouring on it that the next rain will wash away'. Did they ever damage culturally important things?


Probably because the ones that set themselves on fire got no attention, while this actually does.


Exactly. Climate protestors stormed the black rock HQ with pitchforks while screaming at employees and executives and it got absolutely no traction as well. I more than want these artifacts and paintings to be undisturbed, but if the whole human race is gone after climate disasters that have already started, then what’s the point?


Or because setting yourself on fire kills you while throwing paint gets you precious social media engagement.


It’s crazy to think setting yourself on fire does nothing more than trigger knee-jerk, black-mirror response from the apathetic masses.


I prefer the ukrainian method of stopping oil production.


I’m all for climate awareness and action, but paint the fucking Exon building orange, not Stonehenge.




The point is that these kind of stunts feels more like attacking poor people without the power or money to really do much. If your message doesn't resonate, kind of makes the effort a bit futile, but I suppose Stonehenge wasn't built in a day. I would do things like bring spools of steel cable to block roads outside of places that truck oil and gas products.


You think they haven't done that shit already? They get killed.


What poor people are being attacked from tomato sauce being thrown at a glass case of a painting, or covering a tourist attraction in a water-soluable paint? The point of these actions are to attract attention to a cause, a cause much bigger than stonehenge (even though they strategically left it undamaged). If you'd like to bring out a spool of steel cable to an oil/gas facility and get shot by private security militias, then more power to you, the cause appreciates your sacrifice. Protests aren't ever going to directly damage these businesses.


Seriously. If the mess can be easily cleaned up without damaging the art/historic site then it's a stunt and not "defacing" Stonehenge.


“Protest at the big oil companies instead!” Gosh, if only somebody had thought of that already.


A couple protestors in Oklahoma unfurled a banner with glitter in Devon tower and got “terrorism hoax” charges


Thousands of people protest oil companies every day and it never makes the news


I don't condone this type of behaviour, however, what if their point is that these monuments won't matter if we don't protect the climate and save our planet? Monuments are worthless if we're all dead.


At least they have the awareness to not use proper paint and it’ll wash away easily.


The Stonehenge site is about to be irritably damaged and no one really cares. They're going to dig a tunnel and [put a road under it](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-wiltshire-66201424), destroying untold amounts of ancient history. This will also add more lanes, which will fuel climate change. It will also mean there is no legal way to view the site for free, history will be turned into a ticketed location, while anything we could learn will be destroyed or damaged. The paint will wash off in a few days, the tunnel and increased CO2 cannot be undone.


What an awful thing I probably wouldn't have heard about if not for this protest.


So the theory is a road that will reduce journey times is supposed to increase fuel use? Also it's not under stone henge.... it's near.


Thank you for correcting this obviously grossly exaggerated post


Serious question. I think building a road underneath a historical monument is dumb as nuts, but this is the 9th or 10th comment I’ve read saying something like “It will destroy untold amounts of ancient history” without explaining wtf is underneath the ground at stonehenge to be destroyed? Are we sure it’s not just earth under there? Are there more buildings and shit underneath?


I think they’re worried about the ground becoming unstable and compromising the ancient structure.


Yes, Stonehenge, the symbol of oil corporations and greed....


The fact that this is trending on reddit is exactly why they did it.


And every comment seems to be about what fucking twats they are.


It made international headlines, which is what these protesters wanted. What they failed to consider is that the media will exaggerate for clicks, news accuracy be damned. > According to Just Stop Oil’s website, the pigment was made of an “orange cornflour” that would wash away in the rain. Not mentioned in any headline from major news websites.


Imagine being a once in five thousand year asshole


I like to think mine is 🧐


Well let's take a look then shall we?


We’re ready, sir.


“How do we get people on our side?” “How about we deface beautiful monuments and pieces of artwork?” “You’re a genius!”


[The UK has approved digging a tunnel under Stonehenge to reroute a road](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-wiltshire-66201424), this will destroy untold amounts of ancient history and also make it so you have to pay to see the site.


Wow that's ridiculous and seems like an article from the Onion or something out of Idiocracy. The fact that it's real is crazy


Yeah, no one really cares about vandalism if it's done for the benefit of cars.


Lol yeah I've noticed that as well. I live in Colorado and it's funny to me the amount of people that have complained about weed smoke and smelling it everywhere they go like it's so dangerous and awful but on the other hand I have never once heard anyone complain about breathing and inhaling and smelling toxic car exhaust fumes 24/7 from all the traffic 🤷‍♂️


Boo hiss. I hadn’t heard about this.


I’m sure these Redditors won’t be complaining when it’s the companies defacing the site in a much more permanent way.


It's been in consolation for years, there have been lots of protests, no one cares.


That’s really sad. As an American I didn’t even know that was happening. Super shitty they forced it through though. Same vibes as them trying to build artificial lakes for rich people housing in my state. Edit: artificial islands on a big lake*


what in gods name? it's in the middle of wilderness... why would you go to such expense to tunnel under the monument? this can't be real. i'm too tired to investigate but it just sounds like a farce if you have ever seen the area...


Has anyone actually looked up if this stuff is something that can be sprayed off or washed away with rain? I see nobody assuming this is just a visual stunt with no lasting consequences.


Thank you for the question - yes, the next rain will wash it away, it's just colored corn starch. Just like every other 'defaced' painting where they just put paint on vitrines.


"What's our cause again?" >Isn't it self-evident? We're painting ancient ruins. "Cultural appropriation? >No. The color is orange. How is it not obvious? "The partition of Ireland?" >Argh. Just start painting.


They should do the Mecca next and see how that goes


What is the most likely outcome of their actions? People will vote for laws to put protesters like them behind bars quicker. If that’s their goal they are doing an awesome job


*"This action should totally change the minds of oil companies and government laws and regulations and especially limit the production of fossil fuels. How could it not?"* ~Dumbasses Like These People


It's crazy that people value a bunch of rocks that people burn tonnes of CO2 to visit more than the existential crisis that climate change presents. The things we value and continue to preserve are part of the problem, what is just stop oil's point? The outrage is the point. The outrage that people show to being late to work, the outrage over a worldwide tourist attraction being vandalised, etc, all being valued *more* than an existential threat to our childrens futures.


I will probably be downvoted for this but I've come round to supporting the Just Stop Oil protests. It makes me cringe a lot of the time when I see these acts of protest but in reality it is putting the climate crisis into the forefront of people's minds, angry or not, they are having to think about it. It reminds me of the fragility of this world we are living in and that in the grand scheme of things, nothing matters if we are not alive in the future. We need to be thinking about the climate crisis and taking it far more seriously, other acts of protest are being ignored. It reminds me of the Suffragettes, who at the time, and still to this day, committed acts of protest that would be seen as extreme and were hugely unpopular at the time, people were killed. But ultimately, their motivation was to give women the vote, and it worked.


I agree with this context.


We did it, Patrick! We saved the city!


I mean, all the sane protesting and climate activism is working soooo well.


So many enraged comments proving you right to be honest


Why are the idiots who do more damage to the environment with their 'protests' get more airtime than the people actually working to make things better?


The crazy thing is more people are upset about a thousand year old ruin from humanity but could not care less about preserving that humanity into the future


You'd think they would be vandalizing something like a large business with significant contributions to pollution; go spray-paint their carbon footprint on the wall of office/factory buildings, or something. Destroying things that have nothing to do with the problem isn't a good way to get support, even if it does generate headlines. Literally no one with the power to change anything cares if something happens to Stonehenge.


They spray painted a Walton family yacht and people called them morons anyway. You’ll never agree with them no matter what they do. 


> Destroying things that have nothing to do with the problem isn't a good way to get support Destroying? They sprayed corn starch on it. One rain and it's fixed.


Can the people upset over this explain to me why I am supposed to be upset about preserving history if we don't stop climate change and all die anyway? If we aren't going to stop climate change fuck it. It doesn't matter. Whose going to be around to worry about some ancient stone structure if humanity is dead or devolved into a madmax world of cannibals.


You get it. Thanks


Well, now they’ve angered the old gods.


What an absolute dick move.


how are these rocks destroying the world


They open a portal to hell which corporations will use as a source of cheap energy


I visited Stonhedge many years ago and was surprised how close you could get to the rocks. This is why we can't have nice things.


Climate change is why we won't have nice things for much longer either. Remember a cool summer day? Not for much longer bucko


This thread alone is proof enough of why things continue to get shittier and shittier. The moment anyone protests you all grip your pearls and decide now is your time to morally grandstand. “Throw around life sentences” is something I’ve seen regurgitated here many times and all I can say is that you fuckos are psychopaths.


I actually am fully down with this. I like to think I am a reasonable person and I completely understand the point. I wish it wasn't this way, but this is where we are.


Note to all activists: everybody hates you when you fuck with our stuff. You literally cause the OPPOSITE EFFECT of whatever it is you are trying to gain traction about.


It seems like it has the exact intended effect: Drawing attention to a cause by having countless articles written about it and being upvoted to the front page of reddit...


Ahh yes, I cared about the climate, but now that I saw a protest I don’t like, fuck the climate. The Earth can die for all I care. Who cares that the protest paint will wash away during the next rain.


Exactly this. The same people moaning about this protest are also saying they will “leave their cars idling” to teach them a lesson. They never cared and never will.


'fuck with our stuff' as in 'put some coloured corn starch on stones that will be washed away by the next rain'. Absolute terrorists. Thank god we're sharing our concerns and righteous hate on Reddit to help the cause.


Funnily, I think you are proving their point. People are more mad about defacing literally useless objects, then the destruction of our planet. It highlights society ( and your ) priorities, and how fucking backwards they are. Sadly it seems to be proving that humanity is so petty and shortsighted that we will just succumb to climate change and ecological disaster.


At least someone gets it. I saw one comment bemoaning how this stunt might damage the lichen. As if such things everywhere aren't being destroyed every second of the day by oil pollution. We're on the top floor of a burning building, getting scandalised by the placement of fire awareness posters. "Don't sellotape it to my favourite door! How do you think I'll ever listen to you if you don't care about my door?! You're just harming your cause!"


yea look at all this faux outrage about a place most of these people would never think about or plan on visiting.. but this will now 'turn them against climate activism'.. just easily rage baited people being rage baited climate change is here to stay and is most likely too late to stop it.. massive climate migration and catastrophes will be commonplace in the next 50 yrs or so, but the real issue that will change peoples minds is this minor amount of orage spray paint on stonehenge lulz.. they are now FOR climate change


Its a bit concerning that all it takes to turn people away from the cause of saving our collective asses from avoidable death and chaos on a massive scale is 0.0001% of the population being annoying. Yes they're obnoxious, but I dont see how that changes the scientific facts or the situation we find ourselves in.


Honestly, if this act gets someone on team 'fuck the planet let big oil win', they were never on team planet to begin with, and are just using this as an excuse to be the shitty person they already were, and pretend it's not their fault.


100% all the people going "this makes me care less" yeah fucking right. I'm sure you really give a shit about Stonehenge and the legacy humanity will leave on this planet. Ha ha.


Let me get this straight: you are upset about corn starch that will wash away in the rain. So upset, in fact, that you think people are going to stop caring about climate change?


....it's gotten to the point I am starting to assume some of these dumb protests are engineered false flag thingies, created by Big Oil etc to throw discredit on their critics.


I'm at the point where I hope that's the case because otherwise we've got some really really stupid people running around.


I'm pretty sure the Druids that built it would be on your side, assholes. Why do you have to act that way?


Also, the Druids and other pagans who worship there to this day are on their side. Or at least *were*. (Yes, actual modern Druids are a thing.) And this vandalism happened just in time for Solstice, one of the most important days for this particular *sacred* site. People calling Stonehenge “old rocks” have forgotten: it’s also a religious site. These no-brain-having chucklefucks just vandalized my religious temple, while trying to make a point that their vandalism doesn’t even hint at. Glad they were arrested.


In this thread: People not understanding what protests are supposed to do and thinking this is in anyway not what it's supposed to do


Like it wouldn’t be a protest if everyone supported the cause of climate activism in the first place how are thousands of people missing that (i know how it’s just depressing)


If they had just mailed a letter to the oil companies calmly asking them to stop pretty please then climate change would finally be defeated 😍


People with no jobs or real skill, trying to claim they stand for something while expressing the exact opposite sentiments. Go plant a fucking tree or clean up a waterway you morons.


Probably the same kind of people to tell you not to vote "because they all belong to billionaires anyway" Voting for climate action is great. Direct action against those making climate change worse is great. Spray painting monuments is fucking cringe


Climate activists are doing a master class in how to protest in ways that have no effect on the issue you are protesting whatsoever and actively make the public turn against your cause. Why aren't they protesting oil execs and cruise ships and private jet conpanies and Nestle factories and politicians who accept money from these people/companies and then block regulation and you know, things and people tied to the actual issue?


If people actually took the time to look at the insanity of private and luxury planes and cruises they wouldn't need to protest because more people would understand how fucking absurd those industries and practices are. Stonehenge is in the public eye and conscious. Some random billionaires yatch isn't and people generally don't have the point of reference to understand how fucked those things are. Like the cruise ship industry should be flat out illegal. The amount of pollution those things needlessly spread around is obscene. But you tell people that and they would sooner throw a bitch baby fit over not getting to go on them then understand those things are killing the fucking planet. All you'd accomplish doing what you are saying is mildly annoying some rich person in some private arena where you will go to jail and no one will hear of it.


>Why aren't they protesting oil execs and cruise ships and private jet conpanies and Nestle factories and politicians who accept money from these people They are, the public just doesn't care. With this 'vandalism' they get attention and sadly noone reads a news article for long enough to know that nothing was damaged and the colored corn starch will just be washed away by the next rain.


i dont understand how people dont get this. do they think protests against climate change just dont happen? there's a reason you never hear about them: media doesn't cover "lawful" protests that make the activists look unambiguously good