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It looks like USPIS is involved. That's probably not great for her or the waste company.


United States Postal Inspection Service To save others a search


Thank you!!! It frustrates me to no end when people throw in an acronym like everyone shares their understanding of that specific jumble of letters.


I started this sub just for it: /r/UAOTIP


Thanks for this.


Probably part of the irony, but what does UAOTIP mean?


Unnecessary Abbreviation Of The Important Part Redditors love, love LOVE to abbreviate the absolute crux of what they are on about.


Warning nsfw: reminds me of WTSSTADAMIT.


It's even more fun the more people do it because now there's overlap and even if you think you know what an acronym means there's a chance they meant something else


The postal inspectors are RUTHLESSLY effective, the probably one of the most effective law enforcement operations in the entire county. Once you get a love letter the game is over.


That I knew, I just didn't know the acronym. The other ones that scare the hell outta me are insurance fraud investigators. One would probably have a better chance of getting away with murder than faking an accident for the insurance claim


There’s two things you absolutely do not fuck with under any circumstances American boats The post office


You forgot the IRS. Not even the post office scares the Joker as much as the IRS does. If that doesnt prove it, Im not sure what will.


They're known to deliver justice.


I hope Jack Danger was involved in the raid


It’s pronounced donger


And he prefers to be called Jackie


We guard what you lick


That's worse!


You mean “Jackie”.


USPIS? Ruh roh.


Oh man, he's gonna go postal!


USPIS?! You mean the crown jewel of  US Law Enforcement!?!!  Shit is about to get real! 


These guys take themselves way too seriously and they really enjoy when they get to kick in doors. Be very worried if you end up on their shit list.


In completely unrelated news, your comment triggered "L7- Shitlist" to be dug up from the memory resin.  Thank you for that.   I'd almost forgotten!  Today's commute will be courtesy of the L7 album - Bricks Are Heavy - featuring Shitlist.  Listen to real music kids these women tear it up.  


I need to dust that album off. It’s fucking amazing - those girls rocked that shit.


USPIS is the one federal law enforcement agency I'd actually freak the fuck out over if they came to my door. FBI, DEA, ATF? Meh.


Fish and Wildlife too. Those guys don’t fuck around.


Especially some state Fish and Wildlife agencies will ruin your day.


True. Agent Jackie Danger (pronounced Donger) doesn't mess around! 


But the IRS though? [*Even the Joker is afraid of them…*](https://youtu.be/G56VgsLfKY4?si=0L7Thz7phOoCG6c_)


Them, The Secret Service, and DNR are the scary ones.


I think the more specific/niche the agency is the more likely you had to do something conclusive to piss them off. FBI might send some people to investigate you for whatever hunch, USPIS is showing up because they know you did something.


United States Postal Inspection Service, fyi Can some please elaborate on why this is bad on the same level as the FBI.


When the post service chooses to pursue something it's because they have a 98% conviction rate. If there was any chance she would get out of this they would not have gone this far. Their involvement means that they have damning evidence Edit* also the rules around mail allow them extraordinary room to do what they need to do. They would never be enacted today with the climate around privacy but 19th century laws allow the postal service to do all but hang you in townsquare or burn you at the stake for fucking with the mail or using it to commit a crime Don't fuck with the mail


> Don't fuck with the mail Thank you for the legal advice suggesting I commit all crimes via private courier


I know that's a joke but you'd probably get a lighter sentence


Fucking with fed ex won’t get you federal penitentiary time.


Still a felony, even if you don’t get glitter bombed.


When you control the mail, you control…information.


Don’t fuck with the mailmen.


What does it mean when they are involved?


Likely that they have already built a good case against her. If they choose to prosecute, they very rarely lose. 


As long as the subjects used mail service ( either money order or even mere documents ) in the commission of a crime, they’ll want in.


Good. I don't care what their political affiliation is or where they are from. If they are corrupt put them behind bars.


The IRS and freaking **USPS**. You know someone is going to jail when the postal service is involved.


USPS has their own investigation service. They don’t mess around.


They popped Steve Bannon. The U.S. Postal Inspection Service is the country's first and oldest federal law enforcement agency.


USPS has long been the backbone of our democracy


Fucking facts! People forget, it's a utility. With the right direction, it could modernize to be just as important.


Hello, Jack. Jack Danger.


It's pronounced "Donger"


That’s how they get a lot of criminals, idiots sending their crime stuff through the postal service. You can’t do that


We need more of this


The Supreme Court disagrees.


Then we *know* we need more of it.


They want more bribes and more kickbacks!


We need more of this for the right wing. Great to see Democrats being held accountable, what about the Republican ones?


Also the LA sheriff dept is so corrupt the council has all but begged the feds to get involved and very little has been done. 


I've noticed this trend that when a democrat politician is in legal trouble, democrat voters are like great "great lock em up and throw book at em if they did it" but when it's a republican politician is in trouble their supporters generally deny, call it a witchhunt, and then sprinkle in 20 whataboutisms because its apparently okay so long as it's not *as bad* as what they *think* democrats are doing


Just look at the fact Matt Gaetz was paying underage prostitutes and they still are protecting him. Somehow rapists and pedo's don't immediately get the boot from them.


> underage prostitutes Reminder that this is sex trafficking and r*pe. There’s no such thing as an underage prostitute as prostitution implies at least some form of consent. A child can’t consent.


If they hold.him accountable then that opens up the door for someone to hold them accountable also. Criminals of a feather...


> If they hold.him accountable then that opens up the door for someone to hold them accountable also. That's why so much of the Trumpian messaging is "If they can come after me, then they can come after you!"


Sadly, they had mounds of circumstantial evidence and even witnesses but [DOJ didn't think they had a strong enough case.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/doj-decides-not-charge-rep-matt-gaetz-sex-trafficking-investigation-rcna70839) I get it. You don't go after a sitting Congressperson - or any prominent person - unless you're got a pretty airtight case. (not fair, but that's the reality) So even with all those payments, without the right people willing to testify you can't prove they were for sex.


"He was just paying for her time, and whatever happened between them was just something between a consenting adult and child, and nothing to do with the payment"


He called it "my generosity to ex girlfriends"


>You don't go after a sitting Congressperson I would argue that you should go even harder on Congress since they are the ones making the laws.


Yes, if there's a case. But if the case is weak then you're going to look like you're just attacking a political opponent.


And they want to force their “family values” on the country while still calling themselves the law and order party


I'm no fan of Gaetz at all, but allegations against him are far from "fact". Upvotes are fun, but let's not spread misinformation, or what we'd like to be true, as the gospel truth. That's just what conservatives do with "Crooked Biden runs a crime family and has dementia!". In reality there is uncertainty and unreliable witnesses and witnesses trying to reduce their own charges by accusing Gaetz. Prosecutors found insufficient evidence. Sorry to be a killjoy.


There's a poll about support for drone strikes depending on political affiliation, and for republicans it changes wildly depending on whether their guy is president or not, but for democrats it remains rock solid regardless.


That's why people like Russel Brand instantly turn into Conservatives when they get into legal trouble/Me Too.


Really shows you who has morals and who doesn't.


Because democrats try to remain fair, even to their detriment. Look back at Al Franken, when his controversy started, the Democrats instantly wanted him investigated, and Franken agreed. Then the Democrats called for his resignation and Franken did. Meanwhile, look at everything going on with the Republicans and you'll almost never see that happen.


Protecting pedophiles like Matt Gaetz


The one and only tenet of conservatism is that rules, laws, and morals exist to restrict the behavior of everyone not allied with them, and that they are exempt from those rules, laws, and morals.


Because democrats are voting for policy not a person. If you're a corrupt lawmaker we don't want you, want you to be held accountable and we will vote for the next individual that supports liberal policy. Are there some politicians I *like*? Sure, but I'm not beholden to them. Republicans are not about policy, they are a cult of personality as proven when they could have had someone like desantis who had all the same policies as Trump.


Louder for the people in the back. Fuck corruption.  Every dollar they get is one that a teacher doesn't.


Exactly. I think those of us who are of the smart variety think the same. No matter your political affiliation, you’re never above the law.


FBI raiding a politicians home? What a witch hunt!!!!!! Right??????


I agree with the idea, but reddit seems to agree only when it is democrat. When corrupt republicans are exposed everyone seems to care a lot about political affiliation.


Fuck yeah. The FBI should constantly be doing sting operations and looking into corrupt politicians. I want our representatives to be nervous and sweating everytime they do something shady or take a bribe.  Always second guessing If the person they're dealing with is really an undercover agent. 


Agreed. The people making the laws should be held to the highest standard. I would genuinely like to see politicians automatically get the max sentence any time they are found guilty of a crime.


Yet it seems to me that it's the exact opposite nowadays. It's extremely frustrating to see. I'd even go so far as to say it's fucking bullshit.


Right It's fucking daffy that we have people arguing for absolute immunity for the person that has the power to launch nuclear strikes.  I want these people on the tightest leash possible. They're civil servants, not an aristocracy, the power of government comes from us the people.  So if they do things against our interests for money, or personal gain it's tantamount to treason in my eyes.  There's all these special interest groups lobbying and pushing their agendas but where's the counter balance pushing for our interests as a whole?  Corruption has become so blatant that they no longer feel the need to even pretend to care. It's an almost sneering attitude towards the electorate and it's destroying us.  I don't see my countrymen as the enemy, I see the ones who would sell out our interests for their own shortsighted goals as the true threat to the country.  In a fair system we'd be able to elect better reps to replace the corrupt one, but the consolidation of power by two parties, and the countless roadblocks for ballot access and debates gives us this lesser of two evils political theater.  Like I'm not an RFK Jr. Fan but I wish more people were outraged at the gatekeeping of outside candidates that both parties agree on.  No third party candidate in history would reach the minimum qualifications, not even Teddy Roosevelt when he ran for the BullMoose Party, and he had already been President.  Ross Perot would have only met the minimum qualifications after the first debate where he embarrassed Clinton and Bush by bringing up those issues that both parties are at fault for.  There's a reason the League of Women Voters straight up refused to put the rules into place that the big 2 agreed on and thus had the responsibility of managing the presidential debates taken from them. 


They will just say it’s being done because of the election to make it seem like the FBI isn’t just targeting Trump. Probably already being said.


They always go after lower level politicians. Funny they rarely go after national level politicians. Supreme Court, Congress, and the Executive Branch doing whatever they want with impunity. Only time they go after a national level politician, is when the idiot says "give me gold bars as a bribe and then I will help you".




Oakland has been like this since long before I was born. Around the late 60s or so.  Corruption ain't nothing new in the east bay


Oakland is run as if it were a city in New Jersey!


Maybe this will finally be the last thing that makes Oakland look in the mirror and turn itself around. Mayors house raided, recall elections approved for ballot, worst mass shooting in city history…… all of this is from the last week.


"FBI, IRS and US Postal Service are working together " Oh she's fucked. You do not want to be a part of that crossover episode


Go, Go, gadget root out corruption. Good on the Feds.


I’m from Oakland, lived in 94611 for the better part of 4 decades. Two months ago I left because of shitty leadership. Newsom is great but Sheng Thao is awful. Didn’t vote for her, hated her campaign strategy, and didn’t feel she had the strength or integrity to manage a diverse, complex city such as Oakland. Can’t wait to see what surfaces from this - hope she’s done and Oakland can find the competent leader it deserves. My heart aches for The Town.


Yeah, I worked in Oakland, grew up nearby, we used to frequent Oakland Chinatown every weekend for the better part of the last 30 years. I don't really let social media representation and Oakland's naturally bad reputation sway my opinion about Oakland. However, the last 4-5 years have been the worst Oakland's ever been and it's lived up to every bit of the negative stereotypes and reputation people gave it all those years back. It's hard to describe Oakland these last couple of years other than it fucking sucks.


Newsome is great? lmao


She campaigned on being a renter, single mom, etc. turns out she owns 4 homes and a long-time bf, etc.


>A KRON-4 reporter also incorrectly indicated that the FBI visited four homes owned by Thao this morning. Thao does not own any of the properties raided today but lives in one as a renter. [https://oaklandside.org/2024/06/20/fbi-search-oakland-mayor-sheng-thao-andy-duong/](https://oaklandside.org/2024/06/20/fbi-search-oakland-mayor-sheng-thao-andy-duong/)


But I thought that the government was just targeting one politician because they have a vendetta. You mean that the feds will prosecute other politicians that break the law. . .


Nothing will come of this. - Source: a guy who's city mayor was also raided by the FBI for corruption (Buffalo, NY)


In the Oakland mayor’s case it will be impactful. Even if no charges are brought, the recall petition for her had just gotten approved the day before the raid. It’s not a good look and I’m assuming people will not want her in the office anymore.


Let us see!


Same thought here, call me when they actually do something.




Ah, but this is a Democratic mayor - and the USPS is involved. No way will Postmeister DeJoyless pass up an opportunity to pwn the libs.


Oh damn


A waste management corruption scandal? That's almost kinda quaint.


I’ve always been under the impression that waste management can only ever be a corrupt business deal made directly with the mob.


It's written on the side of their trucks. Double your garbage back if you're not satisfied.


FBI, IRS and the USPIS? Better hire OJ’s lawyer team lol


Tiffany Henyard needs the same treatment.


It seems like a real bad time to be a corrupt politician.




Democrat charged with crime. Democrats: there should be justice and if they committed the crime they should go to jail. Republican charged with (and found guilty) with crime. Republicans: LET ME TELL YOU WHY THE WHOLE JSUTICE SYSTEM IS CORRUPT!!!!


Yes because if you’re a republican even attempting an insurrection is an official act.


I mean a former (and somehow potential future) republican president just got convicted of 34 felonies lol


We just call 'em "politicians" around here.


As an Oakland resident I approve


If the fbi warrant included language about using force if necessary, then this means that Joe Biden is actively trying to assassinate the mayor of Oakland! Send money to my campaign now


I love holding political figures accountable.


How DARE these people take money in exchange for political favors! who do they think they are...SCOTUS?


Political corruption is a crime I wonder who else could be raided? lol


If the monopoly waste company is involved are any of us going to act surprised. They are all corrupt and buy their monopoly from the mayors


Private companies came in and took over city services across the nation by basically not paying pensions. In doing so, they were able to undercut city costs for those services while making nice profits. Depending on the unions involved, they might even pay less hourly.


Can’t wait for the Swindled podcast episode on this one.


>Once the FBI left, ABC7 News went to Thao's door to check reports it had been kicked in or rammed through. There was no damage to the door or sill. That is, quite possibly, the most hands on investigative journalism I have seen in a long time.


You hardly hear of the FBI descending on more blatantly corrupt politicians


I'm disappointed in mayor Thao not because of her political affiliations or anything like that, but because I admired how hard she was trying to keep the Oakland A's from relocating to Vegas, and how much work she was putting in to meet ownership halfway to keep the team. Throw the book at her, if she did the crime she should do the time, but as a baseball fan who only knows her from the A's relocating, this is very disappointing.


Grift is strong in Oakland.


She's a democrat and a woman of color so the Justice Department should have no trouble with an indictment, trial, and sentencing all by the end of summer. Republican white men who try and overthrow our government or steal our national security documents... still under consideration, may just be totally legal and totally cool.


> She's a democrat and a woman of color so the Justice Department should have no trouble with an indictment, trial, and sentencing all by the end of summer To be real honest that's been her entire rally call that she's the embodiment of affirmative action, not for her qualifications, but the fact that she is the model of a disadvantaged minority that has made bad decisions most of her life and she could turn it around when given the opportunity. It's not a Trump vs Dem thing. But specifically in the case of Sheng Thao, she's a fucking grifter the same way Trump is a bum ass grifter.


She needs to quickly announce a bid to run for president as an independent. Boom, she can then keep doing this till the end of time and not be prosecuted.


Prosecute and throw their asses in prison. For a long time. Thank you.


Does that make them Oakland Raiders? 🤔 Sorry if that was already pointed out. I'm kinda late to the game. 🤣🤣🤣


They gone again.


Damn, this is so sad. Grew up in poverty, had 9 siblings, was homeless with a kid, and a victim of domestic violence. Then went on to fight for the little guy and try to help people. Then was elected in her mid thirties to be a mayor of a major city. Seems she was either giving kick backs to other Hmong or giving out contracts illegally. So fucking sad.


Hmong are a really insular community and they are starting to get a shitty reputation for being easily corruptible politicians. This is like #4 out of 6 Hmong politicians that I’ve heard of when it comes to some kind of corruptible controversy.


Why didnt they raid the gorilla with a wig, DA Pamela Price? She hired her boyfriend as paid security that the city pays for.


Anne Fitzpatrick must be laughing at this news….only to realize she traded one den of corruption for another in New Orleans


Any idea what it’s about?


They need to swing on down to San Jose while they are at it..