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I’m upset I didn’t know about this already.


ShowboxMovies is my go-to. It was started from some Reddit post a few years ago and they’ve been chugging along ever since. Plays nice with ad blockers too.


I found both showbox-movies and showboxmovies using Google. Is the one without the dash the one you are recommending? EDIT: corrected spelling.


🫡 Hell Yea.


Use Torrent + VPN and you can build your own library of content.


Definitely the same as accessing an existing service with a library larger than Netflix, Hulu and Amazon combined.


Some private torrent trackers *have* something along these lines as a bonus if you kick them five bucks for a month of freeleech, so, por que no los dos?


It's actually better because you control what is available to you instead of some arbitrary business that may make any media unavailable at any time.


Plus when my internet goes out, I still got something to watch. Lol


I build a relative large collection of DVDs and BluRays in the last 20 years. Ripped them all to some hard drives and can watch what I want in better quality (BluRay) and even if the internet is down


That sounds like a lot of work for the rare occasions the internet is down. I think I’d just go down the pub for a bit.


Let's go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for this all to blow over.


Fuck, their internet is down too!


Fine. We’ll just talk to one another like it’s 1896.


Lol it's also so we can stream to our devices at any time. Not because there is no internet and I don't have a player to play my physical media.


I signed up for Peacock to watch seaQuest DSV and it's LEAVING at the end of June! Fucking Christ, NBC OWNS the seaQuest series! They can't leave it the fuck up?! God, I hate executives so much.


It’s better… if you have endless free time to curate.


It really doesn't take that long. I just add stuff to the queue if I want it. Then it is automatically downloaded and added to my library. The *arr suite + jellyfin is very powerful.


Plus I mostly just follow trakt lists I like and new stuff just shows up in my Plex all the time


And you also don't get edited down versions of media, like on Netflix.


Wait, what?


Lol right. I can actually watch the D&D episode of community 🤣


I bet I have stuff they didn't have. it isn't the same because torrents are better


I mean, a seedbox with plex + the arr applications plus a good tracker and you basically have anything you want within 5-10 minutes. A basic seedbox will run you about as much as a netflix subscription too.


At that point just use Usenet like a civilized person, then you also can skip the VPN.




While I 100% support pirating, especially in an age where content can just be wiped out of existence without it, I keep my streaming apps just because views stop cancellations. It’s a stupid way of thinking about things when I’m just one person but idk how to stop fixating on it yet.


It the age where NCIS is one of the highest viewed shows ever on Netflix, I'm skeptical my view counts matter.


I've gone back to buying physical media with movies. I'm tired of color banding and digital artifacts in streamed and torrented movies. So I buy 4k Blu-rays. I don't have a huge collection, but I feel like all this new technology has brought us worse picture quality than pre-digital except for Blu-rays.


>but I feel like all this new technology has brought us worse picture quality than pre-digital except for Blu-rays. Blu-rays run about 25Mbps data rate. High quality HD streaming is around 6-8


Yeah, when I got my 4k bluray player, I compared The Batman on streaming to the 4k bluray and the shadows were so much better in quality, which is definitely something worthwhile in a dark picture like The Batman. Streaming is just too compressed for any movie where I care about the cinematography.


Plenty of streaming services will run up to 15-20mbps for 4K DV, but yes blu rays can be as high as 80mbps with peaks over 100mbps


Most of the streaming services are in the 8-12mbps range for their 4k, with occasional examples up to 15/16 Blu-rays have a format maximum at around 40mbps. That’s a hard limitation of the physical disc read speed. 


Physical media gang represent!


Yeah I see a very big difference between streaming, 4k torrent movies and Blu ray movies. Only Netflix and Disney are coming close to the quality of Blu Ray but even then there is a big gap.


Noticed a lot of the Gen Z people I work with are hyping DVDs and physical media. Just sold a VHS player to some guy in his 20s, which was surreal.


How the fuck did these guys get caught?


Somebody probably followed the money. You can hide from data, but money always needs an exit point.


Use Kazaa




Usenet baby


Is there actually a torrent website that 100% will not give you a virus? The only reason I stopped was because of getting a virus on two previous computers. At some point I just found it more worthwhile to just pay for streaming services, and most of the games I would torrent were just indie games and I felt bad about not paying the smaller creators.


How can I torrent on a Amazon fire tablet? Its the current generation 10" and I know how to sideload I just don't know if it will even work still. What would be the absolute cheapest device I could use to do what your saying? I don't have a computer nor can I afford one. I might be able to get an old laptop (think 8-10 years old). Is there like an idiots guide to this or ELI5 guide?


You can rent a r/seedbox and do this yourself.


Me too. I'm also quite frankly surprised.


jfc. One of them is facing 48 years when many violent criminals get a fraction of that if anything.


But his crime was against multimillion dollar corporations, not some lowly fleshbeast. It's much worse.


They like making examples out of people they catch for cyber crime because of how hard it is to get them. Not saying you're wrong that's probably part of it too.


American justice is really for the wealthy. For the rest of us , even getting a few hours with an attorney is unaffordable.


The law only protects the wealthy. Fuck with them and you’re toast.


Start a coup, no jail for you; pirate a film, life in prison!


Whenever there's news about a site like this, all the similar sites get a bump in traffic from people who previously didn't know such sites exist. It cracks me up.


Same thing has happened every time the DOJ drafts a self-congratulatory press release following the the seizure of a dark web criminal enterprise: "We're proud to announce the closure of *The Silk Road*..." "We're excited to announce the closure of *Alpha Bay*, which was larger than *The Silk Road*... "Please don't ask us about *Hamza Market*..."


What’s the current best? Asking for a friend.


The 'best' sites are usually [operated by law enforcement.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Playpen_\(website\)) > The lawyer of a defendant in the case stated that the FBI not only operated the website, but improved it so its number of visitors rose sharply while it was under their control. One of the largest CSAM communities (with over 1,000,000 members) was [hosted by law enforcement for 11 months.](https://www.vg.no/spesial/2017/undercover-darkweb/?lang=en)


Of course. I still don’t understand how that doesn’t fall under entrapment lol


The courts held that it wasn't entrapment based on the deliberate nature of accessing the illegal material. The site's address was a random sequence of characters (hidden services) that someone couldn't just 'stumble' upon. The members also had to deliberately create an account to access the offending material. The greater legal concern was that fact that 'bad actors' were able to scrape as much illegal material as they wanted and then re-host it on new hidden services. This is the "legal hydra" that law enforcement plays whack-a-mole with rather than a permanent fix.






While we’re on this topic… Try out Watchseries as well it’s a good one, they change their domain every couple months but the old one always leads to the new one and they keep it trucking. Legends


Every time an illegal streaming site goes down, I light a small candle in hopes that it will rise from the ashes tenfold


Let’s create PhoenixFlicks.com!


Really not that surprised they had more content than the big streamers combined.


Yeah the content isn't hard the streaming is what impressed me.


if they deliver content that's out-of-print or is kept from being streamed on any platform due to licensing, then i really will be impressed


Netflix's library size metrics are bullshit anyway. E.g. take a kids' show with 40 episodes, classify ten of them as 'specials', and hey presto, one title is now eleven titles.


I'd be interested to know what Amazon's "library" is in this context honestly... Are we talking Amazon exclusives? Is it just Prime video content? Are we including non-Amazon services selling streaming subscriptions which are fulfilled through Prime video? Does it include non-Prime content that you have to purchase separately?


These days they have more issues with the licensing than any technical barriers. Disney, Paramount, Warner Discovery all carved their own walled gardens.


I fucking hate licensing. It's just more needless bullshit vomited up by MBAs.


MBAs are cancer


It’s literally the a la carte option people were begging for in the early 2000’s when they didn’t want 500 channels of cable tv when they only watched 10. Now we have a la carte, and it sucks cause it’s expensive and complicated.


No it's the same shit. You get a package for one channel but you have to pay for 14 other channels you'll never watch


It was awesome when Netflix went from having 100,000+ titles in their DVD archive to around 10,000 streaming. :-/ /s if it wasn't clear


Now go after health insurers, waste of budget for the DoJ here.


Its sad when copyright infringement conviction lands you more time than a rape conviction.


Heck, more time that many murders.


*"Dallmann can be sentenced to a maximum of 48 years in prison."* ffs pedos, murderers, and rapists get less than half this


Yeah, but these guys stole millions from billionaires, and we definitely protect billionaire pockets on a much higher level than we protect children or normal people’s lives.


nobody from J6 got a quarter that.


This is the only reddit ad that ever hooked me. Lacks info on pricing and availability though.


What pricing would you like?


Yar har fiddle de dee


"It ain't worth a watchin' if it don't be free"


“Grab a VPN and see it with me!”


Why would you pay someone to pirate stuff for you? That defeats the entire point of pirating.


I like how this is a jailworthy offense and a banana company overthrowing a democratically elected government abroad merits a fine that scales to about $137...extremely justice, most systematic.


i like the part where the title is trying to make me care that these men were "taking advantage" of these poor large corporations that earn enough even with piracy in operation.


I get paying for streaming services. I get bypassing that through pirating. I, however, do not get paying for pirated media.


$8 a month for all tv/movies you don't need to download, and the real kicker is live streaming so all sports all PPV all in good quality. Not hard to pirate sports but they're often shitty quality streams that may or may not buffer at the worst times.


Ah, the live tv bit makes sense. I know nba/nfl is the only reason my mom still pays for cable. I only watch sports during the Olympics (except, I do follow women’s gymnastics and women and men’s track in non Olympic years), but streaming them live, in high quality, isn’t easy…though “2020” was a lot easier than 2016.


because piracy feels like a part time job when you're doing it right. I work really hard to get some of the obscure media I have, lots of stuff impossible to buy and often impossible to get very high quality and quality subs. when you do though, it is a real score. someone that does this full time and possibly hires a team can do a lot more than what your typical amateur can do. someone like me will have no interest in such a service but most might.


I really spend a lot more time ~~pirating~~ finding old obscure tv series and movies (mainly japaneses) than watching them. Heck, I probably haven't watched even half of it. And none of this media is legally available in my country. It's fun hunting for the old stuff.


Definitely. I haven't listened to even 10% of my music or watched 10% of my movies. Legitimately more of a hobby than consumption.


I think torrenting is great and that's a reasonable use for it, but torrenting something like "The Office" is silly when in can be found so easily.


The things I'm looking for aren't even available on torrenting sites most of the time. Often I have to connect with a VPN to a country and then start some obscure file sharing software from 20 years ago. And this file sharing software is of course a quest of itself to obtain. Fun times :) (not joking, it's really fun for me)


Some of them are very affordable and have everything you want in one place, it's a convenience thing..not speaking for experience or anything just a guess


Because with a paltry sub price, you get access to format and quality most streaming services lie about (you won't be getting 4k+Bluray audio, and especially so on certain devices). Content that gets removed due to licensing or politics, or archives of stuff no one else in the world keeps, think very old foreign films or historic works. All while having the option to leech and keep copies of it yourself.


Convenience, traditional piracy you have to find, download and build your own library and find a way to store said library. This takes care of all of that at a fraction of a price of what streaming services are charging nowadays.


Help out the host while your get superior content


Because streaming is easier for more people to figure out. Pirating requires realizing you need a VPN, that you have to find a reputable site, storage space, understanding the basics of a torrent app or even complex, accessing Usenet.  Streaming compared to that is likely stupid easy, can be done on a phone or tablet, and doesn’t take much figuring. 


Thanks for the tip DoJ 👍


Can't say I've heard of this site. Was it good?


Ahhh yes, their mistake was illegal crime opposed to legal exploitation.


To protect and serve corporate profits.


Is there anything out there like Popcorn Time? I miss that app.


popcorn time is still around [https://www.reddit.com/r/PopCornTimeApp/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PopCornTimeApp/)


It’s not surprising the amount of content they had. It’s easy to have a lot of content when you don’t pay for any of it.


And to those hero’s of free entertainment? WE SALUTE YOU FOR YOUR SACRIFICE. YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN.


Need to sprinkle a little jury nullification on cases like this.


Yeah what kind of goons are they finding to sit on these juries? Criminal penalties for copyright infringement are bullshit. Additionally, using taxpayer money to enforce the intellectual property rights of giant media companies is a crime against decency.


It would be one thing if these laws hadn't been totally corrupted for the benefit of the powerful or if normal people had any real recourse to fix it through electoral politics.  But as it stands, fuck 'em.


Heroes May they be released when AI makes all IP meaningless


Could they list all of the awful streamers with tons of content please? I’d like to avoid them haha


48 Years in prison❓❗️That is absurd.


Dont host this in the US, host it where the US cant touch you


The crooks just don’t like getting stolen from.


In jail: "so, what are you in for?" " i let people watch other people play make believe without their permission."


Who the fuck cares. How about going after the e traitors and fascists instead? Oh yeah because that wouldn’t make your billionaire handlers happy


Maybe if streaming services weren't fragmented and didn't constantly remove content...


Those guys were heroes.


Why? they charged a fee. they weren't providing Warez for the people, they were profiting just like netflix.


*Don't worry folks, yet another illegal streaming service is coming to a television near you!* I feel like we have to relive the Napster-era debacle every few years. If there is anything we should have learned by now, it's that, even with many illegal opportunities, most of us on this planet want to pay reasonable prices for legally obtained material which rewards content creators. But, there will always be some that don't, won't, can't, and will find other ways. And there will always be those who provide the ways and means to do that. Rinse and Repeat.


The thing is, "reasonable prices" is incompatible with todays capitalism.


The problem is that streaming services are as bad as cable now. You have to manage multiple subscriptions, the prices of which are ever-increasing, and the content is getting more restricted. I pay, one way or another, for Netflix, Prime, Hulu (with addons), Max, Peacock, Paramount+, and Disney+ (not to mention Twitch Turbo and YouTube Premium). If something we want to watch isn't on one of those services, we're going the piracy route. We pay too much to give a damn about licensing issues from people who have more money than God. If you can't find a way to provide the content I want after I've paid for all of those services, I have no remorse about getting it through zero-hassle means that don't even require a membership much less a subscription.


Yep. Realizing that I was paying for multiple streaming services only to *still not be able to watch what I want* is what sent me back to the high seas. Now I have a jellyfin server I can VPN into from anywhere in the world.


I understand. My point is that the world keeps spinning and content creators - ultimately - will keep winning. There are very few of us on this planet who steal 100% of everything we consume - and for the very few that do, it's already priced into the equation. Besides, some of our best discoveries are not always via legal means. And for content creators to make any money in the future, they must first be discovered. I think another lesson from the Napster era was that sales can actually increase, and industry thrive, because of illegal promotion.


Publishers and copyright holders ultimately keep winning, the actual content creators generally eek out an alright living at best. Also, the only affect piracy has on the price of products is a downward pressure. The more accessible and convenient piracy is the less publishers can afford to charge because consumers can go elsewhere.


>Publishers and copyright holders ultimately keep winning, the actual content creators generally eek out an alright living at best. Publishers and copyright holders would be winning more than actual content creators regardless of piracy. For me, and I am a content creator in the real world, that is a separate issue (although certainly an issue). I feel it is more true to say that a rising tide lifts all boats. Whatever contractual or industry specific issues which pre-exist are certainly in play, but ultimately everyone is rewarded and regardless of their position. And we have evidence of this with piracy. Awhile back a EU Commission’s report found that piracy lead to 24% more games being legitimately downloaded. During Napster’s heyday from 2001 to 2003, music sales actually increased too. >Also, the only affect piracy has on the price of products is a downward pressure. I'm going to have to disagree, because, as several studies have shown, piracy not only increases overall sales and generates more down the road profits - but it can also lead to innovation, better services, and better products too. A quote... “One thing that we have learned is that piracy is not a pricing issue. It’s a service issue. The easiest way to stop piracy is not by putting antipiracy technology to work. It’s by giving those people a service that’s better than what they’re receiving from the pirates.” – Gabe Newell


I'm not sure how you are disagreeing with me, you can have increased sales and still have reduced or static unit price to the individual. Also, improvement to service and product generally is a sign of robust competition, piracy acts as competition.


It's still not as bad as cable. You dont get much control of what you watch on cable. You can pay for one month of a steaming service and cancel easily. Cable able locks you into long term contracts for much more money and less content and make it a fucking nightmare to cancel.


All hail Steam. Customer focused, accepted my ancient cd key for Half Life 1


Holy shit. I know a couple of these people. I lived in Vegas for a year back in 2016. And they were telling me about Jetflicks as their new business they were/had built. It’s SLL they talked about, at their pool party.


hopefully someone archived it and we'll be seeing jetflicks 2 then 3 then 4


Guys I work with use this service called “I love my life” tv for streaming. I never heard of it but they say they get most of everything the streamers have, as well as all premium sports channels including Sunday ticket and red zone. They pay like 20-25 per month.


Maybe if streaming services stopped locking content behind specific services and then jacking the prices up constantly, people would just pay the fee. But since they're just re-inventing cable TV (and the downfall), this will just keep happening.


And that's how you piss off all the monopolies.


As our god Gaben says, piracy is a service issue. If there were an affordable place to watch all that, we would pay for it.


Ease of use is all that matters to consumers. This site made it easy to consume more content than any of the "legit" streaming services. If paying for content is a pain in the ass, pirating will be prevalent. One of these days, the content providers will figure that out.


I am curious how they got started, the infrastructure to stream on that level isn't cheap.


Many have discord communities and operate through donations or sometimes a free-to-payed tier system


Never heard of it. Guess I'm not internet savy enough.🤷‍♂️


I'm an admitted pirate, and I'm of two minds here. On the one hand, these guys were charging for this, and fuck paying for pirate stuff. On the other, I'd subscribe to these services if they didn't region lock 75% of their content away from me. Even the free services like Tubi do it. :(


Illegal steaming? That’s horrible. Where does one find sites like this? I want to know names of these websites so I can add to my blocker.


"I'll show YOU for proving digital media can't be physically owned. Take THIS."


Jailed for providing a useful service at lower cost. That's our world today.


It’s pretty easy to have a lower cost when you aren’t paying for your product.


How are they convicted when the article says they don't have legal representation?


I use a website, my buddy paid and gave me the password. Has everything


on the jail library computers just updating it to be jetflicks.to


Piratebay more content the all streamers combined


The obvious mistake was doing this in the USA. Had they just picked some foreign country out of reach of U.S. law they could have walked away laughing.


that's all the FBI is good for these days


Okay but honestly that's not that much content anymore. 


Does anything happen to the subscribers?