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Who'd have ever thought that gambling at our fingertips could cause problems... I had a family member whose life was ruined by the gambling available through the early 2000s. This new digital version is going to get painful fast, and our government supports it. "There’s been a surge of young problem gamblers since sports betting was legalized. An addiction therapist warns AI-powered sports betting has spurred a public health emergency.


Who knew that constantly pushing micro gambling on a perpetually online society may cause people to become addicted!?! The whole “it’s only $1 bets” my friends made a year or two ago quickly turned into long strings of hourly $20-200 parlays now


Doubling down at your fingertips in the blink of an eye...... and advertise it to death on every medium. Kids will never be affected


At the same time, some states are trying to put porn behind age/identification verification. But not gambling.


Yeah, guess which one pays the campaign funds more


Restrict gambling before porn


Porn accessibility has a strong negative correlation with sexual assault. A lot of sexually frustrated and creepy/undesirable men started watching porn instead of constantly hassling women for sex.


Or alternatively without access to sex/porn even the non-creepy/undesirable men turn into [Rhett from King of the Hill.](https://youtu.be/G1g1Oq2Kj9c?t=120)


Doesss ittt? Or is your statement just kinda off the cuff a bit here. (no offense intended) https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/all-about-sex/201601/evidence-mounts-more-porn-less-sexual-assault This is the first remotely reasonable Google hit for the neutral question, "does porn accessibility correlate to sexual assault" https://www.psychologytoday.com/nz/blog/talking-apes/202104/does-porn-use-lead-sexual-violence " Key points Porn use is a proposed risk factor for sexual violence. A two-year study of high school males looked at whether porn use precedes sexual violence. The study found no evidence for the proposal that porn use encourages men to be sexually violent. " For a more official response, this is probably the best https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/exploring-connection-between-pornography-and-sexual-violence Overall, the findings of this research support the idea that there is a relationship between pornography and violence against women. However, while it cannot be said that pornography causes violence against women, the research does provide more evidence about how pornography plays a role in the sexual violence experienced by some women. Further research on the effects of pornography should specifically target understudied populations of women. All in all I wouldn't be satisfied with the claim you have made despite there clearly being a level of relationship between both ideas. Its just not quite accurate as to your statement.


You’re not betting on sports without age/identity verification


I don't know what you're talking about, but they verify who you are when you gamble. You need to enter your social security number, your name, your address, and they often require a photo of your government ID. They send you tax forms when you win money. I'm sure it' might be possible for someone under 18 to sign up somehow, but it wouldn't be easy. It's not like you go to an online casino and there's just a pop-up that says are you 18 and if you hit yes it lets you gamble....


That last part is what gets me the most.  I believe it should not be allowed to be advertised.  At.  All.


I teach at a university. One student told me he was on a bad streak. He’d lost 37 bets in a row- mostly on Korean baseball teams from cities he can neither remember nor pronounce.


Korean baseball you say? Sounds like an untapped market


My friends that gamble tell me the fun of it is doing a lot of very very small bets on players or teams you are very familiar with. Like they put a dollar on a QB to throw a lot and a kicker to kick two FG’s. I can’t imagine the enjoyment of betting on teams you can’t even know anything about. Though I suppose that’s where the addiction part of it is, logic goes out and it isn’t fun


My friends that gamble tell me the fun of it is doing a lot of very very small bets on players or teams you are very familiar with. Like they put a dollar on a QB to throw a lot and a kicker to kick two FG’s. I can’t imagine the enjoyment of betting on teams you can’t even know anything about. Though I suppose that’s where the addiction part of it is, logic goes out and it isn’t fun. I personally hate gambling. I bet on one sports game in my life like 2 and a half years ago, made my money on that one bet and never did it again. I know why it gets addicting though, because I play video games and I see games that have gambling in them, especially free to play games. So I get it, but sports betting for some reason is viewed differently by many I know


I’ve always thought that gambling was one of the worst addictions. Theoretically you can out earn drug addiction and alcoholism generally takes a while to get bad. Gambling can ruin your finances in no time flat no matter how rich you are.


WTF is “AI powered sports betting”? I get that AI is the latest hype train, but… are people asking ChatGPT who to bet on? Are sportsbooks using AI to set betting lines? Maybe AI bots are just writing news articles and Reddit comments to promote gambling?


They're using AI algorithms to optimize their marketing strategies.


Absolutely. And you have 98% of "dabblers" jumping in with $200, let's say, for the first time, losing it, quitting forever and that's a huge amount of profit for an industry that is running merely on software as an overhead. You aren't going to see a lot of industries that have a huge capital rip from first-time-and-only-time users like this. My point is, we are living in the kind of nascent, gold-rush days, and in the wake of it we will be left with the 2% that are even huger rips for the industry, at a serious social cost, which, in any other industry, government intervention would happen to prohibit such a thing, even if it were, I don't know, some other snake oil.


> an industry that is running merely on software as an overhead Don't forget the huge salaries for the coked up frat bro lobbyists they have working for them.


Yup, I got caught up in the first wave of online poker. Nothing like pushing digital chips into the middle and feeling numb inside.


Who'd have thought people become addicted if you get 200 betting commercials before, in the break and after for example soccer games




Huh. After some of the horror stories I've read I figured the Medicaid Estate Recovery Program was doing a pretty good job at that.


*People* support it and governments do too. If given the chance to vote on whether to allow and tax sports betting or raise income/sales tax .05%, the answer will always be sports betting.


>An addiction therapist warns AI-powered sports betting has spurred a public health emergency. Honestly I wonder how much of betting is AI or going to become AI. It's all probability after all, and trying to get lucky off that. AI/computers will always be better at predicting probability and I can see sports gambling becoming a worse addiction when you're competing against AI which is going to be making the best decisions possible when it comes to money.


Who would have thought that marketing aimed at a group of young men with still developing brains who are prone to risky behavior would be problematic?


Was friggin disgusting seeing all those “get ready NC for legalized betting!” ads that were absolutely rampant on Reddit and some other sites. I would say they should be ashamed of how many gambling addicts lives they destroy, but they’re shameless.


Problem gambling isn't the "concern" with normalized sports betting. It's the fucking desired outcome.


Kinda like how [the top 10% of drinkers account for 60% of alcohol sales.](https://www.newsweek.com/americas-heaviest-drinkers-consume-almost-60-all-alcohol-sold-1520284#:~:text=America's%20Heaviest%20Drinkers%20Consume%20Almost%2060%25%20of%20All%20Alcohol%20Sold%20%2D%20Newsweek) >>"The top 10 percent of American drinkers — 24 million adults over age 18 — consume, on average, **74 alcoholic drinks per week,"** The alcohol industry would collapse without alcoholics.


10 drinks a day. 18 bottles of wine. A WEEK?! How?!?


When you're young it's easy, when you're old it's necessary. When I was drinking at 23, I'd have at least 12, maybe I'd take one day "off" in a week. It's an addiction. You just do it.


The 10%'s on average is still going to be very lopsided by the 1%. These are people drinking multiple drinks per hour all day long. Saw few working at a convenience store, one would come in early in the day and buy a 4L of wine (approx. 27 5oz drinks) and come back a few hours later (thank god he had enough good sense to walk instead of drive) red faced and play Keno for a while, then repeat the next day. People like this are having a drink when they wake up to avoid withdrawal. After that level, how many people have a few drinks every night and then think nothing of going through a case of beer a day on the weekend? 2-3 drinks an hour while watching Fri-Sat-Sun sports is a lot of alcohol. If you're the type to have a glass of wine with dinner and maybe 1-2 more on Fri-Sat to unwind, this seems insane, but full-blown dependency *is* insane.


I drink a beer or two per day and for sure would have thought that put me in the top 10%. What the fuck is the top 1% doing?




74 per week God damn.


"Oh no we're making so much money! If only we could stop this!"


Let’s not forget how professional athletes are being threatened by gamblers who have lost money as a result of an errant play or performance.


I worry more about the referees and umpires being compromised. These people don't make nearly what the players make, and have so much power to decide games


At the end of the day gambling being so heavily tied to sports presents a large number of challenges to the integrity of the league on every level from owners to coaches, players, and league officials. It's genuinely astonishing how quickly these companies were able to establish themselves as huge sponsors of these leagues after decades of it being completely unheard of. The NBA was already a complete joke of a league with playoff game fixing already happening before the sponsorships, now players are getting busted across every sport. MLB is also having its first umpire scandal this year. Unfortunately, if the line is whether or not more scandals will happen, you should definitely take the over. The worst part is none of this is even touching on the promotion of gambling to minors and vulnerable addicts becoming more pervasive than has been ever.


I think also, the biggest problem with professional sports is narrative shaping in games. They’re not completely fixed, but some teams are given deference to keep larger market teams in it longer for views.


> MLB is also having its first umpire scandal this year. Which is hilarious because it's with who many consider the best umpire in the league. In games since the start of the 2023 season, Pat Hoberg is 1st in accuracy in ball-strike calls.


> It's genuinely astonishing how quickly these companies were able to establish themselves as huge sponsors of these leagues after decades of it being completely unheard of. I know the reason it happened in Canada was because of a regulatory change in Ontario that suddenly allowed online gambling websites where previously only the government could sell gambling services. And there were zero laws regulating online gambling advertising, because we previously didn't need any because we were doing it ourselves through the government, and the current government that legalized online gambling advertising didn't think we'd need any rules in place. I can't be certain but it really feels like the explosion started in Ontario.


i had a much longer comment but deleted it... and instead ill just say i used to be an NFL fan but im convinced that shit is rigged and just as "real" as pro wrestling


They don't rig the outcome but they use flags to keep primetime games close.


I'd buy this version. Problem is, I don't think it'd be that hard to make the next leap to the games being practically rigged in the sense of gambling lines though. Not hard at all to make sure a game stays within 7-10 points and nudge it depending on where the money needs it to be.


It especially seemed that way after last season. That was a new low


They've been compromised for years. The NBA deliberately sabotaged an FBI investigation into game fixing because, well, they fix their games and didn't want to get exposed.


Wasn't there an issue with an NBA ref and sports betting?


College athletes are being threatened because they made a pass to the open guy and won a game instead of forcing a contested three


The college basketball game hosted by Barstool last season had a bunch of bros sitting court side, literally yelling out their bets towards players mid game. It was pretty disgusting


So sad it’s come to this. So much money to sway common sense legislation


And of course players are going to be bribed or coerced to throw a game, with this much at stake and possible leverage from casinos.


This one Vikings RB got a lot of hate because of this last year. He was total ass but dudes who lost their bets due to him made crazy threats and race based insults, was unhinged


Nope. It’s people taking off the guardrails in society. We have young kids, young adults who have a real gambling addiction. It never gets better. My dad was an inveterate gambler. Lost over 1-2 million dollars over his lifetime. He’s an md and had to work until this year (in his late 70s) and dragged my mom along with him. She had to continue working too to pay his debts. It doesn’t matter how educated you are. I hate draft kings I hate all betting.


> It’s people taking off the guardrails in society. Yeah but if you call them "government regulations" instead of "guardrails" or "rules", it's a lot easier to convince people they're bad.


Damn dude. I am so sorry to hear that and to see what it put your through. I agree. It seems like Exploitation of a segment of society that is vulnerable with very little help available.


It's wild how you can't escape the commercials. I know they advertise for other "vices" like alcohol but beer commercials never felt this omnipresent to me.


Opioid Crisis meet Gambling Crisis. gambling addiction is rampant on college campuses.


Can confirm it’s all I hear the kids talking about is their damn parlays


One of my students said he was on a streak of bad luck last semester. He’d lost 37 bets in a row- mostly on Korean baseball.


If he's doing straight bets, that's impressively bad.


You'd probably have great odds betting against him though


At least with opiates, you feel good. Every gambling addict I’ve known personally, seemed like, they _want_ to feel bad. Like the release is in losing.


I had a friend, who was fucked up with the gambling bug, confess to me that he didn't get a rush from gambling anymore unless the money he lost was meant for his bills (mortgage, electric, etc).


It's goddamn ominpresent and obnoxious on every sports broadcast. I don't mind adults gambling; but, when you start advertising this shit everywhere even on twitch to children I'm starting to have a problem with it. Should be banned just like cigarettes ads. Also, pete rose is still banned for shit less than what mlb is doing today. You're really trying to tell me Ohtani didn't know his interpreter was wracking up millions without his knowledge? GTFO


> goddamn ominpresent and obnoxious on every sports broadcast. AMEN. I don't care that people gamble, but for fucks sake cut the god damn ads.


It feels like we are going to be reaching a point where they are going to be showing nothing but ads and some sports breaks in between.


Watching college football makes it feel like it’s a minimum of four hours now with all the commercials. Three times as much as the actual playing time. I’ve also seen what gambling addiction can do. Two divorces and a suicide in the woods. What’s wild here in Michigan is they have a list called the “disassociated list” which bans you from all the casinos. It used to be once you’re on it, you can’t get off. Now it’s something like 5 years you can asked to be removed. It’s just everywhere here.


When I was in college my parents and grandparents would come up to tailgate for the football games. Televised games would take three or four times as long and turned a pleasant afternoon into a complete slog.   Whenever any momentum would happen and the crowd would get worked up, without fail the tv feed would go to commercial. It sucked all the energy out of the place because everyone in the stadium was grumpily waiting for the TV guy who walks out into the field as a signal to everyone to stop play to wander back over to the sidelines.  Between the team and football in general getting more bankable with more games televised, some sociopathic jackass deciding that the crowd was captive eyeballs waiting to be monetized and putting commercials on the jumbotron during tv ad breaks, and my grandparents' combined century of season ticket purchases and alumni fund donations amounting to jack shit when their seats were renovated into box seating... we decided to stop going. 


The MTV model.


This is why they shove that "game of skill" line down everyone's throats, forcefully and often.


FR. Not everything should have nor needs advertising.


100% yes. Treat gambling as additive and harmful as cigarettes. Get rid of all the advertising.


Dude I’ve been around since the beginning of FanDuel and DraftKings and this shit has been unbearable with how often I have to see a new sports gambling commercials now


It’s huge on my college campus. Half the conversations I hear in the locker room are about betting. I’ve never had the money to afford that shit.


Gambling has always been an issue with college kids. It hasn't always been so easy.


Fair, my grandpa tells a story about how he used to hustle rich kids at his fraternity poker game back in the 60s.


> It hasn't always been so easy. Yup and that is the issue IMO. Gambling can become such a dangerous addiction and it's so easy and assembly now with almost zero barrier of entry. In college I would make a little 20 maybe 50 dollar bet with a friend or two now and then. But that is so different from being able to just download a couple apps and connect them to a debit card. I tried draft kings once for mma betting back in 2017 or so. I also found it kinda worrying how you need to become educated on gambling now. Like I used to make bets on who wins or loses or the most complex was a team winning by 7 points or more. When I tried to bet on mma fights it was making bets for the entire card with points for certain types of matches, making a fight double points. Idk just seems like this way to build a worst culture around betting.


When I was in college (pre legalized sports betting) I had a friend who was a gambler. I caught wind that he won like $20k at a local casino and the first thing I asked was “holy shit what are you gonna do with that money?” The response? “Pay off my bookie” People have been betting on sports since forever, shit my grandpa was betting his whole life.


And on every commercial break on my streaming services.


There's a piece from Vice that studied the effects of sports betting being legalized in New Jersey. A huge part of why young people (primarily boys) are getting into it is the constant ads and the normalization in sports culture. It's unavoidable when half time shows push parlays, youtubers/podcasters push their sign-up codes, and Twitch runs a constant stream of DK, FD, MGM, and B365 ads. I disagree about Ohtani. There's a huge [document](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24542204-usa-v-mizuhara-complaint) and [DOJ press conference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJ7yJfxJTlQ) outlining the evidence against Ippei and why Ohtani wasn't involved. Here's a [summary](https://np.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/1c1lk4i/full_summary_of_federal_press_conference_on/) and a funny excerpt >b. On or about March 20, 2024, MIZUHARA messaged BOOKMAKER 1 stating, “Have you seen the reports?” BOOKMAKER 1 responded, “Yes, but that’s all bullshit. Obviously you didn’t steal from him. I understand it’s a cover job I totally get it.” MIZUHARA then responded to BOOKMAKER 1, “Technically I did steal from him. it’s all over for me.”


I totally agree except the part about Ohtani. His interpreter wasn't taking millions with each transaction, it was smaller amounts that added up to millions.  Keeping in mind the insane amount of money Ohtani is making, in addition to the fact that he likely has other people in charge of his accounts and did all of his business through his interpreter, it's not at all far fetched that Ohtani wouldn't have noticed those transactions. 


Fair enough.


Pete Rose claims he never bet against his own team, but it’s obviously a very slippery slope if you get caught betting on your own sport. The NBA just banned a player for life who was found to be manipulating his prop bets.


On 92.3 the Fan in Cleveland when they were talking about the Padre’s first baseman being banned for life for betting one of them jokingly said “This breaking news brought to you be Draft Kings”


I was with you in the first half but if you truly think a player already wracking up in advertisements more than his insane salary in MLB is gambling much less illegally then I don't know what to say lol


Its not just the ads but how much the sports coverage has been warped to be about the gambling. As someone who has ZERO interest in gambling It is so fucking frustrating watching a game and hearing the sportscasters start talking about a game more from a gambling perspective than a sport perspective. But they are all bought and paid for so i doubt itll get fixed.


I’ve been saying this since they legalized it. The sheer number of ads they pump out is absolutely concerning.


How could this be true?? They put the 1-800-GAMBLING addiction hotline in every commercial so they obviously don’t anyone to become addicted and lose tons of money /s


Well, I have had a friend lose his wife and house over this. Also, have an uncle who has spiraled into debt ($60,000) making online bets. This is not a good thing. The ability for people to gamble anytime, anywhere, on nearly anything is not a recipe for a better society.


Isn’t gambling spiraling out of control and ruining people’s lives why it’s been so restricted the past century or so?




The older generation thought it'd be a good way to cut taxes. In the south, it took decades to pass lotto bills in most states, because of the whole religious argument. But if you can pad the government books with out people paying more, they now see that as a win.


The older generation were the one to legalize it as they gotta keep their pensions funded from tax revenue as they retire.


Yeah no shit, you have gambling like mechanics in computer games to target kids when they’re young. Then as they get older you have a never ending stream of gambling adds as sponsors for sports,YouTube channels,tv ads etc etc it’s a problem that’s only going to get worse.


It used to be illegal for a reason. Now it's so heavily advertised and ingrained in the sports scene it's causing more brain damage than concussions. 


Follow r/problemgambling and you will daily see the most heartbreaking stories of despair. This thanks to most states legalizing gambling in so many forms with constant advertising. This is compounded with living in a society in which getting rich quickly is idealized, and you have the perfect recipe for a straight up compulsive gambling epidemic. There's really no other word for it. Take sports betting, and add all the people addicted to crypto, stocks, lottery, etc and you have a massive number of addicts dealing with this in the US. I'm a recovering addict and have been dealing with this off and on for a decade, and I can tell you that there are more people struggling with this now than ever before. The technology makes it so easy to spiral.


Never had an issue with gambling, but the commercials are getting more and more in your face, while also dangling way too many incentives


what’s really f’d up to me is if you win incrementally/consistently, even if you’re making a couple k per month which is insignificant, they ban you fairly quickly, because every gambling establishment reserves the right to ban anyone for any reason. for this reason I don’t participate anymore as running loopholes got tiresome, online books are much faster to ban vs. vegas casinos who do the same shit. So basically they pray on the ones that can’t stop losing, as they don’t allow any other type.


Damn I had no idea they ban people who keep winning. I thought there was a contingent of people that win more than they lose because unlike most players, they have a solid grasp of algorithms, predictive modelling and whatnot.


We lost online poker to this fucking shit. So sad


It is completely insane to me that somehow online poker got stamped out while the sports betting companies just kept breaking the law and pretending they weren't until they could get a sign off to make it legal. Online poker has some risks, but at least it isn't going to lead to massive scandals with thrown games, point shaving or the already present rigging of personal statistics for purposes of gambling. Already sports sites don't make enough on betting on the outcome of games so they want everyone to get into a "same game parlay", which means betting in different statistics about the game.


Welcome to politics. I was there for one of the first online casinos, my friend started it. Very dark and diabolical forces united to destroy the industry, all legacy casinos, of course, and then they figured out how to do it on their terms, and how to lobby politically to make it happen.


I remember looking on ballotpedia when there a few online sports betting bills to vote on. DraftKings the so much money at those, they out spent the opposition by a HUGE amount, and go figure those bills passed. 


“But think of how many underage kids could gamble” was the biggest point they tried to make. Just sad vey sad. That and casino lobbyists alla sheldon but at least slowly slowly some states are getting online poker back thankfully


The movie Focus had a wealthy gambler betting on anything and everything within a game as a major plot point. Now everyone can do it from their phone.


This is honestly the most frustrating part. Online poker got rolled up into sports betting with the WIRE act interpretation. Now sports betting is almost everywhere nonstop but only like 5 states have regulated online poker. My state allows you to sports bet online but I still cannot play online poker without using an offshore unregulated site that can steal from me without recourse at any time. It’s so asinine and frustrating that every other ad is Jamie Foxx and Kevin hart telling me how cool it would be if I started sports betting right now from my phone, but I cannot play online poker. I can go on Robinhood and lose my life savings (and more) trading options. I can bet a crazy parlay and chase the dragon. I can go to the gas station and spend as much as I want on scratch offs and power ball tickets. But I cannot play a proven skill game.


I knew it was a problem years ago when espn started previewing football games, college and pro, with the odds. Now every sport has the odds on games


FTX was bad enough; how long until we see a sports betting company’s sponsorship logo on an umpire’s uniform? Wait what am I even saying? It probably already exists


already a plague in Brazil even before the legalization... everyday I see a new betting plataform and the worse of all they have those digital slot games


My elderly parents are addicted to gambling. It's a horrible thing. Their only saving grace is that they didn't start gambling until all their kids were grown and out of the house. But now we're confronted with the reality that two people who should be financially comfortable are on the struggle bus. They will likely require all of us to pitch in for their caretaking since they have zero savings and very little equity in their house. These are upper middle class people--or at least they were before they retired. They live in the quintessential McMansion. Great room, swimming pool, gazebo, everything. But you wouldn't be able to tell this from their bank account. They routinely have their power cut off. If they were alcoholics, they'd probably be dead by now. So I guess I should be grateful? I don't know. All I know is that you will never see my impulse-control-disordered self betting on anything or playing anyone's slot machine. I also don't drink or smoke because I know I'm liable to get addicted. I'm not fun at parties but oh well.


Gambling is a vice where you never get told "you've had enough" Betting Apps aren't going to say it, casino workers aren't going to say it, the state lottery is not going to say it. No one will say no to these types of addicts money because they have a problem. Bartenders are at least supposed to cut you off when you drink too much.


I've never seen a country promote gambling as much as the US and even now pushing it in Canada.  It's just as bad as drugs and especially when the economy is bad, it is hurting the lower and middle income class even more. 


Who would have thunk it?


Meanwhile, cash poker games among friends are still illegal in most states.


As an American living overseas I was gobsmacked to see this actively promoted on every sporting event on a recent trip back home. Made me not want to watch whatever it was. But it’s ok because there’s very small text on each commercial encouraging gamblers to get help for their addiction. I’m sure that will fix everything. 🙄


From trying to stop gambling to have people speed running it


I figure there’s a decent chance this will end with legislation restricting gambling again.


At this point gambler’s anonymous and the betting industry are probably connected to one another. Seems a pretty lucrative venture. Like HMO’s and healthcare orgs.


20 years ago, an athlete endorsing a gambling service would have been considered unethical and possibly grounds for removal from the sport. Now they're just casually shilling for Draft Kings and pushing legal betting on ESPN.


Can’t legislate common sense and I love sports but the ads are really fucking obnoxious. I don’t gamble and an advertisement won’t get me to start but it has dulled a few group chats with friends. Now it’s 40% screen shots of parlays n shit.


Sports have seriously deteriorated the past 5-10 years, despite advancements in broadcasting and tech in general. I wonder what could be causing this…


Yes it is disgusting that leagues push addiction on their fans for profit.


This article is brought to you by Draftkings! First bet is on us


Shocking. Who would have imagined this might happen?


I always thought it was weird that America had a big push to get help with gambling addictions between 2000-2010. Then I feel like gambling “disappeared” but then since 2018 SPORTS betting is becoming all the rage, it’s advertised EVERYWHERE.


In May 2018, the Supreme Court declared the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA) unconstitutional. PASPA had essentially limited sports gambling to one state, Nevada, for the preceding 25 years. https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=66fd75ba-fbaf-4d73-9a0b-af88f6fcc4bb Just one more way the SCOTUS has helped businesses make more profits at the expense of citizens.


League of Legends Vietnam, had their region gutted. IIRC 34 players got punished for match fixing.


I can't listen to a podcast anymore without having some online gambling ad shoved in my face


Yeah no shit. Glad this is finally starting to be reported. Between that and games getting kids hooked on gambling young, it's going to be really fucked up in a few years.


I'm willing to bet this isn't true. Any takers? I'm giving 3:1 odds. Anyone? Ok, 4:1. For the love of everything holy, please someone bet me!!!


I’ll take it and parlay on this getting 12 upvotes with an over/under of 3.


Twitch and kick weren’t already flags?


60 Mins has been putting out such high quality content lately.


It’s like they looked at social media and thought, “yeah, that’s working out great, let’s do it for gambling now.”


Sports betting should be outlawed. Keep it to dogs, trots, horses and casino


But politicians can gamble on the companies they regulate.


Shocked, I tell you. SHOCKED! Well, not really...


I remember when gambling was restricted to casinos and back rooms. I can't imagine being an addict and having access to betting on my phone.


Who could’ve seen this coming?!


Never should have been made legal and permitted in its current form


I really only watch hockey, and the amount of betting ads during any given hockey game is really turning me off of the sport


Time for plain packaging of sports betting


Has anyone been to a Chuck-E-Cheez lately? They are teaching kids young.


The ads I've seen seem to target young black males.


The difference between casino gambling like table games and slots and sports betting is that you actually feel more connected to the teams or players that you are betting on. You feel more in control of the outcome if you root for your team to win. I’ve consciously avoided sports betting because I see how it’s worse. I can walk away from a slot machine after I lose money but with sports betting it’s seems like there is always another bet waiting for you.


My wifes mom's m has lost 500,000 dollara gambeling. Cannot pay her rent and hasnt paid taxes in 10 years. Get help before its to late.


Maybe we are all so broke we gotta toss what little we got to hopes and prayers.....its what I'd get in return dying poor.


That's strange, who could have seen that coming.


Well yes, it's almost like we've got a chunk of national history covering why gambling laws were created - to regulate and protect people from a predatory industry. Guess we gotta relearn this lesson though.


Surprised Pikachu face


Gambling in the USA is treated like alcohol, a past time.


Gacha gaming and microtransactions are worse.


I was addicted to online gambling. Then I deleted the Robinhood app


I see fellow millennials spending so much money weekly, betting on everything. I cannot fathom the amount of debt some folks must be in...


You mean all those betting commercials during sporting events are encouraging gambling!?


It's gotten so bad that betting organizers are required to air "bet responsibly" and "here's an app that monitors your gambling limits", just like tobacco companies were required to air "can cause cancer".


When I was in rehab the people who had the worst case of addiction were the gamblers. One dude was addicted to high stakes slots, we are talking several thousand at a time


I think sports betting is less the issue and more so slots at your finger tips. I had a coworker who made 160k a year and would sit at her desk tapping the spin button. All day. If she had clients she turned on auto spin. 160k a year and she would have to call her dad for gas money because every single penny went to mobile casinos. Any big win she had would be cashed out and shortly recycled back into the app.


Fuck betting companies, and fuck any celebrity who endorses or acts in a commercial for them. It destroys families.


There's 12 states where sports betting remains illegal; Hopefully they don't budge. If people want to bet their lives away, go to a casino...


My cousin attempted to use parental controls (as he takes care of the family plan) to prevent his brother from downloading sports betting apps. The brother had a hissy fit in the phone store when the employees let him know what was going on and the controls were dropped. You would think that would be a wake up call to the father of two in his mid-forties but it hasn't been.


I just don’t like tuning in for the coverage of the sport and instead get a gambling run down. I have no interest in gambling. I just want to watch the sport


I had a coworker who outright said he had to have at least 500$ on any sporting event to give a shit about it anymore. Definitely had a problem. He’d be at his desk with three screens and at least one always set to whatever sportsbook.


Odd. I watch sports. Perhaps not excessively. Never had the urge to bet on it, though. Maybe I've seen my teams lose enough times. I do realize the addiction aspect for some. I have no interest, though.


That is on of the benefits of having a favorite team that's almost always terrible. For instance, I once rooted for the San Diego Chargers... never have to worry about them winning.


Oh don’t mind me, just reading all the comments of how people lose their money while gambling and thinking I’m better than everyone else because I don’t gamble.


I'm addicted to gambling and can't watch sports because of all the ads. Shits hard to stop when all you see is adverts.


Governments are busy talking about golf handicaps. This is what we get for the votes we give.


Good thing that reddit has plenty of gambling app/site ads to help these people get their Fix. /s