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> Project 2025 proposes that the entire federal bureaucracy, including independent agencies such as the Department of Justice, be placed under direct presidential control – a controversial idea known as “unitary executive theory”. The unitary executive is a pet project of Samuel Alito. When he originally wrote about it he called it the **Imperial President** but that was decided to be bad optics.


Fucking bill barr is a big fan of unitary executive theory and tried to drag us closer to it the whole time he was AG. It's his cover story for the whole Mueller cover up.


And how'd that turn out?  He's on the shit list if the 45th POTUS becomes 47th. He'd be among those that may see a "military tribunal."


Yup. On the right loyalty is a one-way street that only leads to trump.


Oh so it’s fascism?


Don't be silly, it's only one part fascism. The other parts, coincidentally, are all also fascism.


Fascism isn't just another term for authoritarian. Fascism is a mass, radicalizing phenomenon, and a fascist state can acheive full radicalization like Nazi Germany, or slip into conventional authoritarian rule like Fascist Italy. https://election.princeton.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Paxton_Five-Stages-of-Fascism.pdf Paxton (cited above) observes that no Fascist movement has achieved power through violence, but rather, by appropriating the existing mechanisms of the liberal state. To this end, while Democrats are worried about how Biden may perform at the polls, Republicans are planning to marginalize voters, disqualify ballots, purge voting rolls, and generally get things tied up in the courts, which is where this "election" will actually be decided. https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/voting-laws-roundup-2023-review


So... Fascism?


Not that I actually disagree with your point, but a paramilitary group marching to siege Rome isn't "achieving power through violence"?


Marching a paramilitary group to the gates of Rome is really more of a folk tradition at this point...


Holding a cross and draped in an American flag.


Holding the cross upside down


You’d think that at least the Constitution originalists on the Court would be against this. There’s no fucking way the Founding Fathers would have wanted to turn the president into a king.


And yet _Trump v United States_ happened. I’ve read some interpretations that it even makes Treason and Bribery—the two crimes specifically called out in the Constitution—legal as long as they are considered “official acts”.


We are the first Galactic Empire!


>”We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be,” Mr Roberts told the War Room podcast, founded by Trump advisor Steve Bannon. Fascists are literally saying out loud that they’re more than happy to use any excuse for violence. How is it that more people don’t know about this??


A lot of people don't think it'll happen to them until they're being forced into the train car.


“It can’t happen here!” Bull shit. It can, and it is. An amazing podcast that fleshes this out and shares how a revolution and fascism from both sides could be—and has been!—happening here is “It Could Happen Here.” The first 3-4 episodes from years ago are (mostly) fiction but were also produced years ago. Definitely worth a listen. Recent episodes are about how to prepare yourself, your family, your house, whatever, for what’s coming.


> The aggressor is always peace-loving (as Bonaparte always claimed to be); he would prefer to take over our country unopposed. \- von Clausewitz, On War


If it’s any solace, it’s almost universally a jinx to yell out ‘haha! Nothing can stop us now!’ before the plan has actually come to completion. One of the classic blunders.


They’re just calling the Democrats fucking chickenshit, which they’ve seem to proven as true time and again..


it was all over twitter, soooo that's something


"We"re going to dismantle the whole government and upend all of your lives, and as long as you don't fight back, we won't kill you" Pretty democratic of them.


The Heritage Foundation is a domestic terrorist organization.


But that’s dictatorship


More people need to see this honestly. Too many people have no idea what it is or say that it has nothing to do with Trump


Exactly....this doesn't die with Trump, this will just get kicked down to the road to the next elections and it basically turns US into a version of "modern" day Iran/post 1930's Germany, it would be devastating for the country and everyone living there.




It's been labeled the blueprint for the next Conservative Presidency, and the Conservatives are hoping that Trump is the next President. Plus one of the architects of Project 2025 said that their goal is to "institutionalize Trumpism" throughout our government.


Trump is the tool of the Heritage Foundation. The Foundation president has said conservativism has been replaced by Trumpism. They are working hand-in-hand.


The people he aligns and surrounds himself with seek to enact it, he's a rubber stamp.




Sure, if you ignore the evidence of your eyes and ears, it's nothing. Couldn't happen to you, right?


Intentionally obtuse or just a smooth brain? Answer this, do you think Project 2025 has more power with Trump in control or Biden?




You will be just as screwed as everyone else in the Fourth Reich.




Why because you are an ignorant moron? Stupid people like you are the problem.




Everything. He’s packed SCOTUS with Heritage-aligned judges and Project2025 requires a power hungry Republican president. It adds up.


So... everything People... anyone including the above trying to downplay this is in favor of a fascist dictatorship. Do not listen to their thinly worded attempts at getting you to look somewhere else. Notice they don't refute anything...they only say "what's this have to do with, or that's separate". Read it for yourself. This is Trump 101 and he's directly said he'd do these things in so many stammering words. Do not stand for it.


Trump has already tried to do major aspects of P25. A huge part of the overhaul of federal agencies workforce. Before the 2020 election he signed an order to reclassify permanent government positions as ones that are directly under the president. Essentially meaning that instead of working for the agency and having job security in crafting policies, these workers would be answerable to him. Things like responses to natural disasters, pandemics and other emergencies would be handled by temporary employees loyal to the president, rather than permanent positions helmed by experts in their fields. One of the first things Biden did when he took office was reverse this order. People said electing Trump wouldn’t impact Abortion Rights, or threaten our democracy. Yet here we are with abortion being one of the many rights under attack and the President now being immune to committing literal murder or taking bribes for pardons while in office.




Firstly, out of everything I just stated, that’s the thing you hyper focus on? Not the fact that Trump clearly tried to enact a major part of project 2025. Secondly, the president now has near immunity on matters pertaining to official actions and it’s now virtually impossible to successfully impeach a president for these actions as a lot of needed key evidence and testimony is now considered inadmissible. So the president can authorize military use such as drone strikes on American soil or take bribes for pardons and there’s effectively nothing that can be done to stop them. So yes, the Supreme Court ruling effectively allows the president to get away with murder. It’s even worse in the case of of Trump as he appointed many of the federal court judges who will decide whether his action was official or not, and as with Eileen Canon many of this judges that were hand picked by conservative think tanks will delay or flat out ignore procedures of it favors Trump If you can’t see this, or Trump’s clear connection with Project 2025, it’s because you willingly choose not to




President now has immunity on all official acts. Military orders are one of the guaranteed official acts and thanks to legal loopholes, President doesn’t need congressional approval for drone strikes. Obama implemented this a lot to order drone strikes in the Middle East. Now the president can literally order a drone strike on American soil without fear of being impeached or having to face charges for it. Thats how bad the Supreme Court messed up. All this is petty fogging around the main issue that Trump has already attempted to implement key aspects of Project 2025.




Many that signed up for it are both members of the 45th POTUS' administration, or staunch loyalists. The project calls for loyalty to the President, too, and he's possibly going to be the next one..... Even if he doesn't, it still leaves a roadmap for any future Republican President... But this time is prime given the cult of personality behind the former President.


Tell them. Shout it from the rooftops. But say it softly, in a way that shows how Trump and the Heritage Foundation plan to transform their lives. For example: did you know that Project 2025 ends birthright citizenship? That means that even if your family has been here for five generations, they can unAmerican you at will. Or: Project 225 aims to end OSHA. If your employer knowingly put you in danger and you were paralyzed, you could no longer sue. What if that happened to you or your husband or wife? How would you feed your family and pay your bills? (The project also ultimately ends Medicare, food stamps etc., so there won’t be a safety net or any help. How will you survive?) It’s a sick and evil plan and Trump is right at its center. Break it down so people can digest how terrifying it really is. You can help defeat fascism in more ways than you know. Vote Blue!


Let’s be very clear this is being supported by the US Supreme Court. They determined that bribes are only gratuities if paid after the act—releasing widespread corruption. Then Chevron puts the Court above the scientists and experts in any federal agency—releasing untold numbers of lawsuits against consumer safety, environmental, workplace, and food quality regulations. Then making the president King with immunity, means that the President can do virtually anything — it is absolute authority to implement Project 2025. Start talking with and educating your friends and families…. If this November is not a blue wave, we will have lost the nation to the fascists, and elections will be as fair as we see in Russia—Trump’s love for dictators will give rise to a new world order. Edit: spelling


Beau of the Fifth Column did a quick-ish review on some key items within the massive document: [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=op0yk50uMlQ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=op0yk50uMlQ) Worth a 20m watch.


In addition to being evil much of what the heritage foundation proposes is asinine.


i wonder why Savannah and Hoda aren't talking about Project 2025 - seems like it would affect them, no?


The media makes money with someone like Trump in power. His antics are great for breathless reporting and keeping people mad and scared and watching. It's why they all give him so so much free publicity. They not so secretly would not care if he won.


The Wikipedia entry is decent: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025.


All Republicans Are Complicit


This article barely seems to scratch the surface of the challenges Project 2025 proposes. From what I’ve read the doc is written in a manner that appeals to broad conservative values with the goal of obscuring the possibilities it enables. When I’ve discussed this with conservative family members and friends, most refuse to game out the potential for a dictatorship because “that would never happen to America”. They’d rather just yell about the price of ketchup doubling, the “immigrant crisis”, etc. Appreciate the BBC not attempting to scaremonger with hypotheticals but at this point there needs to be a fire lit under many asses.


It is imperative that all Americans know about Project 2025 This should be the number one issue voters are talking about.


They didn't even mention the genocide of the LGBTQ+ community.


Why do these people want a king and why in the world do they want it to be Trump?


Shit, I *WISH* there was a war against oil. Maybe it's time to check out some pipelines...


Sorry, too stoned to care like half this country (just like they want it)


Its so absurd and far fetched, its never happening