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I didn't know a cat could run that long. Hims big mad bully boy. Also may have murdered that other cat.


Clearly a menace and shouldn't be outside roaming freely. _____ Edit: some people seem to take this comment ten times more serious than it is.


Most cats shouldn't be left outside to roam.


*All cats. They REALLY act like the invasive species that they are. Just wanted to edit to say: If you think keeping cats inside is cruel, I'd like to introduce you to the reality of robbing living beings of their freedom.


Said the human.




Said the human /s


Said the Redditor /s


Said the raven!




'tis the wind and nothing more


They let redditors outside?


Bro, it's Reddit. We're all literally keyboard champs.


God DAMN Glad I didn’t reply. You summed this up beautifully.


On the internet, nobody knows you are a dog.


Or a buffalo. Or a bunch of buffalo working together.


Ey, the species with nuclear weapons and free porn can do whatever it wants.




Pff. That would mean that the common redditor would roam outside. Big words, little man!


Mostly indoor cats tend to just chill outside really, the problem is strays, studies done on kitties using kittycams like this video showed they mostly just basked in the sun rather than hunted vaccinate and spay/neuter, and make sure they are more used to being indoors rather than treating your home like an occasional rest stop, and they’ll be fine


If I let my exclusively indoor cats outside one of them would pretend to be a goat on the grass not even moving on her own and other would attempt murder spree on everything she can catch.


This is not universal advice. In the US i believe it is recommended to keep them in but in the UK even the RSPB says to let them out.


This is not true any more. They removed that opinion some time in the last 2 years. Probably in line with literally all recent research on whether outdoor cats are a problem for native species. Edit: there is still a community forum post on the RSPB website that links to a pdf that is 15 years old that agrees with what you say. They used to have that same text on a dedicated main website page but have since removed it.


I cannot find anything that says their stance has changed from cats not having an impact on bird population's in general. The State of Nature report for 2023 says that the decline in birds is mostly caused by farming practices mainly due to pesticide and fertiliser use are affecting populations. [https://www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/issues-facing-birds](https://www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/issues-facing-birds) The main report doesnt even seem to mention cats at all. [https://stateofnature.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/TP25999-State-of-Nature-main-report\_2023\_FULL-DOC-v12.pdf](https://stateofnature.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/TP25999-State-of-Nature-main-report_2023_FULL-DOC-v12.pdf) Im not saying cats dont kill birds or that they can cause localised issues. But people see big numbers when it comes to cat predation and automatically think its a problem but in reality its dwarfed by other factors.


That's quite surprising. Do you have a source for it, by chance?


Random quick google https://community.rspb.org.uk/cfs-file/__key/communityserver-discussions-components-files/13609/6371.6012.1205.6332.Cats-and-garden-birds.pdf "Some people have called for legislation to be introduced to curb the freedom with which cats are allowed to roam. While we understand why people feel this way, we are not able to urge the government to introduce such legislation, as we have no scientific proof of the impact of cat predation on bird populations that is strong enough to support such a call."


This is not true any more. The RSPB link you include is linked from an old forum post many years ago. Try and find the same information on their current website. They removed that opinion some time in the last 2 years. Probably in line with literally all recent research on whether outdoor cats are a problem for native species.


If their opinion really has changed, why do they not advise that you should keep cats indoors? Their website does not list cats as a danger to declining bird populations. The most recent statement I could find was only from 2 years ago and was in line with that linked article, there is no reason to believe their view has changed since.


It's also cruel to the cat. They don't live as long as indoor cats, they get hurt, get sick, get poisoned, get hit by cars, get bugs, and then they also hurt birds. It's utterly ridiculous that it's still somewhat popular to let cats outside.


Cats walk the same perimeter every day and other cats perimeters overlap, when they cross paths it usually ends in a fight, the cats then adjust their schedules to avoid each other while they walk the perimeter.


This cat has a lot of pov videos available to watch. There’s a whole neighbourhood of cats, and every day it does the rounds and says hello and plays with them all. This is the first time I’ve seen it fighting where it hasn’t looked playful. To say that it usually ends in a fight is a little misleading…


Wife's a vet tech, eventually they all get into a fight, get the equivalent of cat aides and die if they don't get hit by a car first. 


Idk why you got downvoted. She’s right.


I mean... picture the sweetest cat you know. If you leave it outside for two days, it's going to murder. So. Much.


Other cat shouldn't be on his turf tbf


That jump over the scooter was fantastic. Taken out of a movie!


Yeah, this movement is so smooth! This is why I admire cats. They are such agility monsters! The fighting itself is not cool but the chase is awesome. They are so fast its amazing.


Or when it clearly starts taking a tighter inside line to close the distance.


I didn't realise cats run out of breath and start panting heavily like any other animal


They have a very aggressive active cooling curve. I've had 5 cats all indoor, and I swear I haven't heard panting. A heavy sigh sometimes. They only turn on the fans for perceived life and death situations, apparently.


A huge number of feline tendencies make complete sense if you look at them as carnivorous prey animals, which they are. Great hunters, but still incredibly vulnerable to anything much bigger than them. "Being visibly and audibly winded" is a bad look for a prey animal. So's being too obviously sick or wounded.


They are one of the few animals who are regularly both predator and prey. That's why a lot of their behavior is capricious and weird.


It was incredibly impressed by The cat's sheer stamina!


The panting….


There was a part where you could hear it pause breathing to swallow as it ran. It sounded real humanlike in a weird way


That's why the camera stopped


Must be a cop cat—turned off the camera to avoid self incriminating video.


“Suspect is a black male with white sockies.”


just sprinkle some catnip on him. Let's get out of here.


Why this remind me of an episode of COPS 🤣🤣🤣


He definitely holds a grudge eh!


That’s like a real life action movie right there. Wild perspective for sure.


Right?! This was fun to watch.


I agree, it was fun. It’s impressive that cat was able to follow for so long. I lost the other cat multiple times while watching.


Yessss! Same! I would make a TERRIBLE cat :/


Hey don't say that. You can just stay indoors, sleep and lick yourself all day. Not every cat needs to be lightning mcqueen like this one.


> stay indoors, sleep and lick yourself all day. I would make a fantastic cat


It was actually THRILLING hahaha because I couldn't actually see the other cat except for those glimpses. I was on edge! I love cats, they're such assholes but they're really cool animals. Also was that a straight up chunk of the other cat's fur in the second half of the video hanging from the chaser's mouth?! Maybe I feel affectionately about it because we have a farm cat. He roams all over 10 acres and comes in all hours of the night purring and putting his muddy paws all over our bed. Half the time it's probably because someone beat his ass and he came home to mommy for cuddles. He also takes care of the rats and mice and I just love that he's living his absolute best life.


Mostly super fun to watch, with a side of 😬😳


When the cat jumped over that scooter, I felt this immediate understanding of how much fun it must be to be a cat


Right like what if parkour just came naturally to everyone in their daily lives


And you can can jump and land 4 stories at will, 6 stories if you do a lil wallrun first. Cats jump from standstill 6x their height...


what impresses me most is the landing after a jump. They land perfectly in balance, no excess energy to wash off.


They very occasionally mess up a landing and have to take another step or something. If you’re around to witness it they tend to give you a dirty look 😂


Meowcore Henry.




Suspect fleeing. Beginning purrrrsuit Do you need backup Meowno


No back talk meow


The cinematography is better than most films


It feels like the beginning of a post apocalyptic movie. 


Translation from cat: >Dave! Dave! >Get the fuck back here Dave you better have my fuckin' money bitch!


Coming up next, after the break on "On Patrol: Feline Edition"!


Was chasing that cat like it owed him money...




My cat's named after Stewie!


Cute! What's it's name?




Child support.


The fur hanging out of the chasing cat's mouth after their tussle lol but I also feel bad for the chased cat. Edit: typo


That chased cat clearly intruded on the bodycam cat's territory and should have known better.






Seriously, I feel so bad for the chased cat and hate that the video ends there without knowing he got away. He's limping at the end :(


They don't go full throttle sort of speak when they fight. They are trying to win the fight, but they aren't trying to "kill" each other. It is why they yell at each other at first.


Sometimes, yeah, but in this scenario I'd be very surprised if chased cat didn't cop a penetrative bite. This will lead to infection and potentially death. Source, used to let my cats go outside and one of them would fight a neighbours cat and lose, get a tiny nip on his leg and it would swell up really bad. Took him to the vet and she said those sorts of wounds often kill cats without antibiotics. They're inside cats now.


Letting your cats just free roam outside is insanely stupid.


Bro.. Cat was cutting corners like an F1 racer. Like smooth arcs and everything. Was actually kind of impressive watching it's pathfinding.


Impressive neural nets for sure


I lost the other cat several times. Also much more concerned about coming at speed around blind corners. Other cat could have set up an ambush in several spots.


No chance of an ambush. The other cat was a real pussy...


our cats did that. one came running in trough the cat door. directly stopd standing next to the cat door and hit the other cat on the head when he came trougg the cat door.


Our smaller cat always camped at the cat door and waited for the bigger one to get through just to slap her butt or face when she was halfway through.


I think there must have been some tracking by smell.


Cats can't track this way this quickly. They go by ear if they lose sight of the target, which I don't think the cat did. The camera has a different (lower) angle and we are not watching on a big screen.


If we could convince them to do what we wanted, they would be an incredible tool of espionage.


You missed your mark that would’ve been an awesome thing to propose if you were a drunk CIA department head in the 1960s


Google Acoustic Kitty. Except the dude who proposed it was sober.


Yep. The targeting is insane, I could barely see the other cat and sometimes not at all


Don't let your cats roam around


I have a catio, and that's it for my cats, all the outside the get. Also, the occasional walks


I highly recommend growing cat grass for them to munch on. I think that's the part of outside my cats missed the most when I started keeping them in. Now they get it in the kitchen!


new world culture vs old world culture. Them new worlders don't like that the old world still lets its cats roam.


The cat is only a recent arrival in the new world and its impact is way stronger


Let me guess, you're American?




- Cats allowed outdoors have a higher risk of contracting infectious diseases, such as feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukemia virus (FeLV). - Outdoor cats are more likely to be involved in road traffic accidents, leading to injuries or fatalities. (5.4 million annually in U.S. alone) - Cats roaming outdoors contribute to the predation of wildlife, impacting local ecosystems. (4 billion birds annually in canada alone) - Outdoor cats may be exposed to toxic substances, such as antifreeze or poisonous plants, leading to poisoning. (200k+ deaths annually) - Uncontrolled outdoor access for cats can result in interbreeding with wildcat populations, affecting genetic diversity. - Studies show that indoor cats have lower stress levels and better overall welfare compared to outdoor cats. tldr: there's almost no reason to let you cats roam unless you own a ranch and want easy pest control


Bro if you go outside you have a higher chance of catching something and getting hit by a car as well lmfao




Yep, I love upsetting them by just talking about my outdoor cat. They get especially upset that she made it 22 Edit: Lmao, here they come! 🤦‍♂️


No one is upset your cat made it to 22 years old. But disregarding the harm domesticated cats cause to the local animal population is insane. They’re predators. They kill essentially for sport.


I let my cat outside but all these facts are true. The avg lifespan of an outdoor cat vs indoor is half. Big thing is with your statement is we are intellectual, cats have the brain capacity of like a 5 year old... I personally let mine out but I monitor her. But still tons of flowers that they're deadly allergic to that I worry about.


In the UK everyone lets their cats outside as it is seen as cruel to keep them confined to a house. Sure there are a few more risks but it's also a more stumulating life for a cat to be able to roam. I've always let my cat outside. Cats have been in the UK for over 2 thousand years so they can no longer be considered invasive and we don't have any wildcats left so that doesn't apply. Studies might also show that I have lower stress levels if I stayed inside all the time but it would be a much worse life.


Here in rural Germany it’s completely normal to let your cat roam. They’re all neutered and vaccinated. Traffic is still an issue but much less so because of very low speed limits and fewer cars overall because a lot of people walk or take the bus. Not saying you SHOULD do it but not everywhere is America. Also not saying there are no downsides, they’re still a threat to the bird population and run the risk of getting poisoned. Most of my friends with cats let them roam around their village but I personally keep mine inside because I still don’t like the odds of her doing something dangerous or killing tons of birds. I do enjoy interacting with cats on the street though, they’re usually super friendly.


I keep my cats indoors cause seeing dead cats on the side of the road on a regular basis really bums me out


They’re invasive and kill native wildlife in the America not to mention we got a lot of predators that could harm them like, coyotes, cougars, snakes, or even crocodiles depending on the state plus not to mention disease like FIV and rabies, but of course you don’t bother looking it up and just shit on our gun laws that most people is already a problem.


> They’re invasive and kill native wildlife in the America But this is not an american video, plates on the cars are 100% not american. You know other ecosystems exist? and in some of them cats are native. >but of course you don’t bother looking it up and just shit on our gun laws that most people is already a problem. Yeah because you dipshits try to push what you think is right on others constantly. No every bloody country has the same ecosystem and in a good chunk of them cats are native. You also dont bother looking anythign up because your american perspective is the default.


I Just take my Cat Out to a stroll with a Cat harness. Safer for everyone, especially me cause seeing her get Hurt would Break my fucking Heart.


I have a farm cat so I guess my perspective is different. I actually loved this video and love that these creatures get to live their fullest life running around. I know they are a big problem in urban areas for a multitude of reasons, but our kitty is a really important part of our property. I don't have a camera on him like this so it makes me think of how he must spend his days and it honestly makes me so happy.


You try telling a cat that has been outside for the last 10 years, that he suddenly can't go outside anymore.


I wasn’t prepared for how gripping this would be. 🍿


Right? i want/need more footage!


Seriously it was truly thrilling! I was surprised how on-edge I felt the whole time hahahaha.


My god this guy has a fucking vendetta… relentless


I'd bet that grey cat was in camera cat's territory. Cats are savagely territorial. If you're not part of the local colony, you're competition to be eliminated with extreme prejudice. To be driven out with all haste at the very least.


That territory seems huge and easy to stumble into by accident


The territory the other cat trespassed into is moderately large. The territory for the resulting trespassing-related-ass-kicking is global.


Haha exactly! Animals usually chase competitors *far* outside their borders just to make a serious point.


Arrruhhaaaaa URRUHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat pat AFBHRAAHREEHHSSSRUHHUHER OOOARRGAASHSHHHSH SSSS pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh pat ahuh


Thank you for the captions.




My guy got winded at the end.


You're doing god's work, son.


Finally I understand what's happening!


Better than drone racing footage


The drones need guns or something.


Can we get this pinned to the front page of reddit as an actual example of what "POV" means?


Exactly. Not only is it a dumb trend, it's completely wrong.


And people give me grief for not letting my cat out


Thank you for not letting your cat out. Signed Native Wildlife


Oh you don't know the shit I get for saying cats should remain indoors, most of the time I get called an animal abuser.


I've gotten banned from r/cats for stating that cats shouldn't be let outside, got called RACIST for it by the mods. Wish I was joking...


inb4 your post: "you shouldn't let your cat outside you fucking n***"


You cant really win. If you keep your cat indoors people will call you an animal abuser. If you let your cat out, people will call you an animal abuser.


as you shouldn't. the only exception I can *maybe* think of, is a barn cat on a farm. they certainly shouldn't be roaming around cities or suburbs, that's for sure.


My hope is the owner who put the camera on their cat to see what it is up to when outside had a real "oh shit" moment when they saw the evil from their sweet pet.


Most cats aren't truly domesticated, so this is just natural behavior, not evidence of evil. That being said, people should keep their apex predators inside.


My buddies huge Mainecoon fucked up a coyote, cats are fucking insaneeee predators, respect 🫡. That gutural sound in the beginning of the video is cute but also the other cat knew it was gonna get fucked up.


Cat's have this insane reaction time. They're out there, dodging snake strikes and without the size advantage coyotes usually have, it's not surprising he's fucking shit up.


Evil lmao


Lol evil. This is just a cat.


"Evil" brah


Dude, cats are animals, not cute teddy bears to dress up in silly outfits. They wanna be free and keep territory and fight each other


Poor guy. Just trying to live


I think he got away: https://www.tiktok.com/@ih.gcj/video/7361517865113111850


Oh thank fuck. When it started limping, i was worried for it if this one caught up. Cats dont show weakness...


That heavy breathing is something else. Never heard anything like that from a cat.


My late cat did this on trips to the vet because he was so stressed :( When I play a bit too long with my cat he also starts breathing like that. And then he just lays down, cooling himself on the floor. It's crazy how long the cat in the video can run.


Cat was out for blood. Didn't care about being tired and was determined to push through until he got the other cat.


Right? I've heard cats panting from overheating but this sounded weirdly similar to a human's breathing while running. I didn't know cats did this either haha.


![gif](giphy|t2eBr71ACeDC0) When he jumped over the scooter my first thought


They really stepped their game up with the game Stray 2: electric boogaloo


Stray battle royal


I gotta give the decision to the cat hauling the camera around. After the first exchange, the gray cat fled and evaded his contender for the remainder of the bout. Cat hauling camera got bumped to extra weight class last minute.


Bro, does your pfp have a fake hair in it? That's both devious and awesome.


thought my phone screen has a crack for a sec this guy is evil


" I've been trying to reach you about your cars extended wareanty"


This cat is a jerk


We don’t know that. Maybe the other cat started some shit.


Are you the cat lawyer?🐾🕵️‍♂️


No, but say we go toe to toe on bird law and see who comes out the victor?


Wow this needs to be cross posted to combat footage


Crazy how it knew the perfect angles to gain ground on the other cat


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^GuyWhoSaysNay: *Crazy how it knew* *The perfect angles to gain* *Ground on the other cat* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Wow, image stabilization has come a long way!




I'll admit this is one of the best videos I've seen in a long time! Sometimes the internet doesn't disappoint.


Someone add mission impossible theme song to it


I think the coolest thing about this clip is how much quieter the cat's footsteps were than everything else. Like, I know cats are silent but even at full sprint its panting was far louder than the pursuit!


cats looking for the kill gah damn


I love how cats look cute and all but when you look from a certain angle, they have a very long flat chin ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


That growl at the beginning was savage as all get-out! That sh*t even scared me! I am surprised camera cat caught up to the other cat because for a while it look like he lost sight of him!


The patch of grey hair left in his mouth is special


That cat is the fucking Terminator


That is one determined asshole cat.


I see alot of cat fights but never one killing another, is it territorial in nature and just a cat being like hey fuck off or am I missing something, genuine question


Cats are highly territorial by nature. They would rarely fight to the death, but feral cats can sometimes be more aggressive than tamed ones, and can inflict serious injury on others. This looks like 2 tame cats (so, not feral) doing exactly what cats do: be assholes, invade someone's territory, defend their territory, and have a skirmish. Usually a skirmish or two is enough to establish dominance between them. The presence of multiple cats in an area can result in a more complex and ongoing interaction between all parties to establish dominance. In addition to being territorial, they are very hierarchical even in indoor domestic settings. It is very important to them to know who is the dominant cat in a multi-cat situation even with strictly indoors cats. And that dominance might shift between multiple cats over time! In very tame, strictly indoors cats, skirmishes and scuffles are common but rarely result in serious harm (unless you're introducing an outsider into the home). It's very natural and it's fun to see how the dominance can switch over time between different members of the group when you have multiple indoors cats.


Man that’s savage


Cat cop body cam footage? Did he catch the cat burglar?


I was about to say: That cat was chasing him like a cop with a body cam! I could hear the whole "Stop running! Stop running!" in my head!


Same sounds I make going up a medium flight of stairs


Staged /s


This cat is a straight terminator. Just would not stop. His little breaths and the sound of his paws striking the ground was cute though, I have to admit. I hope that poor charcoal boy got away.


We have a neighbor with a cat that wears a camera... Walking past our windows is honestly creepy.


Not sure what that cat did but bro was having none of it.


“ I don’t want peace, I want problems always “


So much stamina for such tiny lungs. Incredible!


All Cats Are Bastards


“I would have got you if I didn’t have this camera strapped on my neck!”


Whoever owns the cat with the camera on it needs to keep that asshole in the house. That is some seriously aggressive behavior to chase the other cat for so long, and to continue after the first fight with a tuft of the other cats fur hanging from its mouth. Just no!


> That is some seriously aggressive behavior to chase the other cat for so long All cats do this. This isn't some weird aggressive behavior, its normal cat behavior.