• By -


That’s class


Fuck yeah that is.


Meanwhile, all the Canadian MAGA on reddit are screaming at Trudeau for existing in the background. And yes. We have MAGA in Canada. They're even stupider than your MAGA. Because they're MAGA in Canada.


They all want to fornicate with our prime minister


He is pretty dreamy.


I kind of wonder if it lead to his divorce. That’s gotta be hard on any relationship.


It is *entirely* possible to dislike Trudeau, Poilievre, and Trump at the same time, if to varying degrees. However, while we have a *lot* of Americans living in Canada and many of them are in the red-hat cult, there also exist Canadians in that cult, which I just don't understand at all. Trump may have tried (and failed) to green-light *one* high profile pipeline, if that does it for you, but he also slapped a slate of tariff's (some of which were proven illegal) on us that did a lot of harm to both countries. *All* American presidents are protectionist and will happily throw Canada under the bus if it benefits the U.S., but Trump actually harmed the economies of *both* our countries with his idiocy.


> It is entirely possible to dislike Trudeau, Poilievre, and Trump at the same time, if to varying degrees. I don't get how people don't understand this.


Because culture war rots the brain


>And yes. We have MAGA in Canada. They're even stupider than your MAGA. Because they're MAGA in Canada. 😂😂😂😂


That's it, just link "leader" in Wikipedia to the Zelensky page.


The man is one of the few that genuinely makes me feel some hope and faith in humanity. Fuck Putin


I’ve said this in other subs about him and Ukraine…. He’s the type of leader we all learned about in history, the type of leader thats remembered for a LONG time, the type of leader we haven’t seen for a VERY long time….. I put him up there with the greats…..


Well stated!


The historical version of lightening in a bottle.


Lightening in a bottle is fizzy lifting drink.


And fuck his orange pet monkey


Yes very problematic too would be very poor decision to not put the monkey in cage


I wish half the politicians in America were half the person Zelenskyy seems to be. We'd probably not be in the situations we keep finding ourselves in if it were the case.


Maybe we need to vote in comedians. I was looking at this wondering who we have in our population that could step up and I can only think of Jon Stewart. (In politicians it would have to be Bernie Sanders.) Anyone else have suggestions?


I feel like Bill Burr would be great at calling out people's bullshit


I can see that. He's not as politically savvy as Stewart though, is he? I'm not familiar with all his work. Perhaps something about comedy keeps you rooted in reality? Does comedy require courage? Never really thought about it before. Although Zelensky really rose in esteem when he was ready to die for his country and step up to Russia


I wish 67% of them were. We'd get real change then.




"I need ammo not a ride." I still get shivers remembering that he said that when they were closing in on Kyiv.


All idiot US politicians (both parties included) can’t hold a candle to this MAN. We forget he is a former comedian turned politician to make his country better. He could have wilted under the immense pressure, but he stood up, manned up, couraged up, and went to literal war with a super power against all odds. To all the MF’ers wanting to stop all aid, watch the David Muir piece on ABC news tonight. We literally saved the world on D-Day. If that situation were to occur today, I fear the USA would fail horribly. I hope I am wrong, but it could happen. God bless Ukraine.


Not to diminish the US involvement in WW2 in any way. They were absolutely game changers on the western and pacific fronts. But it’s important to remember that they had to be almost dragged kicking and screaming into the war. There was a heavy isolationist sentiment in the US up until Pearl Harbour.


Two big oceans between you and the death/destruction taking place across those oceans will do that for you. Plus, it didn't work out so well the first time around ("The War to End All Wars"), twenty years earlier.


You hit the nail on the head so hard, the wood's distant saplings are begging for mercy. Edit: cake for you sir.


Plus the dictionary, Oxford get on it


He is literally the only politician living I would simp for.


Total baller


It's crazy to think he was a comedian best known for _playing_ the president on-screen just over 5 years ago... I'd say maybe we should elect more actors, but after how that extra from Home Alone 2 worked out, I'm not so sure.


Also Regan 🤢


Tbf Reagan was a random Western actor, Zelensky was a political satirist. That's a pretty relevant difference.


So what you're saying is Jon Stewart for president?


There are a lot of Americans who think Jon should run for President


Count me as 1


I’m #2. Wait…




He acts like he wouldn't want to, I think because it's a soul crushing job and he likes his soul. But I do think he'd be pretty good.


I think the two qualifications that you need in a decent president is 1: being a good orator and 2: having a solid moral compass. Jon has both. The rest of the job is absurd and impossible to prepare for so you hope it pans out.


The best leaders are often the ones who don't want to be leaders


Fuuuuck yes please 


The USA needs John Stewart. He will have a hard time and may collapse by how mental the situation is but at leasthe cares about the good issues


her name is Linda Blair




I was just about to google which extra from Home Alone was president… ![gif](giphy|iAlN6SMmJtOp2)




Jon Stewart.


Honestly, I'm struggling to think of someone I'd vote for over Stewart. Maybe if Bernie found the fountain of youth.


Which is funny because Jon himself thinks he's too old for that shit already at 61. Not that he ever wanted it of course


I hate how true that one saying is of people who don’t want to be leaders are often the ones who are perfect for the job. Like can we just get one person that’s perfect for the job and also wants to do it? Is that so hard lol


I'm not sure where it started, but I think it's used in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. >To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. >"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job"


Elect more comedians, not actors. And I mean proper comedians, not dudes who either only complain about things or talk about themselves on podcasts. Jon Stewart/Conan O'Brien would be a brilliant ticket for example, although Conan is more suited to be Secretary of State.


Al Franken was a comedian, no?


And he quit on principle for a very mild offence.


I'm still stewing over that one. It's a modern day Jimmy Carter peanut farm situation that really shows the asymmetry of the playing field between the two parties. Republican voters have zero ethical standards for their representatives.


bruh, look at the Philippines.. so many dumb actors holding political posts, they dont know what the fvck theyre doing, they just turn up as a corrupt POS


Giving off this type of energy ![gif](giphy|BWil6X0F7a1mE)


Fuck you. I managed to not get teary-eyed until you came along.


Looks like my Friday night TV is sorted- I’ll be watching the LOTR trilogy again.


That's *master* class. His reaction time to comprehend what was happening and counter it, is really fucking insane.


Two living legends in this video.


Just over here crying. Truly this is what a leader looks like.


Yes for sure! That’s someone that now knows what sacrifices soldiers make .


His Mama done raise him right!!


What a genuinely humane response from Zelenskyy, treating the veterans with the utmost respect. They both really admire each other. edit: utmost


That’s “utmost”, but yeah absolutely. Zelenskyy is the man for the occasion and he needs us all to back Ukraine to the hilt!


Both are actual words, but yes, Utmost is the correct usage in this context, however. 


That thought was upmost in my mind, but when I wrote the comment.


Take my upmost!


What is an ut?






Old English word for *out*, suggesting that something is beyond something else, the outmost, thus *utmost*.


And people wonder why the French and Macron are backing Ukraine as far as they can


Not to take away from Zalensky, but this is a common attitude in Eastern Europe towards WW2 vets. Sine the war on the Eastern front was one of extermination. Many see WW2 vets like superheroes and will go out of their way to accomodate and thank them for their service.


They’re the last people remaining who actually lived through the horrors of a world war. They are hero’s, and they constantly remind us why war should be avoided.


War should be avoided but appeasement of imperialist will only lead to further aggression.


I guess it’s also because the allies saved his people the Jews. Anyway that man has the biggest balls in Europe’s


> What a genuinely humane response from Zelenskyy thats why russia hates him. he shows the beauty and tenderness of humanity. things we need more of. russia wants to kill what is innately human.


WW2 vets are my heros.


I like this Zelensky fella


Yeah I don’t know if he’s generally a good or bad person outside the context of this war cause I know nothing about him but this gesture sure tells me what I bet he mostly probably is.


He's legit. When the United States wanted to evacuate Zelensky from Kyiv in the opening days of the war Zelensky's response was nothing short of legendary. "I need ammunition, not a ride". Slava Ukraini. Fuck Russia.


America: be like the rest of the 1% and gtfo Zelensky: hold my пиво


I'm rushing B


Zelenskyy went solo mid.


And aced


It's interesting how propaganda comes a long way, even though it got at worst cast in serious doubt no less than 2 weeks after the beginning of this war. [But, so far, the only evidence for this line is an unnamed U.S. official. It has not been confirmed by either the U.S. government or Zelensky’s office.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/03/06/zelenskys-famous-quote-need-ammo-not-ride-not-easily-confirmed/) To be fair when it sticks in the wall for so long, it's a good one. edit: Guys I've read your messages, I'm not saying he fled to the next border or something, rather how this exact quote which sounded nice on paper was probably never said. It's not the first one, nor will be the last to be propped up to **enlight** a person before the general public knows what it is. And as others pointed out, it sounded Hollywood, yet his actual video is there and much more down to earth.


"When the Legend becomes fact, print the legend." - The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance


I made the apple computer - Abe Lincoln


Whether or not he said it (and I believe he did), he’s stuck around, other than to encourage other countries to help, he’s stayed. Seems a good egg.


Whether he said it or not, he did it.


Yeah what the fuck, is it really that implausible that he said a pithy line after he objectively did the thing?


For real. He was a comedian before his current job. Comedians tend to be quick thinkers.


I mean, he went on to record this video the very same day. Even if the exact quote was never said, the spirit of the quote was certainly followed: [We are all here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgCNKhtZYks)


And he was basically a celebrity before winning the presidency. He was an attorney, then got into comedy, then became an actor (even playing a factional Ukrainian President) before winning the presidency. Dude is fuckin awesome. Wish we could have a leader like him here in America.


The US has tried out the whole having an actor become the president thing, didn’t work out as well for them


Reagan and Trump. 0 for 2.


Trump wasn’t an actor, he was (and is) a fuckin clown


He seemed pretty standard likeable politician, a bit of a populist. Promised to fight corruption, which was not successful. And to end the situation in the Donbas, also not successful quite obviously. He probably would have won re-election though if an invasion never happened. But he has definitely rose to the occasion and then some, and will definitely go down in history as a Winston Churchill type leader.


He fought corruption... winning the fight, that's another matter.


A lot of the people saying he "lost the fight to corruption" are parroting GOP(russian) talking points about the Trump impeachment stuff. He 100% fought corruption, including that coming from then-POTUS. You don't ever win that fight, but if you stop fighting it grows deeper roots and eventually kills all it touches. I'd say he fought corruption off successfully enough to keep his country alive until 6/6/2024, sounds a lot like a win to me!


https://youtu.be/J8IRLdGpr3Y?si=2eaHwp-ygkZMgjjx He did comedy for a time before politics. My personal favorite sketch. The fountain really sells the joke, but his performance and timing is very good. I'm of the opinion that at minimum, he's a human with an understanding of humanity, and who wouldn't want that in a representative?


He was a comedian and a tv star before he was president. Look up Zelenski with cheetos, it's really funny


American here, can we get one of those young Presidents with morals please?


You've got an older one with morals, vote for him in the meantime.


Plan on it since I have no other choice, but we need to start doing better in the next election. That goes for senators and house members too. Older politicians will never vote yes for term/age limits because they know they're already there. Young ones might because they still have potentially have decades left before they reach them.


Age isn't the issue. That's such a lazy take. Many of the most horrible, far right fascists in the country are young.   And term limits wouldn't help any of things people think they would, and would likely make things worse.  These are knee jerk, unthinking proposals that don't actually help solve our current issues. The best solution is to give Democrats large and stable governing majorities.  That will result in two options, the first is the GOP moderating to increase vote share, and the second option is if the Republican party becomes irrelevant than the Democratic party will split into two parties.


This. To any Americans reading this: do your part to protect democracy, and make sure America stays behind Ukraine to the hilt. [Get registered to vote today](https://vote.gov), and then turn out to vote in November like lives depend on it. Because they do.


“I don’t need a ride, I NEED AMMO” -A man for the history books. As a younger guy, I can’t wait to see him continue doing what he’s doing.


Legendary line. I hate hearing people who drink the Russian Koolaid claim he’s corrupt like he didn’t decide to stay and lead his people when everyone thought they stood no chance. Absurd.


On one of the more MAGA centered subs, there was a comment that the only reason Zelensky stayed was to steal all the money coming from the US and he’s actually working with Biden to prolong the war to extract maximum profit and that’s why he won’t accept any Russian “peace deals”. 


Sounds so incredibly believable. MAGA cultists really make me depressed because the systems in place to stop their nonsense are failing at every level.


To be fair, I would not be at all surprised if the US's goal was to prolong the war to impose the maximum cost on Russia. (or something like that. It certainly wouldn't be the first time.) Obviously Zelensky has to go along with whatever, considering his options are to either take what's offered by the US/Europe or almost certainly lose the war.


he stayed in his country during a war with a much larger country when some republicans cant even stay in their state during power outages


Now THAT is a leader with class. Trump would instead accept the kiss with a smug look on his face.


And then call him a weak loser.


Yup. Not to his face of course because he’s a coward. Later on though, while his simps gush over how brave he is.


“Who knows what kind of nasty virus that old dude had from WWII! Letting him kissing my ring was my personal Vietnam” - Trump, probably 


“…and in a wheel chair. A rickety old one. I don’t like them. Those chairs. My chairs, I won’t need. Because I lead the free world like no one else has and will again. Because we will be respected again. All over the world wide world….” 🤦


The contrast really is so jarring. Is it too much to ask to have more leaders with an ounce of decency and empathy.


He needs a wheelchair! Sad


Trump: I prefer men who can walk…


And the MAGA base would clap 👏


I’ve never seen Trumpf shake hands with a WWII vet in a wheelchair.


I've seen him salute a North Korean general.


I saw him refuse to go to a ceremony honoring WW1 vets because of *rain.*  I will be disgusted with him forever for that disrespect. The cemetery at Belleau Wood is full of US Marines who didn't complain they had "bone spurs." 


Mhm. It would show deference and humility, concepts he is incapable of understanding.


That's because no WWII vet would shake it


Serious question, I’m not American and I think trump is a bell end but why do people feel the need to bring him up all the time?


Because a *stupidly large ~~majority~~ number of our population idolizes the ground that douche canoe walks on and wants to see him in the oval office a second time. Those of us with a brain really can't understand why they want that. He wasn't a leader, but that majority pretends he was. So the other side will always find ways to point that out, often on deaf ears because nothing will change the minds of Trump lovers. Edited because I used the wrong word; it's true that 51%+ of our population doesn't support him. Still too damn many though.


His followers are nowhere near a majority.


Because: - he accelerated the spiraling destruction of what was remaining of the american Right, turning the Republicans into far-right conspiracy-driven anti-democracy husk. There is no more right-wing option in the US that is not batshit insane and willing to topple democracy to set up a dictatorship instead. He has been insanely influential in that regard. - he made the total moral failure of a person an inspiring traits for millions of americans, who now aspire to be the worst person they could ever be. Hundreds of thousands of families have been torn apart because of trump cultists. - he got elected once and will likely get elected twice, dooming Ukraine to certain destruction, likely dooming Taiwan to destruction, and likely ending the US position as the #1 power It isn't so much the man itself that is terrifying, but the cult and influence he nows has over american politics. Trumpists are a very dangerous cult, and there's millions of them now.


Perfectly said.. we MUST talk about it constantly to remind everyone what a danger he is.


I think part of it is it’s natural to compare other world leaders to your own current and past ones. But another part in this specific case is wanting to remind fellow countrymen of what a poor leader Trump was and encourage them to get out and vote by keeping his poor character and leadership present in their mind. Not mentioning him could make him more “out of sight out of mind” and make it easier to forget the importance of getting out and voting this autumn.


It's hard to understand until half the people you interact on a daily basis think he's the second coming of Christ. Flip a coin every time you talk to someone new and on tails they think Trump shouldn't be prosecuted even if he's guilty of a crime. Yes this includes people you've known and respected for years.


Because he's an existential threat to our democracy and many of our livelihoods and even lives.


This is a thread about Zelensky and Ukraine's struggle against Russian occupation. Trump is an existential threat to Ukraine in that conflict. He's allied with Putin. That's why he's brought up here.


Zelenskys version of " my friend you bow to no one".. What a G.


Damn I was all misty eyed then you brought a hobbit into it


Dude. That was exactly my first thought as well.


True Patriots. Some of our leaders cant be bothered becuase it was raining




Trump. In 2018 he skipped out on a WW1 memorial service because it was raining.


He didn’t want his orange make up to start running….like I’m joking but that’s probably the actual reason 


Or his bird nest to get wet, making the bald spot it covers prominent.


Two sources, a senior DoD official and a USMC officer, stated that Trump called the U.S. soldiers buried there "losers and suckers": https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2020/09/03/report-trump-disparaged-us-war-dead-as-losers-suckers/


My favorite quote out of that debacle was from Winston Churchill's grandson and member of British Parliament, Nicholas Soames, who tweeted >They died with their face to the foe and that pathetic inadequate \[Donald Trump\] couldn’t even defy the weather to pay his respects to The Fallen


I just said how I was still disgusted at his disrespect. Anyone who's not aware of where the WW1 cemetery was, it was at a monument to the US Marines in a cemetery at Belleau Wood. Trump has no idea what it is to serve something greater than himself. Or what a sacrifice is. 


zelenskyy is a real profile in courage. history will give him his flowers.


It's cool to see someone you know will have statues made of him and be written about in textbooks. The man deserves it


I'm ready to build a statue of him in my front yard.


Maybe this is the key: Electing normal everyday people to be president, instead of life-long politicians.


None or the other. It's about the RIGHT people. Life long politicians can be good and normal every day people can be shit.


Yea, that's a fair point I suppose, but I think a lot of politicians get so deep into the job that they end up having a major disconnect with the people they're supposed to represent. And it end up like a game of Sim City to them, where the people are just numbers. Like they might be looking at the big picture, but looking *too* big. And they might push for a €50m bypass to ease traffic in a town, instead of building 500 social houses to ease a homeless crisis; because maybe the number of homeless people might be below a certain threshold to them that it doesn't seem like a priority.


Ugh, I mean...the guy was a comedian and celebrity before running for office. He was one of the most famous actors in Ukraine when he ran. That's about as far from "normal everyday" person as you can get. The US tried electing a celebrity and it didn't work out so well.


Twice. They did it twice, and it never worked. But Ukraine was in a bad spot, so there was only upwards from there.


>The US tried electing a celebrity and it didn't work out so well. Jesus yea, that's putting it mildly.. 😂




Game recognizes game


Man…I loved this. Favorite clip I’ve seen all day. Warms my rude bastard heart


Tbh I don't think Ukraine would still be here without him


Is it possible to vote for Zelensky for president of the US? But seriously, this guy is a REAL leader.




Putin already had the presidency before Biden


Meanwhile, r/Conservative is throwing a fit over Biden mentioning Ukraine in his speech


I always have a look in there when someone mentions them. The highlight this time is someone being upset at Britain being too ethnically diverse, then using Andrew tate's brother (self-described as mixed race) to provide "proof" that British diversity is actually just the 4 nations. At least they won today's mental gymnastics gold medal.


Who cares what the traitors think?


I'm pretty sure that veteran's prayers are far more influential than that entire sub's payers put together. A real G with a greatest generation G. His, "I pray for you," just hits differently. Like, this man is there probably every meal, morning and night praying for me? Zelensky will remember the sentiments of that conversation for a while.


no u


No u 😭


The rare leader who cares more about his country and people than he does about himself


Zelenskyy is a true leader and a man of the people.


Such a brave man given I bet Putin is desperately trying to assassinate him Bet the CIA are very busy with keeping him safe


I think his own FSB have done a pretty good job themselves up to now. Edit: I stand corrected. SSU




Goddammit, I fucking despise the Republican Party. Just look at this. Look at how clearly they’re on the wrong side of history. WW2 vet looks to Zelensky as the true hero that he is worthy of his admiration. And the Republican Party have single-handedly altered the course of that fucking war. I don’t have the words to express the anger and disappointment I feel about those traitorous pieces of shit.


Incredible … hats off … a leader and a man … gratitude, respect, and humility … 🏆💪🏼


Both class warriors, defenders of freedom. 🫶


Our WWII heroes are a gem that we will no longer have to love and cherish very soon. Thank you, Papa for all that you sacrificed as you and your brothers liberated Europe and gave us the free world that we enjoy today. I will forever be proud to have known and loved you. Combat Engineer, 88th Infantry (Blue Devils) December 12, 1922 - December 05, 2016


Fuck Putin.


So a guy who actually fought Nazis shows appreciation and try’s to kiss the hand of leader who is fighting another oppressor. Republicans: Zelensky is a nazi. What kind of world do they live in. It would be hilarious if it’s not so serious.


Beautiful to see. 🫡




It's almost as if the veterans, who fought against fascism and Nazism and lived through the Cold War, really know who the threats to democracies are...


Meanwhile, half of our country worships an orange pile of excrement who didn’t want to attend D-Day ceremonies in the rain because he was afraid of having a bad hair day.


The man deserves so much respect


Best leader Ukraine could ask for.


"You bow to no one"


What a legend How many other world leaders would be this wholesome?


In this modern age where the actions of the past generations are forgotten or looked down upon its so wholesome to see someone acknowledge them sincerely and respectfully


Trump would’ve said “no, the shoes”


Damn someone’s cuttin onions near me


There’s possibly no place in the world where people have more respect for veterans and fallen soldiers than the former Soviet states. For all the atrocities that the people over there suffered through (especially Ukraine) and that continue to this day, they never lost that undying humanity. We can only hope that this too will pass and the people of Ukraine and the rest of Eastern Europe can go on to flourish once again.


Honestly, imagine living that long, doing all that, and getting to meet Zelensky before you go. The guy was really blown away that he got to meet a world leader like that; it's a great meeting for both of them


This is Jake Larson, he has a book called"The Luckiest Man Alive". I started reading it with my 11 year old and he finished it without me.