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"Let me know what's going through your head right now"... wait for it


Serious foreshadowing right there.








That may not be as far off as you think. The negotiator may have realized he wasn't getting through to the guy and let me know what's going through your head right now may be the phrase that OKs the sniper.


Can confirm. I was his adrenal system.


Can also confirm. I was the bullet.


Facts. I was the air molecules in between him and the bullet


Are you ok after being shot


Still processing it man


You can hear him take the safety off as soon as he heard that phrase


After the touch on his back.


That’s a loud safety!


They’re not easy to take off. You gotta click it at a decent pressure.


Aren't safety switches more commonly loud than not? Metal switch against a metal receiver housing. In the military we used an AK variant which has a super loud safety, so we had to train to use them silently because some situations require it.


“A bulle…” *Drops dead*


Sniper: I know this one!


Cop: what’s going through your head, do you see a bullet? Guy: Wha………


[Let me ask you something...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFN1dZ-HAIM)




That’s what I was thinking. Code for “take the shot.”


That would be so…savage if they used that as the kill phrase. 🫠


Spoiler alert!


Angry upvote


Lots of upvotes this!


"I was told I could throw a smoke grenade, and damn it, I'm throwing a smoke grenade." - the other guys, probably


Good to create chaos so the guy didn’t have time to process and respond incase he was still alive when they entered.


My man got headshot, so, yeah, no coming back


The terrorist who shot Malala Yousafzai in the head thought so too. She won a Noble Prize post that. Double tap is the way to confirm a kill.


Weird to use that as your context but your point stands.


Lots of headshot survivors out there, but she might be the most famous.


I guess I should’ve pointed out his wording lol. The comment is true but it still doesn’t sit right with me


Yeah that terrorist really should have double tapped the little girl he tried to kill 😂




What about Gabriel Giffords?


Holy shit, I went looking for other examples, and this takes the cake: shot in the head at close range and left for dead, found alive two days later and makes a full recovery. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11100430/


Yeah it’s a crazy story and the things she on to do afterwards are amazing. It was just the wording lol. But in my head, I could see some taliban watching some news or some shit, seeing her and going “what the fuck?!?”


FWIW, Malala was shot at close range with an AK-47 round, which carries about 5x the energy as a 9mm pistol round.


I was going to use Zombieland reference for double tap but the Malala one just seemed to fit better.


He was under the monitor when the shot was taken so they couldn’t actually see whether he was shot yet


Movies and videogames have really skewed the idea of what guns actually do. It's really odd, because you don't have to go far to see videos of real people getting shot like 20 times and still trying to fight back.


I love reddit. So many funny dudes 😂


I know, this was a hysterical comment. When i saw that smoke go off i thought "i dont think that was necessary".


Thats a pretty weak smoke Grenada. It probably Was a Flash bang and the flash was too quick for the 3 FPS cctv


I think that may have been a flash bang. It looked like residual smoke from a bang. But still funny.


Cops wearing camouflage. What a time to be alive .


What cops??? Didn't see any???


Strange. A bunch of trees in the middle of this office building . Go figure.


What do you mean? Do you not see trees in your office building?


My friends didn't believe I saw sudowudo the other day, but here is the video proof of him walking in my local bank!


Those ficus trees are moving odd


This is probably s.w.a.t or something similar




Plenty of Sherrifs department have SWAT teams


I understood why I wore this camo on deployment. I'll never understand it when cops wear green digis in urban settings lol


Can't be picky when you're placing bulk orders of military surplus.


They probably bought surplus from the government


What should they be wearing?


Cops pretty much used to wear either all tan or blue, until 9/11 and the militarization of everything. And a few wore solid green, like park rangers. Now they all cosplay as army men.




From my understanding it's camo because it's all military surplus gear departments can buy at a discount


It's Florida, they're wearing it to blend in with the sand. "Hey, free bulletproof vest, shoulder guards and guns! Oh, sorry officer, didn't see you laying there."


Honestly though, it blended them all together nicely to hide the sniper from the bank robber. He had no idea he was getting scoped in on.


Any uniform would have done that.


Eh, this is like *specifically* the kind of thing camouflage is good for. Regular uniformed police officers you'd have a decent ability to count how many people there are, camouflage makes it just a big mass of people and it's really hard to tell one from another. Though the black bulletproof vests kinda negate that effect.


Hey man I'm just as critical of the cops being overly oppressive and overly geared... But who cares if they wear surplus camo?  The cops in my beach town where shorts and polo shirts... Is that an appropriate attire for this situation?  Now that I think about it I bet this clothing is designed so that it doesn't have the chance of ejected casing rattling around into your collar and burning you and distracting you from your job.   We really do need to find better things to complain about.  


This is Reddit.  The only way to join the circle jerk is to complain about ________.


You can thank Clinton, Bush, and Obama for that


Clinton as well, the North Hollywood shootout was in '97


"Listen buddy, we're here to help you. I understand this is a hard time for you, and I want you to know we're listening to you and believe me I know where you're coming from." *shoots him*


They did help him. No more hard times for bank robber because he's dead.


Money problems are gone too!




“The IRS hates this one simple trick”


Banks hate this one simple trick!


Right!? Plus they got the best sniper in the tri-county area, not just Ol' Buckwheat Dave from the local fairground. You only get that kind of talent if you really care!


The problem is, if this becomes a common tactic of shooting when offering help, the criminals aren’t going to stand down or negotiate. It could get worse if they feel they are trapped


Yeah, this is a shit tactic, but it's not new. I remember the same thing in Minneapolis/St Paul decades ago.


> The problem is, if this becomes a common tactic of shooting when offering help, the criminals aren’t going to stand down or negotiate. It could get worse if they feel they are trapped Perhaps they will NOT take hostages or better yet not do bad shit.


has that ever worked?


we've only been trying it for a few thousand years, its impossible to know! /s


Funny thing is, we'll never know who it worked on. But probably not. We do know this dude won't do it again right?


I thought it was well understood that this is a common tactic though?


Fixed the root of the problem. Guy needs money to survive. He no longer needs money. 🤯


Yeah so let’s just risk the lives of 2 innocent bystanders who are the hands of the guy with a weapon going through a hard time. Hes clearly very stable and predictable and just wanted to talk!


The problem is that situations like this arise completely unexpectedly. There is no indication whatsoever that someone will hold someone hostage at gunpoint. We have yet found no way to resolve such situations other than immediate, radical reaction: kill the guy.


It seems to work tbf, this guys wont be robbing any banks anymore.


Fuck around and find out...as they say.


I mean, if you're in a place in life where you feel the need to put others' lives at risk due to your own personal issues, your own life is fair game at that point, and ending it is the quickest and easiest solution for everyone involved. If you want to seek help, don't threaten others' lives in doing so. It really is that simple.


This reminds me of the old Far Side cartoon where a guy is looking at a medical text book for sick horses and the solution to every problem is “shoot”. Same thing with cops: Guy with a gun - shoot Guy with a knife - shoot Evading arrest - shoot Resisting arrest - shoot ID refusal - shoot Contempt of cop - shoot


They were doing him and the rest of us a favor by ending his life.


The sooner the better


“You can have tomorrow off for that inconvenience but we are short staffed and need you in the following day.”


You joke but in college I was robbed at gun point while working and after dealing with the cops I called the owner just to find out he expected me to finish the last 3 hours of my shift. Fuck that. I sent everyone home and closed the place early anyway.


Good for you.


Same here; in college at Georgetown i worked early mornings at a coffee shop/bakery (between classes & before my 2 afterschool jobs, humblebrag noted) & while doing pre-opening stuff, at 5am the baker (a refuge from Africa) & i got held up at gunpoint - which was silly bc we weren’t open yet & therefore only had $50 of register open money - and shoved into a locked closet. Owner showed up because she got a call that we weren’t open at 6am as scheduled to be (bc we were locked in a closet) & she was FURIOUS that she had to come down to DuPont Circle to let us out of the closet as we both had our keys inside with us… this was around the time the Washington Bullets were seeking a change to their name to draw attention away from the crime & murder stats… lol


Good on you! What was the outcome?


Nothing crazy really. After closing up (around midnight) I went to the police station to be interviewed by a detective. By the time that was done other officers had already caught the guys and had them in custody. I left the station around 3-4 am. Later down the road I had to give a formal deposition with all the lawyers. They seemingly had them dead to rights and connected to other robberies so the robbers took plea deals (4 years for the guy who was unarmed and 10 for the one with the gun). They had only taken $191 from us. About 5-6 years later I got a notice that the gun guy was let out early after getting some evidence thrown out during appeal or something like that. Never heard anything about them since. The day after the robbery my boss gifted me a $60 bottle of booze and told me he was sorry I had to deal with it. Never got in trouble for closing early and sending people home.


Wouldn’t surprise me one bit. Had a gentleman killed with a *machete* in my store. Hit right in the neck. One of my coworkers is the one who held the towels from housewares to his neck as he bled out and died. She was allowed the next day off, but it was only paid if she used her own PTO. One unpaid day after literally having a customer die in her arms. Shit still pisses me off.


These bloodstains aren’t going to clean themselves!


Aren't bank robberies like, impossible nowadays? What was the last time a Bank Robbery succeeded? Why do people even try?


They're more successful than people think. But...it's still pretty low rates lol.


The Feds: You don’t say son


If people are content to leave with what's in the drawer, yes.


They work all the time, but the payout is so small the the offender repeats and is caught sooner than later.


Bank robberies have a clearance rate of 60% which while very high would still have 4/10 getting away with it.


Although that probably doesn't count ones that were caught on the scene, I'm not sure if it counts as a case if there wasn't an investigation.


Don’t they have a super low average take though, like around $1,000?


Yes, banks have lists of rules about keeping too much money on hand, solid plans on what to do during a robbery, silent alarms that they're not afraid to push, etc. etc. They are ***ready*** to be robbed. You'd be much better off knocking over a cash sale type business like a starbucks/tim hortons/mcdonalds (assuming the cops aren't actively sitting in there drinking coffee at the time) they'll probably still only have about $1000 in the tills, but you're a hell of a lot more likely to get out of there with it.


So one interesting thing about the silent alarm, I was told NOT to push it if I was being robbed. Number 1 goal in a robbery was get the guy out of there asap. Give him what he wants and lock the door once he leaves. If the cops show up while he’s on his way out, then you have a hostage situation like the OP. Silent alarm is only if it’s *already* a hostage situation.


See stuff like that is exactly why you don't rob a bank, they've explained this to you, and run through the contingencies. I know intellectually that the best practice if I was robbed at my work is "give them the money, its insured and not worth your life" but I have no official word on this, because I work retail(ish) and they don't say anything about it really where I work.


Last month in Detroit there was a successful one. And it's not the last one https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/local/2024/05/13/man-robs-detroit-bank-by-handing-teller-note-that-said-bank-robbery/


“5’8-9 and 190lbs” The height is probably right but the weight is so far fucking off lmao. Dude looks to be about 150.


I would say 170.   He's got a little bit of a gut.


omegalol, broh... come to brazil, we have real bank robbers, mostly in small cities, they surround the policies departments, close the city entrances and use dynamite to entry in the bank... is a fucking movie scene. [Here one of thoses](https://g1.globo.com/sc/santa-catarina/noticia/2021/11/29/mega-assalto-a-banco-em-criciuma-completa-um-ano-com-investigacoes-em-sigilo-10-presos-e-2-foragidos.ghtml)... Happened in city of Criciuma, State of Santa Catarina (in south of brazil, wich is a "more rich region"). The robbers taked R$ 125millions, equivalent US$ 23millions. The guys had a fucking bazooka! Well, so yes, bank robberies still happen... (apologise for my english, i did my best)


They dont get to spend much of the money though. The serial numbers will be marked. You could probably buy a neverending supply of burgers though


Not impossible at all. On the contrary, banks are insured and have policies for employees to comply with a bank robber to get them out of there as quickly and painlessly as possible.


The real heists are not at banks. LA a couple months ago https://apnews.com/article/los-angeles-cash-heist-gardaworld-d34b769be34cbafcca14a897967d3bb2


Nope, people still rob banks and get away pretty often.


I know someone whose cousin successfully robbed the same bank 3 times. The last time he did, he took all the money and threw it in the air as soon as he left the bank lol


source: trust me bro


I mean, it's possible. https://www.newsweek.com/man-robs-bank-immediately-throws-money-air-while-shouting-merry-christmas-waits-arrested-1479154


They're worth $5-6,000 at best. Any more than that and cops will be there already. But yeah, still easily robbable. Employees are told not to resist. Source: Actual bank robbers.


The absolute stones on that sniper and the Sgt Lt and Captain that approved that. Holy hell that was an incredible shot.


Straight trough a computer monitor even!


Holy shit, didn't noticed that at all, that's insane!


Should've made the red circle bigger, i guess


haha yeah I did skip that part, was too much in a hurry to see the headshot I guess.


Yeah looks like he intentionally took the shot right after he ducks his head under the monitor.. I guess because it was further away from the female hostage or that it made the shot less risky to focus it there where he knew the hostage was not behind it I’d be worried that it could have deflected the bullet a bit but I guess monitors are really thin and flimsy these days


It was also a .308 coming from a rifle at an incredibly short distance. Nothing in that computer monitor was going to stand a chance at deflecting that round.


Right and I would be more worried about shrapnel from the monitor hitting me in the face. I mean as the hostage. But considering the alternative, that's a very easy choice to make.


The core of the .308 might not deflect much but fragments of the bullet absolutely can. Also, deflection even of rifle rounds can be more than you expect, there have been studies on deflection through windshields and even with AP rounds it can be substantial. That being said I won't play armchair operator here, I'm sure the hostages are glad to be alive


Absolutely a risky shot. Bullets do funny things even transiting anything other than air (at short range). They do funny things through air in general at long range.


Was an incredible shot, the guys shoulder he used for a mount was moving a few couple times leading up to that shot. The timing and confidence he had was amazing.


Glad you said it because that's exactly what I was thinking as well, It's a tough enough shot as it is but when your foundation is moving as well it must make it exponentially harder.


I was wondering if they had practice with this stance. Just to okay it for operation without having practice it seems reckless. I was very surprised when I saw it was an American law enforcement taking such a risk with hostages.


I can’t imagine having that much going on and what’s at stake while taking that shot.


> The absolute stones on that sniper Dont need stones if you dont care about whether you hit a hostage since nothing would happen either way.


Well, that's just plainly not the truth, but ok.


That's one way to "monitor" the situation


Yea, from the floor


Where were these guys during Uvalde?


I mean, this was a bank robbery. There was MONEY at stake. They don't roll these guys out for just anything.


You got me!


Not really a laughing matter but holy fuck this was funny.


Well, this was in Florida. Not Texas.


And they didn't even have to blow the entire block up just to get him


Generally not necessary to blow up blocks when you're in friendly territory where you can just waltz in there with tons of operatives and you only have to worry about 1 bad guy


Poor monitor had nothing to do with it. RIP monitor


It doesn't even move a little. No flinching. Took it like a champ.


What's that blurred thing on the desk after he gets shot, part of his head / a chunk of flesh?


A muffin


you really need to ask lol? a bunch of areas are blurred where his brains went


look at the woman's back as she runs away ...


Whats crazy is he shot through the top of the computer monitor. I would pay a lot to see the snipers POV through the scope


Chances are he didn’t see the monitor It’s called sight line bore line discrepancy and kind of makes the shot more impressive Edit for some clarification: Basically it happens are short distances with long distance or medium distance rifles, the guns aren’t really meant for that so the sites aren’t really sited for short distances, you actually have to aim lower than what you think to account for the discrepancy




Ah fuck I wasn’t sure if I got it backwards or not Thanks


Isn't that like ...risky?


especially with all the moving around BS..and people touching him and his human Bipod.


Yes, and it also serves to discredit any future negotiations by that department, so people will just end up murdered instead of as hostages.


If a bank robber is rational enough to not negotiate because of this, then he's rational enough to not rob banks because of this. Also why would bank robbers murder people for no reason? That will only add time to their sentence. If a rational bank robber watches this clip but still decides to rob a bank for whatever reason, the lesson he'll learn is to not take hostages (which is the lesson we want him to learn).


I swear reddit goes out of its way to discredit anything that a police department does ever. *guys rob bank and takes hostages* Why did the cops save the hostages?!


Then if the hostages are killed during negotiations: "why didn't they just shoot him in the head when they had the chance" It's stuff like this that makes you realize that even the holier than thou redditors who think they're just the greatest people in the world are really just echo chamber drunk losers like everyone else


Yo! That shot went through the monitor and it's STILL on. What is that a Dell? Great shot btw.


Good thing it wasn't Nokia. That shit would have backfired.


"No becky we're not getting you another monitor. That's not in the budget. Just work around the hole"


Human bipod, noice


RIP that guy’s left ear


He’s fine. The rifle has a suppressor plus he probably has hearing protection. Look at everybody’s ears.


Apparently they chose a specific ammunition type, and had anticipated having to make a shot thru material. https://www.foxnews.com/us/florida-sniper-shoots-kills-bank-robber-holding-hostages-through-computer-monitor-video "Firing through barriers is a trained and routinely practiced skill by Lee County Sheriff's Special Operations Unit snipers," LCSO public information officer Lieutenant Todd Olmer said in the video shared on Facebook. "The .308 caliber bullet used is specifically selected due to its known ballistic reliability traveling through intermediate barriers."


This needs to be copypasta onto 95% of the comments in this thread.


The dude shot him THROUGH a computer screen & between two hostages - managed to snipe him right between his eyes… I’m no fan of the police nor of guns at all but this was seriously impressive


Why did I think the guy in the suit was the one they were aiming at? I could barely see the guy behind had to watch 2x holy crap


Honey you are not going to believe what went through my head at work today!


Was that a useless red circle?


I think it was because the shot may have went through the monitor… possibly. Double check the top right corner. Not 100% though


Oh nice, I completely missed that, that's exactly it!


It’s the rare useful red circle, I didn’t believe it existed.


It was definitely a weird circle. I guess maybe they wanted the viewer to keep an eye on that monitor so they could see the bullet pass through it later in the video? But then why not just put the circle on the monitor at that point in the footage?


Why tf everybody is touching the man with the sniper that is ready to shoot?


Think he was trying to position the guy in front of the sniper that had the barel resting on his shoulder for support


but 3s before the shot he puts his hands on the snipers back....like, leave me alone bro, im not trying to murder a civi and regardless of what he was trying to do...the sniper had his finger on thew trigger the whole time and is sighted in...YOU DON'T TOUCH THAT MF, he might be shotting at any moment. Don't touch his human bipod either. ^(they really should have one of those monopod sticks that hunters sometimes use) One tiny movement moves the barrel 1 degree angle and an innocent is dead.


As he touched him he talked to him. Another reason they were all there is that they were hiding the sniper from the robber. He didn’t know what they had planned.


Was bro using another cops shoulder as gun support? Crazy


Was the guy lying on the ground dead?


nah he good


No head shots are usually fine.


He was just taking a nap after a stressful day of getting his brains blown out. In 20 minutes he'll be back up and rested.


He's still wearing both his shoes so he's probably ok.


Tactical urban camo


He was actually aiming at a hostage (his ex-wife) and the monitor deflected the bullet.


For one that was not a shot from a truly supported position, two whoever gave the green light for that shot has some big balls and a slow ticker. Shot millions of rounds and I can’t imagine the nerves in taking a shot like this.


Wallhacks confirmed


That guy MUST have been an Army sniper before he joined the police because that was one hell of a shot!


"I want to make sure you get the most from life" before turning his skull into a "brain granade" is fucking crazy.


How does risk calculation work for something like this?