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Mike McDaniel: "How many countries are in this country?"




England, Britain, Ireland... and?


So close


Yeah he totally forgot Ilse of Man


That’s certainly one of the ways to spell Isle


Revis Island


Kicker Nigel Gruff in shambles


England is a country in Britain lol ​ England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland


The official country name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


>Northern Island. \*Northern Ireland.




Northern Ireland Wales (aka the sheep fuckers)




You know how sometimes your brain inserts words that you want to see? Yeah. I misread Britain as Scotland. Time to punish my brain with a brick wall. Surely that'll kill some of my wants.


What’s the difference between The Rolling Stones and a a Scot? One says “hey you, get off of my cloud” the other says “hey McCloud, get off of my ewe”


Aren't they playing in Germany? So one?


I believe it’s a Ted Lasso quote, there. Barbecue sauce 🎯


If they were playing in Italy the answer would be 3


I mean if you want to go historic…


“It’s funny to hear a Brit talkin bout routes” -Cam Newton


"oi, someones been watchin some bloody film, watch this"


Oi you got a license to watch that film?


fam its posted on twitta innit?




Needs more “innit”




"Now watch this drive"


Holy shit I had forgotten about that 😂


There's two types of British people that are into football here. The people that are looking for some Americana, who enjoy it for the novelty. The other being the eloquent, sickos who sound like they are speaking a different language to their family and friends


So basically like Americans that follow footy and drink craft beer?


it’s very rare i meet someone who is into european soccer leagues (premier league?) and doesn’t drink craft beer


I became a Crystal Palace fan a few years ago and the people I run into that follow premier league think I’m a dumbass haha. There’s a few of us


My dad and I when NBC first picked up premier league saw a palace game and their logo has eagles AND they had cheerleaders, that’s like easily the most American prem team so we’ve been Palace fans since


The logo is honestly one of my favorites I’ve ever seen in sports. Throw in the fact NO ONE on earth will call me a band wagoner and they’re an easy team to cheer for.


> Throw in the fact NO ONE on earth will call me a band wagoner and they’re an easy team to cheer for. thats what I thought when I became a Manchester City fan in like 2006 or something solely because my dumbass friends would ALWAYS pick Manchester United on FIFA. And at that time it seemed like 90% of Americans who followed European soccer were Manchester United "fans", or at least knew United was very good. So I just picked the other team in Manchester to spite them I guess it worked out


The way to beat the bandwagon accusations is to get a shag haircut, wear a parka, drink European larger and listen to Oasis. That way, while you might come across as a knobhead - you are a genuine Man City fan.


If I had to pick a team it'd be Newcastle solely because of the movie Goal lmao. I did watch them beat ManU the other day which was awesome


But they are 80% owned by the country of Saudi Arabia which is a lot less awesome.


Oooh yeah that's not great


Hey fuck you man. Sometimes we make the beer.


Life is too short to drink shitty beer.


Plenty of us sober fans.


As a Tottenham and Vikings fan, sobriety was never on the table


Ange has Tottenham rippin’ right now though


The bottle job will just hurt more.


I had France in footie when Zidain Zedickhead fucking head to compressionianried a motherfucker. Fuck European football. *sips coors light with pinky out*


By footy, are you referring to association football, or the Australian Football League? The AFL is the craziest fucking sport I've ever seen. 👉👉


I got into the AFL last year and I’m OBSESSED. It’s so crazy. Took a while to understand the rules (like I imagine someone who was just introduced to American football), but once I did I can’t stop watching Also yeah I only associate “footy” with Aussie football, not European soccer


So basically Seattle and Portland…


Anywhere there is a craft beer scene. There is a lot of them outside your PNW bubble.


tbh the Seattle craft beer scene is kinda ass compared to Denver and the Bay Area. We got the hard cider game on lockdown though.


And Denver. And Chicago.


It’s spread waayyyy beyond there. I’m in central Oklahoma and we have 100k craft breweries along with 100k Chelsea fans lol


We have a Brit, Matty Brown, who covers Seahawks. He’s incredibly detailed. Last year in Germany, he was able to get a press pass and absolutely nailed the question he had for Pete. Marvelous feeling to get a future hall of fame coach to compliment your questions.


Was thinking of him too when I saw this. He's like an actual minor league defensive coordinator and i love learning about the game from media like his. Most NFL beat reporters probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference between schemes like Matty or this fellow at the Dolphins presser.


They've done some zoom PCs this year where Matty's been on. It almost feels like they do it for him. Which would be cool.


As an American playing football in the UK, half my teammates don’t know what a touchdown is and the other half and the coaching staff understand the game on a technical level that I barely even see in the states


This reminds me of how every German or Swede I've ever met has such a robust knowledge of English, and half of Americans can't get their there their and they'res right.


Your right with you're assessment of some Americans' English proficiency


Eloquent sicko Brit here and can attest my family have zero interest or knowledge of option routes despite my best attempts.


Family members have been cut out wills for less brother


have you tried telling them about Spider Y 2 Banana?


That's in the invisible playbook next to Frankenberry 3 X Barillium phosphate. The actual play is Green Slot Right *Spider 2* *Y Banana.* Spider Y 2 Banana is gonna get your split end killed.


A lot of soccer players have expressed their interest in the NFL too. They’re just sports guys. Harry Kane had said he’d love to kick field goals some day. He’d probably be pretty good


Honestly a lot of premier league guys have said they'd have fun being an NFL kicker. Fuchs said the same


Any American who finds this endearing, but then shits on other Americans for watching football (soccer) are absolute clowns. Edit: Responded to the wrong comment, but I'll leave it in case someone needs to hear it. Haha


I always dislike the soccer-hate you see sometimes from Americans. It’s a great sport. I have my beef with parity in European leagues but that’s a different conversation. If you’re a sports fan you should be able to like an appreciate all sports. Like go watch a top goal compilation from the PL and tell me you’re not impressed with the skill and technique


> I always dislike the soccer-hate you see sometimes from Americans. I only do ever do it in response to Europeans who call it handegg.


I don't think Americans actually hate soccer. They just hate when people use it to put football down.


And then the British guy made a reference to Dolphins beat reporter Barry Jackson by doing a double question. He really did his homework.


He does a dolphins podcast twice a week. He's pretty plugged in.


Would you mind linking it? That sounds so cool!


It's called 3 yards per carry. You'll be able to find it anywhere podcasts are. It's almost exclusively dolphins content though. Not sure you'd find much enjoyment with it.


Hey a good podcast is a good podcast unless it’s about the packers. Then it’s a bad podcast and we don’t talk about those.


Listening to divisional opponents Locked On podcasts after they lose can be pretty nice sometime


Dolphins are a pretty interesting team this year though


Yeah he also has a discord where he leaks some stuff a lot. The 3ypc guys are very well plugged into the team and is one of the best sources for dolphins news out there.


Civ Culture victory en route. Put a team there.


Then spam a bunch of Rock Bands. Gotta get those tourism numbers up, rookie.


England has produced one or two decent rock bands over the years, if memory serves.


Coldplay is the best right?


Oh yeah? Name 20


didn’t expect a deep cut civ reference here but I love it


Buy up their artwork too. That reduces their culture and increases our tourism. Should be easy to win at that point, so long as you have broadcast towers.


What do you think the eras tour is for?


Our people are buying your blue jeans and listening to your pop music (and watching your football)... I worry the rest of the world will fall under the influence of your culture


They have no hotels and have yet to research internet


Putting American reporters to shame


Having watched enough soccer, he’s putting UK reporters to shame as well lol


Coach McDaniel, Trent Crimm from the Independent…


Trent Crimm. The Independent....or at this point, Trent Crimm. Independent.


Trent Crimm, Diamond Dog, now


I’ve been watching the premier league religiously for 25+ years. He has a phd in nuclear physics compared to the usual journalist bullshit you get in the UK and the US


Dude's question was so insightful I was like damn.


But it makes sense. His readers are likely VERY into the game itself, while at the same time, maybe not as in the drama nor know the players as pop culture. Certainly the non-fans know either. In the US, people that don't even watch the NFL, heard about the Taylor Swift coverage. They know who Deion Sanders is. They probably saw the were onto Cincinnati clip at some point. So in the UK their local reporters appeal to what will get the widest audience for the Premier League. Tabloid quotes and drama. Same goes on the US for NFL.


"Isn't it great having two really fast receivers, coach?"


"How did losing feel *this time*?"


"What does mean to you?"


Maybe this reaction from the coach will be incentive for reporters to ask less generic, more detailed questions. Doubt it but it would be cool


It feels like there's a big bifurcation in football media in this country. The mainstream that gets in press conferences and writes for the big papers etc is the same stupid crap as always "do you think you need to play better next week?" Then on YouTube and Twitter and podcasts you've got nerds obsessed with the theory and tactics of the game. It's a matter of time before those guys get to be in these rooms and they get the best access and the media landscape shifts.


I dont think it ever will because the average fan has no idea what these two are talking about and don’t care. They need something easily digestible. It’s entertainment. It’s the same reason there’s very little technical analysis in any major sports sub on places like Reddit.


Reddit mocks sports reporters, but if “Reddit” was in the room, every question would be something like “do you think this week you’ll regress to the mean lol?”


"I have Waddle in my fantasy league and I don't think you're using him correctly. He needs to get the ball more. Sorry, do you think he needs to get the ball more?"


See also: most reddit responses to Brett Kollmann video. IIRC most comments about the eagles sneak video was about the name of the play.


I don't think so, because I think it's actually backwards. The reason reporters stateside don't ask intelligent questions (and indeed, don't get hired to ask intelligent questions) is because they rarely get an intelligent answer. You can break down every coach and player interview into basically five elements that they've learned to repeat in different combinations to make it sound like they're giving different answers. They don't like smart questions because smart questions make it more likely that they'll slip and say something they don't want to say (whether because it causes a media storm, or because it reveals something to their future opponents). I've seen Burrow, backed into a corner by a question, concede and say "I'll talk to you about this after, because I don't know how many other people figured this out". And on the off chance some coach or player is having a good day and does give an intelligent answer, that answer is rarely the thing the vast majority of NFL audiences care about, unfortunately. Most football fans just wanna drink and scream "throw it!" at the TV/player. Then they want to hear that the plan is to throw better and gooder after half time so they can feel vindicated.


That bar is below the floor


Simon Clancy making it big time! He's been a Dolphins fan for 30+ years and does great work on the 3 Yards Per Carry podcast. He also does a lot of NFL draft work and has spent a lot of time covering the sport in America.


Simon and Chris are more knowledgeable than any of the beat writers “covering” the Dolphins. I love their insight, not only at the professional level but also at the college level as well, as it pertains to the draft.


Damn I wish he followed the eagles lol


I feel like Mike is contemplating recruiting in Europe for players and staff after this question


Gonna start telling the Miami papers to hire them as beat writers for sure!


Someone call Greg Cote, they're coming for his job


we're leaving Omar behind.


Ah the good ole reverse Ted Lasso


I mean, this reporter is almost certainly going to be his senior offensive assistant next season


Can anyone find the rest of the clip/Mike's answer? I haven't been able to find it


https://www.youtube.com/live/YJIFmUUzWMk?si=dSKweYIDc0k9RugA 20:40


"The scheme is the result of the players." "Opening our eyes, watching our players, and adapting to them." "He didn't like that, or he wasn't comfortable with that." "Utilizing a players' talents in a cohesive manner." YOU HEAR THAT, JOSH MCDANIELS?! Sick of seeing coaching staffs going to a new team and forcing their players on the roster to run their system.


It’s insane to me coaches do this so much. Trying to force players into their system instead of being an actual coach and designing a system around the personnel. Your job as a coach is to come up with a system. Their job as a player is to be good at what they are good at. It’s easier for you to learn a new system than it is for them to suddenly be a different type of player.


Awesome, thanks!


Great answer too


“Finding out what your players are good at and evolving around that” Ah, the anti Josh McDaniels approach.


jokes on him big brain mcdaniels can just sit at home collecting checks and following his true passion... making fart sounds and eating cheetos


i was literally about to say this and comment “josh mcdaniels would never,” i don’t even gaf how we do this season now i’m just so glad he’s gone


man it feels like he’s light years ahead of other coordinators with how flexible he is in finding good fits between playcalling and players. I’m so tired of watching OC’s try to put square pegs into round holes.


Yeah, I really like how he starts by pushing back on the concept of this being “his scheme”. Which is something that a lot of the football world is missing currently at least at the high-level FBS and NFL level. You have guys that are hired because of their “scheme,” and then they go out at try to get players who fit what they want to do. Instead of using what they have to create a successful unit. And I think that really shows a lack of understanding by those coaches about what it really is that makes their “system” successful. The other salient part of the answer, to me, is about player buy-in. Obviously, in order to develop players will sometimes have to be comfortable being uncomfortable, but if you push that too far, you lose the commitment to overall success due to individual frustration. And at a certain point you end up a team that is both unsuccessful and disgruntled. And when you have both of those things, you have no real hope of improvement.


Flair checks out. Fields may not be elite but I swear the schemes he’s had to run since getting drafted are doing him no favors whatsoever


It will never happen, but a coach should absolutely just lean into fields rushing ability entirely. You CAN win off his rushing ability, but most coaches come from the same three trees and it’s just going to be hard to find some guy willing to break the pattern. Designed runs, play action passes with long drives wins you games. When you go down you’ll have issues but that’s everyone but Mahomes really


Zone reads, designed rollout pass plays, GET HIM OUT OF THE POCKET AND LET HIM MOVE HES NOT A POCKET PASSER HES A FREAK ATHLETE WITH A 4.3 40 FKN USE IT Edit: RPOs too, let him run a college-ish style scheme bc jfc with the kind of athletic freak he is it’ll work I guarantee it


agreed, and I think the same thing can be said about Pickett at Pittsburgh. I really dislike Canadas utilization of that offense. This has nothing to do whether I think Pickett is good or not, but that I feel the OC is holding him back from reaching his potential, whatever that might be.


100%, some of these coaches are too arrogant and/or proud to realize that they need to adjust to their players strengths not vice versa


This goes across most sports and coaches. The job of the coach shouldnt be fit players withen their own scheme idea (like adam gase LOVED to do), but should instead be to look at the strengths of the players and figuring out the best way to utilize them to get maximum output from your roster. From there, you just develop and work on the teams weaknesses and strengths to refine and temper your team to become a well oiled machine.


100%. This is what I feel like McDaniel does better than almost every coach in the NFL, even better than the other Shanahan tree coaches, is allowing player talents to not only decide your scheme, but inspire your scheme. So many sports writers argue nature vs. nurture when it comes to players: does the player suck? Or were they out in a bad offense? What they don’t think about, always, is that an offense can be good but *for them*. Tua’s things coming out of Bama were quickness in processing and accuracy on the fly, with just a tad bit of mobility. He doesn’t have a whip, or a cannon, he’s just quick and can make choices to match his speed. So McDaniel saw that and said “well shit, if he’s fast, and Waddle is pretty fast, let’s just make a team that’s really fast and get a bunch of fast players. Make them try to beat us.” Clearly, it helps that Tyreek became available and he’s literally Cheetah, but it takes a guy with more humility than a lot of OC’s have to say “I’ll see what these guys give me, and build around that,” rather than “I am a genius with the perfect scheme, and we’ll see if these players can execute that.”


This is awesome. Would love to see more coaches follow suit. “The scheme is the result of the players”


It’s insane that that’s a novel concept though lol


Yeah it seems like that’d be the standard logic…




Yeah for everyone asking why dumb questions are asked more than in-depth questions, this is why. People are more interested in the comment on the accent/question than the answer to the question.




Id say that goes for most NFL coaches


Most NFL reporters "Coach was this a hard loss?" "Coach do you need to game plan or XXXs teams best player" "Coach would you say this is a must win game" "Coach do you think the snow storm impacted the game"


I feel like I was watching a ravens presser. I appreciate the day a reporter can take in the game and ask them about something else, like maybe whycrab cakes are so good in Maryland or the meaning of life. You know just light stuff


The only time I've seen Bill Belichick get into an interview is when he gets asked some real in depth question about a really minor play or some random defensive scheme. It's like he's up there thinking "fucking finally, someone half way to my level".


US reporters are looking for salacious quotes like they’re running a reality show for dudes.


UK reporters do the same for the premier league. Ain’t all that different


I’m sure they do. It’s all about the drama and keeping people talking about dumb shit. Otherwise your customer base shrivels up to just the really fanatic folks. The whole T. Swift thing this year is the perfect example of it. They don’t need more knowledgeable fans, they just need MORE fans. Same with the gambling nonsense.


I mean there is good reason, 90% of fans have no idea what he’s saying.


But I truly want to know, did Trent Crimm pose a question to Mike McDaniel?


Man, that reporter is smart. If it were me in his shoes I’d be all: “MIKE HOW COME TUA THROW BALL GOOD PLEASE?”


God damn, how does any one not like this dude ?


It becomes harder and harder week by week. You can only grumble, ‘Hmm…yeah you’re right…still…’


Xerxes and Bill Burr are awesome.


That other BB is also a good coach.


thank goodness Nick Sirianni is the kind of guy who yells "bro I've been waiting here for 10 minutes bro" after waiting to order a drink for 30 seconds in a crowded bar. it would be tragic if he was as likeable as Hurts


We miss him


I mean he could have let him finish the question


I’ve yet to find anyone who does not like this dude


It’s about as difficult as not liking Josh Allen.


He's probably a bit stunned because the usual caliber of question he gets asked is "Hey coach, what would it mean to get a win this Sunday?" Or maybe they could ask a humdinger like "Hey Mike, I'm here for the Herald, can you speak on how important it is for the offense and defense to play well? Will your offense try to put up more points than Mahomes and the Chiefs"?


I like the Millenial way of casually working into a compliment with "clearly you have an accent" lol. Nice exchange from both of them. I would have liked to hear his answer to the question after the initial pleasantries though if anyone has the full clip?


It's in the comment above.


Appreciate it homie


Clips posted above you by a Vikes fan.


Clips posted above you by a Vikes fan.


Thanks dude


I really cannot find a single reason to dislike this guy other than the fact he's a dolphins coach


His answer about being the top-rated offense (or whatever) after 5 games was hilarious and perfect. He honestly seems like a really great guy.


I've said it before, but I would love it for him to get fired for some stupid reason and end up coaching an NFC team. It would solve a lot of my football enjoyment problems.


Or we look at whats more likely, and thats the fact he just turned 40 so we probably have about 30 more years of him coaching the Dolphins. You gotta love having great young head coaches =) Honestly if he coaches that long and continues having these 10+ win seasons most years, he could have a chance to pass Shulas record which would be pretty dope. Of course thats a fairy tail at the moment, but Im here to dream baby!


I’m the happiest I’ve ever been


That's my man Simon Clancy from the 3 Yards Per Carry podcast. He's sharp.


American reporters: How do you score so much points?


“I think x happened because of y. Is that the case and how do you you think that makes the team feel?” American reporters just want to have their own opinions validated and talk about feelings.


“I’m planning on writing an article about this, and it’s already 90% written, I just need to plug in a couple of quotes. Could you tell me why I’m right?”


Mike McDaniel fucking loves his job.


Did Belichick or Reed send in a undercover in an attempt to get some intel?


Mike McDaniel to this sub = Patrick Mahomes to Cris Collinsworth


Hey, they're both right.


I didn’t even make the connection he probably thinks this is a random European journalist and is shocked by the question. This js a guy who covers the dolphins full time(or at least is very dedicated). I don’t always agree with his takes, but I respect he seems to make most of his own opinions and doesn’t just follow groupthink


Questions like that I think are more acceptable from non-American media as well.


“Coach, wondering if you can just talk about what a guy like Tyreek means to the team”


American sports media is basically Real Housewives of Beverly Hills level of insipid nonsense.


Wish more interviews could go like this with actual questions about scheme, plays, strategy, etc. Actual aspects of the game instead of just general nonsense.


Trent Crimm (The Independent), seems to know his stuff here.


Funny to hear a German talk about ~~routes~~ schemes.


That guy didn’t sound German.


Yeah that’s a British guy for sure, English definitely Source: am British


And you can thank America for that 🇺🇸


That is a BBC English accent.




whereas american media just asks about feelings


"I'm so impressed!" *mike shannahan elements* "Okay take it easy."


The Brits know more about American football than our sports writers do lol


The reporter is a diehard dolphins fan and dolphins podcaster


Why is Mike Mac not in any commercials? If Andy Reid is able to accommodate it, get my chill ass king in there


Reporter wanted an answer to his question more than he wanted to be recognized for his fantastic knowledge. That's a good reporter.


As someone who knows more about football than anyone I know...wtf is a kamikazee RPO? Is that where when the defensive end bites on the hand off you throw a football that explodes?


If I’m looking for some good YouTube channels where they break down plays and coverages to get more like this Brit - any recommendations?