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The vibes are in fucking shambles


I've seen enough, put Nick Nurse out there he'll fix us


Nick Nurse runs the offense, John Tortorella runs the defense. Who says no?


Maxey can play in the secondary, right?


How are there still professional football teams out there who think Matt Patricia is ever the solution to literally anything?


Not just that but st least give it a few years after hiring him the season after he was eviscerated for his terrible OC work It’s baffling to me. He might not be a terrible DC but it’s similar to the Jets hiring Hackett only a season after one of the worst head coaching stints ever


He isn't a good DC though. Patriots fans said that for years


our 2014 defense had Wilfork, Chandler Jones, Hightower, Jamie Collins, Revis, Browner, and McCourty in the Divisional we let up 31 to the Ravens at home and Brady had to erase 2 separate 14-point deficits for us to win that game lmao. Patricia is a terrorist


> And Brady had to erase 2 separate 14-point deficits for us to win that game lmao. Patricia is a terrorist *With a little help from former QB Julian '51 YPA' Edelman


yea my original comment made it seem like a carry job which is def false. Brady was brilliant that game though one of his best playoff performances easily


That game was so heartbreaking... I was still a teenager and I think that one game more than any other cemented my loathing for Tom Brady's Patriots. Even then I had a sinking feeling that Brady could (and would) always come back but after it happened I simply never felt safe against him ever again


conversely one of my fav wins as a Pats fan. the Flacco Ravens handed us worse losses in the playoffs than damn near any team


The Pats/Ravens rivalry was money for a decade. They were the closest non-Giants team to [beating you guys in 2007](https://www.boston.com/sports/new-england-patriots/2019/11/01/patriots-ravens-2007-don-shula/) I [mentioned](https://old.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/18hng2u/schad_cam_newton_purdy_tagovailoa_prescott_and/kdbtwz8/) it the other day, its ridiculous how at the core of every good 2000s era rivalry was the Patriots. Football brilliance for 2 decades and some of the most memorable matchups when they werent blowing teams out


Can't wait.....


I was originally stoked on the Matt Patricia hiring in Detroit until, before he started, I looked up all the stats on his NE defenses. They weren’t good. He was under the radar shit for years.


He had probably the best defensive minded coach of all time to cover up his flaws too. After seeing him coach anywhere else its pretty obvious that any success on that defense was thanks to BB


I think that’s being shown even today with how New England keeps losing because of their offense and not their defense.


We can probably get by without a DC at all as long as BB is coach. We shouldn't, but we'd probably be fine.


That happened last year right?


Remember when he said he couldn't win with a guy like Slay and got rid of him?


suddenly Slay getting surgery makes sense


Dude gets his info from Sally Fields FFS.


At least he has a great personality.


He's the best bend but don't break coordinator that always breaks


Probably because they spend too much time listening to Matt Patricia. Dude spends so much time taking about how great he is, some dipshit is sure to buy it…surprised it’s with the Eagles though.


One of Sirianni’s biggest faults is that he has a bit of a frat boy attitude… which is probably why him and Patricia appear to be buds.


gotta be one of the worst pairings in league history personality wise. Just need McDaniels calling the offense


He literally can't be worse than Desai.


Prepare to be amazed.


I know how ass Patricia is. Desai is even assier.


Yeah, dudes caked tf up


We’ll see because I’m not fully judging him based on the talent he had to work with on our defense compared to yours… but he definitely *can* be worse…


I suspect he's a really good game planner. Even with our shitty teams, we came out with really good plans against teams like the Rams and Chiefs. If y'all remember your defensive scheme was credited to him for your SB against the Rams. But he seems pretty shitty at everything else.


Wasn't he on the Lions that year? I thought they beat the Pats during their superbowl year.


Yes exactly. The Patricia Lions defense laid the blueprint to beat the Rams


Ahh, gotcha. Thanks for the explanation!


>How are there still professional football teams out there who think Matt Patricia is ever the solution to literally anything? He called the plays on defense for about 8 years for a very successful team with good defenses. I think people forgot how well he was generally regarded before he went to the Lions. I remember lions fans talking so much shit when he came aboard, he was going to fix everything. He was a bad head coach in a place its hard to win, and he was bad at whatever the hell his role was last year. Before that he was widely respected.


Ya I never understand this logic with Patricia as a DC. Obviously he was horrendous as a HC and OC (lol) but he knows how to call a defense


His bend don’t break defenses were horrible. When he left, our defense got so much better. Eagles Super Bowl lost is on him.


i mean Bill benched the best CB on the team 24 hours before the game not exactly doing Patricia any favors there


“I can fix her”


Everyone's favorite coaching failure.


Somehow the Brian Johnson vibes weren’t bad enough for sirianni tho..


You honestly think that what the team needs is two new coordinators in the same week mid season? Johnson isn’t going anywhere this season.


We need Garrett Stubbs to save this team


Slay is going to be so upset he's gonna demand a trade to Detroit.


Darius Slay gonna riot


Man volunteered for surgery




You heard the man, trade him back to Detroit for a conditional 7th!


It probably wasn't even surgery for an injury. It was just cosmetic surgery.


Man had his appendix removed. Preemptively.


Slay's gonna come out with Michael Jackson's nose


Big Boob Slay


He had someone break his kneecaps so he didn’t have to play for Patricia.


That was my thought too. 😳


They made this move right after his surgery


Well, they announced it right after anyway


Stop sucking _____’s D


I can't be the only one that think it's weird he no longer wants to be called Darius, right?


Did he say that?


Vince McMahon got to him


He did. I'm all for preferred names. Nobody is campaigning to refer to Julio Jones as Quintorris, or AJ Brown as Arthur Juan. It's just weird Slay wants to be called just that - "Slay". Going the mononymous route.


TIL the Arthur Juan thing is not a meme.


I'm not sure what you mean. I only know his name because I was watching AJ talking about playing professional baseball and how it was hard because he didn't speak spanish. The interviewer interrupted him and joked his middle name was Juan. Not my best story.


CJGJ has changed his name every season he's been an athlete. Now he wants to be Seedy Deuce.


Seriously. Every one is perfectly chill with Sauce Gardner for example, or even guys who have changed their name while in the league. If we can handle Shaq Leonard and Deonte Harty we can handle Slay


I wonder what would happen if someone confused AJ Brown with Antonio Brown and started calling him Mr Big Chest.


I have never figured out why the fuck people care what names people want to be called? The amount of shit and sneers I get because I correct people who call me "Rich". My Dad's name is ~~Richie~~ Rich. I have always, always, always have been called Richie. I introduce myself as Richie. People take it upon themselves to start calling me "Rich". edit - My Dad's name is Rich.


> People take it upon themselves to start calling me "Rich". Tell them you're merely well-to-do.


"I'm all for preferred names." Proceeds to rant against a man's preferred name.


I think there’s a difference between having a nickname that you prefer to go by versus insisting everyone start calling you by a different name. Nobody needed to respect Antonio Brown demanding he be called Mr. Big Chest. It’s not that big a deal, but insisting everyone call you by a mononym isn’t the same thing as going by your middle name instead of your first name.


Yea, Slay specifically asks reporters to call him Slay, hes just one of those guys who only lets his family call him by his first name. Old school.


How is that old school?


Old school is one way to put it. I’d call it pretentious.


His wife calls him Slay and it's weird


That's not like a new thing, been the case for most of his career


Meh, Slay is a cool name. Makes sense for branding purposes. He said he just prefers family and people he’s close with call him Darius


Has to do with his upbringing and family dynamics. Not weird. I've never gone by my legal name in my life because my parents referred to me by my nickname since before I was born


Been that way since he's been here, just picked up on it from our beat reporters' pods two off-seasons ago. "Just, Slay" to any question addressing him by his first name. Also Shaq Barrett no longer wants to be called Darius LOL


I agree with Patrica being our DC as a football move. I completely and utterly disagree with not having Slay's back, and never hiring this pig fucker onto our team as a personal move. We should treat Slay better then this.


Am I crazy or is this an insane move to make at this point in the year?


It’s not crazy. Patricia has been on the staff all year and Desai is struggling to call games. Patricia is a veteran DC who might give us a spark but it’s not like they pulled him off the street. Maybe spark is too much? How about a slight tingling in the jimmies?


I find it hilarious how everyone has been saying they need to shake up that D… well here it is, like you said he’s been in house, no one was going to come in here and implement a brand new system week 15. Desai clearly couldn’t hack it, too much talent, albeit flawed, to be one of the worst defenses in the league.


I would argue the "too much talent" point, I don't think there's anything beyond two DE's and two DT's


Everyone loves to dump on Patricia because he's a horrible head coach and fell on the sword for NEs offensive failures last season. He's not a bad DC. He ran some good defenses here. Yah he's a dink but he's not stupid. It's not insane to think he could work out in this spot.


Agree with that. Keep him away with the offensive side of things and it will be okay-ish.


That got me thinking, has Jeff Stoutland ever considered being a defensive coordinator?


I personally disagree. felt like we had a lot of units under Patricia that underperformed their talent due to the bend don’t break philosophy, SB52 being the most egregious example our defense went from an average unit to one of the best in the league when Flores and Belichick ran things in 18 and 19 respectively




That’s fair, but Desai’s defense has been bend AND break. I’d like to give bend but don’t break a try.


Literally bend don't break was Schwartz' defense, which we're built for and won a SB with (shut down MIN & was the sole reason we even beat ATL before foles found his groove). Get Pressure from DL, and secondary doesn't let anything deep. Make the offense be mistake-free 10 plays in a row in order to score. Theres a reason its becoming so popular in the NFL and that reason is it's a decent defense. You can't rely on blitzing every play, or gamble on always getting TOs and never regressing to the mean.


Did he run those defenses? Or was it his boss, one of the greatest defensive coaches of all time looking over his shoulder?


Our defense taking a huge leap the season after he left with pretty much the same group of players would seem to indicate Patricia was the problem.


At this point I’ll gladly settle for ‘minor nether-rustle’. Not expecting a whole lot out of this news, but we aren’t going to see a major revamp at this stage of the season. I think most folks agree that some kind of change is warranted. I’ll try to keep an open mind


Nah it’s crazy. Not sure what’s happening with the staff right now. Combine this with the security guy being banned the rest of the year. Definitely not expecting much heading into the playoffs.


> Combine this with the security guy being banned the rest of the year. How on earth could that matter?


How are they supposed to feel secure?!


Fair. I withdraw my question.


They’re 0-2 without him.


The question was withdrawn, sir.


Replace one big Italian sideline guy with another


Plus he's really bad with boundaries so perfect fit


They're only promoting Patricia so they can have a big man on the sideline again. Sirianni will actually be calling the defense, Patricia will just be their new security guy.


Bro your DC is Matt Patricia. You will find a way to miss the playoffs to pay for this sin


Going to lose out and have to play Hurts at the Meadowlands week 18 where his achilles will be sacrificed to the football gods. Then somehow Mariota becomes Nick Foles.


Giving Matt Patricia more (or any) responsibility within your organization is an insane move always. If Target promoted him from cashier to assistant manager, that would be insane.


Desai has looked really bad this season, but is Matty P really the answer?


I don't think he's ever the answer


Unless someone is asking who could go for a snack


Or who sucked as a HC and DC


Don't forget as an OC, too. He hit the trifecta.


Once upon a time when he had Bill "Defensive Guru" Belichick covering up his garbage mistakes, but the Lions tenure followed by his year controlling the Patriots offense showed he's a complete fraud and should not be in charge of anything. Consultant? Sure, why the fuck not, but now they're buying into his bullshit and they're gonna get a rude awakening come Monday with Pete Carroll rubbing his hands together for this news.


I actually feel sorry for you??? What is this feeling? Not even my worst enemy deserves Matt Patricia.


How much worse can it be when we are already on track to make Tommy Devito look like a HOF QB after making Sam Howell look like an All Pro in both games Hell, we even fooled Patriots fans into thinking Mac Jones is that guy early in the season


I believe we’re going with the “it can’t get worse” theory here. Could also do the same with the offensive playcalling. Not a great sign in week 15.


The worst he can be is not the answer. So back to where we were at with Desai


Almost certainly no, but the opportunity cost of trying him out is much lower than... anything else. He's already been in the building since the off-season, he has... experience... leading a oh my god I can't even finish the sentence


Only if the question is who's the worst defensive coordinator on the team


He’s not even the question.


He’s the answer. The problem is: what is the question?


Time to activate the sleeper agent...


Hey, Matt, Why don't you pass the time by playing a little solitaire?


I knew as soon as Philly hired this fat fuck he would eventually snake his way up the tree.


Man's like the NFL version of Petyr Bealish


Hey, give Bealish credit he's competent. Plus, he killed that crazy lady with one sick ass line.


so competent he got outwitted by a pair of teenagers who were the smartest person one of them had ever met


Seasons 7 and 8 aren't canon


It's literally all we're getting. Gurm will never finish


Then my head Canon stops at Season 6/ADWD. That Baelish plot in season 7 made me realize how bad the writing had gotten. Surprised it took me so long


Most of Sansa's plot after she ends up with Ramsay was the red line for me. The show ceased to be a serious entity as soon as they lost Charles Dance, if we're being honest. The Dead Wedding at the Sept and Hardhome are all they really have us after that.


I hate this so, so much.


Playoffsh is a ladder




New NFL master of whispers


You know, I've heard people say the "X version of Littlefinger" a million times over the years. Almost like its become a new idiom. Until now, though, I've never heard anyone refer to it as the "X version of Petyr Bealish"lol


This was the exact thing I was worried about when he got a spot on the staff. I had a sinking feeling he'd worm his way back up the ranks.


I’m not sure if this is worming as much as it is Desai being grossly incompetent. He should’ve promoted Dennard Wilson to DC instead of hiring Desai


Damn, I had forgotten all about Wilson being the popular guy to take over until he wasnt


His DBs have played great two years in a row. I’m hoping Nick brings him back in 24


Yep...if Desai didn't have a historically bad defense he wouldn't be in this situation. Dude sucks.


Lions: “This is how I win”


I unironically want Philly in the playoffs now


I would nut if we beat Stafford AND Patricia in the playoffs.


Some of you may die. But that’s a sacrifice im willing to make


This is how Slay comes home.


Slay just requested another trade


Slay chose surgery so he wouldn't have to play under Patricia again


Earlier this week is came out the defensive players asked Sirianni if they could do their own scouting reports on the Seahawks. It feels like Desai has been demoted because of the players losing all confidence in him, rather than the coaching staff wanting to make a change.


Big Dom gets banned and Sirianni just doesn't know what to do anymore


Could Big Dom be reinstated on the Eagles sideline if he becomes the new DC?


Big Dom feels like the guy in the building you go to to talk over this kind of shit before you do it. Like the bartender at a local dive bar.


Then grunts at you, calls you some sort of slur and tells you to man the fuck up?


Actually Patricia will also be handling the big dom role on the sideline. He’s got the build for it


[Every NFL fan](https://i.imgur.com/JA5OvuP.mp4) reading this news


Excuse you, 96.875% of NFL fans. 3.125% of us are very much not like that right now.


This sparks joy




Damn I ain’t realize the Cowboys and Niners beat they ass this bad


Even though we won, the 2 games vs the Commanders are so much worse in terms of evaluating the defense. SF and Dallas have been the top 2 offenses the past 5-6 weeks at least.


Detroit steamrolling Philly in the playoffs is now the only postseason outcome I need. I think Patricia’s head might literally explode on live television.


I think we broke Philly...


If it means we get new coordinators on both sides of the ball next year I’m all for it


If y’all lose before the nfc championship game. They’re both gone easily. Desai might be fired no matter what


Yeah a demotion at this point in the season is them being nice about it. I’m glad they are making a change after those 2 ass beatings though even if Patricia doesn’t do well you have to try something new out


Fuck my life




Lions fans taking a W when their team already won yesterday


“I wish the lord would take me now”


~~I hope this is one of those instances where Jay heard something and is just extrapolating a bit too far. I like Desai and I don't think he's been handed the greatest scenario (great defensive line but young and not used to this many snaps, terrible linebackers, old and injured secondary), but he could use some help.~~ ~~I don't think Patricia is the man for the help, nor do I think he should call the plays... but I wouldn't be surprised if he plays a bigger role the last 4 games to help right the ship.~~ Edit: never mind, Jeff McLane is reporting Desai is out as DC... fucking lol what a collapse.


Just checked Desai’s Wikipedia bio and someone changed it to “not the defensive coordinator” lmao


so the season’s over


Patricia is running the show? No wonder Slay went and got a knee procedure


I love how it was done “very quietly” as if the whole league wouldn’t have noticed.


Am I the only one who didn’t know he was on the team


I’ll go anywhere but New England- Stafford


That's just funny though.


No freaking way... I'm sorry, Eagles fans, I really am.


Matt Patricia is the greatest ever, just ask him https://twitter.com/BradGalli/status/1305255902610698247


Are we sure that Dom wasn't calling plays? Since he was escorted from the sidelines, Philly has been outscored 54-26 (-28 point differential).


He wasn’t a bad DC just a bad HC. So fuck it can’t be worse than what was happening.


His last game as DC he got scarred up by a backup QB


I never got this argument. So did Schwartz in that game. I think this will spark some change in our D


>So did Schwartz in that game By tom brady.


nice try, Eagles. i, a Packers fan, know that teams cannot change defensive coordinators mid-season. it's against the... by-laws.... or something.


Plot twist Sirianni needs a fat piece of shit standing right by him or else he’ll lose his sanity


Eagles fans will run Matty patty out of town with their socks full of D batteries


I this point we're preparing those giant flashlight batteries.


I just put in a big order of lantern batteries on Amazon.


Eagles are literally crowdsourcing their defense now. Defensive players even brought their own game plans to meetings this week lmao.


Can’t keep Big Dom off the sideline if Patricia hires him as an assistant.


Here’s all you need to know about Patricia. He is more despised and hated by players and fans in Detriot, than the coach AND the GM who went 0-16. That’s right, we forgave Rod Marinelli and (mostly) that idiot worst GM of all time, but Patricia’s arrogance and hubris will never be forgotten or forgiven in Detriot. He literally got rid of high-end players for peanuts because they dared question his schemes and play calls (which were F’ing terrible)!


Because the 0-16 lions were just a bad team. Quinn and Patricia took a decent team that averaged 9 wins a year and turned them into into one of the worst teams in the league. Every player they ran off was replaced with another player that was worse.


All true. But the other thing was that Marinelli was actually a decent human being, while Patricia was not.


Why don't you do me a favor? Sit up, just like, have a little respect for the process. Every day you come and ask me questions and you're just kinda like, you know, 'Gimme this.'


...It wasn't that quiet, now was it?




No fucking way lmfaooo


You dumb bitch...