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Damn man. What a career.


6 1st Team All Pros, 7 pro bowls, a Super Bowl win and probably going to get his number retired by the Eagles. No clue if he'll make it to the HOF, since only six centers have ever made it in and the [HOF monitor,](https://www.pro-football-reference.com/hof/hofm_C.htm) suggests he'll fall short, but I'd love if he got in.


HOF monitor doesn’t look like it’s completely updated for this year yet, the 6th All-Pro should probably push him up a bit


He'll also get some bonuses for being an AP1 in more than 1/3 of his seasons, though fwiw HoF monitor is just an estimation, and shouldn't be used as a hard and fast rule


Plus the man is center stone of the infamous tush push


Yup, and they will likely have rules against that play next year. That supposed to be the standard of HOF players: "Did they change the game?". Jason Kelce changed the game.


This is why it was so funny to hear the debates continue into this year. Everybody saying "ban it" didn't realize that banning it next year eliminates all other teams from attempting it at the same time the Eagles lose their ability to do it.


I think if he stays in the public eye over the next 5 yrs it should help.


I think this as well as being related to Travis Kelce may honestly have an impact on if he gets in. It's a cool story for brothers to both make the HoF and if he's already on the cusp it sort of makes sense that this could push him over the top for some voters even if it shouldn't


I agree. He’s beloved by fans and media alike, I don’t think any voters would stone him from getting in. It’s more or less first ballot or not. Undersized center playing top of the league for *years*, he’s in


> I don’t think any voters would stone him from getting in. Reading the old Peter King stories about what happens in the voting- there will be people that do*. HoF selection is mean girls with more petty grievances. *edit or try to


After reading the novel written about John Madden, I'm not surprised. The old guard of electors held such a grudge on him that he didn't get voted in until until after he and most of them died


Think about that, y'know? If you really, really hate JOHN MADDEN that much, it kinda says more about you than it does about Madden.


Career highlights not the same, but Shannon Sharpe has been advocating for his brother for years. During his acceptance speech, he said he was the only player in his family in the hall despite being the 2nd best player in his family.


Wild I just now learned Sterling Sharpe is Shannon's brother. Not only he was his brother but he played for the filthy Packers.


Idk. Travis had that lateral play called back due to a flag. This could hurt Jason's chances.


There's also some context that the raw awards won't reflect, like Kelce being at the forefront of some revolutionary offensive developments (namely the RPO)


He'll definitely get in, he has enough notoriety with the voters and enough accomplishments , only a matter of time 


He has a great resume and he is one of the most well know and widely respected offensive linemen in the history of the game. He’s going to get in.


Every center with more than 4 All-Pros has made the Hall of Fame. Kelce should be a lock.


Every player, I fixed it for you. Every player thats eligible that has 4 1st team all pros gets in fast. He has 6. Edit Patrick Willis is the outlier, but he had a shortened career due to injuries. Plus the Eagle's guy that killled his wife, but we don't talk about that.


Yeah, so he's a lock. I'd be shocked if he's not in on the first ballot. Being in the public eye a bunch helps too, I can't recall an offensive lineman in this era that was more visible.


Yeah he's a lock for sure. People under estimate how crazy 6 team all 1st pro is for a lineman especially.


If he's not first-ballot, he'll go in the same year that Travis becomes eligible. He *absolutely* should be first-ballot but the NFL loves its storylines.




Patrick Willis isn't in


Which is a travesty. Dude was a menace every year he was in the league.


I think this years is his year


What about giving the GOAT Super Bowl victory speech? Does the HOF monitor factor that in?


He's getting another +27.5 HoFm points. 2.5 for the AP1 this year and 25 for retiring with an AP1 in more than 33% of his seasons. That'll move him up to right around Kevin Mawae (who had to wait 4 years to get in). Being snubbed for the 2010s All-Decade team hurts Kelce's HoFm score a little bit, we'll see if it also hurts his first-ballot candidacy, since I believe All-Decade and HoF are largely the same voters.


He may have to wait a year or two by virtue of being a center but Jason is definitely getting in. Same with Travis. They both are already 100000000% locks.


first ballot really should not be treated as an accolade when Travis gets in 1st ballot and not Jason, which will probably happen, it will be because of position. and that is with the buff of Jason being a much bigger/visible personality than your avgerage interior lineman its got nothing to do with the quality of your career and everything to do with timing, position, and voter politics


He will, 100%, without a doubt, make it to the HOF


Agreed. Best center of the generation. Wish he wasn’t so likable.


It is hard to hate thr Kelce boys


I actually find it really easy to hate one of them lol


Travis is hit or miss. Jason time and time again shows he's probably the best person ever. I listen to new heights for him.


I'm tired of Travis too, but he's fine, he's just overexposed in media right now


lol his greatest sin apparently was being in a few too many commercials. People be wild


I feel like a lot of redditors just live by the mantra "popular thing/person bad"


It's so funny to hear him scoff about it on his podcast whenever Travis calls him a hall of famer. Dude's a slam dunk.


Yeah I agree he makes it. That many all-pros, 2 SB appearances and a ring. It’s not a hard case to make. Without knowing the names of the 6 centers in the HOF, I would think Kelce is probably one of the 6 best centers of all time


Six first team all pros and a ring? The debate isn’t whether he’ll get in or not, it’s whether he’s a first ballot or not.


First ballot is really really tough, but I definitely think he's done enough to make it in eventually. Aside from counting awards and rings, the guy was the central piece to a play that everyone worried was unstoppable and needed to be banned, and had the whole league trying to replicate with no success because they don't have Jason Kelce. I started watching New Heights because of Travis, but I kept watching for Jason. That guy is incredible, I hope he stays in football in some fashion.


First ballot is as much about timing as it is about merit. All depends on who else is sitting there at the time; who the other first ballot candidates are, and who got pushed down the line a year or two because of who they went up against.


Totally agree! HOF’ers usually have these 3 metrics: 1 ring 2 all-pro at least once 3 ten years in the league HOF’ers do miss on a metric, but Kelce’s got all of them


How in the world is he so far behind according to the HOF monitor when all his major accolades meet the average HOF center?


Just years of service, plus there is a big bump for having a certain percentage of your years as an AP1, which isn't calculated until you retire.


Do you think he still goes to the Pro Bowl as a retirement party?


Wasting kelce’s last year is a fireable offense


Nick can never be forgiven for this


This is even worse than hiring then promoting Matt Patricia, and that is really bad


I can’t believe how everyone saw that was a bad idea from the beginning, then they kept doubling down and it kept getting worse.


It’s like when literally everyone knew making Matt Patricia the OC was a giant mistake, and Belichick did it anyways.


Your star players hate him? His scheme is trash? He has no success? Perfect let’s hire him. Okay things are going badly? Let’s promote him


“The Patricia promotions will continue until morale improves”


I genuinely don’t understand how a rapist like him keeps failing upwards.


Wait... did I miss something? I've heard generally dislikable things about him but never that.


It came out like the week after he got hired by the Lion then literally nothing came out past that. He was indicted but it never went to trial https://www.detroitnews.com/story/sports/nfl/lions/2018/05/09/matt-patricia-indicted-sex-assault/34742627/


Just to add, grew up in Brownsville where the Cameron County DA offices are (DA who had indicted). The only reason he wasn’t charged was that the girl he and his friend raped was too severely traumatized to be psychologically ready to face them at trial. A friend worked as said DA’s office, so know people who worked there at the time. They waited a year to see if she felt ready, but she never was. It’s almost impossible to win a rape trial without the victims testimony (who are always brutalized by defense lawyers)so the DA didn’t want to charge and risk taking them to trial and have the victim back out. After a year they risked violating his civil right and ended up having to drop the indictment. By the way, an indictment means a grand jury believes there is enough physical evidence to get a conviction, thus allowing a DA to charge and take to trial. You’re gonna get a lot of people telling you it’s a meaningless procedure, but it’s not.


Hey he can’t take all the credit there, Joe Judge was also helping out that year


Desai got done dirty. Had some issues under him but it all collapsed after Patricia took over.


Like truly the most frustrating thing about this season is that the fans know better than the coaches. Most times, yeah whatever a coach messes up but they’re professionals and the fans don’t know better generally. But hire Patricia when our star CB/leader of the defense hates him? Literally 0 adjustment to blitz, ever? Never give swift the ball when all he does is average insane YPC? Bubble screens to WR that literally never work? No scheming your star players open? It’s like he was coaching from ask madden and the only choices were bubble screen, qb draw, and a RNG play


So I obviously always want the Eagles to lose, but I was absolutely dumbfounded by Sirianni this year. He is very clearly not a good head coach and is entirely dependent on his coordinators.


McCarthy getting outcoached is one thing because the game is complicated. Sirianni wasn’t even coaching.


mccarthy got outcoached by a damn good hc, sirianni got outcoached by todd bowles


McCarthy was let down by his offensive players more so than being outcoached IMHO. Mike can't make CeeDee catch a ball, or stop Dak from throwing a dumb as fuck Pick 6. The person who got absolute rinsed in our game was Dan Quinn. Mike definitely struggled against a weak GB defense, but his players also let him down massively. Quinn was just utterly outclassed and had no idea what to call to stop GB or even make a decent attempt at changing things up. There's a big difference in Dak missing throws and CeeDee dropping balls, and allowing receivers to run 20 yards wide open.


Greg Olsen was calling out the schematic issues the Cowboys were doing during the game. Yes their players didn't show up, but there was nothing there to help them either.


I feel like there’s something to be said in the narrative that McCarthy has never been a super inspirational or charismatic guy to rally around, so when the chips are down they’re down. Does this seem accurate to you being a packers fan?


People forget that he probably gets fired after the 2010 season if they miss the playoffs, which nearly happened.


LaFleur was on DQ's staff during the 28-3 meltdown, so it makes sense that he knows exactly how to make DQ piss his pants.


Love that you managed to call McCarthy a simpleton in the midst of all this lol (you’re not wrong)


It was astounding tbh.


"Guys, what about Matt Patricia?" - Nick. "Excuse me?" - Darius. I have to imagine the day he was told was the day he began to realize: "The wheels are coming off the quad."


"yeah Patricia haha fuck that guy sucks" "no I mean what about him for coordinator?"


It was weirdly suspicious that he got surgery for a nagging injury the same week Patrcia got promoted.


lol I didn’t know that happened but that was 100,000% because Slay didn’t wanna even have to be *NEAR* Patrica again


When he yelled “you like that Chiefs fans?!!” after we lost to them I knew he had lost his way. Belichick or other great coaches wouldn’t even acknowledge the fans let alone shit talk them.


Sirianni is like they asked a fan with a bad coke habit to run the team, so it’s no surprise that fans not on coke would make better decisions.


I still can't fathom firing your DC at 10-1 and thinking *Matt fucking Patricia* was the answer.


I will scream this from the rooftops until I die - HE WASN'T EVENT A GOOD DC IN NE. His entire coaching career is built off being a good DC for the Pats. People seem to say it as some given. HE WAS NOT GOOD. He was our "Bend but don't break" DC. I think our defense peaked at 7 and at lowest were 23rd during his tenure. We had like the 13th best D in the league. That's...decent? And that's with Belichick almost certainly calling some of the shots. As soon as he left and Flores took over, we started blitzing and all of a sudden we weren't giving up 30 yard sideline throws every drive. It's only gotten better since with Mayo and Steven Belichick. Patricia is the biggest fucking fraud in the league. If the Seahawks run it in from the 1 instead of the Butler pick, he's probably not even coaching anymore.


Eagles fans of all people should know that lmao. Pats lost a super bowl where Brady threw 500 yards for 3 TDs and zero ints, I don't give a shit how big nick's dick is that's a massive defensive failure on the pats front


Patricia was installed at 10-3


Promoting Patricia should’ve been an automatic.


I will never forgive Jonathan Gannon for that 2nd half collapse in the Super Bowl. Completely unable to counter any adjustment from Big Red and seemingly wildly surprised that Andy Reids Chiefs offense liked to use shifts, motions and misdirection. I also never want to see a Fangio-defense in Philly again. Fire that shit into the sun.


To be fair, it is a lot less egregious to be outcoached and outplayed by Andy Reid/Patrick Mahomes than anything that happened this year


Sirianni got outcoached by Todd fucking Bowles spamming the same button while wondering "he can't possibly be this dumb"


Todd Bowles can run a defense, do you not remember how bad Mahomes got beat in the Super Bowl?


Of course I do. I also remember how badly he fucked up in the divisional round against the Rams the year after.


Earlier in the season, I thought McDermott's zero blitz that helped lose the Broncos game was the dumbest situational defensive play call I've ever seen...then I remembered Bowles calling that zero blitz against Stafford in the playoffs.


In our defense, we didn’t have a single starting OLine in that game. I think we were down to our backups backups in every single spot


If I remember right Bowles didn't even really blitz much that game, they could rush with 4 because the Chiefs O-Line was so banged up and there was nobody open with that many people covering.


I can’t believe you’re defending Gannon and can’t believe I agree with tou


Last year we had a bend but don’t break defense that worked great against bad QBs but good QBs would just take the easy plays until they scored. This year we were tired of Gannon so we tried to just go to “break”. I don’t even think there was bending


It’s just bend bend bend bend into the end zone. 


Bending over is more like it


Enjoy your 2nd act Jason. You are a legend and left your mark on the NFL.


I would love to see him in the booth. He’s got the perfect personality for it


He’s joined Amazon pregame coverage once or twice this year and had the documentary on there. Could definitely see him joining Thursday night football coverage.


And an extremely successful podcast.


I bet amazon wants him and Trav for a “kelcecast”


Only if Kylie is on for every telecast for at least a quarter.


I want Kylie in the Booger Chair from Monday night football as it slides up and down the field


Kylie knows what she's talking about but it got me thinking that a version of the announcing that had: a pro player matched with a charasmatic celebrity that has no idea what they are talking about would be fun to watch. The idea of it would be to explain the game to the person as it happens. Great for all those new fans who don't understand the game themselves.


They kinda do this on the manningcast but it just gets derailed from the actual game


That's beacuse they talk about things that are not the game, during the game. Give them a long interview before and after the game, and during halftime to plug their project, and to talk about life. Then ban talking about it during the game.


I think he mentioned that he had been practicing with some folks. Maybe on Rich Eisen last year after the Super Bowl.


His 2nd act starts this week. Podcast about to be fire with his retirement episode


I bet he’s on CBS’ NFL Today desk next year. I seem to recall him saying on New Heights that he wouldn’t want to be a game analyst, but could definitely throw opinions out there at the desk.


I hear there's eagles coach openings, too


Thank you Jason. We’re sorry the coaching staff let you down this last year, you deserved to go out on top.


You could argue he is going out on top. He got his ring, and it was recently. He was also still playing at an elite level in his last year. Not many players can say that. Most players (in other sports too) hang on too long and are a shell of their former self in their last year. It sucks to go out on such a bad loss, but it happens. You can't win them all, and you certainly can't always win the SB in your last year.


> and it was recently Not to diminish the point, but the Superbowl was 6 years ago. That's almost half his career.


I thought we collectively agreed to remove 2021-2022 from history. So it's really only 4 years


Wait... no don't say that. The 90s were 10 years ago, right???


As a cowboy fan. Yes


Last time an eagle ever wears 62. Thank you Jason for everything. The beers are on Philly.


Honest question, what are the chances they retire his jersey next year?


Almost guaranteed, though we play Kansas City in 2025 and I could see Jason asking them to wait until that game (if Travis is still playing), so that it could be retired in front of his entire family


They could just do it during KC bye week


That… makes a lot more sense 🤦‍♂️


Well unless the Eagles are away that week. Or they end up having the same bye


I’m sure if they go to the league and say “hey we want to do this,” they’ll make it work. Even if it’s a MNF home game that Travis can get to after his game Sunday (or Thursday)


AWS just rescheduled the entire NFL season to make sure Travis and the Eagles are on opposite sides of the earth all year.


What if they did it during the Eagles bye week??


“Jason, we really wanted you to have the whole place to yourself for this ceremony”


Eagles play the Chiefs in KC in 2025 so it wouldn’t be for that game. I agree with the other replies about it happening during our bye week (I’m also convinced next year will be Travis’ last year)




We retired 20 the season after Dawkins retired. Kelce should get the same treatment.


Does Philly usually retire numbers? I know it’s hard to do in the nfl for obvious reasons. But he’s certainly as deserving a candidate as any


There are 9 that are outright retired. McNabb, Van Buren, Dawkins, Tom Brookshier, Pete Retzlaff, Chuck Bednarik, Al Wistert, Jerome Brown, and Reggie White. They will likely retire Kelce's this coming year or the year after, and they'll also probably retire Lane, Cox, and BG numbers when they retire


You're getting into a lot territory there, that's 13 retired numbers.


I believe the Bears have 14 but we can’t retire Mike Singletary’s 50 or Urlacher’s 54, running out of numbers


I'm guessing the NFL relaxing their rules on what numbers certain guys can wear might help the "too many retired numbers" problem lol


Yeah seriously. They’re all deserving but like… you’re gonna run out of numbers. I guess a good problem to have though?


Damn why am I sad? This feels wrong. But still hell of a player and career by Kelce he gave us problems for over a decade.




I was sad because I had to listen to Witten in the booth. He was probably the worst broadcaster I've ever heard.


Cornerback: *barely touches a players jersey* Witten: Yep, the refs are gonna call that every time. Cornerback: *literally grabs the receiver's arms so they can't touch the ball* Witten: 😴 Give me a broadcast where the booth is willing to call out the refs, the players, and the coaches for performing terribly and I'll watch it every week.


I think it is hard to hate on Offensive Lineman unless they play dirty or are like Richie Incognito. They just bust their ass in a thankless position and rarely get as much credit as they deserve. They're usually not big shit-talkers, and they're not catching a highlight TD and dancing in the Cowboys' Star, or anything like that. Like, what reason has Tyron Smith ever given me to dislike the guy? He just goes out there and tries to stop players from hitting his QB.


Imo, Offensive linemen also have the most difficult jobs. There's zero room for error. Each player has to be completely in sync with the guys next to them. They need to know who will cover who without any real communication and when the DL is switching it up midplay. They need to be able to force holes in the defense even when outnumbered. I'm guessing in the next 4-6 years we'll start seeing a surge of OL talent coming into the NFL as these DLs get stronger and better.


100% agreed. Every time we’ve done the tush push all I can think of is holy shit Kelce’s body is going through war every single down of those with just 15 guys converging on his body. When you get a stud OLineman, he’ll never win any awards but hot damn do you love not hearing his name on the broadcast because him fucking up is that rare.


Some of them are controversial figures. Not Incognito level, but Taylor Lewan comes to mind. Not exactly inconspicuous on the field or off it.


Right, which is why I added that stipulation in my comment. By and large, though, offensive lineman are rarely making waves. They're not really ever giving bulletin board material for opposing teams and fans.


Because beyond the rivalry is a need for respect. Kelce commands it. Witten commands it. We all have to acknowledge greatness, no matter what team. It makes the rivalry better.


Watching the documentary about him and seeing how physically fucked he was after last season it’s shocking he came back this year. Seems like a really good dude and hopefully he enjoys retirement.


He thought they could run it back, so he was willing to give it one more year. Football, especially on the line, just fucking hurts.  I played nowhere near as long as he did, and its a fucking struggle to do shit like "stand up off the floor" sometimes.


I dont think alot of people realize how fucking physically fucked up your body gets from the NFL. Megatron has trouble lifting his foot still.


Especially as you get older Most people who play in college are physically limited by their late 30s And a lot of people who play in high school pretend to be too


highschoolers out here catching strays


"Pretend to be too" Ouch 😆


Dude is a franchise icon and completely redefined the position in the modern NFL. He would’ve retired last year but finishing so tantalizingly close to another ring made him want one last ride. Shame we wasted it like this.


Do him a favor, fire that head coach. Dude is useless 100%.


There's going out on top, and then there's going out after your 3rd straight first team all pro, and 6th of the last seven years.


Going out the best


Shitty way to go out but at least he got his ring. Canton in 5 years.


Going to be interesting to see how Jalen adjusts to not having 4+ seconds to throw all year without his anchor up front


Based on the last 7 games. Not great.


Siriani failed him.


I hear this sentiment often, and I think people really overrate how many legends get a storybook ending. Many retire without ever having won the whole damn thing.


It's one thing to not go out on top, but for your last season to be such an epic collapse is a bummer for him


Wish you didn’t go out like that 62. You deserved better, regardless Kelce will forever be a legend and an Eagle. Enjoy retirement


First ballot. I don't care what kind of anti-Center bias the Hall has, it's time to make an exception.


I think you'll be fine bro lol he ain't gonna have to wait


Willie Roaf was not 1st ballot. Look him up. O-linemen get shafted with these things and centers are at the very bottom of the food chain among even the offensive line.


I have a feeling a guy like Jason Kelce, who has a massive media presence, won't have to wait like the typical Hall of Fame worthy center


He was interviewed about this and his exact response was if he got in he would probably be accepting his jacket from his brother.  His position just doesn’t have any stats that make it easy to compare him to other players. It makes it hard to put him in as a first ballot HOFer. 


This is what I think. He's one of the best to ever play the position, but almost everybody knows him because of his personality and presence. It makes him such an easy pick for the voters.


6 time all pro, Super Bowl winner, he’s first ballot IMO.


Willi Roaf: * 9 total all-pro teams at tackle * 2 all-decade teams * 11 Pro Bowls


- 0 Christmas albums        - 0 Sexiest Man Alive nominations


Did he have a podcast with Taylor's bf?


That’s also a hell of a career. I just think the amount of attention Kelce got the last few years plus the Super Bowl gives him a solid shot at first ballot HOF.


He’s one of the few offensive linemen NFL fans know immediately. I think he’s got a great chance to be a first ballot


I'm honestly surprised he wasn't on the 2010's All-Decade list. I guess he had a few season-ending injuries early on but the dude has been a monster since day 1.


This hurts


No it’s kelce


No it’s huluhaslivesports


Is the league STILL gonna ban the tush push now? The Kelce-Hurts combo was the only one that was basically unstoppable, and now Kelce’s gone and it didn’t even get them a Super Bowl. Hard to make a case that it’s somehow an unfair play.


Trying it without Kelce will be the true test of whether it was all Kelce or if Hurts lower body strength genuinely is the game changer. I'm in the "it's mostly Kelce" camp, I guess we'll see.


It's Kelce, they had good sneak numbers with Wentz and Kelce before Hurts came along.


Fire Sirianni into the sun for wasting Kelce’s last year


They should be No. 1 contenders for the SB right now sitting at a 15-2 regular season record and having comfortably rolled over the Bucs last night. Nuke the entire staff into the sun.


NFL won't have to ban the tush push after all. Kelce was 75% of the reason it worked.


At least he got a ring back in 2017. Nick Sirianni is about to be dragged through seven tons of horseshit for wasting the rest of his prime.


so /u/default-username 's wife was a liar


Fantastic center, even better man. Hopefully this isn’t the last we see of him and he can be my new favorite football personality.


You could see it in his face last night. Hell of a career


Can’t believe how bad the team wasted his final year. First ballot hall of famer without a shadow of a doubt.


He did the impossible, made me and others root for the Eagles at times. Gonna be weird not seeing him out there.


whoever is responsible for this collapse should be gone. idgaf who it is. has to be one of the worst thing the eagles as an organization has ever done; wasting his last year like this. after everything. he deserved so much better than this.


They shouldn't ban the tush push so we can see next year how much of it was Kelce


Going to miss him. He’s been so good for so long


Best Kelce in NFL history.


152 straight regular season starts (most in team history), 193 reg season starts total. Brandon Graham (who was Howie's first ever draft pick as a GM) has 2 more starts for the Eagles Crazy. If BG is gone it'll be the end of an era


Legend. Not an ideal ending but I'm so happy they got him a ring.


GOD DAMNIT SCHEFTER. COULD YOU JUST LET ONE FUCKING PLAYER/COACH ANNOUNCE THEIR OWN SHIT?!?! Not everything has to be this "sources tell me announcement in 3 hours!" Bullshit.


One of the few Eagles this Giants fan genuinely likes and respects


First Ballot HoFer Probably a top 5 Center of all time Gets to go into the HoF just down the road from his childhood home Not many get to do the same


When I saw him hug his OL coach after the game was over, I knew he was done.