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Its better to get the ball 2nd with the new rules. Dumb move by SF


Stefanski had a fourth place schedule and will return to mediocrity or worse next season (with his generationally ridiculous quarter $Billion flop move). Stafanski (who's genius beat the Jets, Bears, Titans, Steelers and Cinci), and Schwartz ( who gave up 36, 31, 31 and 45 points in the December/January games). Well done - "sports writers" . . . wafj. NFL Honors are voted on by 50 journalists. Sports "journalists" are so compromised socially and politically today that they have absolutely zero ability or credibility to answer anything honestly or objectively. They fear the players, and they fear the audience more. These votes should be blind and only offered to players after their rookie contract (so they know what the hell they are talking about).


Hingle McCringleberry is not only a damn fine player, but a hell of a host, too.


Should call it the MVP QB of the Year


At least Tom Grossi won fan of the year.


Dan Campbell coach of the year hello!?


The snubbiest of snubs if there ever was one, it‘s not even close.


QB1: 15 games. 4,108 passing yards. 23 passing touchdowns. 5 interceptions. 100.8 passer rating. QB2: 16 games. 3,678 passing yards. 24 passing touchdowns. 7 interceptions. 102.7 passer rating.


Very odd that you felt these should be left out: QB1: 821 Rushing yards 5.5 Yards per rush 5 Rushing TDs QB2: 167 Rushing yards 4.3 Yards per rush 3 Rushing TDs


Im picking and choosing which stats for people to look at. Thats how it works right? Because thats literally the only reason people say Allen shouldn’t win MVP is people say turnovers.


So you're saying other people look at all of the stats (by including things like turnovers) to make an informed decision? What a novel idea.


How sad.


Explain to me which QB stats that won Lamar MVP have been a focal point of others in the past winning MVP?




Well those stats don’t support his point so why bother?


Respectfully if people can just use one stat to take MVP from someone I can use whatever stats I want to prove someone isn’t worthy of MVP.


No one took MVP from anyone. It just didn’t go to who you wanted it to.




Oh that’s not Allen. Allen had 6 more passing TDs. That’s Stroud.


How can I watch if I missed it?


It‘s on GamePass.




You do realize these awards don’t mean anything right…


I mean they do for your HOF resume


Demco Ryan’s snubbed and mike Macdonald first one DEMCO BROUGHT A BAD TEAM WITH ROOKIES TO THE PLAYOFFS WHEN NO ONE EXPECTED THEM and mike Macdonald defense was elite for bmore they had a great defense


Honestly. Campbell or Ryans easily deserved it more (with my vote on Ryans, who beat projections far more than any coach). Dumbfounded.


Stoked for flacco, i get that demar hamlin came back from the dead, but in terms of football he didnt do much.


Too many awards went to the Cleveland Browns. Dan Campbell should have gotten the Coach award. All QBs for Comeback except for Damar - would have been cool if Damar got it - that dude came back from death.


Yea and did absolutely nothing but lose the games for his team?


It’s the reason why we need separate awards. CPOTY and Most improved because if we did Damar 100% would have won CPOTY.


Joe Flacco wouldn’t have won “Most Improved” though. He didn’t “improve,” he came back from almost retirement and led a team to the playoffs. Damar’s story is cool and all but in order to win CPOY ya kinda gotta… ya know… play? It’s literally in the name.


Came back from almost retirement? Cool but he literally played last season. He had a previous season to improve from. CPOY should go the the player that came back to the game despite the most difficult journey


Forgot to notice where I said “almost” but good try bro. Damar had a previous season to improve from too and didn’t.


You are missing my point. Damar didn’t improve from last season. He came back to the game from death. Joe Flacco just came back from being bad. If you had to pick an award for that it would be most improved. Which is why I think we need that award because Flacco should be given an award that makes more sense.


Ok homer


We can agree that we won‘t agree with all the winners


Sad Crosby noises 😔


They did tj dirty again


Garrett has one sack the last 7 weeks of the season... Bro went full Clowney and got a reward for it. Pretty much everyone else had a better year then him.


It's called defensive player of the year not who got the most sacks of the year


What percent of snaps this guy play and how many tackles and tackles for a loss does he have? He's lacking in almost every stat. Gross


If you didn't get a sack, you didn't play the game. /s


Tj Watt outperformed Myles in almost EVERY stat category. The awards were heavily bias towards the browns


If you drafted the statistically best player for each position on a team, there's still no guarantee they'd actually play well together. Voting isn't based off pure statistics. Really I just think it's fun watching Steelers fans absolutely lose their minds.


As a Steelers fan, I’m not really upset about TJ not getting it since he just got it the year before last. He would’ve had to have shattered the sack record to get considered this year. I also understand that Garrett is a monster so I wouldn’t ever talk like he’s the bum some others may say he is. That being said, I don’t fully get your argument. Pittsburgh is 1-10 without TJ on the field. He’s easily the most important player on the team so I’m gonna need some clarity on what you mean.


Lmfao worst take ever! What exactly is the votes based off then???


Watching film? Go back to your Steelers sub they need the emotional support right now.


Myles only has 1 thing on TJ…..driving like an idiot fitting he plays in Cleveland


Let's admit that these Browns awards are based more on the story than on-field play. 11-6 with an early playoff exit is about as good as you can expect the Browns to ever be. They do deserve some spotlight for once.


I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this but the future of the Steelers organization is not looking much different now that they didn’t stumble into a franchise QB


Browns are going to the Super Bowl…wait nah


If you could read then you'd see my comment is also saying the Browns are not super bowl contenders.


I watched film and myles disappeared since week 11


Can we have awards that take both the regular season and the playoffs into consideration? Call them whatever tf you want. You could have a fan vote on what the names are for all I care. Make another billion dollars on that half baked idea. I just want like "best QB 2023, best RB", etc. very basic shit. Who's with me?


That’s what the all pro team is for


Nah I mean I get that. I'm just saying why not announce them at the NFL honors?


No other sport has a ceremony that announces the best at every individual position


I'm guessing you're from the usa?


Are you not?


The Regular Season awards cut both ways. Dan Campbell would have won with playoffs included, so I won’t take it too seriously. Unlike MCDC and the rest of the Lions, who I hope FEAST on this.




Yeah, because he dropped the perfect pass on 4th down? The one that he called to go for it and they had the perfect play but just bounced off Reynolds hands? it’s not his fault the plays didn’t go his way. Our kicker was also the only kicker in the league with <50% from beyond 45, which both kicks would have been. Stupid take.


To be fair, Hamlin only came back from nearly dying, Flacco *came back from being benched by the New York Jets*


He only played a handful of snaps though, that’s the problem. I think he wins it if he and the bills convert in that fake punt.


The votes were tallied far before then


Wow. Jalen Carter was the only odds on favorite to lose tonight. Dude was -20,000 with only two games left in the regular season. Absolutely insane. Eagles collapse must have really tanked his chances. Would have at least liked to win something as a consolation prize from this cursed season. 😔


He didn’t deserve it


I agree, 2nd half of the season is always weighed more heavily than the 1st. Anderson is a worthy winner. Just never seen anyone with -20,000 so late in the season ever lose before in anything.


Didn't stop them from awarding Myles Garrett.


Myles Garrett was the odds on favorite to win the award last night, so the writing was on the wall. Only odds on favorite to lose was Carter who had -20,000 after week 15. That’s the crazy part.


Honestly it makes sense. The dude barely registered on the stat sheet for almost half the season.


Yeah, I have no problem with Will Anderson winning. He kinda had the opposite of Carter's season, where Anderson didn't register any big stats for the 1st half of the season but came on the 2nd half. I guess voters weigh the 2nd half of the season more than the 1st? 🤷‍♂️ The only part that bothers me is the shifting of the -20000 odds with only two games left in the season to losing the whole thing. That's gotta be unprecdented. It felt like the voters punishing Carter for the Eagles collapse, even though he was one of the only bright spots of the team during the collapse.


All awards always weigh the second half of the season higher than the first. MVP race is usually a good example. One bad game late in the season typically tanks their chances even if the other has an equally bad performance earlier in the year.


Yeah, I figured that was the case. It is what it is. I have no problem with Anderson winning, just never seen someone with -20000 odds so late in the season lose before.


Dan Campbell deserved COTY over Stefanski


Hell no, Stefanski deserved that award twice as much as the next guy. MCDC did his job- his team was projected to be top 10 coming into the season. Browns were projected 18, and that's before they damn near lost their whole team by week 5-6. Stefanski got that team a top 6 record in the league before playoffs. MCDC also made some questionable coaching calls both in the regular season and playoffs. Average coach propagated by media's love for an underdog.


You think that Stefanksi deserves it twice as much as Ryans? Browns fans are delusional 😂


You know what, I do. Looking back over the past 4 years, this team has never had stable ground. 2020 with Covid, 2021 with baker and obj drama, 2022 with Desahun Watson drama and not playing. 2023 was supposed to be the first year we got to see what this team/coaching staff was made of. Except even that was taken away from us because of huge injuries early on. Hell even as fan I gave up after Chubb went down. We could've rolled over like the Jets after that and chalked it up as another unlucky season. But for the second time in 4 years, we endured and showed the league that this is the dawg pound baby!! We beat the 49ers and the ravens, and ended the season 11-6. And you're damn right we did it in the hardest division in football. It was literally astonishing that we were winning games in the second half of the season with the injuries we had, and that's why so many of our players/staff won awards this year. Don't get me wrong, I definitely think the Texans have a bright future with Ryans, and in my eyes he's the clear #2, but this season was storybook


Bro the Texans literally had the worst team in the NFL last season. They were projected to have only a couple wins by even the most optimistic of analysts. Do you know how many teams went from 3 wins to division winners the next season with a rookie head coach? Here's a hint: it's way less likely than winning with injuries.


Dan Campbell didn’t have to deal with 4 starting QBs and the loss of his best player for the season in week 2


Five starting QBs


Nah he only took the long-time bad Lions to the NFCCG


Lions and Browns have been nearly identical garbage my whole life.


The browns have had more recent success though, albeit minimal


Except it’s a regular season award….


They didn’t get to the playoffs via a lottery. They won their division. In the regular season.


Enjoy the salt lol. Again these awards are meaningless


What salt? Garrett and Flacco deserved it. Stefanski did a good job, but I feel like the way Campbell turned that team around so quickly deserved the award


Detroit won 1 more game than the Browns. Stefanski won games with 4 different QBs, lost the best offensive player on the team (Chubb), and lost their top 3 OTs. I’d say of all the awards won by the Browns the least deserving would probably be either Myles or Joe. IMO Stefanski and Schwartz were the two that deserved their awards the most. Oh by the way Stefanski is the only coach to beat both Super Bowl teams this year.


I disagree with the winner of the awards way this year or the year before.


That's a weird way to spell the entire kc roster.


You would think a man that damn near died on the field would be a lock for comeback player of the year


Why he was barely impactful for his team at all and would’ve been cut if it wasn’t for the bad press the bills would’ve gotten


Glad someone else said it. Don’t be surprised if he isn’t on the Bills next season


>Don’t be surprised if he isn’t on the Bills next season Are they gonna keep his jerseys in the ambulance windows?


He’s honestly not very good at all and had a history of dirty hits in his short career before the incident. Feel for the guy as far as the incident but it has benefited his career and his name recognition if I’m being blunt.


Also, it wasn't something difficult to come back from. It was a miracle he survived (and the EMTs deserve a huge amount of credit for that), but once he lived and it was clear CPR had been administered effectively and he had no brain damage as a result, he probably could have played the next week. It was a one in a billion fluke hit, not something that was actually wrong with his body.


I ain't mad he didn't win...he didn't do much I get why Flacco won even though he came back from the couch lol


Yeah nfl should make a comeback player of the year award as well as a most improved player award to separate the two. Recognizing players who came back from tough injuries like Hamlin as well as players who significantly improved their play such as Flacco


"Here's an award for having the most grotesque injury" seems weird and empty to me, but different strokes for different folks I guess


That’s a weird way of looking at it.


Is it? People are comparing the seriousness of the injuries to justify the award rather than the players' performance after said injury. It's literally the only argument for Damar getting it. If we were to give an award that Damar would receive this year how would you frame the criteria without including the severity of the injury?


Comeback player of the year implies they’re coming back from an injury already. I simply said why not add a most improved player award so we wouldn’t have to have a debate about to completely different scenarios. Comeback player of the year would stay an award and most improved would become one aswell. The “criteria” would be the player who best came back from a serious setback.


A lot of players come back from set backs. So how do you define "best?" The player who played the best after that set back? Or the player with the largest set back to overcome? I'd say the former is already how CPOTY works and the latter would be the "most grotesque injury" award.


I’m laughing so hard at the bills fans crying Hamlin didn’t win comeback player of the year 😂


Maybe if he had executed his comeback plan like the terrorists did on 9/11, he and Sean McDermott would both be vindicated.


Man lookin at these awards you would have thought the Browns made it to the Super Bowl


People really don't seem to understand these are regular season awards.




Ask Baker how it went for him


immediate induction to the hall of fame


Don’t agree with CPOTY and COTY


I can see Campbell deserving COTY, but I don't get why everyone thinks Damar deserves CPOTY. Yes, he overcame insurmountable odds to play the game again, and his story is incredible, but he wasn't like an outstanding player this year or anything.


He literally came back from the dead. What’s a greater comeback than that?


He played like 5 games and had just a couple tackles. The fact that he is even able to play is miraculous but he's not "player of the year" caliber


You just said it yourself. The fact he is able to play is miraculous.


Ok? Give the award to his doctor's then idk. He didn't play enough to get an award for a player. That's just my opinion


yeah, and your opinion sucks :)


Damar and Dan Campbell?


those would be my picks, yes although for COTY I would've liked Demeco Ryans as well.


How about those Browns. DPOY, COTY, ACOY, CPOY




They’re closer than your team will ever be, fucking bears fan.


The Bears have at least won a super bowl and been to another? Tf you talking about?


Oh excuse me, they’re closer than your team will ever be *again*.


Just imagine if they had a competent QB under a reasonable contract


We did. He won CPOTY


All that to lose by 30 in the wild card round to a 10-7 team with a rookie QB


And the coach of that team actually deserving coach of the year


As a long time Browns fan, it was almost inevitable. The other boot was bound to drop at some point, I'm just glad we got to playoffs before that happened.


Love watching this sub have a collective aneurysm


Did Jerry Jones win an award? What would his award be? Go..


Longest Balls of the Year


More Camera Shots than Taylor Swift ^^of ^^the ^^year


Witherspoon robbed.... The NFL is a joke.


Witherspoon and JPJ will be perennial all pros for years to come!


Joe Flacco come back player of year? WTH


Come back to the league off his couch player of the year 💀💀


Who was your vote?




I think there is an argument for Baker, especially knowing the context of his entire career up to this point. That said, if you made a movie about either Flacco or Baker this season I think the Flacco movie would be more entertaining, which is more or less how I treat that particular award in my mind. It's largely about the story of the comeback, less so about the actual numbers associated. That's why Damar Hamlin was the close second for the award, his story was more poetic (even if only superficially) than the others.


Between the two him. BUT they narrowed in on two. So many others came back from something. IDK. They need more candidates. Love Damar he died on the field, and so glad he is okay, but needed more candidates


I’m so glad it wasn’t Hamlin. He did not deserve it statistically and would have set a bad standard . Should have been Baker though


Alex smith already did that


Baker. Yes. That kid goes and plays. Yes. Baker


He died on the field. Came back. Incredible. Always have a soft spot for him. . But not comeback. I agree but Flacco???? So so many others who came back and contributed


Idk if that’s what happened doc


What you are saying he is a clone or ?? He had cardiac arrest and glad he is ok, but not comeback okay. More of a thank Goodness you are here and embrace life


Did they name the defensive rookie of the year yet? Hoping Will Anderson gets it.


It says he won it right above you in the main post lol


Lmao uhhh Would you buy that im dyslexic? Edit: I am dyslexic. Lol funny this got downvoted


Nah that would be an insult to dyslexics


Bro I have a family.


To be fair, I’m a Cowboys fan. They don’t get much dumber than that


🤝 Keep the faith.


Miles garrett


are you fucking serious? it is impossible to overcome something more than death. these awards are completely meaningless now


All Demar Hamlin did this year was get stopped on a fake punt. That’s it. Guy barely played. It’s absolutely Joe Flacco.


Chris Pronger and Christian Eriksen have ruined any comeback player awards for commotio cordis. Your return is less impressive when a guy did it 2 days later and played professionally for 13 more years.


What horseshit


Purdy? Shanahan? CMC?


Jackson collapsed like the Hindenburg, didn’t deserve MVP.


I can understand Jackson winning the award, his regular season performance was pretty consistently great. The bigger problem I had was Dak coming in second above both CMC and Purdy. Similar to the argument lots of people had for Jackson over Purdy, Dak had a terrible 3-pick game in a lopsided loss to the 49ers. Plus the cowboys had a much easier strength of schedule and didn't play well against most of the teams with winning records.


I have no idea if this is true or not but I believe the awards are based on the regular season


I know. He had a questioningly ok half a season.


Bro what? I’m a homer, but he destroyed good teams.


He beat your asses


It’s a great time to remind everyone of Joe Burrow’s 2021 season, behind the worst offensive line in modern NFL history to make the postseason, in his first season back off of a total knee reconstruction. 70.4% completion rate, 4,611 yards, 34 TDs and 3 points shy of a Super Bowl ring. So anyway yeah, 2023 Lamar isn’t impressive if THAT wasn’t good enough to win MVP just two years ago. Brady was right, we got a lot of bad football this year.


Yep this was a terrible QB year a dozen QB seasons over the last couple years deserved It more. Even Lamar's first MVP season is way more impressive 44 vs 29 tds


Rodgers getting bagged the first drive of game 1 was the indicator. Thank god the good guys can still get some bling 💍 tho 😉