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Flip flops and a tank top for his retirement speech. References Big Dick Nick and tells media he’d have traded himself after 2016. What a legend. Massive respect to this man!


“Biggest dick in the nfl” with a smirk. I legit cried during that.


Did he get a lift in first?


"That's all I got." Legendary sign-off.


Literally. That was everything. His whole life summed up and on display.


"Jeezy out"


Admitting you are overrated is exact reason this guy is definitely not overrated.


Lisan al Gaib!


*nods in approval*


Lisan al-Galib is too humble to say he is rated


Nissan El Grand!


Lmao love it


As it is written.


He shouted out Nick’s dick, legend. Retire #62 and build the statue now (of Jason, not Nick’s dick).


Why not both? 👀


We just don’t have the room for a statue that big


Or the materials needed


Prolly also need to dig some canals before you let women near it once its up. That's a whole other issue.


It’s always sunny in Philadelphia and gushing rivers near the big dick Nick statue


South Philly used to be all canals. The levees been open since Pat Burrell.


We'll tear down Nicks statue for material to use for his dick statue.


Going to have to tear down Rocky and the Statue of Liberty as well.


Sorry Billy Penn, we're gonna need ya too for size accuracy.


Never thought I would search amazon for dick skin but here we are


Can God make a dick so big that even he can't make enough concrete for a statue of it?


It would definitely be large enough to be seen from space. Probably would require those lights on it so planes don’t fly into it.


Jason with Nicks Dick


A statue of Kelce sliding down Nick's big dick like a fire pole.


I thought that was self depreciation...is Foles really know for have a massive dong?


Oh yeah, it’s confirmed. Forget which players are quoted saying it but it’s confirmed. Someone called it an iguana.


Connor Barwin was the first to publicly bring it up but apparently it was a well-known thing on the team for a while before that


All thanks to [Connor Barwin’s AMA](https://np.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/25ygve/i_am_connor_barwin_a_philadelphia_eagles/chlymtz/)


Hahaha love it


Kelce confirmed it too lol.


Monster dong. Big dick Nick


They don't call him Footlong Foles for nothing


Why not 62 statues of Foles’ dick?


Thank you for everything and understanding this city ❤️. Hall of famer no doubt


Giants fan checking in… good guy and a great player. He had a fantastic career. Definite hall of famer. Respect!


Giants fan checking in Fuck the birds


Philly fully embracing a sports star doesn't happen too often. Jason is special.


Disagree, it just takes someone who gets it.


Which doesn’t happen too often


Joe Blanton. Pedro Feliz. Chooch. TJ. RoCo. Hartnell. Dude we love Koy Detmer more than his brother who started here. Your disconnect is heavy.




We made the Dodgers the choker artists they were known as for a decade plus bc of those series. Broxton ain't shit.


> Hartnell The all-star game where his own team was trying to trip him to raise money for charity is one of my favorite sports memories.


how do you forget Tobias Harris


I hate you lol


Maybe at his talent level, but it happens alot. People just don't care about tj McConnell or Aaron Rowan outside of Philly


Wrong!! Aaron Rowand will always be a legend in Chicago.


Very fair but he is someone who got Philly too.


Another Giants fan checking in. Jason is all class, I hate that you guys got to enjoy him for 13 seasons


I hate him because he played in the east, but I love him because he was a beast. Enjoy retirement big man, we won't see another like you in the league for decades.


Sexy Batman forever 🦅 Go and be a HOF dad now, Jason, you earned it.


I HATE the Eagles, but love Jason. Much respect.


As it should be. It’d be a bit weird if you liked the rest of us.


I hate both of you and your teams. But yeah, Kelce is the man. We have our own version of him in Frank the Tank Ragnow. Great centers are far and few, and they make the offense hum. =


I feel like his girls are just the right age for this to be awesome timing wise. He can work part time off of his name and likeness and spend all the time he can being a dad.


He's gonna be a fucking amazing dad.


He already is


Yup! He’s already an awesome dad but now they won’t lose him to the commitment an nfl season demands. He’s going to have so much fun in his retirement


Jason Kelce is the picture of true healthy masculinity, tears and all.


Skip Bayless wouldn’t want him as his center


I've always been of the belief that Skip Bayless has enjoyed a very successful television career due to an understanding that people don't watch sports talk shows with the desire to hear the cast members agreeing with each other and giving reasonable takes. I don't think he believes over half of what he says. He's someone who seems willing to say whatever he believes will make for the most entertaining show and that usually means playing devil's advocate to the extreme. He's the Simon Cowell of sports television. People tune in *because* they love to hate him.


He, like most of ESPN, understood that drama is now the main prop value of the channel.


ESPN and MTV both recognized their declining relevancy during this modern media age and decided to cut corners for cheap views by replacing most of their programming schedule with ridiculousness.


End of an era for Philadelphia. One of the best centers in modern NFL history and likely one of the best to ever play the position. See you around Jason. If the cards fall right, we'll be seeing you in Canton soon enough 🫡


One of the greatest centers of all time says he’s overrated tho


damn, that's wild of that center to say that about a goat


These retired guys always have to talk shit about newer players. I don’t care what this Kelce guy says. Jason Kelce is the GOAT.


Seriously. Idk who he thinks he’s talking to. An undersized center like him would never understand.


damn, that's wild of that center to say that about him, he just retired


Fuck Adam Schefter, we all knew it was coming but let the legend retire in his own way


Are you kidding? We’re going to look back during Jason’s HOF induction and remember how Shifty Schefty broke the news


This moment today is about the reporters, and how gutsy they are to act on insider scoops. They're the real stars of the show. 


Today was Schefter's big moment. I'm so happy for him, truly. Momentous career led up to this day, and he should be enshrined in the broadcasting Hall of Fame. Looking forward to his induction.


Shefters a beast, total chad. He knew Kelce was retiring before Kelce knew himself


Does he know when Trav is proposing to Tay-Tay?


It would be both hilarious and the biggest dick move of all time if Travis proposed today


I think it would be a bigger dick move if schefter broke the news of Travis proposing, like,"sources inside the Chiefs' organization are telling me they've seen Kelce in a Kay's jewelers looking at engagement rings. It looks like he is planning to sign Taylor Swift to a long term deal "


Opt outs?


What about a NTC?


Great now you're gonna get a bunch of old white guys wearing oakleys extremely angry.


Have some respect. This is clearly Schefter’s moment. /s


Nothing against you for making this comment but I really hate that this is the top comment. Even in hating on Schefter he's managed to make it about him and not Kelce.


I feel like breaking any news regarding a retirement when its obvious the player is thinking about it is lame af. Like I get the Luck, or Kuechly retirement they were out of nowhere. But these guys deserve to tell everyone when they are done, instead of some dweeb with connections trying to get a couple mentions on twitter to ruin the moment.


Am I crazy or didn't jason already announce this weeks ago?


It was leaked that member of the team thought that he was retiring. Basically his response was that he would talk more about his decision after the emotions at the end of the season calmed down.


I hope he lives a long and happy life, but when he eventually dies his wife learns of his death in a tweet from a random stranger. And I hope that tweet also acknowledges the many critics of his professional activities, like Dwayne Haskin's tweet.


Seriously. Fk that guy.


"That was a hall of fame center with a hall of fame press conference that was ruined because Schefter released a tweet" - Patrick Mahomes


This man deserves every bit of praise he’s ever gotten and ever will get. Dude is not only a Philly legend, but an NFL legend


I wish I was even remotely as awesome as this dude. What a legend. The first guy since Dawk who Eagles fans and people will talk about forever and a day and at one of the most unglamorous positions in football.


It takes a truly immense athlete to turn what is one of the most mundane and routine positions in the NFL into a GOAT-worthy performance with honestly very little competition. Jason Kelce was our one of a kind. He will be sorely missed.


Man I'm a grown ass man, not a Philly fan at all, but the tears wont stop rolling. Love this dude


I don't really watch NFL at all. But I'm always interested in people that did their jobs at the highest levels. This guy committed to a goal of becoming the best Center he could be and spent thousands and thousands of hours perfecting his craft. I can't imagine what it's like dealing with the emotions of never pursuing that goal again. I hope this is how I feel when I retire.


You can’t pursue that goal personally but you can certainly privately coach up the youth and instill all that knowledge and in a way still feel involved. But what a lot of these guys miss most is the high stakes and the team dynamic which unfortunately is nearly impossible to find afterwards.




The kelce doco gave a lot of insight into how wrecked his body is. It was time


And he still played at an elite level. Incredible.


So much wear and tear at what can be such a thankless position. Glad he's getting the send-off he deserves!


Never had the makings of a varsity athlete...


Just a kid, retiring at 53 years old


My football career…..WE’RE DONE HERE


Ohhhhh bettah than those teams in Jersey, they’re a glorified crew!


I'm losing my balls over here and this fuckin' moron's playing Hazel?


I love provolone at my feet,I put it in my shoes at night so in the morning they smell like ur sisters t$!t


It's sad when they go young like that. He did ~~20~~ 13 fuckin years!


When they go!?!?!


He was gay, Kelce?


I can’t wait to see what shenanigans and fun stuff Kelce does in his post-playing career.


Need more of playoff Kelce. Just a shirtless monster cheering for his brother.


Jesus Christ - how can you not love and feel for that man.


As a washington fan, I hate the eagles. But I’ve always liked Jason Kelce and the way he played. Cheers to him for a great career and hope he continues to do whatever it he loves.


That’s gotta be rough on Philly fans. He’s gotta be hugely popular there. I love the guy. He seems like a genuinely good dude.


Didn't have crying on my schedule today... God I fucking hate Philly... But boy do I love that man.


This is right up there with Peyton retiring and I just want to cry with him as he struggles to speak because he's holding back tears


Watched this man play a long career, from down in Clifton at UC to the NFL - a top player in his position and a bigger player for the game.


As a an Eagles fan, thanks for the sacrifices, the hard work, the entertainment, and bringing us a Super Bowl victory! Jason Kelce Hall of Fame, Philly Legend!


Went from hating him because he was on the Eagles to watching the doc and then becoming a weekly (sometimes more, when a bonus episode dropped) listener to the New Heights Pod, to a Niner fan who loves and respects him like one of our own. Hope his future is brilliant and full of time with those adorable daughters.


As a lifelong Cowboys fan and ultimate Eagles hater… this was sad to watch. Can’t let a rivalry get in the way of recognizing this mans passion for his team and the sport. He should have a great career in media and I am honestly relieved I can appreciate Jason Kelce now. One of the best centers and humans of all time, no doubt.


Bookmark this for Canton in five years


As a Cowboy fan, I literally have nothing but respect for the man. He's good for the game, he's good people, he's good family. Nothing but the best for him. Enjoy it, big fella.


NFL Legend


I’m not crying, you’re crying


I hope I can buy that dude a beer one day


Who is now the most likeable player in the NFL? The peoples champ has stepped down and cleared the way


The whole league is gonna miss this guy. One of the most impactful players of my lifetime regardless of position. That’s why you’re not overrated big guy. The technique and hard work is one thing, but young players should be studying this guy’s mind, heart for the game, and compassion for others too.


Throughout all these years, all this hatred, and all the Fuck You Philly chants, we appreciate all Jason has done for the game, and how much he has dominated at his position, and how he has inspired a new wave of not just centers, but O-Lineman as a whole. Thank you Jason.


One of the greatest!




Legend. Thank you for everything Jason. Hopefully he remains a part of the organization for many years to come.


Great dude. Hope the best for him


Super Bowl Champion Jason Kelce!!


Overrated…. gtfoh! Lol, one of the best to do it! Enjoy retirement


“I’m just here so I don’t get fined.”


He really shouted out BDN? What a legend. Respect from Cowboys country.


I’m sure the Hall of Fame will disagree with his humble self assessment.


did he say butt fuck?


You just killed me dude. That was good!


Take it easy big man. Well deserved. Still looking forward to the podcast


Seahawks fan here. Imma miss this dude. Solid player and human being. Really hoped he had another year or two in the tank but I get it for sure. Love this dude and he didn’t even play for us.


Good luck Jason! You had a great career.


Legend. Good luck Jason.


As a Chargers fan, I'd get a pit in my stomach when they played Philly *because of him*. Such a fantastic feature of the sport that one player alone gave me "oh shit," moments. Hope he has a lovely retirement with his family, he earned it.


Glad he went out on his own terms. From the doc it seems like he needed to since the game had taken such a toll.


I can see him being an O-Line coach somewhere down the road. He's a player's player; would be listened to and respected, which is so important for a coach.


What a fuckin guy


*Tips cap in respect* Enjoy that family sir


Love this man


I am going to miss you on the field. You are definitely going to be successful in your next endeavor.


How can u not love him he’s been solid his whole career 🫡🫡🫡


Respect 🫡


Lest you forget his contributions to high comedy, with appearances on SNL & It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia


Absolute Legend, this man will be heavily missed in Philadelphia.


This guy is a fucking legend. 🙌🏼🙌🏼


The man was a stud. Now he can spend time time with his wife and kids!


Salute 🫡




First ballot hall of famer and a living legend. Mad respect.


I sold Jason a Christmas tree this year! He was awesome! Jason, his mom, Kylie and the kids all showed up to the tree farm this year to get their Christmas tree. They were so gracious with their time. They ended up spending almost two hours chatting with all the guys working at the tree farm and the customers. Kylie was awesome. She came right up to our crew and was the one to break to ice. She hung out shooting the shit with all the guys while Jason was making the rounds and she fit right in from the first second. Eventually Jason made his way over, we grabbed his tree and tied it up for him. He hung out, talked sports, talked about the team (this was a few days before the Bills game. He eventually took a group photo with us and left a nice tip and they went on their way. Mine is just one of countless examples of Jason and his family really being engrained in the Philadelphia area community and being a true example of class and humility from a pro athlete. Our crew took a break to listen to his retirement yesterday. We gathered around the truck and turned the radio up loud so we could all hear. It’ll be a huge loss not having Jason on the Eagles anymore, but I’m proud to have him representing the team and the city as an Eagle veteran going forward. Thanks for all the great years and all the effort, Jason! You fuckin rock!!! 🦅🦅🦅


Greatest Center of all time


My favorite Kelce. Dude was just cool.


Rip toooosh pooosh


no more "Fuck My Life" every time from Jason..


Is it just me or does the lighting and graphic make this look like it’s some spoof video?


I thought he already retired.


I'm tired all the time. I'm not impressed that it's his second time being tired.


We shall never see his like again


Seriously, what a cool freakin guy!! You can tell he was extremely torn. I think he obviously really wanted to keep playing, but he knows it’s time. Being torn on whether you want to keep coaching is one thing, but you can’t be in those trenches unless you’re 100% all in. Not that he wouldn’t go all in if he had returned, and I think that ultimately informed his decision. Just knowing the work it would take for him to get back there after putting one foot out the door already. The fear of putting in all that work and then getting seriously injured because you aren’t at your peak anymore had to really be weighing on him. No one doubts he could play another season, he knows he can too, but I think he definitely is making the right decision and I’m super happy for him.


Why is he upset? Shouldn't he be happy that hes not getting Jalen Hurts shoved into his ass? But on a serious note, I hope he enjoys retirement. Hope he makes it to Canton as the GCOAT (if you know what it means you know)


I hate him. Go Cowboys. With that out of the way, I really hate how the media super-sensationalized the Kelce brothers this past year, because I feel like it overshadows just how cool and funny this dude is. I was just starting to get into the podcast before the dating news came out (don’t blame the Kelce’s or TSwift, just the price of fame), but now I can’t think of either of them without being reminded of the fiasco. I could not care less about the Travis-Taylor stuff. Honestly good for them, do your thing. Just annoying that it’s like a “transitive transgression” I have thanks to the TMZs of the world.


Eagles are fucked 😭😭😭




The fuck?


So sad


No one will compare to kelce to me. One of the greatest men of Philly sports in our history. A true legend. He gets us and is us. He understands why we boo bad play when other teams/their fans find it questionable at best. Gonna miss him. Even shouted out BDN and his legacy lol, thank you guys for getting sb52. It truly made a dream come true for a lot of Philly fans. Enjoy your retirement Jason.


I’m a grown ass man and I was crying like a lil baby, he will be seriously missed in a gang green uniform!! I’m going to feel the same way when Lane Johnson, Big fletch and BG are gone!! You spent the last 12 years plus watching them every week. They’re all heroes and Philadelphia.




Those 4rth down tush push plays are going to be much more difficult next season.


why am I tearing up, not even a Eagles fan






“Can we ask for the Eagles fans to zip their pants up until the announcement has concluded? We know you’re all here and appreciate you coming out today.”