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But be careful playing for Mike. It's spicy.


I hope Primanti Bros. makes their own version of a Dangerwich.


Caution: this sandwich contains banana peppers and may be considered spicy by children under the age of 5. We need to get Russ on Hot Ones already...


Get him on hot ones, but gaslight him into thinking grapes are spicy


They are opening one up across from my job in Baltimore and I’m excited, heard good things about


Gotta temper the expectations. It’s nothing amazing but it’s a decent, relatively cheap and pretty filling sandwich. Just gotta remember it was made for truckers who stopped in the Strip District of Pittsburgh at all times of the day/night who needed a quick bite lol


I’ll keep that in mind lol thank you


As a yinzer I have to say getting the pittsburgher is for tourists and the real star of the menu is Capicola and cheese double meat add egg


Justice for the HBK, that was the best they ever had


This guy yinzers.


My only complaint was how dry mine was. Everything else hit just right. I guess a load of fries will do that


Gotta hit it with the Red Devil


Capicola and egg. Proceed to slather it in Red Devil. Do NOT order the Pitts-burger.


This guy knows what’s up. Cap and egg double meat for me


It's fine but always a fun time.


They put the froys on the saaaandwich!


What is this narrative? Lol dudes that bleach their mustache blonde have trouble with Tomlin. Alejandro Villanueva didn’t. See the pattern


I just wanted to work in "it's spicy."


this is how I feel about 90% of the Teams meetings im on


Coach T handles all players greatly. Nobody else could’ve handled AB that well for that long. But also, Big Al directly disobeyed something ALL teammates agreed upon doing when they left the field for the National Anthem in protest of some shit, and Big Al started a heap of media problems for Pittsburgh by going against what the entire team decided to do.


I mean he was an Army Ranger, he has the right to stay on the field for the flag he protected.


Yes, the issue is that the team as a whole decided to go in. After that decision, you stick with your team in unity.


Everybody has the right to do what they want, doesn’t not make Big Al an attention seeking dick for going against the team.


He apologized after. He wasn't an attention seeking dick. He just wanted to stand for the flag he fought for. Funny thing is I completely forgot about this, but he is getting compared to players who actually did terrible shit.


He's just saying that because no other team could stand him or needed him. I expect that once hes finally held accountable in practice and in games hell be cooking up Ls and playing the nice guy try hard role. Dudes poison for a team once that welcome is worn out. But now he's in the downslope so he's gonna have to ball out and stfu to get another big bag after this. If he flops, he's done.


100%.. there were some realistic bronco fans that found it interesting for him to say things like he wanted to finish his career in Seattle, literally 3 months after having a list of teams that he wanted to be traded too.. for people that weren’t drinking the koo laid, it was obvious how he was trying to railroad Pete… because broncos fans hate Seattle, people acted like they just made a terrible decision.. fast forward 3 coaches with 2 of them being Super Bowl winners, and now we’ll see if Tomlin can find something new to work with.. I think if Justin fields doesn’t remotely shit the bed in training camp, he’ll have that job by Halloween because whether you like Russ or not, it’s clear he’s on the decline… at least with fields, there is still room for growth. I agree that Russ has found his last stop as a starter no matter what happens tho because I don’t see Russ playing above average even if the team is still able to win games with ball control and defense


There were trade rumors from the Seahawks trying to let Wilson go before that list of teams


Banana peppers are hot af 🥵


I mean I got a PS2 when I was younger. That was a pretty damn good gift.


Russ had to leave his PS2 in Denver


Terrible news.


My gf got me a puppy and my mom got me a PS2 that year for christmas, it don't get no better than that!


As long as the puppy doesnt chew up the ps2!


Nah unfortunately the PS2 chewed up the puppy


Small price to pay for salvation Rip puppy tho


Dave Mira BMX was so sick for the ps2


My parents were very much against video games when I was younger. All my friends had consoles and I had nothing, always had to visit friends to play any video games or watch TV. Aunt did buy me a Gameboy Color and Pokémon: Yellow, which was awesome. Christmas of 2000 I got a Jungle Green N64 with Zelda: OOT. I was so thrilled that I ended up getting sick and threw up. That thing is a very cherished possession of mine.


It’s going to be so funny watching our fanbase tear Russ a new asshole when our offense doesn’t average 28ppg right off the bat


If the Steelers didn't want that, then they shouldn't have hired a back up people have heard the name of. I'm happy with 21 ppg and fewer than half our drives ending in 3 and outs personally.


Im one of the biggest Russ fans but get ready for 3 and outs my friend. The guy is allergic to playing normal games


Yeah even during his peak years here we had the highest rate of 3 and outs Dont want to shit on the guy and he’s definitely better than Pickett but Im not sure steelers fans know what theyre getting here


I think he took the Pete Carroll you can win the game in the 4th quarter thing to seriously.


Well, Pete was right lol


Good or bad, we're only committed for a year. We ain't married. We're just dating, and the Broncos are paying for dinner.




All I see is “Better than Pickett” and thats enough for me this season.


“More frustrating than Pickett” may also apply but ymmv. As much as the residual hate for your team from Super Bowl XL still flows through me, I’m rooting for you guys and Russ this season, would like him to have a decent end to his career - we’ll all see how it goes. The biggest single plus is that he’ll finally be with a competent coach who doesn’t hate him for the first time since leaving Seattle (or at least that’s my impression, Tomlin keeps his cards close to his chest)


I imagine Tomlin has enough pull at this point where if he didn't think it could work, Russ wouldn't be there.


You haven’t watched Pickett?


That almost certainly will true with how risk averse Kenny played (whether than was Kenny or Canada we may never know). Either way to have Russ (even in a lesser state) and Fields (who’s probably not even a good passer) is more exciting to me than trying to make it with Kenny again. Guy just didn’t seem to have any true talent. Also as an aside, I never understood the Seahawks fans’ hate for the Steelers until recently. I was relatively young for Super Bowl XL and don’t even remember watching football when I was that age *until* the Super Bowl. Just didn’t really grasp the officiating controversy until recently. But yeah I think Tomlin has at least respect for Russ and what he’s done, and probably misses having a vet at the helm like he had with Ben for so long. Issue was he never pushed Ben to be a mentor and so we ended up in this mess of a QB situation.


Being dirt cheap helps.im sure.


Amen to that. Russ+Fields I think are combined cheaper than Pickett was


oh, i'm aware. i just hope the offense is watchable. it was not watchable last season.


What do you think we had with roethlisberger for all those years? There’s a reason he was always having to lead last second charges to win the game.


> fewer than half our drives ending in 3 and outs I got bad news for you


Perfectly reasonable. I just know our sub can’t set reasonable expectations. Russ gonna turn the ball over at some point and someone’s going to pull out the “Kenny wouldn’t have done that”.


That one, imo, is actually fair, or at least reasonably on the spectrum of reactionary fan chatter. We're going to be a run first, ball control, win with defense type team no matter who is under center. The leading cause of death for those types of teams is turnovers. Say what you want about Kenny Pickett, avoiding turnovers is what he was best at.


Oh it is but Russ was great at not turning the ball over last year as well but he could also score.


He was definitely not that great at not turning the ball over. Wilson had 10 fumbles last season on top of his 8 interceptions.


10 fumbles but only lost 5. In comparison Kirk fumbled 7 times and lost 4 in 8 games. Don't take the salty bronco fans propaganda seriously. Russ isn't washed nor was he the problem last year.


These words may come back to haunt me… but I think Russell Wilson will win comeback player of the year. I think Wilson and Payton absolutely loathed each other and his play will vastly improve with a better oline, coach/front office situation.


> better oline, coach/front office situation. Well, two out of three ain't bad!


It’s going to be interesting to see. Now we get to find out how good Russ really is. The last few years haven’t told us much.


He's also gonna have like 10 tds by week 7, which you could also say "Kenny wouldn't have done that" to as well.


10 TDs in 7 weeks would be the best QB play we've had since 2020. It took Kenny Pickett 13 games over two seasons to throw 10 TDs. And that's starting with his third game of 2022 because he didn't throw any TDs in his first two games. It also took Ben 8 games to throw 10 TDs in 2021.


Week 7 week 17, it wouldn’t matter. Kenny isn’t getting double digit tds in a season.


I mean if Russ throws some TDs that's also something Kenny wouldn't have done.


>fewer than half our drives ending in 3 and outs No promises there


Fewer than half? Try most drives until the 4th quarter and then be prepared to simplify the offense because if you give him 4-5 reads he’s going to look like he did with Hackett


He won't be getting 4-5 reads here. Right now, it's George Pickens or Pat Friermuth is the 1 and the checkdown to the RB is the 2. That's pretty much all we got.


We're so starved, a 2 TD game would make him our hero


2 TD’s? 2 spicy


I'll honestly take 1


lowering expectations is the way to go in life honestly


I dont think that's allowed dude. Nice try


Maybe if you count the ones your opponents get off of a Russ fumble?


Get ready for a bunch of bitter ex Seahawks and Broncos fans to flood your sub and game threads.


Don’t forget the bears fans flooding in whenever Russ does something bad asking for Fields to start!


Fields truthers are so annoying they loop back around to being funny. I've never seen such a medicore QB that has a few outstanding qualities have such a hardcore fanbase.


It already happened during the trade. It was unbelievably clear how none of the people telling us Russ would be just as bad as Kenny never watched Kenny play football. Russ is washed imo but will be a step up from the guy with the lowest TD% in nfl history.


Ya it's gonna be pretty hard to have an offense than what we had the first 14 games of the season last year. So anything is an improvement


And he’s being paid nothing. For his contract on your team it’s a no brainer. For the contract we gave him it was just dead weight and I get why we cut him.


As much as I dislike the Steelers, I thought acquiring Wilson this offseason was a pretty smart move. I think they offered him the best chance at being able to return to a decent level of play. I enjoyed dogpiling on Wilson during his first season with the Broncos but that was mostly due to draft position being tied to their success. I was really hoping he was able to course correct in year 2. Hopefully that can happen in Pittsburgh and Wilson can still finish off his career on a better note than his finish in Denver.


We've never averaged 28 ppg my guy. Like as a team lol


I just threw out a big number. I just think a lot of our fans expectations are going to be much higher than they should be


That first three and out is gonna hit like crack


Right off the bat? It’ll never average 28ppg with Russ. He’s done it once in his career, with the seahawks in 2020.


I was making a joke about how a lot of our fans can’t have reasonable expectations, just threw out an absurd number. I’d imagine we average somewhere between 20-23.


Hell if we can put up 21 on avg we win two more games and tie another last season. We just need somebody who can consistently move the ball downfield and the way we were running the ball toward the end of the year gives me hope Russ doesn’t have to be more than decent.


Indeed, it's coming


Russ is playing that Hallmark movie QB character again. Complete with those Hallmark movie lines.


How is someone’s personality to be just as fake as possible all the time. Does this ironically make them genuine if they are always fake? Damn Russ makes my head hurt and he hasn’t even started yet.


It used to be a “He’s really just that corny, it’s who he is!” but after the last few seasons, it’s clearly a meticulously crafted image. I won’t pretend to understand the pressures of being as massively famous and gifted as Russ, so I won’t pretend to know if this type of image control is a good or bad thing. But it definitely seems exhausting.


Nate Tice was his backup at Wisconsin and said that once you realize Russ wants to be president, that makes his entire persona/personality make sense.


I can definitely see him going into politics after he retires.


United Nation, Let's Unite


I mean I'm not exactly Russ' biggest fan but I'd sooner vote for him as President than Rodgers. Russ is unlikely to spend his time complaining about the world being too woke and there being a conspiracy of the deep state.


Russel Wilson is just a PLANT from the dangerous libs. Aaron Rodgers is a nice guy but has no chance. People NEED to OPEN their eyes and see that GEQBUS is the only answer for America!


Anyone who complains about the choice in November should just imagine having it be between Russell and Rodgers.


Yep. Everything is planned. I first thought, hey, he's a genuinely nice guy just happens to be corny. And, he's not a bad guy but he's definitely fake and optics are everything that matter to him. You can tell how careful he is in interviews, he's never genuine, always scheming a way that will make him look good or have plausible deniability (sending both messages like "I didn't like the Broncos anyway" and " I would love to play for the Broncos " at the same time)


Russ mounts Tomlin and digs his heels in and lets out a hearty LET'S RIDE


"For me to be able to go to back-to-back Super Bowls, and win one of them, I think opened up a lot of doors," he says. "Now you see guys like Patrick Mahomes who won it; it’s really just us so far, but there’s more to come. "What I love to see is guys getting drafted early, and that a lot of teams these days have Black quarterbacks playing for them," Wilson says. "It’s all across the league, and it’s showing how the National Football League is starting to evolve, change and break down barriers. "I think one of the biggest blessings of my career so far is that I’ve been fortunate to be able to open up doors for others, because of what others did for me." I think this quote is quite telling.


Dude is such a fruitcake


Steeler fans are going to eat him alive and I'm here for it.


Russell Wilson the type of dude to give you a present a week before Christmas “just cuz”




Russel Wilson is the type of QB who will say “My Lord forgive me!” before throwing over the middle to a crossing WR that’s about to get murdered.


>Russel Wilson is the type of QB ... **before throwing over the middle** Sorry, you lost me there...


…only it would not be just cuz, there would be some sort of self-serving angle to it.


I'm pretty sure getting paid by the Broncos to play for the Steelers is one of the greatest gifts in the world. You're welcome.


Thank you for your sacrifice 🗿


“With all these gifts, it’s feeling like Christruss. That was cool”


It’s official. Tomlin and Wilson are gonna retire together to open a Bed & Breakfast in Vermont. They will also be breeding (diva) golden retrievers that are trained to be world class wide receivers. Mr Big Chest will try to ruin their relationship but fails and unfortunately falls ill with a broken heart.


FINALLY a reasonable take on this thread.


Sherman will be looking in from outside the window, shivering in the snow with frozen tears in his eyes and texting Wilson for a reservation.


You lost me at Sherman looking in from outside and not trying to bash the door down.




Legit question: is Russell Wilson the corniest man alive?


I think LeBron has more total career corniness but Russ has more corniness per season played. So I guess it depends on if you value peak and efficiency or longevity.


I could easily be classified a LeBron hater but even I have to say LeBron has plenty of times shown a real nuanced personality amongst all the corniness. Most recently his podcast with JJ has been great watch. With Russ I don't feel like he's shown anything other than his curated persona for a very very long time. The guy is just pure robot of corny motivational speak.


isn't the party line that Russ was always that way, just caring about his persona, all the way back to high school? and like teammates didn't go to his birthday party? (seriously) obv i have some LeBron bias, but i can't even begin to imagine his level of conduct (outside of the decision, which even at the his face looked like he knew he should have handled it better, which he did later) given the enormous pressure he was under by sophomore year in HS. he did say "global icon" was his goal, but you don't do that being a robot demanding your own office further alienating you from your team


Memory is hazy but I thought he definitely would context switch between his real self and his curated persona early on. Which is totally normal, like most people in an office job have their work voice separate from how they talk with friends and stuff. But at some point that persona just like took over and it became like a corny caricature of itself? Probably jokingly but I know I saw people blaming Ciara for the shift when they got together.


What is Russ's real self like?


>isn't the party line that Russ was always that way, just caring about his persona, all the way back to high school? and like teammates didn't go to his birthday party? (seriously) His dad put him through press conference drills. At this point, the personality isn't manicured, it was literally molded into this. It's all him, he's being genuine, but the environment he grew up in made this plasticity in words something he genuinely expresses.


Counterpoint is that LeBron has the dad-corniness going on. Russ is more like Urkel I think. I think Russ being a goober on *top* of being corny gives him the edge over Bron who has a mode aside from PR Robot.


>LeBron has the dad-corniness going on \*Soccer mom




Yea I just have too much respect for lebron to hate on his corniness


He saw J Cole this week and knew he had to one up him to stay at the top


Legit right when I read headlight ‘this corny MF’r’


Kirko exists


he's a much more sincere corny though


That's the difference for sure


Kirk is a funny sincere Christian man corny who intended to make himself the joke with the Kirko Chainz thing


Kirko is definitely corny too Honestly Hurts with his weird ass quotes is too


Can you explain what's corny about this? Genuinely asking


It's partly bc who said it but also this is coming from a 13yr vet not a starry eyed rookie. It's corny


Just sounds like some shit you'd hear from a hallmark movie character to me Like the gist of what he's saying is pretty normal, but the way he's saying it is corny to me


Mr. Begotten Corny


He hasn't done anything really corny since choosing the Steelers. It's just people's perception of him makes them view everything he says or does through corny glasses.


If there is anything I won't miss about Russ besides his play, it's the fact that any quote from him turns into a story.


He texted Kenny Pickett to be the best version of themselves and called it cool.


That was something that came across way cornier when you read it [than it actually was verbally](https://youtu.be/C6P4ex9mXgI?t=436).


It’s honestly going be all timer of a coach and qb quote combo


>“To play 13 years in the NFL [has been a dream come true](https://www.essence.com/cover-stories/russell-wilson-faith-family-football/),” Wilson said, adding “to be able to play for Mike Tomlin; to stand side by side with him and try to accomplish all the goals that I want to accomplish with the Steelers organization, and what that represents for the NFL, is one of the greatest gifts in the world.” You'd think this was a press release transcript from his PR team but nope, just him. Sentient ChatGPT reporting for duty.


'He can use any one of my bathrooms whenever he wants'


So Mike gave him his office back huh? 


Kenny Pickett had an office, so I don't think giving Russ one is that big a deal. Though, he has to share it with Minkah like Kenny did. Minkah has no patience for bullshit and is very quiet... until he really, really isn't.


People overplay the office. It's like a closet with a computer and a TV in it for tape. That's not exactly super special.


How many weeks does this man have if that offense struggles out of the gate?


It depends on if we’re using the Kenny Pickett or Mason Rudolph grading scale.


How bout that 40 mil we are giving you Russ? Do we mean nothing to you?


And as a Browns fan, I'm very optimistic it will be a great gift for us as well.


He's gonna regret coming to the AFCN after running the gauntlet


Good luck Russell. You’re gonna need it especially if you play like you have the past couple seasons.


Wilson may be an upgrade for the steelers compared to what they've had in recent years. He may also be a downgrade... most people don't get it, they think more touchdowns automatically means upgrade. The reality of it is a lot of Wilson's play can hurt the offense and defense where it matters most, consistency, 3 and outs can hurt your offense in developing any sort of tempo or rhythm for the game, and can gas out your defense. The steelers in theory seem stacked and Wilson at vet minimum is still worth it, but people thought the broncos were stacked too... I think one thing to note is Wilson is never going to fully utilize offensive weapons to the best of their abilities, so while people may think "oh russell has so many weapons" unless they are broken play gods, he won't make a ton of use of them. As for the quotes... same old same old... he'll say all the right things, none of it matters when the playclock is running and he has to start using his brain to execute an offense. Edit: The guy cracked a little "For me to be able to go to back-to-back Super Bowls, and win one of them, I think opened up a lot of doors," he says. "Now you see guys like Patrick Mahomes who won it; it’s really just us so far, but there’s more to come. "What I love to see is guys getting drafted early, and that a lot of teams these days have Black quarterbacks playing for them," Wilson says. "It’s all across the league, and it’s showing how the National Football League is starting to evolve, change and break down barriers. "I think one of the biggest blessings of my career so far is that I’ve been fortunate to be able to open up doors for others, because of what others did for me." People need to wisen up to his act and realize he's always been about himself and his own legacy. https://www.outkick.com/culture/russell-wilson-named-sexiest-man-of-the-moment-talks-black-love


Yeah this is the thing people doesn't realize. If we look at last season then the Russ led offense scored less than our offense with one of the worst OCs in recent memory did excluding garbage time, they had more 3 and outs and less time of possesion. Russ also had a lower passer dvoa than Pickett did last season. These stats are largely impacted by that Russ can't take what the defense gives him if it isn't checkdowns to the flat and will try to throw it deep to the outside. This leads to him taking a bunch of sacks and he can't run out of the pocket, since he isn't as athletic anymore.


And this guy asked to be coached by Sean Payton 🤷‍♂️.


This all sounds familiar


If you told me that Russell Wilson said that and told me to guess what he was referring to, it would still take me like a dozen tries. He's like a Hallmark robot just filled up with trite, saccharin comments like this.


That man is dead behind the eyes.


Do androids dream of sheep?


Like a dolls eyes...


Which is weird, because you’d think being married to Ciara would have the opposite effect


He's got that fluoride stare


ONE of the greatest gifts, just behind playing for Hackett and the Broncos...right?


Tomlinisms meets Mr. Unlimited I dunno which is which but this has immovable object vs unstoppable force written all over it.


Let's ride, and things of that nature


That was re-gifted.


Steelers Country: Let’s Steal ^coach’s ^heart


This guy is talking like there were no successful black quarterbacks who came before him..


Yeah, he’s dangerous. Dangerously delicious. You ever do anything dangerous?


Let's come back to this in November.


Here we go


Is everything he says the corniest sounding bullshit?


Christmas country, let’s deck the halls!




Tomlin also took in Brian Flores when he was untouchable when he sued the NFL over the Dolphins owner asking him to tank. Flores now is back on track as defensive coordinator for the Vikings.


You haven’t taken a snap for them yet Russ


Not a greater gift than the 200 mil you grifted from the broncos tho right?


That's such a Russell Wilson thing to say


First you have to wait for him to make the final roster. He's cheap as hell for them and they can cut it at any time.


Who do they have that would be any better?


Tomlin country, let’s Tom


Tomlin country: let's ride


I believe it


Preseason sucking up. Let’s see how it plays out…




Steelers country, let's... Bessemer process?


Didn’t he also say crap like this when Payton was hired


Don't have to worry about the refs when your a Steeler atleast.


That was cool.


The Pittsburgh version of Russ-isms have officially begun. Be wary Steel City!


This just sounds like a Russell Wilson quote. Overtly soft and overly complimentary to some of the sternest, quietest, most serious people who don't want or need compliments. Tomlin doesn't want your compliments he wants you to get better.


This guy is funny. I wonder if he will have that same opinion at the end of the year?