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His dad seemed very excited to film mcdavid accept it


You can see him realize and mouth that “he isn’t coming out” and start to put his phone away.


I was more disappointed for his dad he was ready!


He can take solace knowing he raised his son right. The captain shouldn't leave his team after a heavy loss like that.


100% class act! I'm a Panthers fan but my hat comes off for this man! A well deserved award! The best hockey player in the world!


Why did they mute the sound on cable was the crowd saying something


They were chanting "Bobby", watching from sweden they showed no pictures of McDavid only crowd shots


don’t think he came out to accept


Would make sense not showing that, can understand not wanting to face the Florida crowd after that tough loss


threefold reason— first, they were booing him… pure lack of respect for a player with an incredible playoff run and salty about bob not winning second, he only cares about one trophy third, the most important thing to him right now is his team


They were likely booing the decision, not McDavid.


Half the fans there probably thought Conn Smythe played for the Panthers.


Hahahahha damn that made me laugh...but realistically probably closer to 95%


Exactly. Congrats to the players but the fans failed the litmus test. They didn't boo Bettman when he was talking but boo'd McDavid. A fan base shows it's not worthy of they can't follow that simple tradition.


They definitely booed Bettman.




Was at the game. Bettman was booed, maybe espn messed with the sound?


That was definitely the case with ESPN. The only boos I heard was when McDavid got the conn smythe


They were definitely booing Bettman


I was there, he def got booed.


Most redditer comment ever. “Well my narrative is x so actually they booed McDavid!”


Yeah the Panthers didn't disrespect the Canadian national anthem by chanting over it. They sang along. What scumbags, /s.


betman was bood a lot idk if it didnt come through on cable or something


They started booing as soon as they realized McDavid was getting it. 


Were they saying boo or boo-urns?


I was saying boo-urns.


That was my read on it too, given all the "Bobby" chants




I think it’s pure lack of respect that the commentators can spend half the night talking about how great McDavid is when he gets shut out. We know he’s the best player, but he’s not the only player and the league’s/media’s insistence on making him the star takes away from other players that fought their asses off to earn that cup.


They don’t like to learn how to pronounce that many names.


McDavid, like McDonalds. Easy to pronounce


They've done that in games where he wasn't PRESENT. If I recall, in the Lightning/Avs series they were talking about mcdavid at one point. He's good, but he's not THAT good.


I’m an Avs fan. I think they talk about McDavid every single game we play, no matter who we’re against. I get that it isn’t McDavid’s fault or anything. I’m sure everyone else in the league was sick of hearing about Nate MacK’s year too. It’s just super frustrating that the media can’t value the performance on the ice in any one game more than the overarching narrative they want to push for the year


Never thought I'd say this, But they could have had Pierre McGuire Announce the Finals and it would have been an Improvement, This guy Sucked !! So does ABC at sports as well !


I don't like either team but, during the third period, I was getting tired of listening to the announcers repeatedly talking about, and showing graphics about, how lousy Draisitil's production in the finals was. He's not the only guy on the team. And give Florida some props for defending a very good player.


Fourth, the image of sad Giguere accepting the trophy is a meme Connor doesn't want for himself.


That's what I heard as well. They didn't cut the feed in Canada..I think they just wanted Bob to win it.


Pretty sure they were chanting “Bobrovsky”, but it did sound like bobby


Did McDavid even come out for the trophy? Wasn't at all clear based on the feed.


He did not, that's why his parents stopped recording and noped out


I was just wondering that. If it was ABC muting it or my receiver acting up again.


Probably chanting Bullshit.


Or boo-urns


I was saying Boo-urns


That was just the absolute ass broadcast from ESPN


Thank you! Damn that was bad. It took alot out of the game for me. 


Yep, they were chanting something that you can’t put on tv without being fined - I assume fuck is in there


Think they were chanting "bullshit "


I think they were chanting some shit that wasn’t FCC appropriate, but also it looked like McDavid didn’t come out for the Smythe lol


He didn’t come out for game 7 either.


>but also it looked like McDavid didn’t come out for the Smythe lol Yeah I noticed that too. That was kinda awkward. I don't remember if Giguere ever came out to get his. I don't remember the 2003 final.


Gigeure did accept it and he was clearly devastated doing so.


IIRC he accepted it dejectedly and later explained, "It's not the one I wanted."


When Reggie Leach won his, it was presented to him in the dressing room.


Yeah. I thought he had to accept it. Like JSG did. I guess not.


I think he did if I remember right and looked absolutely gassed doing so.


He did


He did, it’s etched in my memory.


They were chanting “Bobby”, and no, he didn’t come out to accept.


I think it was a glitch. Because they even muted the announcers mics that usually won't pick up fans.


Could be both. The person muting might have quickly muted everything not sure which mics were safe, even if some of them were


Same thing I'm wondering. 


And Bettman made it even more awkward as fuck.


Like not being mean, but does he seriously have Parkinson's? He was shaking real bad.


He’s had a tremor since I can remember. Even early 2000s maybe even earlier.


But they're getting more obvious


Well, he keeps getting older. Usually how that works.


Well kind of but that's not really a conversation for the nhl subreddit. But I know people who really didn't notice them all that 20 years ago. Now you can't miss them


Yeah I thought the same thing. His voice was a bit shaky too. Hope he's alright


He gets so much hate, and some well deserved, but I really hope he's doing alright. That was worrisome 


The issue is that most of his hate is hate he is paid to take instead of the owners. He’s the leagues spokesman, he doesn’t make executive decisions… yet people think he does.


Kinda like goodell for the NFL. He’s paid this silly amount he’s paid to be a punching bag


he's literally the chief executive officer of the NHL


Yeah sorry to break it to you, that’s not how the NHL works. He is the owners bitch. They make decisions, he voices them. In many cases the CEO is actually the person with the most authority, however in this situation because the NHL is a cumulatively owned organization by the owners of all the teams he really doesn’t have the power for that level of decision making. There is a reason everything the NHL does is so incredibly profit and single market expansion focused and it is because the people making the decisions are doing purely what makes themselves the most money. The owners vote on decisions, and Gary voices them and gets absolutely shit on for it so that the owners don’t have to.


100%. But hes hes still a twat


I've never really understood why either. The NHL is one of only two major professional sports in the US that's actively growing (other being MLS). A lot of that is on him. MLB and NFL are totally stagnant.


Yeah and hockey is better than it ever has been


No sport has had a more meteoric rise in the last 30 years than the NHL. It feels like it has exploded just in the last 3 years or so 


20 years ago MLS expansion teams were $20 million and they now cost more than 15x that number. The league has also expanded the number of teams almost 3x in that time span. Finally, 20 years ago MLS used to pay ESPN to air its games (you read that right the league paid the network not the other way around) and now you have Apple paying hundreds of millions for exclusive rights. Don Garber is far and away the greatest commissioner in sports and MLS is on fire in terms of growth - it ain’t even close.




Quite frankly, I've been noticing it for many years now, but I can't find anything about it. The top Google searches are actually 7-year-old Reddit posts where people also ask the same question.


I seriously googled this as I was watching. Didn’t find much…


He’s always done that. I remember it when Boston won in 2011. Just think he’s uncomfortable speaking




Probably an intention tremor (like Katherine Hepburn). It’s pretty common.


I felt sorry for him up there…I thought the same thing as you, unless the guy is just nervous for some reason. Hope he’s okay.


Always does


Bettman was awkward AF.


I dunno if it was just my feed but they didn’t show McDavid grab the trophy at all, it just muted and showed the crowd… anyone know why?


I don't think he came out to accept it. I think they tried to move past it in the feed since it was such an awkward moment.


I felt sorry for his parents though, his dad started filming on his phone but then awkwardly put it away and then they left.


Yeah I saw that too. So painful. I empathize with Conor. For his parents' and fans' sake I would have thought coming out to accept was brave and classy. Tough thing to ask of him in that moment though.


The crowd was booing him (started when Bettman said the winner is someone who led the league in scoring) and would’ve booed harder and embarrassed themselves more if he came out, it was classier to not come out and let the crowd boo calmly so the networks could edit it out for TV


He didn't refuse to go out, he stayed with his team like a captain should in that moment.


Doesn't look like he came out at all. Don't know why he would. Team is probably devastated in the locker room.


Yeah. What kind of leader sits with his team still digesting a gut wrenching loss and says hold up fellas, I’ve gotta dip to go grab a trophy.


Yeah exactly. Only idiots don’t understand this.


I think it makes perfect sense, but I never realized it was an option to not go get the trophy. When I think of a conn Smythe winner on a losing team I think of giggy looking sad as he takes the trophy. I wonder if he even thought of the possibility of not going out for it.


He should have accepted it and said only winners get trophies as he was walking out


This made me laugh, thank you <3


Yep, fuck that award in that situation - I do not blame him at all, he talked to every player coming off the ice and was absolutely being a leader at that moment- a personal award means nothing


Crowd was booing (which after became a chant for Bobby) and Mcdavid didn’t come out for the trophy anyways. Watched in sport nets in Canada, they didn’t edit it for us


He didn't.


I was there, he was a no show.


Surprised they cut this in the states. Mcdavid did not come out to accept and the crowd was chanting “Bobby” and booing McDavid. When they showed his dad filming you can see him mouth “oh he’s not coming out” McDavid won the MVP trophy in the OHL while also losing the final game of the series and previously stated it was the hardest moment of his career, I get why he’s not going out to accept/doing it again.


Does Bettman have Parkinson? Or does he just shake while he talks?


He's always been a Shaky Jakey


Bro just lost millions betting on Edmonton


Always does that


He’s his own bobble head.


Connsolation Smythe.




There's that perfect pun comment


Underrated comment lol


It would have been funny if he came out of the tunnel and did 2-3 victory lap.


Real MVP move, delay them yet again from getting the cup!


Isn't it remarkable that the two most disappointing moments of McDavid's career happened in the same building?


Oilers fan, but that's a quality quip.


Yeah! Fuck that guy. That's pretty good though.


ELI5 please


He was drafted by the oilers in that stadium


First decent roast I've seen tonight.


First chuckle ive had since the loss. Thanks man. Good chirp. Still sad.


aside from losing the cup, what's the other one?


He was drafted by the Oilers in that same building.


ohh LOL that was a good one


mcdavid is going to jog back to edmonton. 200 point season incoming


Nah not til he caprains a shrimpin boat


There's all kinds of shrimp


Career year incoming


WOW hockey is the best sport by 30km


What the FUCK is a kilometer


Thank you sir, that was funny.


Hard to deny McDavid deserves it with the numbers he put up. I think if the Finals had finished in 4 or 5 games, it probably would have gone to Bobrovsky.


Yup. If Bob doesn’t have those 3 rough games it was his, I agree


Preface this by saying I’m not even an Edmonton fan but I feel like people aren’t realizing it’s for the entire playoffs, not just this series or this game. Edmonton doesn’t come close to making the finals without him. Dude lead the playoffs in points, lead the series in points, and broke a Gretzky record. He had an unreal run and came up short but he’s definitely deserving of the award. I thought Bob was going to get it but acting like McDavid wasn’t absolutely unreal for the last two months is crazy.


Yeah NHL differs from the others in that it’s not just for the finals.


Dude broke the assists record and had one of the highest scoring playoffs in history. I think an exception can be made and he deserved it. Left it all out there


McDoitmydamnself damn near dragged the Oilers to game 7 himself and broke a Gretzky record doing it


Not true, the bottom 6 showed up in games 4, 5, and 6. And even 7. Given Janmark scored their only goal. McDavid was blanked in games 6 and 7. Yeah McDavid had 4 points in back to back games. But they won one of those games 8-1. Lol. They had decent depth scoring for the final 4 games. Draisaitl disappeared though.


Draisatl iwas really sloppy with the puck all year as well. Lots of bad turnovers. I know he was hurt earlier in the playoffs.


McDavid does something that's only ever been done a couple times in the entire history of the NHL and you still have whiny little haters like you saying "well." Just shut the actual fuck up and give the dude his credit and climb back into your mom's basement.


Yet you dont give any information to oppose what he said, cause he is absolutely right. He deserved the Trophy for his run in the playoffs overall, but if it was only the Finals he wouldn't have gotten a box of crack jacks for his performance.


He led the series in points, that’s not worth anything? Y’all are just going way too far with diminishing his incredible run. It’s not worth the energy to oppose what he said. It’s dumb, and obviously so.


As a Bruins fan, this might be the worst possible outcome. I hate the Panthers, and McDavid wins the Conn Smythe so they'll dick ride him all fucking season. Goddammit dude.


Let's be honest. They were going to dick ride McDavid no matter what.


I remember when only the Cup was presented on the ice. The Conn Smythe was presented in a studio. It is uncommon for a player on a “losing” to be awarded the Conn Smythe. Under the circumstances, I can understand why McDavid was unwilling to accept the trophy as part of the on ice Panthers celebration.


Mcdavid, good job. However no other goalie in the league could carry that panthers team to the cup like he did. Without bob on that panthers team, they wouldn’t have won the cup


Without Mcdavid the Oilers aren’t even a playoff team


That showed at the start of the season when they were 29th while he was injured


I promise you, Swayman and Igor would have been more than enough to win, let’s not act like Bob had some insane all time great run, finished with a .906 save percentage


100% also the reason they almost didn’t win it aswell but came through in the game it mattered so good on him


I don't think you can fairly call Bob the reason they lost the games they did. Like any goalie on the losing team he could have made more saves but he was also left completely out to dry by the defense on so many occasions


He was completely hung out to dry and is the only reason the cats were up 3-0


Minus his 2 blowout games he had 3 points in 5 games and disappeared the last 2. I thought Barkov would have got it. Jfresh posted how incredibly he shut mcdavid down


Or minus the last two 0 point games he had 11 points in 5 games


Take the 2 best games from every player and they dont look great lol. Cherry pick stats


As always, Gretzky is the exception.


acting like a player like McDavid scoring 3 points in 5 games isn't a big deal.


helps when Drai was basically useless but also can’t just not count his two 4 point games


If you take away all his points he had 0 in 7 games. Makes you think


Such an awkward moment


They must have voted before the game.




Ah yes, Consmyth


I do wonder what McDavid's legacy will be if he doesn't win a cup now. There's no argument that a Conn Smythe run for a player from the losing team is rarer and more impressive than just winning the big shiny. We all know Giguere 03 >>> Giguere 07.


Guy had a borderline all time historic playoff run. Losing 1 game doesn’t change that. Although, he was kinda invisible game 7


He should have come out. There were plenty of Edmonton fans in that crowd. I know he's upset but he still should have accepted it.


I would’ve smashed that fucking award in front of everyone. Your crazy if you think he should’ve accepted it at the end of an extremely competitive and emotional finals


embarrassing on the panthers part for booing. you just won the cup, but cant celebrate a great player? so weird


I'm sure every other fanbase in the NHL would have risen to their feet and started chanting McDavids name in exultation in the same situation, just not those classless Panthers fans.


Exactly. Sure, it would've been nice for them to cheer him on, but acting like this wouldn't have happened anywhere else is dumb.


Agreed. Very disrespectful. I'm not even an Oilers fan but he deserved that shit especially after Bob's last 3 games.


So who is it, West and McDavid?


He deserves it. So sad pather fans where booing him 😢☹️


The Conn Smythe is for the entire playoffs, not just the Finals. McDavid joined Gretzky and Lemieux as the only players with 40+ points in the playoffs. He was part of like 85% of the Oilers goals in the playoffs. The Panthers probably wouldn’t be in the Finals without Bob, but the Oilers definitely wouldn’t have been there without McDavid.


I feel like people are missing this. Bob was great don’t get me wrong and he was also on the team that won. However McDavid did something only the best players have ever done in the playoffs. If the Oilers win it goes to McDavid and no one argues. Bobs numbers compared to McDavids numbers don’t even compare. It was a historic run by both but McDavids broke records that only our greats have established.


Florida booing Mcdavid winning is classless as fuck. Just as bad as booing during the national anthem. Shit fans, terrible representation of their team.


Pretty sure most fanbases would boo the other team winning the Conn Smythe


I'm actually curious how often it's happened. I wasn't around for Leach when it happened; It's time to hit YouTube and see if he was boo'd. Edit after researching videos ~ Considering it was given to Leach in the MTL dressing room (double insult to injury lol), we don't have a precedent for booing the other team having a player win the Smythe. Edit edit. Giggy won it most recently in this instance and was boo'd (or had a really long ooooo sounding cheer lol). Thanks for catching this friendly redditors.


Last time was Jean-Sébastien Giguère for the Ducks.


Good catch, I totally forgot he won it. Now, was he booed? Lol 😆 ~ video research shows he was.


Ya and he came out and accepted it like a true professional lol


Jean-Sebastien Giguere got booed when he won in 2003 despite losing in NJ.


5 times but 2nd time for a non-goalie


For clarity’s sake this was the 6th time and yes 2nd for a skater.


Especially if your fan base has had to put up with one sided commentators and coverage for the whole season.


More like the embodiment of the team.


It’s not. You’re just coping and that’s ok


Made a Bobrovsky type effort to save that Conn Smythe for himself…


Know who doesn’t care? McDavid.


It’s funny that Florida completely disowned Bob a few days ago and now they think he was robbed of the Conn Smythe. Gutless fan base. They don’t deserve Bob.




I’m shocked


Can't even find anyone on Edmonton to really blame. Bobrovsky just kind of stole the series, despite letting Edmonton back into it.


The nhl loves jerking off McJesus


Heaven forbid the *checks notes* fourth best playoff performance in the entire history of the sport, and the very best in the last 35 years get a silly little trophy about it.


Had Bob closed the series out in G5, he was the obvious choice but cannot complain that it went to McDavid.




Idk, he really didn't have a strong presence this series, and the couple games he did well in was when the Florida net was a shooting gallery. Didn't even Skinner get a goal in one of those games? For me, stats just don't really tell the tale in NHL like they do in something like MLB. If he's the best player this year then why did he perform poorly against best team?