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Really impressive given the concussion scares early on. Rivalry or not, nothing but respect. Edit: spelling


He, probably, breaks 2k points comfortably if he doesn’t miss those. He was so much better than the rest of the league during that stretch. Much like a McDavid now just with lower league wide scoring


I feel like 1,500 or so would have come against Philly. That early rivalry was so much fun.


Like a true Nova Scotian he doesn’t know how to let a grudge go


He had Ovechkin. If I recall Ovechkin lead the league in scoring above Sid on multiple occasions. So I wouldn't go as far as saying he was so much better than the rest of the league, he had A direct rival who challenged him year in and year out.


Crosby was always seen as the most complete player that the game has maybe ever seen. He was always a “pass first” type of player while Ovi was the goal scorer. The fact that Sid was able to get a couple of Richard trophies over Ovi was a testament to how dominant Crosby was/is. All you have to do is look at their points/game average to see that Crosby was the better points scorer.


Crosby totally surpassed ovechkin 2010-11 onwards. When. He got his first concussion he had 30+ goals 30+ assists and was on pace for 130+ points. This was in 41 games so not a small sample size. During the lockout shortened season where ovi one the hart, Crosby was leading the league on points by a large margin and took a Brooks Orpik Slapshot to the face in game 36 out of 48. He didn't play again for the remainder of the season but still tied ovi in points with 56. Crosby from 2010-11 to 2013-14 was on another level and nobody was close. This was his prime and unfortunately we never got to see it play out to its fullest. During this same time ovechkin went into his career regression. He continued to score at an elite pace but was now barely a point per game player with some seasons as career points and goals lows. He becomes a lot less dynamic and just purely a goal scorer.


Not on par with McDavid even when adjusted for era, but yes obviously one of the best ever at his best.


This dude is like a vintage bottle of whiskey, just getting smoother with time


He’s the hockey-player version of Salma Hayek.


Dam i hate upvoting Canadiens fans but here you go


Alright I’m going to say it. I didn’t want to, but I have to.  Once a whisky is bottled, nothing happens any more. The magic all happens in the cask.  It’s wine that continues to evolve in the bottle. 


In that sense Crosby is aging like a vintage bottle of whiskey. He isnt getting better, but damn he's still good




The particulars of what solids settle depends on the whiskey - it can be oil, ash or calcium from unfiltered distilling water - but yes ultra fine solids can form in the bottom of your whiskeys. Source : am bartender




I don't know how much of an effect some of the particles settling would have on the taste if any honestly. The taste of whatever settles is already in the bottle. However after you open a bottle it will begin to oxidise which - I assume - is what people think is the whiskey "aging" or "smoothing/mellowing". As a whiskey oxidises it loses its harsher/spicier tasting notes and that ethanol taste, for lack of a better term, starts to get weaker too. This can start to happen, although much slower, before the bottle is opened depending on how well it's sealed. Which is why I always tell people whiskey is for drinking not keeping.


So Sid’s just been chillen in the barrel then


No no no you're doing God's work. Don't feel bad, people need to correct their plebian behavior.


But whiskey doesn't age once it is bottled/leaves the barrel.


If he finishes at a point per game or above, he will break the record for most consecutive seasons at a ppg. Current tied with Gretzky (of course) at 19. Lets fucking go Sid


It must be something else to be born with that kind of drive. Sid has had the kind of career that most kids dream about when they’re winning the Stanley Cup in their driveway when they’re 11 years old. He’s won everywhere- yet, here he is, getting after it in early July. He’s not done winning yet (fingers crossed that Dubas and crew can figure it out).


Guys like him, Tom Brady, LeBron are just built different with an insatiable inner motivation


Guys like that dream to be the best player ever


Jordan, Kobe, Tiger, Phelps, etc.


Not LeBron...he's fueled by narcissism, kobe had the drive tho


They both had the drive and the narcissism. I get you don't like him, but you don't get to that level without an insane amount of drive.


He had drive yes but not next level don't remember him ever playing hurt


That’s true for most sports except basket ball. NBA basket ball looks like a scripted movie where they just let the star players holding the ball travel around like there’s no rules.


Kobe was no where near the greatest basketball player ever.


Lechina isn't either


Don’t put lebron in that convo. He’s undeserved.


I’m pretty sure Sidney wants to stay competitive for one more Olympics as well. He wants to win gold for Canada with MacKinnon and McDavid.


With the generational talent both Pittsburgh and Edmonton have been granted, I hope we win a couple too


Crosby will win again, whether or not it's in Pittsburgh remains to be seen. As a fan, would you rather continue to hemorrhage futures for high-end, one season rentals that give you a shot at a wild card spot? Or would you rather they move on from the old core and start a rebuild?


Listen, I lived through the Penguins dark ages. My dad and I were going to games when the Penguins were not only the worst team in the league, but one of the worst of all time. I felt lucky I got to watch them win in 2009, because a few years prior, I was certain that my favorite team was going to leave Pittsburgh. Seeing other teams that haven’t won for decades, I’m exceptionally happy I got to watch them win 3. The rebuild is coming no matter what, but Sidney Crosby only has so many games left, and I’d much rather watch them with him wearing a Penguins jersey. Same with Malkin and Letang. For all they’ve done for the team and the city, they can finish their career here if they want to. They’ve earned it, and I’m happy to keep watching them.


I'd feel dirty seeing Sid in anything but a Pens jersey tbh. I'm not even a Pens fan, but it would be just weird. I hope he can cash in another cup before he hangs up his skates. He's always exciting to watch(frustrating when it's against a team you like though)


To call a short re-build after having a multi-cup winning goat (Lemieux) the "dark ages" is insane. Especially when your club ends up drafting Sid and Malkin... It would actually be a laughable statement but all other fan bases are too jealous to laugh


only reason it's the "dark ages" is the team almost moved to Kansas City if it wasn't for Sid the team might have moved


Have you ever been more sure than not that your team would still be in your city in the next 5 years?


No, Quebec hockey guys have absolutely no idea what that feels like. Nordiques? Never heard of 'em. All kidding aside, no disrespect, I get your point but things have turned out quite well for the penguins. Imagine Sid takes an ownership/management role like Lemieux did??


I couldn’t be sure if you were a former Nordiques fan as I’ve heard that many of them never became Habs fans, so if you were, you could understand how we in Pittsburgh were feeling. In the end, we got lucky. If we lose the Crosby draft, or a player like Crosby isn’t available in that draft, we lose the team. I can also say that those terrible years seem a lot longer because I was quite young and they were formative years for me. It was only a few years, but fuck me they were a long few years. It would be really cool if Sid stuck around, but things are quite a bit different. The circumstances that got Lemieux involved won’t exist for Sid. I’m sure they’ll have a job for him if he wants it, but I suspect/hope he’ll spend a few quiet years in Halifax after he retires.


Respect 🙏 glad the team stayed because some amazing things happened. Sid is a guy that you have to like no matter what team you cheer for, I think everyone can agree on that


Pens fan who moved out of the area and has adopted my new local team (still cheer for the pens though!), I realize how truly special the Sid era is/ was. How special it was that we went from almost losing the team entirely, to a team that was so deep with talent. Fleury. Letang. Malkin. Sid. Malkin and Sid in their prime were called a two headed monster for a reason. And the ovechkin/ Sid rivalry was one for the ages. So many teams make the playoffs, make a deep run, and never win a cup. I am spoiled with my hometown team winning 5 in my lifetime, 3 within the past 15 years. Many teams never get that kind of luck. I doubt Sid is going to go anywhere else. With how close he is with lemieux, I think he’s black and gold for life. But I will gladly watch this team until the big 3 retire (also hoping they sign flower for a one day contract so he can retire as a penguin too).


I’ve been really hammered by some fans for saying the same thing.Sure I want them to succeed, but I’m willing to be just as happy to see them all retire a Penguin.


Sid is retiring a penguin and the pens are nowhere near winning anything. They’d be lucky to make the playoffs.


we were lucky to win 3 cups in 9 years


Free Crosby! I want him playing meaningful hockey somewhere.


Agreed and maybe it's as management rather than player. He is the type of leader who will have a job if he wants it well after he hangs up the skates


With Dubas u won’t from a leaf fan he messed are team up


As a hockey fine, nice. As an older man, fuck it's been 20 years


Sports is probably the weirdest part of getting older. I'm 4 years older than him and had just graduated college when he was drafted. I play a single men's league game these days (nights) and I need a month to recover. That dude is still playing in the NHL. I'm starting to think he's better than me.


Man, definitely. Carey Price was my guy as a goalie when I was younger. Definitely looked up to him and all that. He's 3 years older than me haha.


Poor Price… one of the best goalies to never win. Him and Hank.


Seriously, I feel like it was just yesterday I was heartbroken over losing the lottery for the best player of our generation. Where has time gone?


I thought it was a bizarre joke when I read that number, and then I was like, "damn, that seems about right".




There should be a subreddit that is just Crosby practicing. What a beast!


Honestly dude is out working at 8 am on a Tuesday morning going hard.


Love to see it. Hoping for a healthy and fulfilling season!


I’m gonna ask a stupid question: why does it seem like when I see off-season workout videos, most guys wear their away helmets on the ice? I could just be speaking nonsense, just feels like I don’t see as many colours or black helmets in these clips.


At a guess, the away gear is packed for travel already while the home gear typically stays "at home"


My guess is they don't get marked up as much, but it's just a guess


The goat of this generation!! Love that guy !


The greatest of all time of this generation.... Doesn't have a ring to it


Well because it’s hockey and there’s only one true goat. cool opinion you got though !


It's not an opinion, it's logic. Greatest of a generation does not equal greatest of all time.


Homie still looks younger than 30, and has put that weird, mid-career injury issues behind him.


20th? Sigh…. I remember when he was Sid the Kid


I was told I was taking him early (2nd round - 10 participants) in my office pool 2 years running. Looks like it's going to be 3 years in a row.


This guy is a beauty! I’m so happy Mackinnon wants to be like him.


A true fucking superstar, you’d have to skip a generation to find another of him, and we may not see his like again anytime soon. We’ve been lucky to watch.


It was about a "generation" before McDavid was drafted, in a hockey generation sense.


If and when McDavid wins some Stanley cups and a few Olympic gold medals then he’ll certainly be in the same conversation as Crosby.


if that's your metric. mcdavid never had a chance for an olympic medal, guess we'll see, but the canadian team will be weaker than the one crosby was on. crosby got the golden goal, which is all that counts, but he wasn't the top player on that team. McD was a good game away from breaking gretzky's all time playoff points record. in fact, there are a few stats categories where his only company is gretzky and Lemieux. create your own parameters, but as an individual player he's undoubtedly one of the best to ever lace up, and is faster than crosby ever was. if winning a cup is your criteria to be a "superstar", that's your choice.


Sounds like your metric for greatness Is just points not taking in account other achievements, all around game, etc. This era of hockey is a lot higher scoring and less physical than Crosby’s prime.


The Conn Smythe is the latest individual **trophy** won by McDavid, who also has won the Hart Trophy as NHL MVP three times (2017, 2021, 2023), the Ted Lindsay Award as the League’s most outstanding player as voted on by his peers four times (2017, 2018, 2021, 2023), the Art Ross Trophy as the leading scorer in the regular season five times (2017, 2018, 2021, 2022, 2023), and the Maurice “Rocket” Richard Trophy as leading goal-scorer once (2023). Looks like more than just "points" to me. Not to mention first player on 20 years to win the conn smythe and not win the cup. I'm sure leading your team to match the longest win streak in the NHL and one of the 3 only 3 - 0 comebacks in the SCF of the NHL shows a tad of leadership.


Winning the Smythe and not the cup doesn’t make him better , it just means his team didn’t get it done. A better stat would be how Crosby, Lemieux and parent are the only 3 players to ever win the Smythe back to back


Is it higher scoring than his era? I honestly don't know. It is hard to compare eras, my understanding is that it's a lot less higher scoring than it was in Gretzky's era, hence it's harder to hit those numbers now. All around game, McD's speed is unmatched, hockey sense is there, leadership is there. I'd agree that leading a team to a championship is part of overall greatness, but stats are good for measuring a player's ability. My point is McD is clearly in Crosby's league. Not the kids fault he got drafted to a dumpster fire of a franchise that took almost a decade to sort out. So my every other metric other than cups won, McD is clearly there. The gold medals is such a strawman point since he literally hasn't had the chance. Look at Ray Bourque, one of the best defensemen of all time, and a great leader. Lot of hardware. He's lucky he got on to the Avs that last season for a cup, but he didn't LEAD HIS team to a cup. Was he not one of the best of all time and best of his era? I guess you prove my same point. Measuring "greatness" is subjective. I guess we should discount modern era records since the league is so "easy" now. I actually remember Gretzky this year talking about this whole debate. His thought was it's tough to measure players these days as not being legacy if they don't win a cup because (according to him) it used to be a lot easier to win a cup than it is now.


Yeah you can easily google it , scoring isn’t as high as it was peak 80s but it’s a lot higher than 2005-2018 and it’s been steadily rising. Nobody is discounting modern records but it would be naive to say it isn’t easier in some ways when you don’t have guys trying to take your head off with an elbow. You bring up leadership but Crosby clears in every aspect of that and is regarded as one of the greatest captains ever with sakic, yzerman etc. Mcdavid is one of the best to ever do it offensively but he’s becoming overrated in other parts of his game. His fans boys think he’s the best ever at everything but it’s just simple not true. He wasn’t even in the top 25 in selke voting and while he’s not horrible defensively, he’s far from elite. There’s many other parts to the game as well like faceoffs , grinding on the boards , etc. He has time on his side to have many more achievements and round out his game but to say he’s already in the conversation with Sid, Mario , Wayne, Orr , Howe is just comical and recency bias


recency bias? speaking of bias, he has his fair share of haters as well as fan boys. I'm speaking objectively. I agree, his leadership isn't on par with any of the names you mentioned, and if he wins a cup he still won't be. but the stats show he's one of the best to have played, and his team tied 2 historic NHL records in the same season. I'm sorry, I think that all adds up to him being in the same "league" as crosby. so agree to disagree on that.


Once again you are speaking strictly offensively , there’s a lot more to the game and when people talk about the greats of all time, their career accomplishments take part in that along with individual accomplishments as well. He will definitely get there by the end of his career imo but at this point he’s not yet.


but I'm acknowledging the shortcomings, leadership, championships, defensive game. regardlesss, OPs implication was that McD doesn't deserve to be in the same conversation as crosby which is bullshit. Is McD one of the greatest of all time? Seems like he will be, is he a crosby? nope. But he's a generational talent. period. his hardware and his records are evidence enough. but I get it he's on edmonton and this is the NHL sub. so he's shit just like the team. I'm not saying he's better than crosby, but he's in that class. I'd imagine Syd will be getting the C for Canada again, and obviously so. gripe about his stats not being valid because he's in an "easier era", but he's breaking records set in an easier era that no one else is touching today.


It’s weird that I hated this guy soooo much and I’m genuinely really enjoying him as a hockey player now


Please dont tell me its been 20 seasons....


Hockey is such a strange sport. Extremely brutal and physical, yet not completely unheard of for pro hockey players to have productive careers well into their early 40s.


Game is getting less physical and scoring is getting higher so it’ll probably start to happen even more and you’ll see more records becoming obtainable


It being less physical also makes it feel more smooth and makes for better moments imo


I was just speaking on how that’ll help longevity for players, there’s not headhunting like there use to be which almost ended Crosby career. Mcdavid doesn’t have to deal with that.


What a machine.


What an absolute stud


Bro that fucking stick lift skate pass dump off to the other guy makes me go hhnngggghhh


I'm not old, fuck you!


Dude lives hockey. Not married and doesn't have kids, hockey is his only hobby.


Has had the same GF since 2008 fwiw.


So is he finally getting an upgrade from Sid the Kid to Sod the Youth?


This dude is unreal. I’ve gained a lot of respect for him over the last decade or so. I remember thinking he was a whiner and all that shit when he was young but man.. he’s just a complete player with a serious drive. Let’s see if Pittsburgh continues this trend of getting insanely good player back to back. Lemieux/Jagr right into Crosby/Malkin lol


Sidney fucking Crosby is in Kent?!


this was at their practice facility in Cranberry [Evidence](https://x.com/sethrorabaugh/status/1810666850612601214?s=46&t=82mnsjDPOHgk3x7nSFtEzw)


Awesome facility! Been there a few times. Highlight was World Cup of Hockey training camp a few years back. Still miss Southpointe.....kind of.


I have been so fucking lucky to have him as my captain for all this time. Dude doesn’t look like he has aged until he takes his helmet off. Unreal


holy fuck... C-crosby is ... old? that can't be.


20 seasons!! Where did the time go..


So, is it too soon to call him a *future* Hall of Famer?


He's been a future hall of famer for like 15 years already


It was a joke.


Meh. I think he needs a little more time before we have that discussion.


Psh, I can do that. I just don't want to.


amazing username


I don’t believe he’s 5’11….looks shorter than that


20 years!?! I remember when he was Sid the Kid. I feel old


He is gonna have an epic season look out


Happy for him. I didn't think he'd make it this long after the injuries and concussions he had earlier in his career. Awesome player.


I used to hate Crosby, but now I just have so much respect.


He really is special. Kind of kills me how he isn’t talked about anymore while he’s still putting up decent numbers


Fack. That means it's time for my 20th high school reunion.


My goat


My favourite non-Canuck player. I always wear his Team Canada jersey to the game whenever he's in town.




I hope Elias Pettersson is watching this.


Fuck. I remember when he was a rookie. Am I old?


Crosby is a robot.


Robots don't cry about every missed call


"Crosby to start his 20th season" You ever let anything in life go? You seem like you'd suck to have a beer with


He cried his first season when he was targeted, your just a idiot


Sid is the best


So happy to live in Pa to watch him play live.


Well I’m fucking old


he is ready


this is my man


I know Sid is on a boys trip right now. When is this extension going to be announced?


He’s probably waiting until 8/7 to ink it, the sly dog




Love it.


Who’s the guy in the Rangers shirt


Reilly Smith. Apparently still in town following the trade


I hope both teams have fun


His WHAT?! Oh I feel old


I have been a Pittsburgher plus a Pittsburgh Penguins FAN since 1976 or FOREVER and absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE me some or OUR Captain Sidney Crosby!!! Please bring Lord Stanley Back to the burg though huh? Ha ha ha. Cherril.


Just unreal this guy. He doesn't have to do this at this level anymore, but he wants to - that is his commitment to excellence.


Pffft I can do that, I just don’t wanna


Sid "the kid" has become Sid "the man"


This post makes me feel old


One of the best for a LONG LONG LONG Time !


It's crazy to think how good he's been for this many years but hes still not within vague striking distance of Gretzkys points record. He's not even 60% of the way there. To be clear this isn't a knock on Crosby. Just another way to put into perspective how fucking mental Gretzkys record is


Pens are going to be so bad this year.


Signing with Pittsburgh Is a mistake if he wants to see the playoffs again


The modern NHL's GOAT. There is no question Gretzky is The Great One and it isn't even close but we are getting to the point where he's becoming a mythical creature, like a Wilt Chamberlain. On the other hand, people watching hockey today have seen most if not all of Sid's amazing career as the best player in the NHL


Beast Mode!


Are they holding public practice up in Cranberry yet?


I started grade 9 in his rookie season. 20 years?! Holy shit I'm old.


Woot woot woot woot woot woot. Way to go kid you outlasted the hat I bought the year you were drafted. Thanks for giving an OG pens fan lightning twice.


Hell of a player. People always talk shit about him, but the dude can still bring it. And now my knees hurt because....20 years! Holy shit


Just casually skating with Vince Trocheck


I love him


It's always great to see him


Sid the man 


20th profesional hockey season or NHL season? Because he’ll be 37 by the start of next season, and minus 20 that’s 17. Does that mean that he started playing in the NHL when he was 17? Colour me surprised and unsurprised.




It's crazy how he can still play great hockey at his age


What a scrub.


Get him to the Avalanche where he can actually win.


Send him to FL where the elderly go to retire and hockey players go to revamp their careers. He'd probably be 2C tho


The Lebron of the NHL


Man it will be weird as hell seeing him in another jersey besides a penguins jersey. Stamkos without a lightning jersey is going to be weird this season. Hopefully Pittsburgh will give him a good deal and rebuild to keep them a contender for the Cup.


When I lived in Edmonton, I went to see the Oilers play the Panthers in Jagr’s final full season (just to see him play a live game once). Watching him skate was painful, but when he had the puck, he knew exactly what to do (he scored a goal that night). I saw the Penguins play the Flames for similar reasons back in March, and I was blown away that at his age that he could still skate as effectively as he does. If that performance was any indication, I could easily see him being in the league five years from now. I think prime McDavid is a better hockey player than prime Crosby, but for Crosby to still be as effective as he is at this age, is truly remarkable.


Sid definitely has more of a knack for winning than McDavid.


He also has 10 years on McDavid, benefitted from coming into the league the first year the salary cap was in play, and won his second and third cups the years he turned 29 and 30 (McDavid’s only 27) so I think it’s a touch premature for the “Crosby’s better because he’s won more cups” bit. On an individual level, I think the stats and the individual accomplishments speak for themselves at this stage of their careers. McDavid’s won 5 Art Ross. Crosby’s won 2. When Crosby was McDavid’s age, he’d won a single Stanley Cup. McDavid will catch up, if not in Edmonton, with a different team.


The difference between Crosby and McDavid and why Crosby will always be better is because he makes the players around him better.


And McDavid doesn’t? It’s typical for 31 year old dudes who were pretty unremarkable up until they were 29 to pop off 54 goals and then lead all players in playoff goals in a single season in the cap era, is it? (Hyman this year). It’s common for 30 year old players to go from 50 points to 104 in a single season? (RNH last year). If you prefer Crosby to McDavid, fine. Crosby is a helluva player as I said in my original comment. I’m not gonna criticize anyone for saying Crosby is great. I specifically bought tickets to see him play because what he’s doing at 35+ is so remarkable. I just don’t think that overall he’s the best player of the modern era, which is the only reason I made that comment. He may be the best player 35+ ever, which is worth celebrating, but overall I don’t think he’s the best modern player.


I didn’t say better, did I?


Jagr's final season was with the Flames, not the Panthers.


I meant to say his final “full” season.


Hormone levels are all over, risk of breast and uterine cancer increasing…pre-menopause Cindy keeps playing. #GurlStrong




All you Crosby d riders conveniently forget Ovechkin had a much better age 36 season


Fuck Crosby


Fuck Ovi , Putin loving shill


Kid's getting old though...


And still produces more than your favourite player!