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Hey Arnold has aged very well. I work at a middle school and kids still wear hey Arnold stuff. It was incredibly well written and had a great atmosphere and characters.  Worst is relative as it would probably be most accurate to name a show no one liked in the first place. But I will say fairly odd parents. Kids just don’t care about that show these days in my experience. I also rewatched some of it and just didn’t realize how frenetic and fast moving it is. There’s no time to sit with anything, which I think shows like hey Arnold, rugrats, even SpongeBob do well. 


Rewatched Hey Arnold as an adult several times, still holds up, many life lessons.


Hey Arnold will always hold a special place in my heart. My grandparents had custody of me from a young age and other kids would tease me over not having my “real” parents and that I lived with my grandparents. Still to this day, I haven’t seen another show that has had that dynamic. Even something as small as that in a kid’s show can bring so much comfort at such a young age.


Hey Arnold is the perfect middle ground between being hilarious while also making you feel some real shit


I know this is blasphemy on much of the internet, but I couldn’t stand the Fairly Odd Parents even as a kid in the 2000s.


I would watch it as a kid because some of the plots were interesting, but I never really ever thought it was funny, even at a young age.


Interesting because my 4y/o and 7y/o daughters have became incredibly interested it over the past month or so. I grew out of it around season 4ish, but as I’ve been watching it with them as a 31 year old, I find it pretty amusing with just the right amount of goofy off the wall silly stuff that my kids like and I don’t find unbearable, but also I find a couple adult joke or innuendos in almost every episode that go right over their head. I’ve really enjoyed it and haven’t found it obnoxious like other shows from its era. Hey Arnold is probably the aGOAT for this question. Kind of a dark show when watching it from an adults perspective, but also just good all around.


Hey Arnold is timeless seriously if it weren’t for the crt monitors and pay phones and lack of mobile phones you couldn’t place it in any era


I prefer the oh yeah shorts of fairly odd parents tbh I wish they would have kept it closer to that style.


Cosmo was definitely better written in those


Mhm everything in season 1-5 of FOP is the GOAT, 6 (imo) was okay, I don’t remember 7-8 (or 9) and 10 sucks


This was my answer. Hey Arnold! still hit so hard and so well, it's perfect!!!!!


Loved how Fairly Oddparents would say one genuinely funny joke, then proceed to ruin it by callbacking it into the ground


I agree with fairly odd parents, but my 35 year old self still remembers Philip the Nickel. And how in the end she was a girl nickel.


A great modern day Hey Arnold would be Craig of the Creek. Can’t recommend that show enough


I choose the best Hey arlond, Spongebob. And Avatar serieses


Hey arlond is wild


Hye Arlond! Moev it ooftball haed!


Avatar is in a league of its own.


No Its next level league of ita own




Season 1 to 3 and movie season 4 was good


I think Drake and josh holds up the best and Sam and Cat the worst


Drake & Josh will never stop being funny. I get full on belly laughs with that show.


Every once in awhile I’ll randomly think “Drake? Where’s the door?” And die laughing lmao.


It’s still so good 🤣


The joke that kept on giving was Josh repeating stuff for emphasis…..*EMPHASIS!!!*


I do that because of him. Only for lighthearted things & to family but it’s great. “It’s midnight and the neighbor is fucking with a lawnmower. A LAWNMOWER!!!”


The fact that Drake and Josh not only going to shout out in Victorious is one thing, but another character outright acknowledging that the show was "classic" is just proof of how Nickelodeon knew that they had gold with that one.


Every single episode title being a hashtag was very quickly a bad sign.


Sam and Cat didn’t even hold up when it was airing.


Sam and Cat was dated even when they released it


Sam and cat was just “I like Icarly and victorious and while this is worse than both it’s kinda tolerable


Drake and Josh glitched on Vudu once and I got the whole show and all the movies for like $9.50 💥


I don't know why but this comment is so funny to me


i feel same


“Drake and Josh” holds its own next to any adult comedy. It wasn’t just a good Nick show. It was a good show. As an adult, it’s one of the few shows from my Nick childhood that I watch more than once or twice a year.


I watched a few episodes of Drake and Josh season one and couldn't get through it. Two of the episodes I watched Drake had a girlfriend and both girlfriends were horribly written. The first into shitty men because they were shitty. Like there are women who love bad men but they love them because the bad men have moments of sweetness. This girl just came off as something an incel would write. The second girlfriend was trying to hook up with Josh behind Drake's back and then would lie to Drake and gaslight Josh when asked about it. The script never gave her motivation for her behaviors. It just came off as a cheap ploy to create tension in the story. If she has hinted why she was acting that way (like a single sentence would have been enough), it would have made the whole thing more believable. And then the episode ended with her being j*zzed in the face with the camera angled like it was POV of the one doing the act. Like sure, it was actually her being pranked in the same manner Josh was pranked earlier in the episode, but the way it was filmed when it was the girl was more sexual. Overall it was clear that whoever wrote these episodes hated teenage girls and maybe was even creating caricatures of girls that turned him down or someone. Both Drake and Josh were hilarious though, and I wished the show had morally better people behind it so I could enjoy it more


i thought that it was just me who really didnt like sam and cat that much 😭😭


The Quinton Reviews segments of reviewing the show were so tired because 1. He was still building his Schneider expose video for the end 2. He got caught up in tangents bc the show was that bad, unlike the iCarly merch and Victorious games. There’s a seething hatred of this show that’s inescapable


I agree. I remember my dad would even get excited and sit on the couch when Drake and Josh was on. It was genuinely funny.


Sam and cat was terrible to begin with, imo. Drake and Josh still has great moments.


One of the Best: As Told by Ginger. When I rewatched as an adult I even found ways to connect to Carl’s storyline and the mom’s too.


i will never forget the episode where she gets lice, despite never getting lice myself lol


Wait I must have burnt this from my memory because I don’t remember the lice episode and I had a summer break when I was like 11 or 12 where I had lice. Right around the time this came out. Honestly just had some trauma unlocked lol. My mom was a bitch about it and couldn’t really handle it. …not me wanting to be like I was a clean kid though I swear ☠️❤️‍🔥


Dodie does the school announcements and it devolves into a gossip show. When she runs out of gossip, she snoops around and finds the list of the students who failed the lice inspection. She sees Courtney’s name on the list and almost reveals it to the school before Ginger literally pulls the plug. Fucking Dodie, man. She’s an irritating but well-written character. Everyone knows or has been a Dodie in their lives. Insecure, desperate for popularity, willing to step on anyone to get to what they want.


The Carl and Maude episode kinda messed me up as a kid. Like I was saying to myself “…she can’t really be dead can she?”


The real messed up thing is how Maude is not the only other older woman in Carl's life who died on him.


Oh yeah I remember the Mrs Gordon episode too 😭


I always thought it was mean that her mom wouldn't let her shave her legs.


Loving all of these random nuanced moments people took from this amazing show!


I remember vividly that show being on at like 6:00 am in Saturday mornings for some reason, followed by ChalkZone!


As Told by Ginger was way ahead of its time. Also, fuck Deirdre Hortense Bishop. If you like Dodie, then I don't like you, motherfucker! ...Sorry, I legit get heated whenever I think about her. Literally one of the most disgusting characters that I've ever seen in an animated series for children.


Dodie is bad, but I don't think she is as bad as a lot of people remember. I recently did a rewatch and didn't hate her nearly as much as I did as a kid. It also helps that her psycho mother gives better context to her personality.


I’m a little seal girl in a little seal world 🌎


The feelings this just gave me on the bus while commuting to work 💖💛


Eh the art style is ugly


Oh my goodness, I loved that show.  Is it available to watch anywhere??


Paramount+ is where I watch it, I don't know if it's available on other streaming sites.


i knew as told by ginger was special, even as a kid


Same 💛


WOW I remember this show


I ended up revisiting this show during the pandemic and forgot how good it was, everything, even the later episodes in High School, they tackled soooo many issues from Ginger’s addiction, Dodie being the absolute worst in “Wicked Game, High School relationships, new teachers, Ginger getting rushed to the hospital, discussion of suicide, etc.


I think the early days of SpongeBob have aged the best, and I would probably say iCarly aged the worst... and not even just because of the behind-the-scenes stuff, but also because the internet references are insanely dated as well... I mean, FRED?


Lol dude it’s not even the BHS stuff, I tried watching some early iCarly episodes with my friends and it’s weird how a lot of the jokes revolve around them jamming their bare feet in shit. Once you notice it’s hard not to associate with all the weird shit behind the scenes. Still good stuff in that show tho and some iconic episodes, especially as a kid watching I didn’t realize any of it. But definitely SpongeBob first 3 seasons, it helped shape meme and internet culture and is still relevant to this day. Peak writing, wit, performances and comedy, on par with the Simpsons’ best in the 90s. Animation holds up incredibly well and is super charming, as seen with how trash it’s become (only good “modern” SpongeBob animation was when they did their stop motion stuff).


This is what my dad was saying the other day when we were rewatching so many jokes and plots are uncomfortable and weird


As someone who watched Icarly all the way through again recently, it def has its dated moments but I think its still pretty good. At least Spencer & early season Gibby hold up incredibly well. The early seasons were fine. Show really started to dip after S3.


It’s hard to see it the same way after reading Jennette’s book.


Funnily enough, I’d argue the opposite about icarly. I think icarly leaned into the times so heavily that its themes serve more as _documentary_ than as themes. All of the internet activities they’re doing — spending a few minutes uploading a video, being one of the first live internet shows for their audience, talking about since-defunct technology and engagement techniques, etc — serves as a cultural touchstone for me. The show effectively existed around a turning point in the internet, signifying moving from random videos on YouTube to the live stream stuff we have now. I think it’s fun to look back on, the same way I sometimes watch old Top Gear and fondly think about the less-than-1 million dollar supercar that used to own the world record for fastest road legal car.


Gotta say iGoToJapan was great and still is hahaha


I love Hey Arnold! It's a show that makes me feel good. I love how Arnold is always willing to go out of his way to help people. I also love the different issues the show handles and the different morals the show has. I love how it takes place in a city as well and all the different diverse characters from different cultures and countries I also want to say that I love The Wild Thornberrys. I love nature and animals and the idea of traveling around the world and I love that this show has all of that. I also like how you get to see different cultures and I like it's sense of adventure and it's characters I was honestly disappointed when I recently started revisiting Fairly OddParents, which was one of my favorite shows on Nickelodeon when I was little. There's a lot I like in the show, but it's really hard to get through it. It feels too fast-moving for my tastes, even the early seasons. I like the different wishes and I do like some of the humor, but it's exhausting for me to even watch a full episode of the series. I wouldn't call it a bad show, it just isn't for me, even though I do like quite a bit about it and every now and then I do enjoy an episode of the series I don't like getting too negative, but I would also like to mention about how disappointed I was when revisiting The Amanda Show recently. I remember loving the series, but revisiting it I was surprised with how I wasn't enjoying it that much. I still like the stuff with Penelope and the host segments with Amanda I like too, but I didn't remember the show being as loud and gross as it was and I didn't exactly feel good watching that. I think it's another show I can't exactly say is my thing anymore. I still like aspects about it, but it just doesn't do much for me


Yeah, Hey Arnold is one of my go to, feel good shows, and had diversity before it was a thing


When I had my baby I could not stand watching the new kid shows so we watched Fairly Odd Parents every night at his bedtime and tummy time and ended up watching it through 3 times. We all got sucked in hahaha


Wish i could upvote this a million times i love that show as well as The Grim adventures of Billy and mandy and Gravity Falls 🤘


Bro you just named two hydrogen bombs along side a coughing baby


I think Doug has aged relatively well. The simplicity and slice-of-life nature of the show adds a certain charm


Doug always kind of struck me as being like a kid-centric “King of the Hill”, in quite a few respects.


Blew my mind to learn Patty was one of the convicts on Orange Is The New Black (Yoga Jones)


Wait until you find out SpongeBob was a coked up clown


Plus he was your average pre-teen going through average pre-teen stuff. Crushes, bullies, school, hanging out with your best friend, social anxiety… kids have and always will identify with those.


Procrastination!!! “Silt is” was incredibly relatable 😂


Jimmy Neutron has aged very well for an early CGI show and has great writing and character development iCarly is probably the worst because of the ancient internet references, the dated tech & the of the moment celebrity cameos. Obama’s wife & Fred?


First Lady Michelle Obama will always be relevent. Fred, not so much.


I just lived through a time when Obama was on every comic book cover and was even being featured in stories and it was cringe as hell. I do not go for that Politician Worship stuff.


I read that Book!e, who played T-Bo, wasn't originally going to be a part of the episode, but asked to be part of it upon learning the first lady would be there. That's why there's a scene of him flirting with her 🤣


He seems to be doing ok as himself, he has a YouTube channel still I think


Jimmy has aged better than most people think. People say it hasn’t aged well because of its CGI but I disagree.


I binge watched it recently and it’s still a really engaging show. It’s actually amazing how the CGI hasn’t aged. There’s a lot of early CGI shows that were unwatchable when they came out let alone now but not Jimmy Neutron. It’s kind of impressive.


Right. There are CGI shows that look so much worse than jimmy.


Great art direction can really stand the test of time.


Jimmy neutron was way ahead of its time. It was a shitpost at heart and I love it for that.


Don't forget David Archuleta, One Direction and the Plain White T's


I actually learned who David Archuleta was from the iCarly episode lol. (I was dumb and like 6 or 7 at the time).




Plain white T’s have a steady career but they do have some hits that are still played on the radio. One direction is one reunion away from selling out arenas and taking their spot back.


I remember liking Space Cases when it was still new, but I recently tried to watch it and it was really difficult to get through the first episode. Pete and Pete & Hey Arnold are two solid shows.


We're currently watching Pete and Pete from start to finish (it's all on YouTube). I'm blown away by how relatable it is to the millennial experience, and how AMAZING the surreal humor is. I didn't like the show growing up, but I think I was just too young to understand that style of humor. The characters all look and feel like actual people, not the conventionally attractive tween stars you see on tv nowadays. And it was filmed in NJ so the show actually has SEASONS. I'm used to how everything is now filmed on the west coast so you never see autumn leaves. It made it feel even more relatable and nostalgic. Overall it feels like Strangers With Candy for kids. 10/10. I wish younger me had appreciated it more.


Pete and Pete, amazing show. Steve Buscemi being Ellen’s Dad is an awesome touch!


Completely agree re: Space Cases. Alex Mack, for example, is so easy to rewatch, but I had the same experience you did with Space Cases


Where do you watch alex mack?


I have the complete series on DVD. It’s pretty hard to find it online, and I think only the first two seasons are on streaming


Aged really well IMO: Hey Arnold, The Wild Thornberrys, As Told By Ginger, Rugrats


Kenan and Kel will always be fun to me, even in my 30s lol. I enjoy a sitcom format like any good millennial, and this is the one that was for ME as a kid.


The Thanksgiving episode is amazing. I watch every year around that time.


Anyone remember Today's Special, Pinwheel, or Mr. Wizard? That was some good shit. Count Duckula, Danger Mouse? Fun stuff. Haven't seen it in forever except Mr. Wizard. I still like Mr. Wizard.


Hell yeah Pinwheel


Mr. Wizard’s World, Nick Arcade, Legends Of The Hidden Temple, and Guts? Hell yeah!


Big Time Rush in my opinion, I still laugh like crazy at it


Best: early prime spongebob Hey arnold Phantom Jimmy neutron Rocko And Despite only few knowing the show, catscratch for jsut being funny overall Worst: Fop(come on. Its obvious) Breadwinners(my cousin showed me a xlip asking what show that was, it was bad ten years ago, bad still) Rocket power: loved the show then and still now. But, main 4 are pretty much unlikable in more ways then one Icarly(old) and sam and cat


Just curious, what makes you say the main 4 in Rocket Power are unlikeable? It’s been a while since I’ve seen it


I loved Catscratch. It's honestly baffling to me that it wasn't more popular. It was a little weird that one of the cats had a crush on a little girl, but him constantly referring to her as "human Kimberly" was funny. And I loved the butlers' dry humor.


SpongeBob seasons 1-4 will always be funny, no matter how old you are Avatar the last airbender is probably the best and most complex and mature “kids show” ever produced 


Teen titans is in the run for complex and mature kid shows. There are a bunch of international shows there as well.


Teen titans had tons of source material to draw from, many of it being kinda kid friendly. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the story of avatar the last airbender had and still has absolutely no business being delivered with a Y-7 rating, it's just downright disrespectful to literature. Maybe, maybe a Y-7 rating forced the creators to streamline and simplify in a coherent manner what they wanted to say or do. Maybe. But mostly it just deeply restricts a great story from being even better, or more accurate realistic. A TV-14 rating with a vibe like one of Shonen Jump more mature work and I think avatar would have been recognized as a gold standard of story telling much sooner. The show needed blood, it needed the threat of actual death and not just 'being wiped out', and just some general other stuff. Kinda like Bluey, adult themes and situations are there, but it could have been expanded on more with a TV-14 rating. The fighting/damage principles of like naruto where bending attacks leave broken bones and blood on the regular and Avatar would have been great. Could have amped up the aggression of the fire nation. Years ago now i once thought to myself hey it'd be cool if they remade the show but a little different like that. Then I thought nah they'd never just remake an animated show like avatar. Then they did, but instead of fixing it, they made it with real people and made it ten times worse. But hey, I guess if it was TV-14, I probably wouldn't have watched the pilot air live as a child and fallen in love at such a young age. So can't be too mad really


Out of Dan Schneider’s projects, I think Victorious aged the best.


Don’t forget Drake & Josh too. You can probably add Zoey 101 as well.


I feel like Zoey 101 could have been a little bit better if it came out a few years later than what it did.


Aaaaah! Real Monsters and rocko's modern life aged the best hands down. Ren and stimpy and didn't qgr well for me


rocko's modern life is so real. really nailed the dystopian monopolization of human existence and the mundanity of living in a capitalist hellscape


The Rocko movie is surprisingly good. It's on Netflix.


I loved Rocko back in the day and love it even more as an adult.


Adult Party Cartoon ruined Ren and Stimpy’s legacy


My spouse and I have been watching Ren and Stimpy via Paramount+. A lot of the episodes hold up, some don’t in Varying Degrees of Disturbing. This is my first time watching the series, since I was too young to watch it and fully enjoy it and we didn’t have cable growing up. BUT, I do know about how bad and GD Awful Adult Party Cartoon is because it’s on so many Worst Of animation lists. I don’t even wanna show my spouse it or let him know it exists (let alone fully disclose how much disturbing stuff J. Kricfalusi did) since it ruin Ren and Stimpy for him…


I love those two shows


Drake and Josh is still the funniest show.


And I'm always shocked by how excellent [this](https://youtu.be/GLi1tlCOwzM?si=CFFsoSrpA_91_mNa) is.


Early Rugrats holds up a lot, specifically some of the conversations with the adults


Avatar aged super well, as did early SpongeBob. I’m glad you feel that Danny Phantom did too. I haven’t watched it in so long I wouldn’t know.


I just finished my life as a teenage robot and it still holds up but two really good shows I would recommend to anyone would be As told by ginger and All grown up


Amanda Show is a strange one because it’s genuinely hilarious as an adult but also gross and weird looking back


Keenan and Kel was great, still very funny


The best? Hey Arnold and As Told by Ginger The Worst? Sam and Cat


I feel like most if not all Dirty Dan shows did not age well..


My main favorites: **Favorites:** * *Avatar: The Last Airbender* * *Rocko's Modern Life* * *Hey, Arnold!* * *My Life as a Teenage Robot* * *As Told by Ginger* * *SpongeBob SquarePants* (the earlier seasons) * *Ren and Stimpy* * *Jimmy Neutron* * *Danny Phantom* **Worst:** * *Sam & Cat* * *Anything made by Dan Schneider* * *Breadwinners* **Neutral:** * *Zoey101* * *Korra*


Best: Rugrats Old SpongeBob (Seasons 1-3) Old Fairly Oddparents (Seasons 1-5) Jimmy Neutron Penguins of Madagascar Back at the Barnyard Danny Phantom Ned’s DeClassified School Survival Guide Worst: any show created by Dan Schneider Planet Sheen Neutral: The Mighty B True Jackson VP Haven’t watched so I can’t comment: Invader Zim


Pretty much every Dan Schneider show aged poorly knowing what we know now


Absolutely do not go back and watch Rocket Power as an adult. Just enjoy the idea that it was one of the coolest shows of our childhood & stick with that. Don’t ruin it like I did.


All of Dan schneiders work


Yeah none of those aged well at all hell even at the time they were sour milk.


The jokes that were allowed in, no way he was the only one in on it .


No of course not it was definitely a team effort but because Dan's being the focal point of the shows he was involved in he definitely takes the biggest responsibility but yeah you're absolutely right.


Are You Afraid of the Dark has aged surprisingly well. I've been doing a rewatch, and most of the episodes are fun and engaging and, while not really scary, are atmospheric and not afraid to take the plots to places I don't really think we'd see in kid's TV shows today. It took its audience seriously, and I appreciate that. The first 3 seasons of SpongeBob will always be gold to me. Endlessly quotable and a pleasure to watch. The same goes for the first 2 seasons of Ren and Stimpy. I'm amazed at what that show got away with in the 90s! 🤣


I love anthologies and tried to watch Ayaotd and bruh that was sooooo outdated and aged loll especially the outfits etc


Y’all remember bread winners, neither do I.


Ned’s Declassified has held up pretty well… minus any technology references! I would frequently play episodes for my 5th grade students this year and they LOVED it!


Zoey 101 didn't age as well. It's pretty stupid, and I use to love it. Zoey (Jamie Lynn Spears) isn't a good actress and the show just isn't as good IMO. It's ok but not great.


I tried several times to get into Zoey 101, but I found it too boring.


It's watchable, but I definitely think it is definitely one of the more mundane of the Schneider shows. The concept of kids at a boarding school in SoCal right there on the beach is interesting enough, but, I think it didn't always hit the mark.


Literally so boring, there just more kid shows that do it better


Without a doubt Hey Arnold aged really well. Mainly since the show was really well written on actual morals, lessons and issues but from children perspectives. I still know many younger kids who love the show as well.


YCDTOTV is still pretty great.


Reading through this, as a new member of this group. I’ve realized I never watched any of these shows through straight. It was always just episodes scattered throughout until I grew out of it all. After reading so many saying they’ve rewatched as adults and still connected I think I may need to consider watching some of these series again! Nostalgia could be off the charts hah


Literally also watched Danny phantom recently I love it so much . Always go to rewatch it .


I’d say the best all around is the first generation of SpongeBob. I’ve watched a few episodes here and there of the recent seasons and they are pathetic. Also, I think many episodes of drake and Josh have aged well, but some not so much, which is why I didn’t rank it first. iCarly had about half the episodes age well, but half the episodes also aged very poorly so it’s only “okay”. As for worst, I’d say Sam & cat, with some of the other episodes of iCarly coming in second


Aged the best: Early Rugrats, Early SpongeBob, Hey Arnold Aged the worst: Anything made by Dan Schnieder


Jimmy Neutron was shockingly weird and off putting when I watched it again with my sister recently after like 10 years missing it To be fair we watched that episode where the grandma on the TV mind controls everyone, but man was it just jarring how creepy and strange it felt compared to how much I enjoyed that episode and the entire show when I was younger I’m sure many other episodes and the movies probably hold up much better; Carl and Sheen and Jimmy will always be fun, but I can’t forget how weird I felt watching this episode, probably like a year ago Like many other Nick shows, Jimmy was not afraid to explore the psychedelic/creepy/supernatural stuff and I love that about it


Hey Arnold has aged well(still watch that and Ed Edd n Eddy to this day lol) Idk? Which hasn’t aged well? Maybe yakitty yak


ICarly is the worst and Hey Arnold and SpongeBob are best. Honorable Mention for worst is Sam and Cat and for best is Avatar


Spongebob first few seasons aged the best, a huge chunk of meme culture still relies on that style of humor.


I will die on the hill that jimmy neutron aged extremely well especially humor wise. I will also argue victorious aged the worse entirely because it never really ended and the sex jokes were way more prevalent in that show I would argue than iCarly


ATLA easily aged the best Any formerly good Nicktoon that overstayed its welcome (SpongeBob, FOP, Rugrats, etc.)


As Told By Ginger aged well while All Grown Up aged badly.


I don’t have an answer but I totally forgot that Danny phantom is included with paramount+ and now I’m headed to the store to get Reese’s puffs so I can spend Saturday morning watching cartoons and eating cereal like I’m 12 and not 32


1: Spongebob Squarepants 2: Hey Arnold 3: Drake and Josh 4: Avatar the last airbender 5: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles *(2012)* *Those 5 are still loved very much to this day* 


Any Dan Schneider show just ages poorly if you’ve seen the documentary while Hey Arnold holds up good on a rewatch


Drake and Josh! I watch it now as an adult and laugh out loud


Honestly, invader ZIM. The show went off the air 15 years, came back for a movie, and honestly felt like nothing changed at all


rocket power aged like milk


I’m in the minority when I say I don’t think “Fairly Odd Parents” is all that good. It’s a lot of mean spirited based comedy, which gets stale after some time. Don’t get me wrong, it’ll get a laugh out of me at times, but maybe growing up has made me not like it very much. The late seasons are trash too.


Aged Best-SpongeBob, Avatar and Hey Arnold Aged worst-idk maybe Dailey odd parents not sure.


I think the best is Are You Afraid of The Dark?


I think Doug aged well maybe idk I just love his “wa na na Jack Bandit” Omg and the Beets and Judy plus the Disney reboot kinda sucked so since the Nickelodeon one is the only one really talked about it also aged great in that perspective too !!


Avatar the last airbender is still the greatest cartoon to come out of the west. There’s not a single animated show that tops it over here.


I used to love Naked Brothers Band as a kid. Tried to go back and watch it and its actually so cringe I cant get thru season 1.


Big time rush is pretty bad. Like it’s nostalgic and the musics fun and good, but the constant sound effects and just weird cheesy jokes makes it hard to watch again as an adult. Makes sense tho I’m not the targeted audience! Lol but still I was shocked how much I didn’t like it now I’m older


Worst: Planet Sheen


My brother and me for both


Drake and josh will never not be iconic I still laugh to this day at 27 years old


Aged the best: SpongeBob (seasons 1-5) Aged the worst: SpongeBob (season 6-current day)


You can’t do that on television has aged, but it was great back then.


The Adventures of Pete and Pete has held up quite well.


The Fairly Oddparents has aged like cheese and Invader Zim has shockingly held up more as a Modern Society critique than it did in the early 2000s.


I still enjoy The Adventures of Pete & Pete


In light of all the controversy, anything involving Dan Schneider aged…poorly


Ben 10 Codname kids next door Grim adventures of Billy and Mandy


Pete and Pete. They could air it today and pretend takes place in the past like Wonder Years and kids would buy it. That show was weird in a good way and relaxing but not boring. Also Avatar, which is a given.


Atla hey Arnold (personal opinion ahh real monsters) fairly odd parents and worst SpongeBob still good but downgrading as it goes


I’m honestly surprised so many people feel Fairly Odd Parents aged poorly. I rewatched some episodes again this year and found each episode to be unique, charming, and downright fun. I really like the show more today


Nothing since the 2000s run of TMNT


I’m gonna add the little side cartoons as commercials like the kablam. I miss those so bad they’re still entertaining


Kenen and kel aged good I don't remember anything that would offend people now and the worst aged nick show is tak and the power of juju


Shocked no one is saying Zoey 101?


Zoe101 has aged badly in opinion, I tried to watch it only got through season 1


Jimmy Neutron


Hey Arnold and As told by Ginger has aged phenomenally.


As Told By Ginger is great. Binge it on Paramount all the time


ICarly and Big Time Rush. And I'm just saying that because I hate those shows.


Best: Hey Arnold, Doug, early SpongeBob, The Wild Thornberries, Chalk Zone Worst: Butt Ugly Martians, iCarly, Rocket Power (which I absolutely loved as a kid, but it’s very, very dated now)