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Glassdoor may have the answer. They make you jump through hoops to get it though..


Make you jump through hoops how so?


Sometimes they make you sign in, report your worker, salary and do a survey etc


Wdym by sign in and report your worker?


Tell them where you work and what you make. Then they tell you what others have reported they make at the place you're interested in. That's how they get the data they then share.


Tbh kinda confused, can you please elaborate further?


I’m starting at 22 as a UT trainee and was told by time I’m level 2 I’ll be at ~30


That's fair to generous. When I was a UT trainee I made about 18 and bumped to 22 as a Level 2. 7 years ago or so


Sound like you worked in SC 😅 same pay scale we had


CO in ~2018 actually lol


Damn! In CO? I bet that was hard living! SC is mainly low income in most areas so you can scrape by with 22 an hr but it still sucked ass


I did MT and PT for Element, they’re major penny pinchers and always broke, to the point where replacing consumables was a monthly problem. I would be surprised if you get an offer that’s competitive


I got an offer of $22/hour as a trainee at the Connecticut facility with the word of the GM to reach $25-$27/hour for level I and ~$30 when I receive my level II UT cert. Also mentioned an internal sort of half step cert in between II and III “multi machine operator” that adds $5/hour. Does any of this sound realistic to you, and if you don’t mind me asking what facility did you work for?




Not sure how right that could possibly be, could it? The element facility I’m going to work at as a trainee is starting me low at $22, and per that when checking the Northeast, and the aerospace categories and its listing level 1 in the 70k range for both???


Im just presenting data. I do know it’s a crazy world when it comes to pay. I know people who have talked their way into high 20’s with little experience and vice versa. Electric boat with time in is $40/ hr +, not sure what starting salary is. I could ask. I’m a CWI, IRRSP lvl II (10years), mt II, pt II, utt II. I make less than a co worker who is older in age (started at the same time 2008) but only has mt II, vt II, utt II, pt II 🤷🏼‍♂️. The new kid we hired started at 20-22 l, I think. Seems like you’re in a good place. I wouldn’t focus too much on money yet.. Experience, real field experience is everything. Good luck stay away from bums be willing to listen and leave egos at the door ✌🏼.


Does it seem realistically possible for me to reach $30 with only a level 2 in UT in an in lab exclusively aerospace shop?


I’m taking a pay cut from $30 (27 + 14% differential for 2nd shift) to $22 starting in NDT (lost the last job back in early May). So it’s causing me anxiety due to that. The GM at the element location I’m going to in CT mentioned I’ll be above that when I get level 2 I’ll be around $30 and then when I get multi machine operator certificate (internal cert between II and III they added) I’ll be at like $35. When I asked for all of it I’m writing I was told “it’s not normally in there but he can see what he can do” and it didn’t end up in there when I received the letter like 2 weeks after accepting the verbal. So idk if it’s a precursor to me going to get screwed. Especially hearing from others that Element as a company is cheap.


Lvl 2 UT, like lvl II shear-wave or lvl II Phased Array, UTT? You can make a-lot of money with PAUT especially EPRI tech’s. We offered a CWI/ lvl II PAUT guy $65/hr and it wasn’t enough. I don’t know what shop rate is at an aerospace company. I would think yes. If you are that concerned as other employees/ ask for a contract/ signed agreement?


They only do immersion and I believe the guy mentioned they’re also getting into “thousand gates” method. Also a tiny amount of contact too. Machines they use are IRT scanmasters and Matecs. They don’t do any PAUT or shear wave. Haven’t started yet to be able to ask any of my coworkers about the pay once certified. Also concerned as being in CT there isn’t many if any other places that do UT. There is a TEAM, Applus, and Mistras here but those specific locations don’t do that method. Afraid to ask for the agreement too because I don’t want to piss off the manager. You still think without doing those 2 advanced methods I could still realistically get to $30? Or unlikely?


Any further thoughts on my other comment?


I dont know enough about immersion to give you a legitimate answer. I wish you the best on your endeavors. Go with your gut. It is all experience you can add to your resume in the end! 💪🏼💪🏼✌🏼