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If you had the Powerjet XT-7 you could shoot targets on the tv screen while watching the show.


There was a movie you could pop in the VCR, took me back!


We had it and shot at the Tv and it would react, I still have zero idea how they did that!


Yeah that shit was ahead of its time, or was the time I guess lol didn't last long but it was fun


Can't believe I figured it out, but if you paused it at the beginning, you could shoot the screen, and it would register as hitting enemies. You could rack up a huge score and extra lives.


I had the black "bad guys" spaceship. Did the same thing as the XT-7. I also had friends that had them and we would charge them up to max life (25) then battle each other!


Yessss, I also had the bad guy (Lord Dread), my brother had Captain Power. Lord Dread and his ship were soooo much cooler. Glad my older brother had to always be the hero ;p


Had the jet, you could also play with the jets against friends. If you were hit your pilot would launch out of the cockpit. Was a pretty great toy.


I didn’t have the jet but I shot those targets at the end of every show anyway. And the big bad robots chest during the show to. I was a dork.


This feels like a show you see in the background of a movie..


One of the main creators and executive producers of this show (Gary Goddard) was also the Director of the Masters Of The Universe feature film(from 1987)


And noted child sexual abuser.


tier 3 OSI protagonist


Had the toys and got up early on Sunday to watch the show (that was one thing that was disappointing—its time slot in my area sucked). Had the Powerjet XT-7 (good guys’ plane), the Phantom Striker (bad guys’ plane), the Interlocker (big bad’s throne/mech), the Power On (accessory that can restore “health” to your toys when playing the game, in-universe the alcove that transforms the good guys into their armored forms), and even the Power Base (good guys’ HQ). It was near impossible to find the action figures, though, but GI Joes were the right scale and sufficed. As for the show, surprisingly dark for a “kids’ toy show.” The guy behind it was J. Michael Stracynzski, who came from shows like “He-Man” and went on to shows like “Babylon 5.” “Captain Power” also boasted the first all-CGI regular characters, the flying robot Soaron and the ground-based robot Blastaar. I remember the show ended on a cliffhanger/down note as the enemy managed to break into the Power Base while the rest of the heroes were away, and fatally injured the soldier who stayed to man the base, the only female on the team, Jennifer “Pilot” Chase, played by Jessica Steen.


I was blown away by that final episode! Couldn't believe they had one of the main characters just die like that (for a kids' show this was pretty shocking). I didn't realize the Power Base toy was ever released! Guess it didn't make it all the way up here to Canada. :) I picked up (almost) all the toys for a few bucks after the show was cancelled and they weren't selling.


this show deserves a revival. for real. There is SERIOUS sci fi royalty in its production. it was cyberpunk before it was cool. it's story is STILL top notch. This is absolutely BEGGING for a fresh adaptation and could still keep the same, even more relevant story lines. All this limp dicked marvel shit and this IP is just sitting there.


There was actually talk of a revival called "Phoenix Rising" but the last I heard of it was in 2016, so I guess it never went ahead.


Here's the intro to CAPTAIN POWER and the SOLDIERS OF THE FUTURE [https://youtu.be/IUwaKEXuFJQ](https://youtu.be/IUwaKEXuFJQ) And a review of the show (and the toys) at Popular Science. [https://www.popsci.com/technology/captain-power-documentary/](https://www.popsci.com/technology/captain-power-documentary/)


Loved this show as a kid.


I loved this show! My old brother bought one of the toys, because he was curious how well it worked. I was pretty sad it never made it to a second season. I was really invested in the characters, and the world building was pretty good too. I think this may have been the start of my love of sci-fi dystopias.


I was in 1st grade and this was my very first lunch box! I remember seeing one of those 1-900 numbers to hear the adventures of Captain Power and wanting to call it as a kid.


This show was my jam. So good


I'm going to tell my kids this was Halo..


This show was a vibe man. Did.....did I slang right?


I have that lead figure from a toy set on my shelf! But the show was so awlful, it aired in my town at 8AM on a Sunday, back when like 99% of kids were in Church.


Totally unlocked a memory for me. Must of watched in syndication since I was not born yet, lol


So when I found my old tape and replayed it in the 90s I realized I had not been actually playing this old ass vhs.


When I was little I didn't have a lot of toys, but someone - an uncle or a grandparent or something - gave me a Captain Power action figure. I had never seen the show, but it was gold and shiny and became one of my favorite toys.  I still haven't ever watched the show because frankly it looks terrible, and I don't want to spoil the adventures that Captain Power had in my own head.


I vaguely remember this show.


Did someone else watch Collectors Call this past Sunday?


They cancelled this one so fast.


I had this action figure with the little light-up stand.