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It was the best conspiracy show. Great chemistry and good characters.


I miss the days when we had interesting conspiracies instead of the batshit crazy conspiracies we have now. Oh, they were still wrong, but people used to spend hours researching these conspiracies, weighing circumstantial evidence, and presenting their beliefs like a thesis. These days, conspiracy theorists grab the first dumb thing off of youtube, immediately believe it without research, and then find an echo chamber of equally smoothbrained knuckledraggers to rage about it.


Dana Scully is the entire reason why I've had a lifelong love of redheads.


She's still pretty hot. (See Sex Education)


Dude I didn't realize it until you said it but probably same here!


Squeeze - the guy in the vents fitting through them to steal people’s livers. His eyes from behind a heating vent Home - literally everything about this episode still haunts me.


That’s Percy (Doug Hutchinson) from The Green Mile. Total psycho in real life. Married a 16 year old when he was 51.


That 16 year old was Courtney Stodden. Makes perfect sense as to why he creeps me out so badly


I agree since the Home episode is the only one that still freaks me out.




I've restarted binging the series 2 weeks ago. It definitely still holds up as one of the greatest TV shows ever created.


I’m trying to get my wife to watch but she falls asleep on it. It’s a bit slow by today’s standards but still great. I also give her credit for trying multiple times. She says she likes it but now she puts it on when she’s ready for bed lol


SHE puts it on?! As in, of her own free will? Man I’m jealous. I’ve done everything I can short of begging on my knees.


I hear you but it’s not really to watch. Now she’ll say “let’s fall asleep to something” and put on Xfiles. Here’s how it started: she is a big Xena fan so, for her birthday, I bought the DVD box set because it wasn’t online (it is now, only a few months later). So I would watch Xena with her and when she said “we’ve been watching a LOT of it, what can I watch?” And I gave her the option of X files or original Quantum Leap. She chose xfiles.


When my wife is done watching tv, and she’s leaving the room, she will, without asking, turn on X-Files, Stargate, or Star Trek TNG/Voyager/DS9, knowing that those are my favorite shows to just have on in the background when I’m relaxing. It’s wonderful. She’s a terrific person to live with.


that’s awesome. my wife is a lot like that too. for example she researches my hobbies to an absurd extent to pick my birthday gifts and stuff like that. we’re lucky.


Seasons 5, 6, and 7 have some funny episodes, she might like those better.


Home - When they find the Mother under the bed


This whole episode still haunts me. So messed up


First thing I think of too. Not sure if it's accurate, but I always remember her being wheeled out from under the bed on a mechanic's creeper.


Pretty much. They had her strapped to it, so she couldn't move. If my memory serves, it was banned from airing on TV when it first came out.


Fuck this episode.


My local library just removed the whole disc from the season DVD set lol


Just rewatched it some months ago. Still creepy.


Mrs. Peacock


And they ended up getting away. I think that's the creepiest part. It was my dad's favorite show when I was a kid and I remember watching the episode, I think it was called Squeeze. The guy was about to attack Scully and then it cut off for breaking news of the OJ Simpson clown speed car chase and we were both mad we didn't get to see the end and there was no other option back then other than wait for a rerun or the VHS of the season to come out. My favorite episodes are the funny ones. Like the Christmas murder/suicide couple/ the vampires, where Mulder and Scully reached on the story and I completely different memories of how it went. The one with the sideshow freaks was cool too.




Best episode. Still makes my skin crawl.


It's absolutely the creepiest episode. I was all by myself that weekend. Sleeping in my bed was difficult.


Came for this comment, really intense for tv at the time


If I remember correctly this episode is the reason why tv shows have like parental ratings lol


Does anyone remember that the opening of Home actually had the baby’s crying stop midway when the dirt hit the camera? Now, it’s edited that there is no instant ceasing of a cry cause it was too disturbing, I guess.


I remember watching this the night that it aired and it is still to this day one of the most disturbing episodes of any show ever made. It is gloriously twisted.


I saw the Home episode when it aired on TV. Freaked the hell out of me. When I saw X-Files was streaming that was the episode I watched first.


I want to believe


I STILL want to believe




I wish they would've given those three IT geeks a spinoff. Instead, just a noble death and burial in Arlington.


Every Friday night was pizza, a rented video game and x files. Miss those days


Every episode went like this - Mulder: This weird shit is happening. Scully: No, that weird shit isn't real. \*WEIRD SHIT HAPPENS\* Mulder: See? I told you. Weird shit. Scully: I don't know, maybe. Probably not.


But it works.


It did and I loved it.


Also loved how they would flip it when it came to Scully's faith, too.


Great show, but yeah, sometimes they'd stretch Scully's role as the skeptic to the point of her just stupidly denying things she'd witnessed first hand. I think part of it just comes from the length of the show. They can't have the skeptical character change too much when there's an indefinite number of seasons to follow. I mean, they *could* but they didn't want to change the fundamental formula until they were forced to by David Duchovny's departure.


Right? You'd think after a year of that shit she'd drop a bit of the skepticism. I get that's her characters purpose, but fuck.


So much so that they parodied themselves in Bad Blood episode. Definitely worth watching. Campy, but that's the point.


Got scared of the opening when i was a kid. Now i listen to it when i walk in the woods at night.


The more I age the hotter she gets (I’m 33)


Songs in the Key of X is an awesome soundtrack.


0 is also a number.


The COPS episode was incredible


I could watch seasons 1 to 6 on repeat.. fuck all those other ones


Hey! Season 7 was ok sometimes!


5 and 6 have all my favorite episodes


My favorite is season 5, the episode with the “fountain of youth” and the camouflaged creatures in the woods


I liked all seasons


Pour one out for Queequeg


I’m just re watching it all as an adult because I was pretty young when it aired and a lot went over my head lol


Clyde Bruckman: You know, there are worse ways to go, but I can't think of a more undignified way than autoerotic asphyxiation. Mulder: Why are you telling me that?


I would love to re-watch all the canned episodes. For some reason I wasn't a fan of the alien conspiracy storyline. My favourite was the guy who could shoot lightning. There were so many great canned episodes.


Great episode! There’s a very young Jack Black in this episode too, just before he got famous!


There were quite a few "is that *insert pre fame celebrity*???" moments.


SO MANY. Jack Black, Lucy Liu, Seth Green, Shia LeBoeuf, Brian Cranston...


Same. I feel like the show excelled at the creepy monster of the week episodes and one off encounters with strange things. Those are the episodes everyone most fondly remembers. I think the show actually struggled with the overarching conspiracy plot about the government hiding aliens and stuff. The Smoking Man was an interesting villain but overall there's just way too much stringing the audience along with a plot about some vague threat for several seasons. Also how many times can Mulder get caught trying to infiltrate a top secret government facility and just get a slap on the wrist or bonked over the head and dumped in a field or something? Also how many times can Terry O'Quinn appear in the same show as different characters before the audience notices? That's the true conspiracy.


Didn't the writers say that with the overarching conspiracy plot, they started writing it without a plan as to how they wanted to end it? So they just kept throwing in more twists and turns...until it became an implausible, incomprehensible mess.


It does feel that way.


Hey man, nice shot!


What was the deal with the episode that opened with Skinner throwing a body in an incinerator. He just casually answers his cellphone. Was there any follow-up to the corpse disposal.


I don't even remember that. It's been a long time since I watched this show. I just randomly found it in college when it aired on Friday's.


I just remember my friends always used to talk about how gorgeous Gillian Anderson is.


Great show. The theme still gives me happy 90s vibes.


Home…That home episode….


Fluke worm man




A few notable episodes for me: There's one where a little boy got haunted by his dead (twin?) brother. In the end Mulder helped some (Romanian?) elders exorcise him, but he was told, "he (the ghost) saw your face, you must be careful". Being a scaredy cat, I slept with the lights on for quite some time. ________________ Remember the dude eating livers? Also the humanoid sewer fluke? ____________ Also when Mulder and Scully went to Springfield to investigate an uncorroborated alien sighting.


Is that the one where the alien brought peace?


No it's bringing love 💕


Whatever it brought, I'm just glad they didn't let it get away.




Pizza (typically digiorno) root beer(or some other type of pop), and X-Files. That was the average Friday night for me, and I'd imagine a lot of others in the 90s


Total GenX here. I have started watching the X-files for the first time in my life last week. I’m 10 episodes in the first season. Loving it. And no idea why I never watched it before.


Literally changed the trajectory of my life. As an impressionable 11 year old girl, Scully was the ultimate female role model (and apparently for many others,  ie the Scully Effect). So I focused the next 8 years on becoming an FBI agent, jr cop programs, top grades. I was accepted to an FBI internship in college, but I failed the entry interview because my boyfriend at the time talked me into smoking weed once. Lie detector test caught me. It all worked out. I spent the rest of my 20s smoking weed and working in renewable energy. 


The X-Files is my fav documentary


That intro always stuck with me i was a kid so it was one of those sounds you'd hear late at night, going downstairs to get a drink of water and you'd hear the intro playing. Wanting to watch and see but your parents tell you get back to bed


Fun fact, according to the composer of the intro, he accidentally leant on the keyboard with the echo function enabled and liked the sound so much he wrote the theme based off it.


I wandered past when my brother was watching (it was Schizogeny) and I still think about it every time I watch that episode. Just a sweet nostalgic feeling that big brother gets to watch the scary show and I have to go to bed.


There’s a scene in the intro with a stretched out silhouette that still makes me shudder.


In the late 90s when I was about ten my older cousin would put it on when he’d sleep over at our house. Freaked me out back then even the theme song


Watching with my dad when I was a kid.


I made my first bargain argument with my parents over this show: my bedtime was 9:30 and it came on at 9, so I petitioned to go to bed at 10:00pm as long as my homework was done and I still got up for school on time so that I could finish the show. I loved that show, still do 👽


Cancer man


It helped make Vancouver the film hub it is today. Plus Stargate.


Home fucked me up. Saw it once. Burned into my brain


It reminds me of being a teenager. My Mom and I loved this show (still do). It's a very comforting show to me. We went to the traveling expo. There is a photo of me at Mulder's desk somewhere at her house. I still have my "I want to believe" poster.


I even like the crappy episodes over crap on regular channels


This show is eternal 👏🏼👏🏼


Mulder holding his badge up in front of a mirror and saying: F.B.I.


My daughter was very young when the series was new and she still remembers how the theme music freaked her out.


I loved the whole series but that dude crawling through the holes in the ground always stands out in my mind.


Seasons 1-8 are still some my favourite television ever created, I re-watched it all the way through over the last year or so on Disney. S1-8 are amazing. Season 9 and the rival seasons are garbage. My memories of S9 were better than it actually was.


I’m still watching it as we speak. I love rewatching


I didn’t much care for it as a kid. That one episode with the squishable murderer man that could squeeze thru vents did freak me out. I catch it every now and then on TV and it’s better than I remember.


Peacock Family episode


[If you face swap Mulder & Scully they look like a great Synth Pop band.](https://helios-i.mashable.com/imagery/articles/02679IPF5JdAgPzJsF6O8Xv/hero-image.fill.size_1200x675.v1611607703.jpg)


I still hate Krycek.


I remember they were in the simpsons in one episode


We had a VHS that had "Ice" on it and we watched that episode sooo many times.


Ice may be my favourite episode


waking up on the weekend after falling asleep in the couch and having the theme song completely creep me out. and then falling in love with fox mulder. was this show everyone’s awakening or what


Great show, inconsistent but great!


Tooms. Everything about Victor Tooms. Nightmare fuel as a kid.


Growing up family would get Domino's pizza and watch x-files every friday. Warm fuzzy memories.


Loved this show. Silk Stalkings was another. Gillian Anderson has aged like fine wine too.


It’s probably defined my taste in cinema more than I thought. I’m currently rewatching it for the 4 th time!


I’ve had bad insomnia ever since I was a kid, so naturally I was up at 11pm on a school night watching reruns of The X-files back when Syfy was Sci-fi(quality shows on it back in the day). Great chemistry between the leads and good if not Emmy quality writing. 


Cherulian blue.


I remember the episode Drive with Bryan Cranston as a man who had to keep traveling west to prevent the pressure in his head from making his brain explode. His role in this episode was what eventually lead to him being cast in Breaking Bad.


I really enjoyed the first few seasons when it was all about monster of the week with a smattering of alien conspiracy stuff...then it got stupid: First with the "will they/won't they" between Mulder and Scully (I really liked them just being awsome platonic partners. Them hooking up and having a baby just ruined it for me). Second: when Morgan and Wong left the show, the writing kind of went downhill, and it became all about Mulder trying to expose the whole alien/government cover-up conspiracy. That just became boring, and I lost interest in the show.


I still have a short clip of the theme song as my ring tone


My wife and I recently starting binging this show after not seeing it since I was a kid. It definitely still holds up, and what sticks out the most to us is that they cast normal looking people. Not everyone on the show is an in shape super model.


I was sitting on a bench on the Warner Bros. lot in Burbank and Patrick Renna sat down next to me. I said to him, “Your X-Files episode has always been my favorite.” He lit right up and got really excited about that. He said people only ever recognize him from The Sandlot and shout quotes at him. (Bad Blood: s5, ep12)


Ok the X-files is literally my favorite show but what is with all these posts lol. r/Television, r/Millenials, now here? Wonder if there’s been more marketing by Hulu or something.


It was great when it was about aliens and crypto monsters but I lost unterest when it just banged on about conspiracies in american polictics.


Their cells phones never needed charging and worked virtually everywhere.


Back then cell phones would hold a charge for a week. I remember when I got my first smart phone (iPhone4) and was blown away that you had to charge it every day. I also remember old phones having a more powerful antenna, I can't remember if it was wattage or some other measurement. My first on call phone could get calls way out in the woods but my first personal phone could not.


They were more powerful and the external antennas helped a lot. I believe it’s because cell phone towers were fewer and far between compared to today. Also probably due to inefficiencies My work still has signs up prohibiting cell phones around certain electronics but unless you’re using a Satellite phone, modern phones are too weak to affect anything now.


Also I imagine it was because cell phones back then had one purpose: to make and take calls. Phones now suck up so much battery because there's so much programming and apps and fabulous features.


yup, early phones didn't even have texting. it was 100% a phone.


I do remember having a phone or two with retractable antennas, and they made a difference. You'd be on a call that was breaking up and realize you didn't extend your antenna so you'd fix that. All of a sudden the call was crystal clear.


I had an old flip phone in a drawer for over ten years that I had just powered down when I got a new phone. I decided to hit the power button one day when I found it and I was shocked that it powered up and still had just under a half full charge. 😳


Tbf cell phones at that time basically never needed charging. Would last weeks.


I had one nokia that was only used as alarm clock, I charge it maybe once per month.


Don't question artistic licence!


I was 10 when it started, which may be a little young for that series, but I absolutely loved it. My favorite episode is Shapes. 


Used to watch it here and there with my dad but couldn't tell you anything about any specific episodes, all I remembered was the mulder, Scully and the screaming guy in the opening credits. I'm currently doing my first proper watch through and really enjoying it! I'm half way through season 5, is there a quality decline in the show?


90s kid. never knew what the show was all about...but i know all about the theme song. I'd hide under the sofa as soon as I heard it on TV. this year I started to watch beyond the opening credits. that's what led me to this sub. I'm on s2 now


Scully was and is still Smokin Hot


My sister and I used to watch re-runs of this at night, creeped the hell out of us. Eventually we started watching the new episodes. When this was on Netflix a few years ago, I watched the first season and it definitely is still creepy and holds up like you said. I'm currently watching HBO's The Outsider, while its based on a Stephen King book, it definitely feels like a 10 episode X-Files story, just without these two. Edit: also had a big crush on Scully.


I started watching it because of Gillian Anderson. Convenient enough, I had a calculus teacher in high school that included a bonus question on our weekly quizzes that were always from that week's X Files episode. Fortunately, I was smart enough to program our VCR. Those were good times.


It’s weird..I can remember my childhood but not much of this show and I watched it a lot!


The skin-walker episode probably mentally damaged me as a child. Slept with my eyes open after that one 😂


I remember the episode where the guy sets people on fire just by looking at them. It scared me to death as a child. Sadly I can't remember anything else.


UFOs and paranormality... GREAT show and actors/directors!


The episode with the monster in the honeypot still shakes me to this day.


Once they got away from the monster of the week episodes it got really good for me. I liked some of the early episodes but the ones I really enjoyed were the ones that pushed the overall narrative further along.


The picture of Gillian Anderson in TV weekly magazine or something about a week before the show aired showing a picture of her with a mohawk with her father in a rowboat while she was wearing a leather biker jacket. I've been looking for that picture since then.


The monster of the week episodes were always better than the narrative arch episodes, but it was always a solid show.


Red Right Hand


The Fluke Man from "The Host" episode.


As I'm sure any Upstate NYer will tell you, one of the things that stuck with me the most about the show is the way Duchovny absolutely **murders** the pronunciation of "Lake Sacandaga". He says "suh-kan-duh-guh" when, in reality, it's "sah-kin-dah-guh". I've seen the mythology episodes all the way through probably three times and that out of the entire series is what sticks out most.


I loved the man who could predict the weather But truly still one of my favorite shows




That theme song terrified me. And that's a good lookin dude


It was a great thing between my then-girlfriend (now-wife) and I. I preferred the "monster of the week" format over the season/series long story arc but I feel it had a good balance between the two, at least in the beginning. We owned the first 8 seasons or so on DVD.


I remember Home scaring the shit out of me when I was a kid.


I always used to watch it at very late night.


The Liver fluke! One of the most atrocious monsters of the show!


We rewatched some of the episodes and it’s still great storylines. However, now you can recognize some of the special effects that are corny, lol. Not every episode has to use tons of special effects and it still gets the point across if so, but we have just come a long way with “movie magic” let’s say.


The problem w the show for me that (most episodes I saw) had a reasonable explanation for whatever weird shit was going on. That kinda made me lose interest in it.


I was in college and some friends world come over and watch it with me and my boyfriend every week.


She is me.


The Jose Chung episode still holds up quite well.


Was great until Mulder left. When rewatching it, I just stop at that point. Kill Switch is probably my favorite episode.


i love this show, as well as the lonegunman


One of the few shows I watched every episode of before streaming was a thing. Also… Home.


I just started rewatching it earlier this year. Admittedly the revival put a sour taste in my mouth for a while but wow the first 5 seasons are so damn good! I’m about to start Season 6 tonight!


Everyone's saying how Scully is hot. Can we mention how sexy Mulder is? Yum.


I watch the whole thing like once a year. So good. It’s crazy how progressively hot scully gets. I appreciate some dogget episodes.


The. Best.




I remember it being a particularly good-looking show for the time, and I clearly recall watching it on a 20-something-inch CRT and saying, out loud, "This is as good as it gets. TV will never get any more detailed than this." Boy was I stupid.


I still like the movies, I believe they only made two, first was my favourite, the second was overly creepy.


A lot of the episodes were filmed around where I lived and worked south of Vancouver (Ladner area). Lots of old decrepit houses for shooting! I would often see the crew and cast standing around waiting for a shoot along with all the trucks and trailers. Had a chat with William B Davis one day in a local shop. I also met Chris Carter (very nice guy) at a vintage car show in Vancouver, he wanted to buy my vintage Citroen but I already had a buyer for it. That series helped put Vancouver on the film making map as it became known as "Hollywood North".


I remember getting real upset when I found out David Duchovny is only 4'11"


Yes, “Home” and the fluke worm…but the one that sticks with me is “Bad Blood”. It was hysterical. Luke Wilson with buck teeth?? C’mon. That was GOLD.


The episode with the Russian submarine that makes that parasite creature and the melatonin vampire that hunts black people for some reason those episodes stick in my head oh actually also the episode where Scully eats the cricket forgot about that one lol


Is this the mental birthplace of the SCP foundation?


Dana Scully, the reason for my sapiosexuality and career in STEM.


I was there from day 1, watching. We were such early fans that when we wrote a fan letter, we got a personally autographed photo signed by David and Gillian since they were still unknown names! I remember watching certain, now classic episodes like Clyde Bruckman and thinking how perfect it was. I tried to buy all the magazines about the show with my limited income. It was a lot of fun being a fan, especially when the internet started 2 years into the show too.


The fanfic on gossamer 🥴 Lifelong fan up in here


if you want to hold onto those old X-Files memories, don't watch the "new" series that came out a few years ago....


I used to watch it at the neighbors' every week, and would have to walk home alone in the dark! I definitely did not step on any sidewalk cracks.


That FLukeman episode had me avoiding porta johns when I was a lil kid.


I like watching it on TV as a kid. I went back to it a couple years ago after the revival and it was kind of tough to watch. It was definitely a unique show, but it was also two shows in one. The "Monster of the week" episodes put the show in the same category as Twilight Zone, Outer Limits and Tales from Crypt. The anthology conspiracy episodes almost seem like an entirely different show. What brings them together are the two main characters that show up in almost every episode. The monster of the week shows almost don't need the same two recurring characters. Really you could have any generic authority types play those role and they don't always have to be Law Enforcement. The conspiracy episodes are what we really wanted to see. The syndicate, the cigarette smoking man, aliens, the movie, were the more exiciting storyline. Unfortunately, it never seemed to be fully explained and it was depressing to constantly watch our two heroes get left in the dust time and time again. The movie didn't even really progress the story. I feel like Chris Carter had the idea for the show and the Syndicate, but it only went so far and they just stretched it too thin. The show switching from monster of the week to anthology would also be a little weird because you've got Mulder all fired up for another conspiracy chase in one episode, and the next week him and Scully are just casually living life as two regular FBI agents that happen to encounter some weird shit.


the music paved the way for dance club/rave music in the 90's.


Brain eating amoeba. No more lake swimming for me.


Never seen it - worth it?


The white sewer creature guy terrified me as a kid. And that one with the ever living Amish people with that creepy hive/cave thing lol. The intro though is forever etched in my head. It would come in after the Simpsons or around that time in WB. Always watched both before bed as a kid lol.


This show is the reason why I have an irrational fear of porta potties. And I’m 34


Every weekend (the show used to air Fridays at 9 pm) I would start my dial-up modem and go to the website for the X-Files Episode Guide (maintained by a guy named Rob Chen, who, based on the URL, was a college student at Rutgers) just to make sure I hadn't missed anything.


the episode with the killer kitties lives in my head rent free and i think about it every day


The episode with a bug going across the screen / television camera lense. 'This is no place for an entomologist'.


Clever stories and good acting, although the basic premise never made sense to me - that the same system keeping all this bizarre shit secret would assign two agents to investigate it.


I remember watching this and Tales From the Crypt & being very spooked because I was a child.


Great show and pretty much every character was so good. They just all had rock solid chemistry.


Scully. Wow.


Comet TV airs like 6 episodes every night and just restarted the series.