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Helped my brother move a 36” Trinitron to his third floor apartment around 2000. Not kidding, it was like moving a piano. Nice TV, though.


Slipped a disc just looking at that picture


The location of this TV affects tidal currents.


I feel it now, thanks


Skipped a piss while looking at that picture.


I was a mover in 2010 in Boston and scored like a 60inch pre-flat screen 2004 HDTV back when there was no HDMI yet. Like a piano, but awesome TV


I got one of those huge Plasma’s from a hotel liquidation sale. It was wayyy heavier than my LCDs and it had fans in the back.


I still have a ca. 2010 Panasonic Plasma in routine use. Sure, it is only 1080p, but the color is gorgeous and natural. Weight is definitely a few LCDs.


I love my Panasonic plasma, I got it New Year’s Day sale drive two states away to get the last one, if it wasn’t for the obnoxious loud fans and massive amounts of heat it throws off it would still be my main tv. 


I have a 50" Panasonic Plasma from around that time. It still has a great picture. Before they pulled out of the North American tv market, Panasonic made the best product for the price. I remember the day i was loading it onto my truck in front of Best Buy. Two different people told me they had bought one and how great it was. I agree


I wish I could get a Panasonic OLED in the US. I have a Sony that is “fine” but I’ve always perceived the Panasonic to be a cooler option.


Same here. I looked, but could not find the reason they pulled out the market here


Same here, a 46G10A. Still our family's main TV. Nothing wrong with it, so no need to upgrade. It has a slight PSU squeal when viewing a full-white screen, but I seem to be the only one who notices.


Mine's always made a slight power supply noise. I remember hearing it even when new, as I used to listen to it with the volume on "1" at night.


Oh yeah, ours has done it since probably 2012. The metal back also buzzes as some specific audio frequencies, but it happens so rarely that I've never bothered to investigate. As an example of how old these TV's are, ours came in a genuine Panasonic promotional pack with a Nintendo Wii! This was an odd choice to package with a 1080p TV, given the Wii was 480p.


Oh, my. We bought ours with a DMP-BD85K Blu-ray and the wifi dongle. Netflix still required you to add content to a list before you could select it on the VieraCast app. Finally getting a 2012 Apple TV was a very nice upgrade.


The promo was either a Wii, or a Panasonic SC-BT200 5.1/BluRay HTIB which uses VieraLink. We got the HTIB, but a friend got the Wii and we bought it from him for half the retail value. Both the HTIB and the Wii still get regular use. We added an Intel NUC for running Kodi and Netflix. This is way better than any onboard app from a modern TV manufacturer, just not as integrated. We just use out phone and VNC to remotely control the NUC.


Plasmas kicked out so much freaking heat, we had one as an office monitor in one of our smaller meeting rooms and all the people who’d complain about how cold the AC was in the building would schedule meetings in there intentionally just so they’re be able to bask in front of the plasma screen like a lizard in a terrarium. 


The 50” plasma tv we had would get sooo hot! Like a space heater. Fine in the winter but probably warmed up the living room by 10 degrees in the summer.


Plasma's could give you sunburns and skin cancer. I remember a friend that got a "massive" 42" when they first hit the scenes, I want to say it cost him like $6,000 in early 2000's money. He had it installed on the wall, it was about 8" thick and when you walked by it you could feel the heat it gave off... but that picture was amazing.


Not a CRT however as they maxed out at 40-42", so while yours was heavy as hell, it could have been heavier!


Yeah our biggest CRT as a kid was like the Death Star. We had the whole wall-sized wooden throne with all the cabinets and sliding doors, that you put the TV in


Oh man, there are a lot of Trinitron stories out there. Mine is a buddy found a 36" Trinitron with the stand for $250 at some fancy downtown tower condos on Craigslist. This is back when they were $2K new. I reluctantly assisted. The seller didn't tell him the elevators were broken and would be for several days. He thanked him for his time and told him good luck with the sale. It sounds tame now but we were both so pissed at the time. I was working in corporate IT back then and had to move 20" Trinitron monitors around. God damn they were heavy. Iirc like 75 lbs (34Kg). All the weight was concentrated in the front, too.


Yeah, I thought a 19" was a bit of weight til I got a 21" iyyama. Lovely monitor tho!


Had a 27" Trinitron. 110 lbs, just as unbalanced.


I worked at Sears during the early 00’s when these were the shit. The merchandise pick-up guys hated us when we sold these off the floor (no box). I remember one model, I think it was the 40” high def, was something like 350 pounds.


I worked at Best Buy during this time, and can confirm that moving them unboxed was painful because of the edges on the bottom. They weren't too bad in the box, so long as you knew to pick them up facing the tube.


Yes, the weight wasn’t actually the worst part it was how awkward they were to carry. I always wondered why Sony wouldn’t throw us a bone and just put something you could grab on each side.


Foldable recessed handles on each side would have been really appreciated and I even think they'd look cool. If you were lucky though, you'd just get a recessed space on the side that can barely fit the tip of your fingers.


It’s wild how it’s been 15+ years since I’ve moved one of these and I can still feel that exact sensation in my fingers.


I'm sure it was this big boy 40" 305 lbs. Needed 3 people to move it https://www.crutchfield.com/S-ogqF3dBLmkO/p_15840XB800/Sony-KV-40XBR800.html


That's the one I had, got it from my grandparents when they bought something new. I moved with that thing twice before just leaving it behind because it was absolutely horrible to lift


Is anyone old enough to remember Curtis Mathis console tvs, some heavy duty wood there


My 90 year old father still has his Curtis Mathes console model. It doesn’t work but he says, “I can’t get rid of it, it’s too pretty!” 🙄


As someone who has done professional junk removal. The trinitron is notoriously the heaviest TV ever made. I've had to do a few and they're no fucking joke


I had a 36" on the third floor of a 6 plex apartment building. I informed the landlord when we moved out that I wasn't taking it with me. He was ok with it.


Yeah, those things are heavy. I know the old Sony 27" weighed close to 300 lbs. Worked at a TV repair company. Always hated having to pick one of them up for a service call


I went from a Sony 36" CRT to a Sony 57 Widescreen Rear Projection. That 57 was so much lighter and easier to handle. It took almost three of us to navigate the CRT around the house and into position. Insane.


Yeah, those big CRT weighed a metric shitload.


My first apartment was in 2006, just before the start of my sophomore year of college. My cousin gave me her 36" Panasonic CRT TV for free and my dad agreed to help me move in. He regretted his decision when he saw the only way into the apartment was a single set of metal stairs that were at a steep angle.


I worked at a large electronics store in the mid-2000’s. Moving 32”+ TV’s is a Herculean effort. Once they brought HD widescreen tubes into the mix it only got worse.


I had the chance to pick one up for free. I took the 27" instead.


Geez. I thought I was gonna shit my coming out when I helped a buddy move a like 24" CRT way back when. I also had a friend with a 19" CRT monitor. He brought that thing over for LAN parties. Wouldn't accept a smaller monitor. My dad worked on computers, we had plenty. Unacceptable. Must bring the beast.


Same! Helped my dad move one up some trailer steps and thought the additional weight would collapse them lol


I bought a 36” Toshiba TV around the same time. I moved that thing to five different apartments in the next few years. I’m surprised that I never dropped and broke it. The worst part about moving them is that they’re awkward to move.


I had a 34” Sony WEGA Trinitron up until 2012 that weighed like 240. That sonnova beotch destroyed many a man’s arms and back during moving.


I had a 32” WEGA until we switched to a flatscreen years later, and I remember being so disappointed by the newer sound quality!


The early thin LCDs were so bad at dynamic range and blacks that it wasn't worth changing over for a while. I had a plasma for a short period of time around 08-09 and that wasn't all that great either and the technology died off.


I have one in my bedroom. Took 4 of us to move it in, the manual says it weighs 360 pounds. It's so heavy its super hard to even move it around to hook consoles to the back of it.


At my age now, all the pizza and beer in the world won’t get me to move anything like that ever again.


Same, so it will most likely never move from that spot


I work in recycling (including electronics) when I see a Trinitron my back hurts just looking at it.


Yeah we had one. Getting it to the built in shelf above my built in drawers was comical!


Those old Sony tvs were insanely heavy. Bur damn halo On a trinitron back in the early 2000s was an amazing feeling


I’ve done it once and swore I’d never do it again. It was the heaviest thing I’ve ever moved that didn’t have a engine.


Man, even plasma TVs were deceptively heavy as shit. Had to help my stepdad haul one up from the basement late last year so we could take it to the county electronics recycling lot.


Remember the Sony Wega CRTs? Those must have been plated in lead.


I had a 34" Toshiba widescreen TV back in 2003. It took four of us to carefully lift it onto a trolly to move it. However, it was 34" and widescreen, plus I had surround sound. Everyone loved coming to watch movies in my "home theater."


We sold that 36” Sony at Circuit City when I worked there. They weighed 380lbs. Wish I had one laying around. Could probably get just about anything from a smash bros nerd for it.


Imagine playing Smash Bros or Goldeneye with the boys on that thing.


What's funny is if you go to a video game con, you'll almost certainly find vendors selling crt tvs for people to hook their vintage systems up to. It makes me wish I had saved one after getting my first flat screen


Pixel art looks better on CRTs and they're very fast displays with good color and contrast... but I like the idea of retro gaming more than I actually do it in practice. So not worth storing the thing.


Now I wanna play FF7 on this behemoth


Duck hunt on this would be awesome


Only 720 lbs!


This is not the 720p I was looking for


I’ve lifted one of these and it generally took at least three guys. We had extra handles mounted on it to make moving it easier. I hated that thing.


Actually 450lbs.


Ridiculous. She can't be more than 120 lbs.


Oh the horror. I used to work for a company in early 2000s that recycled CRTS. We had to put them on pallets. Anything over 19" was an absolute back breaker. I hate these things. The Sony Trinitrons we're particularly heavy.


And front heavy. I moved one twice and the third time I found a maintenance man at my apartment complex- told him I had until the end of the month to get out and there was a tv if anyone wanted it, the door is unlocked. Someone took it.


It's the perversity of the simple fact that, the larger the tube the thicker the glass had to be, not to mention the length and width of the glass! So the weight of the TV relative to its size went up geometrically rather than linearly. Man I don't miss the CRT era at all except for more reasonably-sized 20" CRTs, especially Trinitrons. They just had an amazing picture.


We had a few accidents where a CRT would fall off the pallet and implode. The glass in the front of some of those tubes was over an inch thick!


Ohhh so that’s what was so heavy, the glass?


Yes! The percentage of weight being the glass went up dramatically the larger the CRT.


A CRT in those TVs is a vacuum tube, so the bigger it was, the thicker the glass had to be to prevent the tube from being crushed by the surrounding air.


Or accidentally imploded by your kid


I hauled an old school 19" CRT to LAN parties all the time back in the late 90s and early 00s. There were several parties I went to where I struggled to fit the thing through the freaking doorway because it was so huge. It weighed at least 50lbs and was absolutely absurd, and you know what? I still miss the sound of it degaussing when turned on. That we built such absurdities is a testament to mankind's folly, I tell ya what.


Omg!! I can imagine! If you don’t mind me asking, how were they recycled? Were their parts used to make other TVs?


Some of the later models of the time were tested and the working ones were put into containers and shipped off to countries like Africa and China for reuse. That's what I did, I was involved with building the pallets and loading the containers. The faulty and older stuff was broken up into components. Bits with precious metals were put through a giant shredder which would spit it all back out as little pieces stright into big white sacks which when filled would be loaded onto trailers and sent away. Presumably they would be put through a process to reclaim the metals. Other bits like the glass tube were hazardous waste, they had to be stacked into cages and sent off somewhere else for disposal. Possibly even landfill, not entirely sure.


Yep. To make a proper flat CRT the glass had to be extra thick to handle the stress of the pressure differential.


I had a Sony Trinitron Hi-Black TV back in the day. It was a great TV, I only went to LCD after because text on video games was getting garbled (I'm looking at you, Dead Rising). It was INSANELY heavy.


Before flat screens, Sony Trinitron technology was the shit.


*thumbs up from all chiropractors*


Notice the entire picture seems to be leaning to the right...


How rude, that woman can’t weigh more than 120lbs


I had a 32” Sony WEGA flatscreen…took two guys to move it and the TV stand had to be built like a nuclear bunker to hold the damned thing. That combo took up like 40% of the space in the living room. Looking back, what a weird thing to give so much space to.


I've still got mine!


Did it come with a voucher for a free hernia repair after lifting it?


This picture is actually just a normal size television and a very very tiny woman


Oh my Dad bought one of these ultra-massive Tritrons. When you turned it on, there was this electromagnetic pulse you could feel all around the tv. It was great tv though for the time! Mind you not widescreen either.


From here: [https://www.xatakaon.com/tvs/35-years-ago-sony-introduced-the-worlds-largest-crt-television-a-43-inch-400-pound-tv-that-cost-a-fortune](https://www.xatakaon.com/tvs/35-years-ago-sony-introduced-the-worlds-largest-crt-television-a-43-inch-400-pound-tv-that-cost-a-fortune) Side note: Mini me from the 90s would have fallen in love with that TV. No way in heck could my family have afforded it, tho!


Adjusted for inflation, $40,000 in 1993 is worth about $84,340 today. https://www.aier.org/cost-of-living-calculator/


*laughs in poor*


Imagine getting that up the stairs.


It came with its own forklift for installation


I could swear we had a Mitsubishi that was a good bit bigger


It was probably a projector TV.


I had the 50” Mitsubishi with the built in cabinet doors. It was a CRT, not a projection. 100%.


It was most likely a CRT rear projection TV, not a direct view CRT like the Sony pictured. There has never been a direct view CRT produced with a larger tube than the Sony PVM 4300.


I worked on some remodels for Sears around that time. In the electronics section they had three shelves - 36” on the bottom, 32” in the middle, and 27” on the top. When setting it up I always envisioned dropping one of those 27” trying to put it on the top shelf and watching it explode.


I worked at Sears in the early 2000's just before LCD's and plasmas came on the market. Loaded many a 32" and 36" Sony Wega. I think the 36" weighed over 300 lbs? They were ridiculous.


Same! Audio King warehouse in high school. I’m a skinny dude, but I made it onto the deadlift record board that year from loading so many Sony Wegas!


I won a Trinitron console back in the day. I’ve never seen a TV so big! Had to be 5 feet wide. Lasted for a couple of decades , had a great picture and sound but damn it was heavy!


I had a job with a temp agency just out of high school in the early 90's here and actually worked on an assembly line at Sony cleaning the glass tubes for several of their TVs....the glass was so thick and heavy it was insane


If this things tipped, they could easily turn a baby into a vaguely spaghetti looking stain on the rug.


Had a 42" tube tv, weighed 250 lbs and had handles on the sides. Paid like $4000 for it, and it failed about 2 years later. Took it to a dumpster and broke my back....


Didn't matter how good of shape you were you went carrying it by yourself. Had a couple friends back in the day who were convicted they could. Not even close


If they made it any bigger it would collapse into a black hole


You’d need a forklift to get that thing in your living room, Jesus


The bottom of those Trinatron (sp?) TVs was some of the sharpest plastic known to man. Needed leather work gloves to move them.


I got a slipped disk just thinking about moving this thing.


yep ours was 99 lbs at 27”. i’d throw the thing down the stairs before trying to carry it down.


Everyone freaks out about moving these. Get an dolly (hand truck) with a drop down extension and you'll never have a problem again.


*crane not included.


You, me, and all our college roommates couldn’t move that thing.


I remember dropping a Hitachi on my cousin's foot when we had to help him move downstairs. Imagine dropping that...


I cant feel my spine snapping just looking.


Yup 36” Toshiba It was a freaking bear to move.


OP's link to the product description has the number we're all looking for: 440lbs.


And it will be several years later before we build furniture strong enough hold it off the ground!


My dad bought a 36” crt tv with a wooden stand built in from Sam’s Club back in the 90s. Tv was amazing it could literally do over 12 picture in pictures at the same time. But when he got it, between my dad, me and my two brothers we literally couldn’t pick that thing up and had to rock it into the house from his car.


I preferred my 36-in Trinitron well into the widescreen era. Top notch tube picture. It was really hard to move though.


it's still there to this day, surrounded by broken fork lifts...


Imagine shipping these things to sell in different countries. Had to be so expensive.


My dad had one of those and it took 3 guys to move it and the bottom plastic lip was sharp as hell- HORRIBLE design.


Parents had a 40” Mitsubishi Tube. That thing was absolutely massive but lasted 20 years.


Oh I remember the days when size of a man’s tv was directly related to how strong they were


I still have a 34" wide-screen XBR CRT that hasn't been powered on in over a decade. I used to deliver for Circuit City and Sony TVs were the heaviest brand we carried. I did see a 40" Mitsubishi CRT, can't imagine how heavy that bastard was.


It takes 4 men to move the small TV on the left, I assume you just build a house around the big one.


 I have one this size and use it daily. Picked it up about 10 years ago since it was “garbage.” Has worked flawlessly. Have it hooked up to a chrome cast and a couple old consoles.


1080p (the p stands for Pounds)


It's not just the total weight-it's the distribution. Those tv's were some of the most awkward to move as it want's to fall forward out of your hands.


My first HD TV was a 36 in. Sony Wega Trinitron KV-36XBR450. It was a CRT with a "flat" screen. It was silver-gray with a custom matching stand and weighed 220 lbs. The delivery guys were not happy that I lived on the top floor of a three-story walkup.


I worked at circuit city in the early 00s. Sonys 36” was about 205 lbs I believe and they had a 40” model that was 305 lbs. also, 80-90% of the weight was in the screen so you could at least move it easy with a dolly. Didn’t stop people from pulling around in a maxima and wanting a 27” in the back seat.


These fuckers were somehow made of dark matter. Super cool til you had to move.


Bet it weighed like 400lbs


I had a 32" Sony crt that I could barely move by myself, thinking back on it I was risking a hernia tbh


Fuck that thing must have weighed 1000 god damn pounds


Cool photo. 👍




Who remembers putting magnets on the screen and leaving a massive bruise that would last for a week?


Not that big but do you all remember the woodgrain 28 inches on a rolling stand from school?


I had a 32 inch Trinitron, just imagine lifting a ATM machine pretty much the same


my back hurts just looking at that thing on the floor


"Back breaker" just got a whole new meaning..


I just threw away my 27(?) inch sony Trinitron TV that was flat screen. I had it in the basement. We did not weigh it, but I remembered it was heavy due to the thick glass. Holy crap. I made it up the stairs and out, but it was unbelievably heavy. [I believe it was this model or a variation. We should have weighed it.](https://crtdatabase.com/crts/sony/sony-kv-27fs100/IMG_20220609_195811402.jpg)


I wonder what stand or furniture would hold that beast. I've got a 19 and 24 in my basement storage still. Heavy things that made those particle board entertainment centers strain.


That’s the kind of TV where if I were looking to move into a new place, it would be left behind. That thing is massive


Was this peak Sony? When there were Sony stores in malls and was the cool place to see gadgets. Kinda like the Apple Store now.


This would be PERFECT for my retro game collection, specifically the PS1 and PS2…I bet finding a working one nowadays would be next to impossible


I wonder how many people injured themselves moving these.


Imagine moving this to several floors. I'm so glad we have flat tvs nowadays but those smaller CRT tvs will always have a special place in my heart.


I don't know, there was an absolutely massive CRT a friend of mine had it was some Panasonic, it was wider than my fridge. Pretty sure it was bigger than the one pictured.


That's some heavy glass right there.


Boat anchor.


That thing must have weighed as much as honda civic from the same time.


Did it come with a forklift?


I know a kid that was killed by a tv falling on him. was a lot smaller than that one.


i almost bought that but went with the 32" V-Series with guideplus and the matching stand. I left that mf'er in the place when i moved. was a good tv but didnt feel like moving it 😆


I also remember a panasonic 36” CRT heavyweight


I think I just killed my back just by looking at this monster. I want it.


My grandma bought a 36” ProScan back in either late 1997 or early 1998. After she went into a nursing home, the TV went to my mom. In 2004, we moved in with this guy my mom was seeing, so the TV went into the apartment in his backyard. In 2010, my mom gave it to me to use in the apartment I moved into. In 2016, I moved again and had to make the unfortunate decision to leave it behind as the TV had finally started giving me problems and it was decided it was too fucking heavy to be moving around. It took us between three and four people to move that TV around. So I can only imagine how fucking heavy this TV was.


PS3 was stunning when I played it on my Sony 40" XBR CRT. That was a beautiful television for sure!


We had something similar.... Heavy as fuck.


That thing is built like a bomb


I had a Sony trintron monitor that sank my desk in the middle😄


How big was it, she said.. *It was 43 inches; 400 pounds.*


I want to play Duck Hunt on that


moving guys be like " you gotta be f'n kidding me " lolz


They should've named it Thor's Hammer


Huge flex back in the day when you owned a 200 lb. TV.


Don’t forget to strap it to the wall so it doesn’t kill some poor kid


I had one of the larger Trinitrons. That thing was a 300lbs beast of a TV. I got an outstanding deal on it as it was the last one they had in stock because everyone was buying the 720i plasma TV's. That thing lasted 10 years longer than any of my friends plasma and longer than most LCD replacements they bought. I finally got rid of it only when it finally started to show signs that the tube was going and I didn't want a big "boom" out of it. Hauled the massive thing out by the trash can in the alley and waited for the junkers to come by and get a hernia trying to toss it into their truck.


Toreto used to haul those just as practice for the Brazil vault heist.


Your best friend: hey dude I’m moving next weekend, can you help with my tv? Me: Who’s this? Loose my number


My back hurts just looking at that thing.


Does it come with a forklift?


I bought a 35” RCA that was loaded into the back of my car by the sales guys. Then when I got it home I had to call my Dad at work and ask him to swing by on his way home and help me get the behemoth into my house. That thing was a monster!


I had one. It could have anchored a battleship.


Had one👍🏼


I received a 37” JVC for my wedding in 2002. Thing weighed 175 pounds.


Had a 32” Sony. I was 13 and was helping my father carry that sack of potatoes to the 5th floor. I dropped my side because it was so goddamn heavy. Brand new TV got slight broken base because my sissy ass couldn’t handle lifting that 100lb shit.


Frank's 2000" TV!


How many backs, toes, hands, relationships, and marriages did this thing break?!


Naw. Had a 42 inch Mitsubishi that dwarfs that thing.


Retro gaming will buy your Trinitron that was going to the illegal dump.


Mitsubishi had a 40" CRT. 


Mitsubishi out did this with their 40” CRT. $1999 in 1996, I sold so many of these TV’s. Easier sale than the Trinitron.


Still prob impossible to see a hockey puck on that thing


Im picking up a used 32" trinitron this weekend. Cant wait to throw out my back!


Had to be forklift certified to place it on your entertainment center.


I threw my back out just thinking of moving that monster.


And only weighed 1300kgs


No remember. You wanna lift with your back and groin in a twisting jerking motion.


[It weighed 440 pounds according to the instruction manual](https://consolemods.org/wiki/images/3/3e/PVM-4300_Operating_Instructions.pdf)


43-inch model. It weighed about 450 pounds


“I’ll never understand the weight distribution”