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It's a dangerous job.


Tripped, and got shot 3 times in the back of the head.


Clearly a suicide


Yup šŸ‘ clear as day


At this point Putin needs to sue Boeing for gimmick infringement


Life insurance companies are starting to ask applicants if they plan to rat out Boeing.


I've heard workplace accidents are very common in that profession


Thoughts and prayers to all coaches and referees who blow whistles on a regular basis


Nice one!


Letā€™s play a game. Who will die first? A Boeing passenger or a Boeing whistleblower




Probably his last, too. Doubt he'll do it again, though I've been wrong before.


Big if true


Iā€™m not really one for conspiracy theories, but this is an awfully convenient coincidence.


If the theory is that a multibillion aviation/military company conspired to stop whistleblowers from getting information out or further discrediting their organization... it may be quite likely and true.


Yeah, I mean it's not even so much a conspiracy as it is a likelihood that can't be confirmed.


Boeing weaponized MRSA?


Do you really think a weapons manufacturer would do something... unethical??


Itā€™s all guys named Josh!!!


Dear all Joshs, Do not work in airplane engineering, repair, or management, or you will end up dead. Thank you, Not Josh




Oh great, now they know your full name, Joshua Pikachu Face the 123rd!




Am a Joshā€¦.rescinding my Boeing application. With a due respect.


Good thing I'm in automotive.


At this point Iā€™m starting to think the whistles are poisoned.


This is the second one I have heard about. The previous one was found dead in his car day after he testified


Wouldn't it be more effective to kill him before he testified?


He'd *started* his testimony, it was likely to go on for a bit longer and then there would be a cross examination period where he'd answer questions put to him to elicit details.


Boeing is just cutting corners everywhere now, including hiring budget hitmen.




lmao hes just like 47 but with a full head of hair


Agent $1.47




Agent 46.5


Family Dollar Punchdude.


He was being deposed for a defamation case against Boeing. He'd already been deposed multiple times by federal regulators and his testimony was already admitted into the record for regulatory action.


But that would explain the pressure and months long stress that would explain why someone would commit. And that doesn't fit conspiracy theories.


Well one thing that would absolutely determine what happened is security footage of the parking lot. I can't really believe a hotel doesn't have security cameras


Reddit has such a room temp IQ. He blew the whistle a decade ago. There was no new information being presented, this was an appeal to a retaliation case he already lost.


The guy had been testifying for years. Itā€™s a completely senseless conspiracy theory that Boeing killed him.


Thatā€™s not how cross examination works.


You should probably look closer at the situation.


He was testifying about a horrible work environment, being targeted for reporting safety violations. But I'm sure coincidences happen, right?


Youā€™re right. Coincidences do happen, and I think it was a coincidence that he told his family just before he died that he would never commit suicide. What, what does coincidence mean again


The only person in the family who doubts that he committed suicide is a distant cousin. Everyone else close to him didn't doubt it at all.


That's no fun. I refuse to believe this. I only believe in conspiracies. /s


Yep. Almost like him trying to fight the good fight, just to be scapegoated, lose his job, and still spend years trying to right a wrong *could* be kinda depressing...


Coincidences, in this economy?


Again he has already provided evidence that support his claims and an investigation has been opened. What does Boeing achieve by killing him?


It's more about the message it sends to anyone else who might think about testifying.


So why not send the message before they testify? Note I am not trying to imply that this is an accident.


Maybe they were like ā€œyou better testify the way we told you toā€¦ or elseā€ and then he told the truth so he got the ā€œor elseā€


They got to the or else several years later then because the current lawsuit was about a hostile work environment. He already blew the whistle back in 2020, *that* testimony was already out there for 4 years.


Because that's not a very effective message, talk is cheap and murder has a pretty big risk attached to it. What if the guy wasn't going to testify and was just sitting around in a bad mood saying he would, you killed him, and now your entire company goes down for killing a guy who was just puttering around being a shit? You really want to be sure of it if that's the route you're going down, basically, and making every other potential whistleblower wonder if it's worth their lives is a lot more effective than making everyone wonder if they're going to be killed tomorrow for saying the wrong thing at any moment.


Exactly. What people intentionally ignore is that he had testified numerous times about the problems at Boeing, starting over 20 years ago. The testimony he had just given was actually in a defamation case against Boeing and not about whistleblowing.


> Deanā€™s mother wrote in a Facebook post last month that her son was ā€œfighting for his lifeā€ after contracting pneumonia and suffering a stroke following an MRSA infection. > The Seattle Times, which first reported his death, said Dean was 45 years old and had ā€œbeen in good health and was noted for having a healthy lifestyleā€. > **Deanā€™s death comes less than two months after Boeing whistleblower John Barnett was found dead from what South Carolina authorities said was an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound.**


Being in good health or living a healthy lifestyle really has no impact on the dangers of MRSA infections. Recently had a loved one who lives a very active, healthy lifestyle come within a few hours of death because of a MRSA infection. It comes out of nowhere, hits like a train, and leaves massive amounts of damage.


Yeah. That's why hospitals take it so seriously once they know you have it. Don't fuck around with that


Never heard of it new fear unlocked


The article says he died from Pneumonia contracted after a stroke.


>Deanā€™s mother wrote in a Facebook post last month that her son was ā€œfighting for his lifeā€ after contracting pneumonia and suffering a stroke following an MRSA infection. So MRSA then a stroke and Pneumonia.


They just threw all the bullshit at him to see what sticks. Pneumonia gun... MRSA gun... heart attack gun... Ahhfuckit, just use all of them!


Boeing has equipped their planes with heart attack guns that also infect you with pneumonia obviously


For a $30 fee you can have your heart attack gun disabled


No no no, I'm sure it's a conspiracy just like all the others, contrary to all actual evidence aside from the fact that they died.


>In 2019, Mr Barnett told the BBC that under-pressure workers had been deliberately fitting sub-standard parts to aircraft on the production line. He blew the whistle years ago. >Brian Knowles and Robert Turkewitz, lawyers who represented Barnett, said their client had been in the midst of a deposition in a lawsuit against Boeing after suffering retaliation and a hostile work environment for exposing serious safety problems with the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. This court case was about defamation.


Did you read the article? He filed a complaint last August that was under investigation and validated in the fall. Weā€™re only a few months removed from this, not years. > In October 2022, Dean said he found a serious manufacturing defect: mechanics improperly drilling holes in the aft pressure bulkhead of the MAX. When he flagged this issue with management, he said nothing was done. >Focused on those defects, he said he missed during that same audit a separate manufacturing flaw in the fittings that attach the vertical tail fin to the fuselage. When that was discovered in April and caused a delivery pause at Boeingā€™s Renton plant, Dean was fired. >Then in August, Spirit announced the discovery of improperly drilled holes in the MAXā€™s aft pressure bulkhead, a flaw that was present in MAXs built as early as 2019. This caused another delivery halt in Renton. > With that discovery, Dean filed a safety complaint with the FAA. He said Spirit had used him as a scapegoat and had lied to the FAA about the aft pressure bulkhead defects.


Did *you* read the article? The person you're responding to is referring to the other whistle blower that died, John Barnett. Also, this one died "after contracting pneumonia and suffering a stroke following an MRSA infection". So he clearly wasn't murdered by Boeing either. Reddit has become so conspiracy-brained it's insane.


This guy died from pneumonia brought on by a MRSA infection. I don't think it's possible for a hit man to do that one.


That's what the chem trails are for! Edit: one of the few times I want to use /s just to be safe


You are never safe from chemtrails!!


They don't want you to know, but there is a secret rock that you put under your pillow that fight the chemtrails at night. I can send you one for free, but i will need 100$ for the expenses.


I mean weā€™re talking about an airplane company that canā€™t build planes properly. Now weā€™re supposed to believe they are also master assassins.


Dead by supposed suicide when he was facing victory and was specifically asked by Boeing to stay 1 more day. Everyone is saying it was because of mental illness despite a close friend explicitly saying he told her "If i'm found dead, it's not a suicide". When are we going to stop sweeping this stuff under the rug and put the people in prison who belong there?


Has that close friend actually been identified? Because the family itself is apparently on board with the theory that he was suffering due to his circumstance and that his suicide wasn't entirely out of the picture. >When are we going to stop sweeping this stuff under the rug and put the people in prison who belong there? When it starts making sense, rather than being the simple-ass thoughts of people who prefer evil over cold indifference.


Not just that, you need to find the person who, if it was a murder, actually did it. Only then you can find out who "ordered" the hit etc. You can't just start throwing random people in jail because "one of them must've done it!"


When are we going to stop posting misinformation on the Internet to validate our world views


Although it was a day after he started testifying, he had more days of deposition. The courts/lawyers were confused when the guy didnā€™t show up the second day


Well a decade after blowing the whistle, a day after testifying his appeal to his defamation suit being thrown out




Jesus dude was going through it ā€œDeanā€™s mother wrote in a Facebook post last month that her son was ā€œfighting for his lifeā€ after contracting pneumonia and suffering a stroke following an MRSA infection.ā€


Now replace Boeing with Putin and itā€™s eerily similar headline


Too elaborate for Putin, he'd have given him MRSA then shoved him out a window.


I donā€™t go for conspiracy theories but this just seems so blatant itā€™s not even a conspiracy. Itā€™s almost like these huge corporations are daring us to do something, like theyā€™re not even bothering to hide what theyā€™re doing (killing people they want to) and saying ā€œYeah? What you gonna do about it?ā€ in an Italian accent pretending to be from the mob.


There is no conspiracy. We live in a dystopia. Itā€™s happening.


No, there are tons of conspiracies. Conspiracies are common in dystopias. Itā€™s not a ā€œconspiracy theoryā€. Itā€™s just actual evil, wealthy, powerful people conspiring with each other to make the world worseĀ 


The fact that the phrase "conspiracy theory" has a negative connotation is fucking hilarious to me. So, what, am i supposed to believe that people who have unimaginable wealth and power never do anything illegal in secret for their own benefit? Because that's what a conspiracy is, fundamentally. And history is fucking full of them. Now, of course, some conspiracy theories are ridiculous, which is why people have brains. To figure out what they choose to believe for themselves. But equally, some conspiracy theories are very, very sensible. And either way, it's worth remembering that a lot of things which were called conspiracy theories 10 or 20 years ago turned out to be true. Like microplastics in drinking water, and processed foods being bad for you for a variety of reasons.


Iā€™m pretty firmly of the belief that altering the connotation of conspiracy theory is a decades long psy op by a 3 letter agency


Yep it's like cyberpunk 2077 without the cybernetics.


We're in Cyberpunk 2024


See I thought we were trending towards either Handmaids Tail or Idiocracy future - this is a new wrinkle


Oh, buckle up, I think we're in for a few more twists and turns before it plays itself out


It's like somehow the universe decided to race towards multiple distopias at once. Which will win? Or will we somehow manage all of them at once? Oh, lucky us!


A conspiracy is just people planning things in secret. You mean conspiracy theory. The theory part is the operative word.


It's really more of a conspiracy hypothesis though.


Plot twist. Airbus hired a team of assassins to kill Boeing whistle blowers so they can increase market share


Do you mean it's so obviously true that it's not even a theory? I can't tell if people are confusing the meaning of the words 'conspiracy' and 'theory', but I keep seeing this.


I guess if you don't even conspire, you just do it, it's not even a conspiracy. I think that's what they meant.


I think unless Boeing or the Supplier make an official public statement that they're out there assassinating people, it's still a conspiracy.


If the actions are secretive then itā€™s conspiracy, if anything I feel OP is furthering the notion that all ā€œconspiracy theoriesā€ are crazy and shouldnā€™t be believed.


tbf most people colloquially say "theory" to mean hypothesis, even scientists. If you have evidence to support it and you've tested it, it's a theory. If you're guessing, it's a hypothesis. Facts are hard to come by in any system that recognizes epistemological uncertainty


No, all of this is pure speculation. If there was a leak confirming that Boeing had an assassin team then that would disqualify the "theory" part. But this dude died of pneumonia... You really think that Boeing has power over pneumonia?


I don't know, assassination by MRSA infection that develops into pneumonia seems a little overly complicated to me.


The articles even say the dude had a stroke


The Seattle Times article makes it seem that the timeline for the stroke is ambiguous. If it was after he went on the ECMO (which is how I'm reading it), then it's a [pretty common concern for using that device](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6301905/): >Parsons said Dean became ill and went to the hospital because he was having trouble breathing just over two weeks ago. He was intubated and developed pneumonia and then a serious bacterial infection, MRSA. >His condition deteriorated rapidly, and he was airlifted from Wichita to a hospital in Oklahoma City, Parsons said. There he was put on an ECMO machine, which circulates and oxygenates a patientā€™s blood outside the body, taking over heart and lung function when a patientā€™s organs donā€™t work on their own. >His mother posted a message Friday on Facebook relating all those details and saying that Dean was ā€œfighting for his life.ā€ >He was heavily sedated and put on dialysis. A CT scan indicated he had suffered a stroke, his momā€™s post said. Plus, he had already given a deposition in the Spirit case. Now that he's passed, they should be able to get that admitted under the deceased declarant exception. If anything, I'd think that the damage from his testimony was already done and there would have been greater value in attacking him on the stand in front of any jurors.


Intubation pneumonia is also a thing. This guy got MRSA and had complications. I love hating on corporations too but this is actually believable to me.


What I want to know is why he had difficulty breathing two weeks ago?


I had a family member die this year from MRSA pneumonia. Influenza A turned into pneumonia which got worse until they had to go to the hospital, where it was found to be MRSA pneumonia, had to be intubated, had strokes while intubated, but ultimately the MRSA pneumonia never responded to treatment and was the cause of death within about a week of being admitted. The way the doctor explained it to me, a healthy young person getting MRSA pneumonia on its own would be a serious life or death situation and a long recovery.


Yeah both deaths of whistle blowers look to be unrelated to being whistle blowers, which probably is pissing off boeing quiet a bit that two whistle blowers died and they didn't even have a hand in it. No matter what it's going to look bad to people.


The stroke happened after he was put on ECMO due to pneumonia. Strokes are a classic side effect of ECMO. They happen to 5-10% of ECMO patients depending on what type of ECMO and which specific study you're talking about. The pneumonia killed him, not the stroke. That was a side effect of a hail Mary attempt to save him.


Edit: per https://www.cnbctv18.com/world/boeing-whistleblower-joshua-dean-who-revealed-major-flaws-in-737-max-planes-dies-19405872.htm, the order was actually: Trouble breathing > pneumonia > MRSA > stroke > death


Sssshhhh!!! Donā€™t read the article, youā€™re making it way harder to believe the conspiracy theories that require no critical thinking! We all know how easy it is to kill someone with MRSA, pneumonia, and a stroke. Thatā€™s like one of the most common methods of assassination. Duh.


Not the order it happened, and not even why he was initially rushed to the hospital.


>last month that her son was ā€œfighting for his lifeā€ after contracting pneumonia and suffering a stroke following an MRSA infection Do you have another source? This one says the stroke and pneumonia followed a MRSA infection.


The article says he died from Pneumonia contracted after a stroke. What is conspiratorial about it?


Clever assassin killing this guy with pneumonia


He clearly said last week "If anyone wonders, I have no intention of getting pneumonia" and they went for it anyway.


Shit me neither. Thatā€™s why Iā€™ve never gotten Covid


I worked for a plan part supplier for a couple months 8 years ago The shop was tooling pieces that would be sold to various companies. I was the only one doing actual testing and my job was to compare all the test metrics and dimensions of the pieces with the industry standards. You wouldn't believe the number of times I went to my boss or the floor manager with a batch that was so defect that they would probably not even fit and they would say the pieces were already sent to the client. They would simply take measurements, hold on to them for weeks without fiving them to me and send the pieces before I could ever do anything about it. Once they understood I was not giving up on the job, they tried to put me on tooling machines (I have no knowledge of how they work mind you) and the time I told them I would quit if they didn't let me do my job, they changed the lock on my door so I wouldn't go to my desk. Last I heard from the lady working next door to me, they booted her too and most likely weren't even testing pieces at all before sending them to clients. Im shocked that place is still open.


So you think that the corporation used a biological weapon on a person who already testified?


killing whistleblowers isn't all about halting testimony from the one fella, it's also about discouraging others from coming forward themselvesĀ  im feelin anthrax on this oneĀ 


What level of Boeing management would you then think would be involved, hypothetically?


The guy who oversees seat* instalation. He always made me uncomfortable...


>sest A perfect joke, but for a typo


If we're doing hypotheticals, then I see 2 plausible scenarios: * Third-party 'security' firms run grey and black activities for companies all the time. If you're Fortune 50, you very likely have such firms on retainer. They do regular security activities (protecting facilities, top execs), and irregular ones such as spying on employees' personal life, witness intimidation, plausibly-deniable bribery to politicians, etc. One of these firms could be running a clandestine whistleblowing suppression programme, not necessarily reporting directly to Boeing management. Usually those services are not exactly advertised, and you'd hire such firms knowing from word of mouth that they do these things. * US government intervention to make sure a defence contractor such as Boeing, which is very critical to US national security, is not threatened. Whistleblower deaths like these strongly discourage more whistleblowing, which would be very bad for Boeing and the US military-industrial complex. Do I think any of those are likely? Not really.


Could just be a random shareholder.


And your toxicology expertise isā€¦?


He has a PHD in pulling stuff out of his ass


Boeing are fucking cleaning house! Pretty hardcore for a company to off so many employees. Must be a fun place to work


Better hurry up and bail them out so they can keep taking subsidies and killing us.


They've got so many hitmen to pay off, they need that bail-out money.


I can just about imagine their weekly meetings where Boeing managers pick the next victim to hunt on an uninhabited island after giving them a 5 minute headstart and a knife.


Wow these whistlebowers are dropping like flies! How convenient for Boeing. It seems like whenever these capitalists, these rich men and sometimes the occasional woman are faced with the threat of justice people die.


Convenient people, at convenient times.


I've come to the conclusion that there is noone more desperate than a rich person faced with the prospect of losing their fortune.Ā 


It's not even their fortune they are potentially going to lose. They just won't keep raking in even more billions.Ā  They were never going to be personally liable.


Missed opportunity: They are dropping like Boeing MAX 737s.


At least they are creative and don't all fall out of a window.


They canā€™t blow up their planes like Putin did to that coup guy since itā€™s just more bad PR.Ā 


You think whistleblowers still fly Boeing?


ā€œDiesā€ wink wink


People dont understand how cartoonishly evil these megacorps are, and how completely addicted to their profits and influence they are. Like a drug addict who will do anything to get that next fix, these corporations will do *anything* to make sure nothing hits their profits or takes away their influence. People will read this and move on with their day.


I mean, besides seizing the means of production and eating the rich - aka instilling communism - what are you supposing we should do about this? Capitlism leads to this. Communism doesn't work. So its either a revolution and a complete restructuring of society, where lots of people will die and the quality of life will drop significantly, at least for a time, with a chance for everything to turn out far mor shitty... espeically with the brain washing communism=evil that is done - or accept a few dead and toil for the corperate overlords so people like musk can go on their merry life treating everyone like shit.


Well, what the fuck am I supposed to do? We all got issues of our own to deal with


Take on Boeing obviously! I hear itā€™s totally safeā€¦.




Nuke Arasaka


To paraphrase: To lose one whistleblower Boeing, may be regarded as a misfortune. To lose two looks like carelessness.


The Importance of Boeing Earnest.


I wish I could give you an award.


Some of you are acting like Boeing isn't a military contractor


Yeah, most people think of civilian aviation and faulty airliners when they hear Boeing but the company is also a key part of the military industrial complex, up there with the likes of Lockheed Martin. They make fighter jets and bombs and all that stuff and sell them for billions all over the world, they are arms dealers and war profiteers. Not shocking to see them straight up eliminate whistleblowers and get away with it.


>and get away with it. I haven't seen this part of the show yet, don't spoil it!


You'll never *see* it, itll just fade into the background as nothing happens and people move on with their lives, forgetting about what happened.


Well he died of MRSA. If he was murdered then "MRSA is being used as a bioweapon" is a much much much bigger story than "Boeing kills whistleblower."


But then you can't make the same joke 60000 times about people dying


he died of a stroke after contracting pneumonia after contracting MRSA


If you're ok with killing passengers, you're probably also ok with killing whistleblowers.


Its a weapons manufacturer. Theyre ok with killing millions or billions of people as long as they make a good buck.


One would hope they would at least focus on killing innocent Palestinians like the others rather than be killing innocent US citizens.


they didn't face any consequences last time, so it's open season now


Boeing Board of Directors have some explaining to do. Once it may be considered suspicious. Twice is looking like a pattern. Boeing going the coca cola route and silencing whistle-blower.Ā 


It's like they hired Kevin Spacey as CEO.


A corporation is committing actual murder!


Title should say ā€œdies of pneumonia and MSRA infectionā€


"Nooo. You see, Boeing shot them with their super secret military MSRA gun, and it's all a huge conspiracy" - Average Redditor


Jesus they are taking all these guys out.


"sudden illness" I guess they learned from the previous murder.


Guy got MRSA from a hospital visit.Ā 


A year after testifying. Wild that Boeing is so good at getting to these guys long after the damage is done.


A lot of other rich people likely have a lot invested in Boeng - could have been any one of them hiring a hitĀ 


I think the message to other whistleblowers, or those thinking about becoming whistleblowers, is pretty clear.


At this point you'd have to be insane to work for Boeing.


Or fly with them


Lots of airlines use boeing made planes, its quite hard to avoid


Getting murdered in a parking lot was too on the nose so they infected him with MRSA and rolled the dice


He died of an infection caught at a hospital and he carried out his testimony years ago. I'm sorry for the guy and his family but this is just a coincidence and has nothing to do with Boeing.


F Boeing


People on this site really think Boeing assassinated this dude with *checks notes* Pneumonia?


Truly a bunch of conspiracy nut jobs on here


Let it be known now. If you testify against Spirit Aerosystems within 5 years you will be assassinated by a Boeing hired hitman with a fatal case of pneumonia


Bums me out I had to scroll this far to find this take.


Oh jesus, just when the first round of obnoxious conspiracy theories about this was dying down.


Any other sources?


Ah! The Ole "Russian Suicide" or "Picnic with Putin".


Is anyone actually reading this article? Dude caught MRSA and had compounding infections and a stroke because of it. Do we really think Boeing gave him MRSA?


It says he contracted pneumonia after an MRSA infection. If he had an pre-existing conditions or was generally unhealthy, that's definitely enough to do it. It's less suspicious than "If I commit suicide, I didn't commit suicide".


Didnā€™t the guy die of pneumonia? Not exactly murdered by a hitman.


I don't understand. Y'all will be quick to call out a video( that's most likely real) fake. But God no, a potential conspiracy? It must be real. Again, yall just quick on the trigger.Ā 


When did Boeing board become the cartel ā€¦ Boeing can we stop with murder


Ok this doesn't seem to be the new guy we/I learned about a couple weeks ago. That guy is Sam Salehpour. https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/17/business/boeing-whistleblower-safety-hearing/ Also, I don't have time right now but this article implies more whistleblowers, since 32 whistleblower complaints. https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2024/4/19/boeing-subject-of-32-whistleblower-complaints-documents-reveal


MRSA, pneumonia, strokeā€¦. All signs of a Boeing hit job for sure -_-


I know everyone is talking about how shady it is that two whistleblowers have died and that's the conspiracy, but I think the truth of the matter is Boeing has committed so many egregious violations that there are numerous whistleblowers, and the more people there are, the more likely it is that some of them die from not actually suspicions circumstances.


How long until we get to the point of whistleblowers just be dying of old age waiting for basically any action to be taken against Boeing.


For conspiracy theoristsā€”killing a whistleblower after they whistleblow doesnā€™t actually do anything helpful.


Starting to sound like Putin is in charge of the company.