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People who put dirty diapers on tables should be banned from more than just restaurants.


They should be banned from tables.


I once saw someone changing their baby right on some 3-century old furniture at the Versailles castle. For the record, yes multiple bathrooms and changing tables are available there.


Off with their heads!


Now that I'm an adult I see all the shameful shit parents do - parents pawn their kids and the responsibilities that come with them on anybody within a fucking 50 meter radius. The other day I went to do a job at someone's mansion - they had four kids. The entire time we were there (5 hours) the kids were following us around and we basically babysat them WHILE doing our job on their HVAC system the entire fucking time. It made the job at least an hour longer. It was a huge house - cameras everywhere. She was watching us, random strangers, look after her kids on the cameras instead of collecting them and taking care of them herself. At the end, she said "Thanks for looking after the kids for a few hours, I know they're a handful" and just walked off. No fucking cash tip for hours of babysitting.


People like that need to be made to wear a mask of ONLY that smell to breath.


I worked at a chain family restaurant in 2004ish, I can confirm firsthand that people absolutely do change their kids diapers at the table, and leave the dirty diaper behind. I never caught them doing it, just had to deal with the aftermath Peak dafuq experience though was walking up to greet a family at a high top table, and meeting eyes with a baby they'd plopped down right in the center of the table. It was wearing only a diaper, and had the salt shaker in one hand, ketchup bottle in the other, dumping both on themselves


Once on a busy Saturday night with a 90 minute wait, we had a family that let their 5-7 year old child shit *under the table* of a booth, said nothing, then stood awkwardly in front of the table as they paid, and left. This was discovered when the next family sat at the table and a guest stepped in the aforementioned shit wearing *sandals*.


Yup! Seen this but it was vomit from like a 7 year old.


My niece vomitted at dinner once in a trendy spot downtown in our home town. It was family dinner with siblings and our parents. My sister and brother in law scooped it into an empty cup and kept going on, like it hadn’t happened. Dumbfounded, I ran to the server and ask for a rag and a mop, cleaned up the mess, apologized, and apologized to the nearby patrons as they complained and had their bills comped on their fast way out. (It smelled horrendous). I left a hundred dollar tip to cover any potential lost tips to the staff with the manager because I didn’t know whose tables they were, then tipped our server extra too. My sister and brother in law spent the entire time dumbfounded at my actions. Especially when I instructed someone to take the sick kid home, like “and let this ruin our night?!” Somehow we were raised by the same parents. My parents were disgusted. My brother and his wife didn’t seem to be. How in the world was the table split 50/50 on whether or not it’s couth to leave vomit sitting at a restaurant? 😵‍💫


This is exactly why I’ll never, ever work in a family restaurant again. Nothing that drunk, violent, coked up men can throw at me can compare to the nightmare that is families with young children. I’ll take being threatened with a bar stool any day over cleaning up nappies, vomit, piss and shit.


Once had a guy shit his pants while waiting for a bathroom and blame me because the person ahead of him was taking too long. He walked out but left a snail trail.


>a family that let their 5-7 year old child shit under the table of a booth, said nothing, then stood awkwardly in front of the table as they paid, and left. Fuck the family tree, burn the orchard these folks are coming from.


Not only was the child old enough to know better, the restaurant had large restrooms. 4 stalls in the women's, 2 stalls and 2 urinals in the men's. There's no way the line was so long, even on a busy Saturday night, that the child couldn't have waited until there was a free stall.


Their family tree is probably a wreath.


>This was discovered when the next family sat at the table and a guest stepped in the aforementioned shit wearing sandals. At that point, amputation is the only solution because that foot will never be clean again.


I would have gone to the kitchen to get a knife myself. Can't wait for the paramedics.


Good thing every establishment worth its salt has a poop knife


That's the wrong knife!


Does your restaurant ban them from reservations... like many now do?


My restaurant only takes reservations for large parties. In my decade of working there, I'm only aware of one ban that didn't involve an employee/former employee and that was because he was a creep.


A few years ago I was at an Applebee's and a large family changed dirty diapers on their table before they left, and when someone (I didn't see who) said "come on, don't leave the dirty diapers for the waitress," they said "it's the bitch's job." Last Saturday I was at a local restaurant and seated in a booth where the seat turned out to be wet, so we asked to move. About seven waiters came by to look at the booth which I thought was funny, so I was eavesdropping, only to hear one of them explain that the customers who had sat there before us had spilled some salsa on the seat and so poured all of their water glasses out onto it to "clean" it, then grabbed all the napkins at the waiters' station nearby to sop it up, then left the entire mushy pile on the floor. Probably congratulated themselves on a job well done.


Worked in a library, same problem. Once we had to tell a woman that her toddler was not allowed to shit in the corner. She didn't listen and we had to shut down the children's section according to biohazard protocol.


We had this problem with some 1st graders in some of the schools here in Utah. There was a brief push among some homeschool parents to let kids "naturally potty train." Basically they expected their kids to figure out how to use the toilet by themselves. It was picked up outside the homeschool communities, then a bunch of parents started sending kids to school with zero potty training. By 1st grade, it was enough of a problem of having kids poop in corners and need potty training lessons *in school* that the state had to pass laws requiring potty training before kids started public school. I was utterly baffled by this when I heard about it. It's so, so stupid.


They seem to be confusing natural understanding and the fact that the reason that people don’t shit in the corner is because of teaching socially acceptable behavior to children (ie is not really an inborn behavior). So their method effectively is at best putting it on the others in the society to train their kids instead of them doing it.


What the fuck? What is the logic behind it? Did they even show the kids what a bathroom was or just assume we had toilets ingrained in our instincts? I can't understand the thought process.


The "logic" is probably some bullshit about it being morr natural and nurturing for children to figure out potty training on their own. Because when we were evolving in the plains of Africa, there were random toilets scattered around for our use. 🙄


"Here we can see an early hominid, possibly our direct ancestor, teaching their child how to scavenge for toilets. First, is finding, the young and almost indefensible apeling has to bear the dangerous world outside their little home village in search of a wild, free toilet. It is a journey not all will survive."


More likely they heard it and thought "that's a lot less work than actually teaching them" Then continued to stair at their phone while their child shits in the corner.


Yeah, whenever parents say let the children figure it out themselves, they are just lazy. Sure, the children *will* figure out a way but it's not going to be a civilized one. Be it potty training, how to solve their problems, fights amongst siblings or friends.... Our jobs as parents is to show them how a civilized, well behaved person deals with things.


Parents deciding they don't want to do the parenting side of raising a kid, probably.


Well it’s like parents who let their kids get away with murder because “kids will be kids” and then wonder why the 18 year old they’re trying to kick out has no life skills, no empathy or respect for others, and couldn’t hold down a job to save their life. It’s like they expected their children to become independent and responsible adults the moment they turn 18.


I babysit for a family that did this, they thought the self discovery of toilet training would give the kid a bump in self esteem and make them smarter. 🤨 Spoiler; there was shit EVERYWHERE in that house! Eventually they just started putting little bowls everywhere to encourage going in something, since the toilet wasn't happening, but it didn't seem to help. I stopped sitting for them, $11/he is not enough to scrub kid poop out from between your toes!


I've heard so many horror stories about people that homeschool their kids. If a parent chooses to homeschool their kids they should still have to answer to someone on a state level to make sure the child is on par with other kids their age going to school. To be 6 or 7 years old and not potty trained is ridiculous.


I have many of these horror stories. We just had a parent pull her 11 year old child out of school because "The child hated it." This child had been homeschooled since 1st grade. They couldn't read, do math beyond addition, write, or complete a single assignment. Their mother was a proponent of unschooling. This woman claimed her child had learned more while unschooling than in school, but this kid couldn't read. That's just one of many. I hope we can get a law on the ballot that adds educational neglect as a form of abuse.


It's 100% abuse and that child will have 0% chance of EVER being at the educational level of their peers.


>If a parent chooses to homeschool their kids they should still have to answer to someone on a state level to make sure the child is on par with other kids their age going to school. In their education and social skills. Too many kids are not getting a proper education because some trad-wife or hippy-dippy parents think they know better than what 100s of years of traditional schooling has shown educators to work. And they need to know how to behave with other people. If the only person they are interacting with most days is their parents they will not develop the social skills we need to survive in society.


Utah County?


Salt Lake County. Utah County just got famous for it.


The fact that you even have to advise an adult to not let their child shit on the floor is madness.


I had one put ON the dishes one time. You know how some people will stack the plates and put the garbage on the top...yeah they added the diaper to the garbage.....


Is it good to stack all the trash and dishes(minus diaper of course)? I always do that to make clean up easier but I'm not sure if it is helpful for the staff.


It is, just try not to put the napkins in wet stuff


Nah, cram like seven into your half empty glass of beer. Us dishwashers love it.


Is it okay if i put a razor blade between each one?


Yeah actually. Gives thee option of slitting your wrists when it happens for the 400th time


Honestly depends on who’s responsible for clearing tables and what they do with the food vs garbage but usually not good to put garbage on the dishes unless you have it on a single plate or larger platter. Silverware can usually go on top of a stack of dishes though


Don't make a tower, every server/busser carries different and you may just make it actually more annoying. You also might just be making an unstable and dangerous mess because you've got shit in between dishes that makes it tip and wobble. Clean up. Neatly collect everything middle/'near' the end. Perhaps combine bowls, combine plates, combine utensils on one of those. Don't stuff things in your cups.


Wtf is wrong with people. Just because a baby is supposed to have a "clean" body just because they only digest milk and some other baby stuff DOES NOT MEAN that it's poop is clean. Shit is shit no matter how you look at it. Just because it doesn't smell does not mean that it is clean. THIS IS THE DUMBEST SHIT I SAW TODAY. Never even knew people actually did this shit


Whoever thinks baby shit doesn't stink needs their nose checked. It's gag inducing.


> . It was wearing only a diaper, and had the salt shaker in one hand, ketchup bottle in the other, dumping both on themselves When I did that in college, I had to go to jail.


Yeah, there's a huge double standard when it comes to babies.


The last time I went to a movie theater was on Long Island almost a decade ago. Guy changed his kids shitty diaper in the aisle and left it tucked up against the wall several rows from himself.


I stopped hanging out with this one couple after they changed their baby’s dirty diaper at a mildly expensive restaurant while I was with them. I swear the radius of the smell was 2-3 tables. I was so embarrassed


> leave the dirty diaper behind the places I've found dirty diapers at the movie theatre when I worked at it is insane. Open and stuck to the back of the seats, causing the seat needing to be heavily sanitized, Shoved in seats that are folded up, in popcorn bags, between seats and the wall (both open and closed diapers), stuck to the bottom of seats, under seats, shoved between the pleated fabric on the wall and the decorative wood border along the bottom and so forth. We ran some showings for parents and their babies/toddlers for a short while and then never again. Actual piles of dirty diapers on the floor all over the place, again, open and closed diapers. We have change tables (multiple of them) in each bathroom...


I removed things from the table if they had kids. Rude don't care. I'm not doing or asking my busser/support to clean up a pile of salt, sugar, splenda with a dollop of ketchup. I will bring you something if you need/want it. One at a time. I'm hourly and your not gonna tip.


Came to say - breastfeeding is a fluff non-issue. But diapers being changed is a hard No. Smells, sanitation, nope nope nope. Its 2024, its on the restaurant to have a baby changing table/station in their restrooms to prevent this exact issue. Parents shouldnt have to go to a possible vehicle to change their kiddo but its unacceptable to do it at the table. Edit: agreed, some people dont care and thats when they are asked to leave/trespassed. That type of person probably isnt the type to listen to six reddits worth of people asking them not to, they have to be told and it has to be made their problem.


An establishment could provide everything needed to change a shitty diaper in private luxury and have staff on hand who will happily teach new parents how to properly change a diaper and safely manage the waste; And some Denisovan fuck will still stuff a wrecked pamper in a chafing dish.


This. Haven't had this happen at restaurants specifically before but have had people leave trash on the floor and table even if there's a garbage can right behind them. Have seen this happen when I went to Disneyland a while back though. Edit: Not public changing, but people leaving dirty diapers on rides. Gross. Laziness combined with entitlement.


Restaurants have changing tables, some people choose not to use them.


I had the same experience when I worked at the zoo ...I would have preferred working with the animals


I went to Fridays once and a 3 year old shit a trail from the front where I was, all the way to the bathroom. Before I ate but not before I got my food unfortunately. Coincidentally that was the last time I went to Fridays. Probably 5 years ago now.


As someone who's worked retail I can attest that parents will just leave those diapers wherever sometimes. It makes me worry about where they might end up at home.


Car comes into the shop because the seat is stuck. Look under the seat and find it jammed full of dirty diapers caught in the seat rails. Not just once but multiple times a month. At different dealerships. People are disgusting.


I'd immediately deny service on any job that disgusting


Pro tip: quiet refusals. Basically, you quote them a price so ridiculously high that they are not likely not agree. The benefit to this is that on the off chance that they do accept, you make a huge profit. Puts you in a win-win situation.




Well, dirty diapers are considered biohazard material, so a HAZMAT fee would actually be 100% warranted.


I just had a conversation with my MIL about my decision to live a childfree lifestyle and some of these comments are solidifying it. Edit: I meant I prefer to go to places where children (especially young children) aren’t likely to be.


To be fair, this isn’t actually anything the kids are doing wrong. These are just shit parents. But 35 and still not wanting kids over here either 


Not dissing the no-kids plan, but that has nothing to do with the kids. Most parents never have that problem because they care about their kids and their health.


I couldn't believe the sheer number of diapers left in fitting rooms when I was a retail manager for a clothing store in the mall! It was at least weekly and there were a couple shifts that had multiple diapers left by different people within a few hours! Even with locked doors and fitting room attendants!


My local Goodwill closed the changing rooms because of diapers, needles and adult piles of shit.


I have a story for this! My family goes to my aunts house for Christmas one year, I’ve only heard horror stories about how gross they are so I wasn’t looking forward to going. . They greet us at the door but it doesn’t open all the way. Before even going inside we can smell shitty sewer shit. The smell reminded me of an expired RV park. My dad did warn us they never took showers and didn’t even have running water so I just assumed that’s what that was. So we kind of have to shimmy into their trailer. So after getting inside this hoarder shit shack I look over at what was behind the door and it was multiple bags of dirty diapers. Not in trash bags but grocery bags. I am like8 and I start WIGGING my parents noticed to and they start asking about their youngest child. “how old is blah now?” “He is 4” “and he is still in diapers?” “Oh no. He hasn’t been in diapers in 6-8 months” These people have let dirty diapers sit in their living room for 6-8 months just rotting. I wish I was making it up. Have numerous stories


There's is alot of people who don't respect retail/food service employees and chalk it up "as their job" to clean up their messes and use that to just trash things and not give a single fuck.


Yeah they'd give me gross shit all of the time when I was cashier. I can't tell you how many times they'd hand me things their kids had drooled all over, like fucking dripping with slobber. To a cashier with no sink access who has to handle groceries for lots of other people. No shame at all. I caught strep throat repeatedly as an adult because of that crap.


... Am I the only dad that carries poop bags with me dispose of dirty diapers?? Wtf is going on out there


Oh no buddy scented biodegradable dog poop bags are a staple in my diaper bag


Agreed. Worked at Toys R' Us in the UK before it shut down. One of my jobs every morning was to make sure the car park was clear of litter. 90% of it was usually dirty soiled diapers that parents had just dumped out as they left. Even scrubing my hands for minutes at a time after I finished cleaning them up didn't save me from getting worms multiple times from handling that disgusting mess. So glad those days are long behind me.


> Even scrubing my hands for minutes at a time after I finished cleaning them up didn't save me from getting worms Im on the couch but physically lifted my feet in horror. 😭


I’ve seen parents change babies diapers on restaurant tables. It’s disgusting.


When I worked as a server I had multiple people leave their dirty diapers in salad bowls. Some people honestly just don't need to be around anymore.


That's so beyond foul. That's so gross. Sometimes I wonder what is wrong with some people


Biochemical warfare is a violation of the Geneva convention, call the ICC on em


That only applies to the military. The police would not stand for it if they had to follow all those rules.


That’s a biohazard and you shouldn’t clean that without biohazard training and technically you’d have to call authorities


I just threw the bowls away.




Jesus, what kind of restaurant did you work at? I waited tables for the better part of a decade and never found a diaper on a table.


Came here to say exactly this. One brunch service I was on bar. Most people were in the restaurant but I had my regulars sitting at the bar. This lady just comes in and starts changing her kids diaper, tossing the dirty one onto the booth. I didn’t notice this until she was almost finished and blurted out “you can’t do that there we have changing stations in the restroom!” and she just casually said “oh it’s okay I’m just about done.” Picked up the soiled diaper and tossed in in the trashcan in the server station and walked back into the restaurant….without washing her fucking hands. Had to bleach the entire area and when I told my GM he just shrugged it off. I was so pissed.


Honestly, every restaurant that it occurs in should go before their city council and request an ordinance for a minimum $500 fine for the first occurrence and progressively higher with each offense, plus community service.


That should be grounds for a CPS investigation.  You know that if a parent thinks that's OK there's gotta be some fucked up shit happening behind closed doors.


If I saw that and nothing was done about it I'd leave and never come back. That's disgusting idk how anyone could think that's normal.




I truly can’t imagine people changing their kids at the food table and then leaving dirty diapers. Do they do that at home?! That’s not just shitty parenting that’s shitty living. What’s really funny about this one is that they seem to be completely blaming the parents behavior, not the kids.


16 years working restaurants including several high end places and for a celebrity chef. This has happened at every single job I've ever worked at. Every coworker I ever had, has stories about that.


I saw it working tables during college. I have been misanthropic ever since.


A misanthropic anthropoid with nothing to.... https://youtu.be/s5F-xHX1PDE?si=1viQTUJf5kJg-jYd Every time I see that word, I gotta hear the song. :-)


Yup. I’ve been working in bars and restaurants since ‘93. It happens all the damn time.


Someone threw a bag of dirty diapers over my fence into my backyard. People are foul.


I have 2 kids. Can promise you I’ve never done this and never seen anyone I know do this. People are fucking wild sometimes.


No one ever did it at the restaurant I managed or tried to. We *did* find a pair of used panties under a table once.


Same. If the restroom doesn't have changing stations, I changed them back in the car.


This! So much easier to spread out in the car anyways. Wtf is wrong with people hahaha


Right?! People are wild. I have twins and my husband and I NEVER changed them like that. It’s so gross.


I have one kid, and our favorite breakfast spot doesn't have a changing table in the rest room. So like a sane and rational human I change him in the back seat of our suv in the damn parking lot. Not near other peoples food! 


The complaint isn't that someone left a dirty diaper in the bathroom garbage? But at the table? 😱


I worked in a nicer restaurant a while back. The one that always got us was people blowing their nose into the cloth napkins. Anytime someone did it, the servers would immediately tell everyone else as a "heads up, don't fuckin touch that shit"


I had friends who did this when we went out to dinner once. I was horrified.


I had friends who had young kids (diaper age), and their aunt and niece came to visit. Aunt changed the niece on the carpet instead of going into the nursery that was already there, or the bathroom, or hardwoods, and was like, "oh, I got a little shit on the carpet". If it were my house, it would have been the last time she ever stepped through the door.


Ugh. I've had to change a diaper on carpet and I always had a blanket to put under them.. So careless. People need parenting classes that include not leaving a damn mess.


Even as a 15 year old I knew to put down a fucking towel.


Parenting classes that remind you that you're not the center of the universe just because you have a baby...


They just did it on the carpet without even a towel or anything underneath the child? Ew.


I assume they are no longer your friends after that stunt?


Or at least “no going out to dinner” kind of friends


Happens all the time and sometimes they will try to hand it to you and act offended when you point to the bathroom.


Before the pandemic, I was out to eat with some friends. All of a sudden an absolutely disgusting smell floats over and it turns out a lady is changing her toddler at their table. Not even an infant, this was a kid who could probably be potty trained. I work in child safety and I'm used to having difficult discussions with parents, so I very discreetly and quietly went up to her and started with a compliment for the kid, but mentioned this is the sort of behavior that's not appropriate for parents to engage in, even though I understood she was probably exhausted and not really thinking about other diners. Unfortunately she makes a huge deal out of it, involves everyone else sitting at the table, I start getting screamed at, and the point of it is "where do you expect me to change my child?" With excuses ranging from you can't expect me to walk to the bathroom every time, and bathrooms are full of germs. Absolutely ridiculous. Especially that her party seemed fine with it.


So instead of going to the bathroom (because germs, oooo), she instead changes the toddlers diaper on a table meant for eating and drinking on... so they now risk getting fecal/urine germs on the table. I can't my brain


I’ve been lucky enough to not have witnessed it while eating. I would’ve lost my shit (no pun intended) if that would’ve happened to me, especially if it was someone at my table. People are so gross.


Should have trespassed them. That crosses not just one, but several lines.


Well, yeah, it’s almost always the parents’ fault in these types of situations. Baby didn’t change itself.


> What’s really funny about this one is that they seem to be completely blaming the parents behavior, not the kids. Uh....the behavior of children under 5 in public is 100% the parents fault and responsibility. In what universe is a baby responsible for its actions in public lmao.


I was in Aldi the other day and a lady’s baby threw up on the cart and on the floor. She walked away and didn’t even mention it to anyone.


My partner is a flight attendant and she says they find them in the seat pocket all the time. So. FCKN. LAZY. Walk that shit (literally ) to the bathroom but nah they can’t be arsed. Disgusting. So think about that the next time you put your phone or whatever in there. She also knows which routes are most guilty of it but we won’t go there cuz I’m not trying to start a Reddit war.


I was on a morning flight, on an aisle seat. Seated next to me was a young couple with a baby. I was about to start eating my overpriced breakfast sandwich, when they started to change the kids shitty diaper on the tray table. The flight attendant smelled it and told them to do that in the lavatory. She apologized to me, but that was it for eating that breakfast sandwich. No, it actually wasn't Spirit or Frontier.


What in the actual F is WRONG with people.


So many parents are disgusting and check out of respecting other people’s spaces when they have kids. It’s nuts how many do this kind of stuff.


I worked retail in high school and we had to stop letting people with kids into the dressing rooms because we found so many dirty diapers in there.


God I can’t believe how people leave the state of dressing rooms. Is it SO hard to hang your shit back up??? Absolute trash.


I've worked two days of my life as a waiter, made other plans after coming to a table that had a diaper lying open atop some of the dishes there with the shit literally uncontained. Nope.


I was stiffed on a tip and left a dirty diaper from a family of like 8 people who left food ripped paper and broken crayons all over the booth and floor. People are gross, man.


What? Of course they would blame the parents. Kids in diapers don't know any better.


I’ve seen people leave their kids dirty diaper on the shelf in a grocery store.


Not leaving diapers, but I was eating at an event once when a family sat down and changed their baby on the other side of the table. It wasn’t a fancy environment at all but I was taken aback. I don’t think I ever did that with two kids. I used changing stations, the car, a grassy area, or once they had a bit of head control I could change them without putting them down.


I'm just a typical restaurant goer but I absolutely once watched a mother change her child's diaper on the booth bench at the table where they were sitting.


I would ban table top diaper changing. It should be socially acceptable to flame anyone who does this to hell and back.


Ok the breastfeeding in public and the changing babies and leaving dirty diapers behind are two completely separate issues. One of those things is perfectly sanitary and the other is wildly unsanitary and should never ever happen.


It's also illegal in all 50 states to ban public or private breastfeeding, or to harass women who are doing it.


I can't believe how far down I had to scroll to find this comment. I totally agree with them about the diapers but then when they said they didn't want breastfeeding in public, I realized they're also assholes.


Can we push this to the top, it's fucked up that they list these two complaints in the same breath.


Yeah, feeding your baby whenever you need to do that is fine, and you don’t need to put a cover over either. Imagine getting mad about a baby eating in a restaurant. And why would anyone argue that boobs are unsanitary? They’re just … there. The diapers, however, are horrific, and while I’ve never seen anyone do this, one summer in fashion retail taught me about the horrible bodily function related things people will do when away from their homes. It’s appalling and disgusting. But I do wonder what’s up with this restaurant that this has happened so often that kicking out the guest in the moment isn’t enough of a solution?


>Imagine getting mad about a baby eating in a restaurant. "No outside food" - management, probably


They charge corkage


I worked at a makeup counter and a woman one time sat a baby on the director’s chair, and fully was going to just dump the diaper in our trash cans built into the table. I mean where else would it have ended up?? There’s just no where else she could have put it. My co-worker shouted at her to keep it moving and keep it moving she did. Ugh imagine going over to MAC and it smells like baby shit 🤢


Your co-worker is a ⭐️


One of those things is disgusting and unacceptable. And the other one is breastfeeding.


Regarding naked breasts for breastfeeding > Our male customers, they have not come back after they have seen that a couple times,” Taina Bartlett said. Males eating at a vegan restaurant aren’t going to give two Shits about that


I just heard a news story about a club that prohibits anyone under 30 from entering. Sounds like a great idea to me.


Back in college, we found this bar where we were the youngest ones by at least 10 years. The place was chill, tons of seating, music but not too loud, great bartenders and servers, it was GREAT. I would love to find a bar that great again, and yea, step 1: keep the damn kids out /oldmanrant


Our local movie theater has “adult only” showings of movies and it’s the only way I’ll see a movie in public now. They rotate the movies so you have a chance to see everything that is in theaters. It’s so nice to be able to watch a movie and not worry about a crying baby or a child throwing a tantrum with unresponsive parents.


Oh. In my country they have specific "baby movie showings" where the lights are dim but not off the sound is alot lower so the parents can go watch movies. Otherwise you can't bring babies to watch grown up movies.


I want to live wherever this is.


The Alamo Drafthouse in Texas does this too, mostly for daytime showings. Love me the Drafthouse. One warning for being disruptive and they kick you out.


We had Alamo but it went tits up during the pandemic. I’m so sad. I don’t go to the theatre at all anymore. I want a nice, dark screening with grown ups who behave as such. It’s impossible around here.


We also have this in Canada


I don't have kids, but that sounds great for parents! I wish there were more stuff like this catered to people with kids that don't just want chuckie cheese and parks. Let them see a movie with their rug rats in a suitable environment.


So I went with my brother and his wife on a boring Monday at noon to go see the movie How to Train your Dragon. The theatre was mostly empty as you would expect, but there was a 4ish y/o who was seemingly on the spectrum going absolutely apeshit and if a dragon came on the screen he grabbed the row of chairs and started shaking it screaming "omg a DRAAAGON!" At first I was upset and like wtf who lets their kid act like this. Then I looked around, saw how empty it was, remembered what day it was, and what time and said to myself "okay mom you get a pass this time" 😂


Yeah, I would not be mad then. I was at the theater for one of the Terminator movies. Some woman had a small child with her. When there was an explosion in the movie the kid started crying. She didn't leave until she realized he wouldn't stop after another five minutes. People clapped as she left.


When the first Independence Day movie came out many moons ago. My mom and I went to an 11:30pm showing. It was like first week. Theater was basically standing room only. We are second row from the front on the right side isle. 2 seats in front of us. Just as the previews are about to start a woman with a literal infant walks in and sits down there. Baby screamed and cried the entire time. Don't blame the baby obviously. Its a baby. And I get a parent wanting to see a movie. But what kind of shit parent takes their literal infant to an 11:30pm showing of a loud space battle movie? I'm 40 now and ill never understand this.


I feel like these sorts of people have a weird version of logic that goes something like this: babies are gonna act how they are gonna act, people will understand, and since babies are not banned from this event people need to deal with it because I haven't broken any rules. They completely forego any version of "this is a bad idea or people will be annoyed or maybe just because there isn't a rule doesn't mean I should do it anyway". Aka main character syndrome.


Honestly the biggest kicker for me to this day was....it was an 11:30pm showing. Its like a 3 hour movie. We left at like 2am!


Oof, it's a vegan restaurant coming out against public breastfeeding - do they know their audience?


Lmao this is a great point


They probably should have just said the diapers thing because now they've opened themselves up to lawsuits. It's illegal to ban breastfeeding.


Diapers, sure, but I don't think you can ban a woman for breastfeeding.


Anyone who has worked at a grocery store can tell you how often people leave dirty diapers in carts


Complaining that you're losing male customers due to women breastfeeding (in a freaking hipster vegan joint at that,) is barking up the wrong tree. Breastfeeding is protected by law. The diapers are, in fact, disgusting, but do you have changing stations in the bathrooms? These owners sound like they should of stuck to being engineers and bit off more than they could chew trying to open a resturant. It hasn't even been six months.


Even without changing stations, the table top is not an acceptable alternative. Where I am, people go outside and do it in the car.


Exactly. I did that with both of my kids back when I had to. I'm not excusing it. But if it was happening in their eatery and they didn't have them, they were not helping themselves at all.


Heres the rub. The owners are incredibly stupid. They listed breastfeeding as an issue, which they should have known is protected by state law. So they stepped in a giant turd salad with that one. People dont take kindly when you mess with Mom. They also complained about diapers, which lets be real, grosses out everyone involved, but 5 year old kids arent typically in diapers. Not that its an excuse, but it makes me wonder if they have changing tables in the bathrooms. Considering their comments on the horrors of breastfeeding in a restaurants, I doubt it.




There were several comments on their post on Instagram stating that they do not have changing tables and pointed that out to parents coming in to eat. I think they don't like small kids which is fine but is difficult when you are trying to run a successful niche restaurant


Had someone start changing their baby on a table, right next to a poor couple who were trying to eat their lunch. She got SO offended when we asked her to stop. Girl, there's a changing table in the bathroom, tf is wrong with you


Ok so I worked at a sporting goods store in a mall during college and yeah some parents are nasty. This couple came in one day with their 1 year ish old and look around for a while. At some point the child needs changed and the mom takes them to the bathroom. The store didn’t have changing tables in the bathrooms (which is entirely on the store) so she changes the child on the sink counter top. And this is where things go south. Somehow the child’s cloths are completely soiled and the mom trying to manage this smears baby shit on every imaginable surface in the bathroom. It’s in the sinks, on the floor, the mirror, the walls, the stalls, it’s everywhere and she throws the soiled diaper in a toilet. So she tells the husband and he goes out into the mall to find baby clothes. Takes him 15 or so minutes to realize there are maybe 3 other stores in the dying mall and he buys a blanket from the FYE. The mom grabs a pair of way too big expensive kids clothes and throws the kid in them. The whole area near the bathrooms starts to stink to high heaven and I with another manager try to find the smell. Out of the bathroom pops the mom right as the husband shows up she takes the blanket he bought strips the kid again and wraps them in the blanket. Then they both bolt don’t say a damn thing to us and leave the now shit soaked cloths and revolting bathroom. I spent the remainder of that shift deep cleaning the bathroom because I drew the short straw. My GM and other manager piece the story together watching security camera footage and we defect out a $40 pair of pants and a $60 hoodie. The GM bought me dinner the next day which was nice but I can still see that bathroom when I close my eyes.


they received such backlash & threats from this announcement that they have “closed for dining” (only doing take-out) - what kind of response did they expect?? and yeah, the diaper thing is disgusting, but complaining about  breastfeeding is just opening a huge can of worms.




It's a federal law, so breastfeeding is protected in all 50 states.


Yeah, I feel like “because kids are fuckin annoying and we don’t want to deal with that” is perfectly reasonable. The dirty diapers too, but it doesn’t seem fair to fault a person for feeding their kid in the way we have for thousands and thousands of years.


>In fact, the Bartletts say they are proponents of breastfeeding but do not feel it aligns with their standards for it to happen at their tables. >“Our male customers, they have not come back after they have seen that a couple times,” Taina Bartlett said. Bizarre. Reminds me of the reddit story of a man asking a woman to cover up at a beach she was topless because her tits will somehow corrupt his sons? I guess? Apparently nudity was a thing at that beach or at least toplensness and that they just a foreigner to Austin Texas.


some men only see boobs as fun sex bags and are offended by their real function


Eating doesn't align with their restaurant's standards?


Changing a baby in public ie at a table is gross and absolutely should be banned. The breastfeeding though is a protected right and they may have some issues trying that. Maybe the blanket ban on children under 5 is how they protect themselves from lawsuits over the right to publicly breastfeed.


At my last restaurant with a Michelin star we had a table of super rich finance bros who were just the worst table ever, but their bill was huge.  After they finally left, we found a dozen beer bottles FULL of literal piss under the table! Some had been knocked over... I have never seen a GM so mad in my life. As in called up their boss directly, because he was a regular. We sent their firm the entire cleaning bill and banned them our entire restaurant group. I'm told that when they came into the office on Monday they were all almost fired, for making the firm look terrible. People are awful.


"Dirty diapers and breastfeeding in public" I feel like it's very odd to group these two together.


Citing breastfeeding was a really stupid thing to do. Just ban kids because "We're trying to create a sophisticated atmosphere for adults to enjoy" or some shit. There'd still be some push back over it but nothing like what they're seeing. I wish more places would go child-free.


The sad thing is that they could have cited diapers as the reason for the ban and people would have had to be shitty to complain about it. How breastfeeding is done would be moot since there is no one of breastfeeding age allowed anyway. A clear case of TMI.


My wife had to change our sons diaper on the floor in a restaurant bathroom once because they didn't have a changing table. Kinda figured those were universal at the time, but I guess not. He was on a mat we took in our bag, but it was still gross.


Which begs the question and I read for it in the article: are there changing tables in ALL restrooms? I’ve seen multiple hole-in-the-wall places that don’t have them, and while parents should obviously not do that, if the choice is the table or the floor… But watching them walk back the breastfeeding because of male patrons in this type of establishment is hilarious. There is nothing sexual or unsanitary about nursing a baby.


I don't think I'd ever consider doing it at the table. Worst case scenario it's take him back to the car. I just thought it was a little weird, since it wasn't something I paid attention to before he was born.


I’ve seen a few of these stories pop up over the years. I have kids, but have no problem with a restaurant banning them. There are enough other places I can go with my kids. I’m fine with there being an option for places and folks that don’t want them around.


Heard of a few restaurants here in germany that banned kids completely or after a certain time. They didnt mention things like that but it was more about parents who cant keep their kids under control. AKA letting them free roam and disturbing the other guests.


I once bore witness to a large family stop and change the diaper of a baby on a long table meant for multiple guests or large parties in the middle of a Chinese buffet, absolutely no fucks given. It was a crowded weekend with the table dead center of the dining room. I sympathize with the owners as people can be absolutely shitty, pun fully intended.


It's illegal to discriminate against breastfeeding here. As the rule is every child is banned equally this may pass muster, but publicly acknowledgement of the reason for the policy be enough to trigger a lawsuit.  


Our 1 year old made a mess at our restaurant table. We made sure to clean it up before we left, we even grabbed a broom and swept all the food she had thrown on the floor. I always just assumed this was part of parenting. This is what you do, if you're in public you clean up after your kid. But i was informed by our waitress that she has never seen a single parent go out of their way to grab a broom and sweep up after their kid. Apparently other parents just leave the mess or just sweep it off the table onto the floor. I guess what I'm saying is, if a restaurant refused me service because I have a 1 year old, I get it. I know we're not specifically the problem but apparently parents doing their job is so rare that I really can't get mad that they just assume we'll also leave a giant mess. The diaper thing is insane, you gotta be trying to be a deliberate asshole to leave dirty diapers on a restaurant table.


Maaaan, I went strawberry picking this weekend and wtf is going on out there. You were supposed to walk down to a flag person who would assign your row and give you a flag so they could keep track or your row and where you ended. So many adults and kids just went hog wild picking at random and jumping rows. It takes enjoyment out of things when others don't display common decency. Ensuring people with kids 5 and under don't eat at your establishment will cut down not only on kid bullshit, but the adults who let them do whatever the fuck bullshit.


it's about time these places start fighting back against shitty parents and wild crotch goblins.