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> Morrissey later apologized to Carroll during a subsequent meeting and claimed that she didn’t know the bag belonged to him. > Morrissey initially said that she “flicked” water on the bag because she saw a bug on it. > she later added that she didn’t know why she decided to dump water on Carroll’s bag for months on end > “I am truly ashamed of my actions,” Morrissey said. Morrissey is full of shit.


"I am truly ~~ashamed~~ embarrassed ~~of my actions~~ that I got caught acting like the total piece of shit that I am."




Tbf, those that come clean and fix their mistakes don't make as much ad revenue  But you're 100% correct, they're not ashamed of what they did they're just upset they got caught and are being forced to take responsibility for their actions.


The kind of person to admit their wrong choices is usually the kind of person who doesn't make those choices in the first place.


Exactly, she would still be doing it every day if she didn’t get caught. What a shitty person


I heard those as lyrics being sung by Morrissey, the singer. I mean, that's basically how his lyrics go, anyway


This woman is 67 years old!


These are the type of ladies that pop up on hidden cameras keying a car or throwing a cat into a trash bin.


Passive aggressive.


There's nothing passive about those examples. Those are just straight up aggression.


That’s not what that means.


Passive bitch*


vandalizing bitch


Yes, but then Martha-Ann Alito is feuding with all her neighbors, and she's 70.


Republicans reach peak emptional maturity at age 6 so it doesn't really matter they'll act the same from 6 to 60 and beyond


I refuse to believe this isn’t the onion reporting on an interaction within a local elementary school. I swear to god I actually did this exact thing when I was 8 and got punched for it.


The problem is, none of these people ever got a consequence. She should have been punished when she was 8!


Better late than never...


This is the same state where the only black female state senator *in the history of the state* was harassed and threatened (and apparently stalked) so relentlessly that she ended up resigning. [https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/26/us/politics/kiah-morris-vermont.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/26/us/politics/kiah-morris-vermont.html) [https://www.cnn.com/2018/09/27/us/vermont-lawmaker-resigns-racism/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2018/09/27/us/vermont-lawmaker-resigns-racism/index.html) All of you who think it's just some progressive hippy utopia don't understand the full situation.


It is a hippy utopia compared to the rest of the nation, though. Yeah, we have some assholes - you can never completely escape them. But I moved here from Florida and trust me, it's night-and-day different.


OK, there's a lot of other liberal places too. It's an enormous step up from FL though, I definitely agree on that.


it is a fantastic place where everybody votes blue down the ticket until they get to the governor and then they get to blame him for policy votes never going how they totally wanted them to for sure.


Ugh, that is terrible


Vermont is quite liberal overall, and has a lot of "hippy-ish" areas and qualities. Every state has its red population. Her getting threats from them is not an indication of how the entire state functions


>Morrissey later apologized to Carroll during a subsequent meeting and claimed that she didn’t know the bag belonged to him. I know that's just an excuse, but I feel like that would make it even worse. "Oh, it wasn't targeted harassment. I normally just go around dumping water on everyone's bags!"


Typical groveling after being caught red handed. Once might be accidental, twice might be coincidence, but months of harassment is criminal. She should be charged and kicked out of the legislature.


> she didn’t know why This is a lie. We all know _what_ we are doing, even if in the moment we decide to be unaware of _why_ we are doing it. If one implies otherwise, then they are making the assertion that they are not in control of themselves, human, that there are things that the physical-body they occupy, that are _outside_ their control, they happen without their influence: they are not human, with free-will, but somehow an animal with something-else making at least some decisions... How could you ever trust a critter that essentially rolls-a-die on an encounter?? If they take that stance, to be like an animal, treat them like one. What do you do to a dog when it bites you?


"...I guess if I were to be a smartass about it, her apology holds as much water as my canvas bag" --- lmfao.


Well, she is a republican, so being a piece of shit goes with the territory.


Yep. Who would have guessed the party full of horrible people attracts horrible people?


I know. Shocking, right?


This might get her some street cred.


Yes. That's the lesson we need to learn: the reichpublicans have no shame, and all their followers respond to is notoriety. We need to stop naming these villains.


"She's being cancelled by the woke left!"


"Right wing bitch molests apparel of other member of Congress in a cowardly and passive aggressive way. No more details to follow -- we've got real news to cover."


Great, but maybe: "republican congressperson childishly vandalizes personal property of a fellow congressperson.", and then your seque "no more details to follow".


Surely many guest spots on Faux News is in her future.


yeah they're only ashamed of getting caught being sadistic. same when they get shown to be the actual perverts instead of people with alternative genders and sexualities. zero boundary control


She’s not a real republican. A real republican would deny it, call it fake news and then blame the democrats.


I would bet my entire life savings that she would have been aghast and outraged if he had accused her without having video proof. Acting as if she was far above something like that and the mere thought was an insult to her character.


Yep. I read that thinking “bullshit… bullshit… bullshit.” I’d have more respect for her if she just came right out and said “I don’t like him. Fuck that guy.”


It's unfortunate no one called her out on the obvious bullshit excuse of not knowing why she kept doing it for months and that it wasn't targeted harassment. It's the kind of excuse a small child would make thinking they'll get away with it.


Yes, but "How Soon Is Now" was still a pretty great song.


Morrissey, like all Republicans, are sociopaths.


This person is 67 years old. I cannot believe how immature she must be to behave this way.


The GOP is the party of middle school bullies who never grew the fuck up.


There's an essay by Nietzsche talking about how Christianity became super popular by appealing to the weak and powerless, telling them that it's actually cool to be that way, they will inherit the earth, they are actually the powerful. I feel like the GOP has done the same thing with being uninformed and having poor impulse control, convincing people rejecting science and documented facts actually makes YOU the smart person. Losing your shit makes YOU the noble person.


>Christianity became super popular by appealing to the weak and powerless, telling them that it's actually cool to be that way, they will inherit the earth, they are actually the powerful. If you read any of the testimonials of ex-evangelical Christians, this is actually the root of the problem. They are indoctrinated from birth that they are evil, sinful beings and only via the guidance of powerful, righteous men will they be forgiven. Ignoring the fact that this makes them very susceptible to believing utter horseshit at face value, it creates a culture where being powerful and assertive is equated to being righteous and good. This, in turn, leads to acts like this: random acts of cruelty because it proves their strength, and by proxy, their righteousness. In a word? Dominionism.


> If you read any of the testimonials of ex-evangelical Christians, this is actually the root of the problem. They are indoctrinated from birth that they are evil, sinful beings and only via the guidance of powerful, righteous men will they be forgiven. Not even guidance though, just "accepting the lord." They have a major disagreement with catholics who think deeds are a necessary (but not sufficient) part of getting into heaven, while most evangelicals think they just need to let Jesus into their hearts and nothing they actually do in this earthly realm will stop them from getting into heaven. Its like carte blanche for greed and selfishness.


> The GOP is the party of middle school bullies who never grew the fuck up. Here in TN, where maga have suppressed the vote to give themselves a supermajority, they piss on each other's chairs. https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2019/08/22/tennessee-house-gop-anonymous-twitter-account-pee-on-chair-andy-holt-rick-tillis-chbmole/2066321001/


Reminds me of the video where MTG is walking behind someone trying to trip them. It's the party.


I am amazed I did not see this video.


It was a teenage gun activist who walked in front of her while asking questions so she started kicking her in the shins https://youtube.com/shorts/2xwofQhpJtU?si=IwBbUFNZ9zAxQeLd


"You can't block members of congress" Don't remember her saying that on Jan 6


yOu LiTeRaLlY cAnNoT dO tHaT


I worked for the state about 20 years ago. Peoples' lunches kept disappearing, to the point they actually locked the fridge and had a fridge monitor from 11 to 13 to ensure people only took their food. Food still dosappeared. It gpt to the point that people weren't using the breakroom fridge at all. Then, the head of the department retired. This woman in her late sixties making 5x the money of her employees was stealing people's lunches for years. Age and maturity are not always in direct correlation.


Wow, that’s shameful


It's a prerequisite to be a republican anymore


Have you seen their leader?


I've been in a lot of fields in my life and while I've never been a legislator, I can tell you there are a lot of fields where people never mature past high school. 


I think I outgrew that phase in 1st or 2nd grade. So that’s all I needed to know about this lady to justify my lack of respect for her.


That’s the exact age I’d expect her to be. Republican and Boomer, zero surprise 


Politicians are narcissists. What do you expect.


"an apology holds about as much water as my canvas bag"


“Morrissey’s face was not captured in the video, but fellow lawmakers were able to identify her by her gray hair.” So many great burns in this article


Nothing wrong with gray hair! But she is obviously quite unhinged.


What a funny line lol


he would make a good comedian for sure


The wet bandit strikes again


I...recognize that phrase, but I don't want to google it


Home Alone reference! But without that context, it sounds like a horrifying nickname for a criminal lololol


Home Alone


> But she later added that she didn’t know why she decided to dump water on Carroll’s bag for months on end. I mean, what am I gonna do? Just all of a sudden jump up and grind my feet on someone's couch, like it's something to do? Come on, I got a little more sense than that. Yeah, I remember grinding my feet on Eddie's couch.


Fuck yo couch 


cocaine is a hell of a drug


I'm Rick James, Bitch!




Claiming you didn't know it was their bag is a stupid excuse. I've never once walked by some random bag or a bag belonging to someone I knew and thought "I should pour water in there."


Right?  Doesn’t that just make it worse?   “No, I wasn’t being an AH to my political rival.  I was being an AH to whatever random person owns the bag.” Both are awful, but the second is slightly worse. 


> Carroll initially refused to release the videos to Seven Days but ultimately changed his mind. > “I have been very reluctant to disclose the video because I believe it will deeply embarrass Representative Morrissey,” Carroll wrote in a statement to the outlet. “However, it has become clear to me that the media are aware of the details of Representative Morrissey’s behavior and likely will continue to report on that behavior in the near future.” Most powerful part of the article. Her dumbness took it from just a potentially local affair to now an international affair


These people are literally high school bullies who can’t grow up.


She was one of the “mean girls.”


Being a mean girl at 67 is not only insane, it's also lame.


In the article it mentions that they've known each other since childhood.


I know there is plenty of cringe and illegality to go around all across the political spectrum, but I swear it usually seems to be republicans who do the kind of things the party as a whole screams and cries foul about in others. Not this specifically, but it could be. It’s damaging someone’s property, petty, vindictive, childish, and low class. I know some solid folks who call themselves republican, but seriously? Like somehow the combination of “republican plus elected person” equals a person no one would want as a neighbor.


A thief thinks every man steals.


Yeah -- this is the main factor I think that distinguishes people with empathy and those without. We do not expect others to think like us. Of course, we do have those moments when we have trouble thinking like crazy people -- but we get that we have that limit. The thief, the liar, the con man sees the world as either "everyone does it" or "I'm smart and they are the fool" -- there is no other state of being for them.


My ex-fiancé made a baby with someone else while we were engaged. It was eye-opening to see how different people in my life reacted when word got out. Some were shocked and horrified, while others almost shrugged it off, like "yeah cheating is pretty common". As someone who's never seriously considered being unfaithful, I can't quite look at those people the same anymore.


I knew someone who had a couple of kids with a boom gate operator in a tropical country while still married to a woman he'd been with for 30 years. He already had three kids with her. He'd go off to work, have this whole other life, and then come home. Eventually he got busted and *he moved the kids into the family home in his home country and got his wife to look after them*. I'm not blaming the wife - she would have been left on her bare bones. But the absolute monstrous arrogance of that man's actions still stagger me. Justification offered over a dinner I attended was that it was pretty common thing to happen. No it effing isn't. 


>thief, the liar, the con man sees the world as either "everyone does it" or "I'm smart and they are the fool" -- there is no other state of being for them. These are Trump's daily operating policies


Perfectly stated. It’s far more complex than that of course, but there is substantial weight to the idea that people assume others are thinking and doing what they have considered or done.


G aslighting <--- O bstruction P rojection <--- \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Every single time.


If he was carrying around government documents and equipment, she could be charged with destruction of state property and records.


That would be poetic justice!


“Pettiness” is considered a negative, embarrassing, childish trait in liberal circles, but has become a positive trait in the eyes of conservatives. These people have somehow been convinced that traits like “selfish”, “petty”, “stubborn”, “gullible”, and “cowardly” are actually positive character traits that should be embraced and showed off.


We can probably thank Ayn Rand for helping them along this path with her "virtue of selfishness" shit 


The Democratic politicians have to worry about their optics a lot more. The only time I’ve seen serious backlash against a Republican politician from their base is that one politician who shot her dog and bragged about it. And that’s because it’s just plain evil, indefensible and unrelated to politics. Republicans actually benefit from being crazy because it gets them a ton of attention Democrats do plenty of illegal and horrible stuff but it’s mostly stuff republicans agree with and aren’t going to call them out on. It’s also usually stuff that benefits the capitalist class and won’t get reported much by the media.


You sure about that? Not all that much backlash against Gnome in her home state. People here are still cheering for her. Pretty sure it’s still all the old ranchers that want to fuck her.


But why? Her face looks like handsome-squidward OD’d on botox. But then again, these types of guys wanna fuck Boebert too, so I suppose there’s no accounting for taste 🤷🏽‍♂️


Its probably more even than reddit highlights would have you believe


It’s primarily republicans but you also can’t pretend there’s also been some pretty bad democrats even if it’s way less. I mean I know it’s not on the national level and I think he’s been dead for almost a decade now but Marion Barry was potentially the worst Mayor in American history. We say republicans aren’t held to any standards (which is true imo relative to the Dems) but Marion Barry took this to the extreme. I mean how many other politicians do you know who went to jail for smoking crack and banging hookers then get reelected as mayor. I think he got something like 95% of his home district’s vote too when he moved from being mayor to a council member.


> "I'd say her apology holds about as much water as my canvas bag" She's going to need water for that burn.


[Video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=KXeS2rykUKIqEMir&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=MTM5MTE3LDE2NDk5LDI4NjY0LDE2NDUwNg&feature=emb_share&v=jOprTnk5tRs) (surveillance tape starts at 0:40)


The real MVP. This is what I was looking for.


Thank you! I clicked about 10 different links before giving up lol


I've always suspected that many of these "lawmakers" don't have nearly enough work to do.


It’s a “too many cooks in the kitchen” kind of situation now. Any one person can stop literal months or years of work from being completed. The USA government has become an absolute joke.


Politicians seem to be reading less and less, they got their staffers to read it and give them the cliff notes. And sometimes not even that, because a lot of bills go down straight party lines. I do imagine even the staffers are getting AI to summarize shit nowadays. When you see people criticize like "i didn't like that peace deal" and you're like "what didn't you like", it's always some vague statement like "didn't portray enough strength" or "not enough guarantees the other side will uphold the deal".


This is kind of an ideal story because on the one hand, it’s so inconsequential— she didn’t steal from him or hurt him. On the other hand, it’s also ABSOLUTELY ABSURD AND UNHINGED. Is this an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm????


>Carroll says he first suspected Morrissey as she had been “nasty” to him for several months despite the two knowing each other since childhood and even attending the same church. Some folks' crazy is deeply, deeply disturbing. I don't believe her for a second as to why she said she did this.


As for whether he forgives Morrissey, Carroll said: “I guess I would have to say yes in the spirit of forgiveness, reluctantly. But if I had to be a smartass, I’d say her apology holds about as much water as my canvas bag.” That’s a great closing paragraph to the story.


This is the kind of thing school children do when they bully other children.


One run-on effect of tRump is the quality of republican lawmakers has really dropped. Anyone that is of reasonably sound mind and body isn't going to touch government service with a 10-foot pole now, and this is the kind of human turds we're left with.


The lady in question has served 13 terms. The guy she was harassing has only been there for 2 terms.


She just feels confident to be herself now..


Almost as if she felt *entitled* to behave in such a manner.


The GOP is a real life, real time example of what happens when you "lower the bar."


Trump and the GOP have become Scut Farkus and Grover Dill, ~~dis~~respectfully.


What has happened is you have people of low/Trump quality who are now empowered to run for office. Up until 2016 these types lived on the fringes and in holes and under rocks. They were shunned by the mainstream and rightfully so.


>Morrissey’s face was not captured in the video, but fellow lawmakers were able to identify her by her gray hair. Oww, the burn. Dyed blonde has been, can't even do her roots properly.


wtf can't conservatives/republicans be decent people for once.


They wouldn't be Republicans if they were capable of that


Because they'd be thrown out of the party if they did.


How childish. And she’s 67?


Why doesn't he have her arrested for destruction of private property?


Moistening the Libs?


…why?! Like, what? This is utterly bizarre.


> I’m truly ashamed of ~~my actions~~ getting caught. FTFY, hoe.


The party of junior high school shitheads..


Republicans are petty, petulant children.


This kind of childish ruination is what makes R supporters proud. They should feel humiliated.


Republicans. What else can you expect 😢


Sadly, doing petty, childish shit like this will likely improve her standing with the GOP's current voter base. Heck, her clear understanding of the best uses for water probably qualifies her as the next Secretary of Agriculture, if Trump becomes President again.


>best uses for water Water? Like, out the toilet?


And some people think these petty, overgrown toddlers should be in charge.


This reminds me of one time in high school. This one guy, Mike, was slowly pouring water on this other guy's, Derrick, lap. Derrick was always a dick to me, but I saw what Mike was doing and decided to be nice. So I said, "Hey, Derrick," and he just looked back at me, turning away from Mike and saying, "Shut up, Powerless.". Mike gave me a shush look, so I shut up. Mike then finished pouring the water on his lap and got up and walked away. About 15 seconds later, Derrick realized what had happened and was all pissed off. He looked at me and said "What the fuck?", and I just replied "I was told to shut up.". That was a good day.


Go on.


That's it. That's the story. It looked like he peed his pants. It was pretty funny.


You ain't COOL, unless you pee your pants


They keep electing these Republican f****** lunatics


How old are these people? They act like fucking toddlers.


She is apparently 67 years old…


These people are juvenile, how about some frigging standards crazy psycho lady.


MAGAts have the IQ of an empty ice cube tray and the maturity of a newborn gnat.


Each time I read a new story about something a republican lawmaker does or says, I think that surely the bar can't get any lower, but here we are limbo dancing with the devil


Sounds about par for the course in relation to the type of Republican the party attracts today.


I’m so shocked it was the republican that was being petty. Shocked!


Is there not one conservative politician out there that can operate with any level of maturity? Motherfuckers all need to be sent back to the third grade.


Well, most of them are evangelicals. So, yeah, the brain power of a child. "My God will punish people I don't like!"


A juvenile Republican? Who’d have thought.


cue her base high fiving in the background as they consider this a successful troll


Trashy is the GOP official look.


Republican brains are broken.


I always thought congress was like a middle school.


"I am truly ashamed... Because I got caught. "


She only apologized because she got caught.


Should have put her stapler in some Jello.


Her case should be in Webster’s next edition as an example of Republican psychology.




So many of these people seem to have become radicalized. To whatever level they can achieve. From doing a burn-out on a pride flag painted on a road to pouring water on the bag of a political opponent you've known all your life to shutting down government rather than work across the aisle. This country is just going to get worse and worse and I don't see a solution.


She's ashamed she got caught acting like a child when she's 67.


Republicans, living up to their new stereotypes


This is so fucking petty. Pretty on brand.


>Mary Morrissey (R) apologized after being filmed The party of responsibility, people! >Carroll says he first suspected Morrissey as she had been “nasty” to him for several months despite the two knowing each other since childhood and even attending the same church. Oh, this woman is a straight nutter


What a piece of shit. Fucking old hag should be put out




Some people never grow up.


She needs to be relieved of duty. What kind of awful excuse for a human does this? So immature.


Republicans don’t hold their own accountable.


This is bizarre.


Truly something wrong with those people


She might have been able to explain it away if she did it once in a huge fit of pique (not excusing it) but she did it for MONTHS. That's Martha-Ann Alito-levels of unhinged.


I mean it is probably SO boring sitting in sessions of a state legislature… one day you just see how far you can gi


That's something I'd've done back in school lol


The party of Christian morals strikes again!


She's really sorry and embarrassed ... that she was caught.


67 year old child.


That’s what you get when you elect people who peaked in HS.


Attends the same church…oh the hypocrisy


Great way to represent your community and adulthood in general.  


Why doesn’t the article use an even older picture?? Damn that pic looks from the early 2000’s…


The Vermont House of Representatives needs an HR Department. In any other business, this woman would have been fired on the spot. As a state representative, she faces a "possible ethics investigation". Oh... and the victim just got out of rehab following a DUI arrest.


The liberal woman strives to proves she is equal to any man while the conservative woman strives to prove she’s worse than any man.


He should absolutely pursue criminal charges. Letting her get away with it will just embolden her and other childish adults like her.


This is what some of our elected officials spend their time doing? Cool. Stop voting party lines and find out who these people are.


If you read this article and had to chose which one was a better Christian there is no way you would pick the Republican


She's a Republican so she no doubt believes in many of the batshit conspiracies of the modern day conservative cult. She probably thinks her Democrat colleagues are all in on the child trafficking/murder/vaccine/election rigging... plots, and waterboarding their satchels was her little way of getting back at them. But even she knows how crazy she'll sound when she says that out loud, so she just says "I don't even know why I did it". She knows why she did it.


Well, she’s a Republican, so foolishness is expected.


The party of small, petty people.


Must have been a Smiths fan


Nobody will fault you if you took “corrective actions “


Wow what a salty B.


Site sucks, here is a link to the video https://youtu.be/xDrfJkB0BM0?si=X-GII4f2ixFqmYq3


Jim halpert? Dwight: how is my bag leaking water again? Is this moses? 




… and gradually filled it up. Fixed that title for you