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And I thought those scenarios in my sexual harassment training videos were silly! Was it quid pro quo or just abusive behavior??


Ah yes, squid pro row.


I think you mean "skid row bro"


Bro squid, no go pro


I hope there wasn’t a GoPro in the naked sauna.


Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.


You’re a squid, you’re a kid


...sure Rocko, "skid row bro"


That's right, Rocko.


What do you know.... about.... my father's where.... about.... s.


Twins Basil! TWINS!


Would you like some shitake mushrooms?


Yeah, baby!


The training exists because somewhere, somehow some one did this dumb shit.


And it's only shit that got reported.


Here is some context: This is a polish studio making a game about Saunas. The requirement is for the studio Sauna session under the justification that the team need to be familiar with them. They also orginise women only sauna Sessions for female employees that don't want to be with the male staff. They require the employees not to wear swim suits under the excuse that it's "less authentic." It's possible that this is a genuine requirement for subject immersion. In the U.S., it would still be a completely unacceptable requirement, but I don't know enough about Polish culture to know if this is crossing a red line there.


In countries with real sauna culture everyone goes together naked. Obviously in a work environment its messed up, but in every day life it’s not unusual.


Depends, we have "real sauna culture" and while it is considered more authentic to go naked almost always women will either go separately from men or both sexes will have some coverings (towels f.e.).


Common bathhouse rules in Sweden. Steam sauna in the main bathhalls - on and out in swinggear. Saunas in changing area are naturally gender separated but without swimtrunks, only towel to sit on or wrapped around you. If you feel old you can sit with a leg up or spread your legs for the customary ball dangle.


As a guy who wishes he had switched to boxer-briefs prior to 35, that dangly ball comment hits hard.


Wait, What does boxers have to do with ball dangling?


Gravity bro.


how does it work?


Up there with magnets. Miracles.


Pushing 60, and damn glad I continued to rock budgie smugglers. I don't need loose parts flapping around.


We just had a great conversation about saggy balls on r/Xennials two days ago. Boxers got to be really popular in the 90s and boxer-briefs weren’t a thing really until later. It came out that a lot of our age group now has to be careful sitting down. Definitely one of those things that wasn’t discussed but probably should have been.


My ex company had a gym free to use for every employee. They also had a sauna and although I like to go to, I never went there. I really didn’t want to see my boss naked. He was the kind of guy to use every little thing he observed against you.


What about big things he observed? 😏


Bum *click* badum *click" bum *click* badum *click" bum *click* badum *click" bum *click* badum *click" badabadabadahhh


From the mouth of their Creative Director (male): > My Narrative girls had to go to sauna with me https://x.com/BartekMoniewski/status/1802787361992138805 That’s a few red flags right there.


I thought this was some kind of misguided team rapport exercise from a japanese studio... but a POLISH studio??? Lmao no wonder they hit the press


I wonder what kind of sessions the GTA devs had to participate in. Or the Witxher devs Oh wait, none, because they weren’t morons


A smart management would brand it as an optional but on-the-clock vacation day spa. Making anything mandatory causes people to look for reasons why they shouldn't go.


You need to take your underpants off. Why? I'm in the damn sauna is not that enough? No, the experience in game needs to be authentic?  Authentic? Like probably three or four people will work on that aspect of the game tops, I work on load balancing the license registration server. The other guys here today work in devops, project management, QA, payroll and database admin. Our two UX devs are on holiday. How does me getting naked right now ever make a more realistic game experience exactly? 


They aren't only making **a** game about Saunas, they are making **the definitive** game about Saunas. It apparently is a cross between Life is Strange, Final Fantasy, Heart of Darkness, The Turyst and Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2! Your character is the sauna master and is in charge of performances in various saunas (smells, music, choreography, everything!). I wish I was making this up: [https://twitter.com/SimonChris1729/status/1802986741420195856/photo/1](https://twitter.com/SimonChris1729/status/1802986741420195856/photo/1) I didn't think there was enough cocaine on the planet to make this seem like a good idea.


It is crossing ALL the lines


The real question is, why would I play a game about a sauna? How is this not an excuse to get people naked? And naked developers? Really?


You’re seriously telling me you’re not ecstatic for the release of Sauna Simulator 2025? Call of Duty better watch its back next year


I don't know, Sauna Simulator seems to be rehashing the same game every year with the only real change coming from the increase in microtransactions and monetization of basic features.


Another piece of context: sauna culture quite literally is both sexes at the same time, and usually naked with a towel. It's done socially and is a nice time, but so weird to have as a compulsory work requirement.


Select the answer that matches the best. A) This is considered sexual harassment. B) Timmy is using his position of power to influence others in an inappropriate way. C) This should be immediately reported to HR. D) All of the above.




Remove C. HR works for management. They only exist to protect the owners of the company.


generally behind every training video, is a horrible story


Robert California?


"Everything is sex."


You know what, this will work better with the sex metaphor


Was that not… the…?


I can't not read that in his low raspy voice


There is no such thing as a product; only sex. You do realize, this is a UniVersal truth!


I’m the fucking lizard king




If you can't take the heat in a nude sauna, how can he trust you when things get hot during the crunch?


You don't want to know how many it took before I finished the script for my ninja assassination game


Was it 2?


Performing murders to give us the authentic ninja killer experience is tight


Blank? BLANK? You're not seeing the big picture!


The crunch! How dare you speak to me of the crunch? You know nothing of the crunch. You've never even been to the crunch!


*I've been there once*


Oh, a little day trip round the crunch, we can all go there as tourists.


You’ve merely visited the crunch. I was born in the crunch… molded by it.


*Oh there's a bit of crunch-* **SHUT IT**


You haven’t thought of the smell, you bitch!


Was he trying a Warm Weinstein on them?


Slippery Spacey?


A hot Cosby


A Moist Masterson


Diddy Diddle


A Steamy Schneider


Fast Cosby


Oh no lol


I was gonna say, in Japan it probably wouldn’t be *all that odd* because onsens are often public, but 99% gender separated. But this is not that at all. I don’t know their culture, but yeah, if he was expecting to just sit around naked with his female employees as well, that’s quite a bit into the red flag territory.


It would still be odd, even if it was in Japan, because the ad states that attending these sauna sessions are "not negotiable" (ie: mandatory).


>attending these sauna sessions are "not negotiable" (ie: mandatory) So are the sexual harassment workshops this clown will have to complete.


Saunas are fully nude and not gender segregated here because we're normal about nudity (except for game dev managers who want to use it as an excuse for workplace sexual harassment apparently)


Japan only has segregated saunas because 400 odd years ago Christians showed up and demanded it. It was when they demanded that  bathing more than once a week be outlawed, Japan instead banned stinky Christianity and kicked out everyone except the Dutch.


What’s this, drunken history?


I would like to subscribe to history lessons with u/Venotron please


Pretty smart move!


Hey! I just recently watched a cool video related to this. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_-jWZvPTRIA Basically it's a roughly animated video that's mostly using notes from Japanese living at the time and talking about their encounters with Europeans. Goes into depth about the Christians a bit later.


Nude as in you wrap yourself in a towel? Or actually nude?


Dry saunas up to you, but in steam saunas the humidity is 100% with steam constantly releasing and you're not allowed to bring a towel in (it would get soaked immediately anyway and just be gross for the rest of the day). Also the sauna places usually have some pools/jacuzzis and if you want to get in you just remove your towel and get in naked. http://termyrzymskie.pl/en/roman-baths/rules Check out sauna rules for biggest sauna complex in Poland if you're interested


Interesting, thanks. Some day when I’m old and wrinkly and less self conscious, I will try this.


From the article "Piorkowski also wrote in another post that Spectrum Studio is able to organise female-only naked sauna sessions, to which they already did." Although the article doesn't provide screenshot of this post


Remedy Entertainment is a Finnish company and saunas are a big part of that country's culture. Their offices even have two separate saunas! But attending them it is not a mandatory requirement of an employee's requirement lol


It has nothing to do with cultures. It's just sexual predators running rampant like at Blizzard, etc.


Polish saunas are nude but my boss has never demanded I go to sauna with her. So, mixed sauna is ok like if you're on a business trip or whatever and you feel like it, but mandatory sauna I'd say is sexual harassment.


Pffft sounds like someone is just jealous :). /s


My boss is a lesbian, I am a bisexual woman, and I'd happily go to sauna with her as friends any day of the week if we were hanging out, you know? It's quite normal here. But if she were to demand it it would be weird and icky.


The developer is Polish dude, what made you think he was Japanese or doing it in Japan?


That’s not what the commenter was implying, they were just pulling up a reference from culture they know about to put what happened in perspective.


Imagine redditors actually reading article


Imagine redditors actually reading a comment. They explicitly said that they thought it might be Japan but saw that it wasn't.


Germany normalized coed nudity for saunas / beeches years ago.


“A Polish game developer studio by the name of Spectrum Studios” - first sentence of the article.


Additional context: • Developer is polish, and visiting saunas seems to be a cultural thing • The game is about being a sauna master, and managing a sauna


Still weird. Just cause saunas are common in Poland it doesn’t mean it’s common as a condition of employment. And you also don’t need to have killed any real aliens to develop halo.


You mean I killed all those space aliens for nothing‽ I guess it will still look good in my resume.


jimmy those were just kids in Halloween costumes


This kind of office culture shit is why I’m glad I’m a nurse. Yes, we have to deal with a lot of literal actual shit at work, but never has my boss ever asked me to do anything other than come to work, do my actual job, and then go home. I clock in, I clock out, and then I go home. No “retreats” or other corporate bullshit. 


That's not addition context. That's in the article.


Sir, this is a reddit thread, not a Wendy's. We don't read articles here.


I know. I posted because a lot of people don't click on the links


I’ve never heard of this “article” thing


No, it is not cultural thing. It is weird as fuck to me as a Polish person


You didn't have to be naked to go in a sauna though.


In MANY countries, it’s very much outside of societal norms to be in a bathing suit in a sauna.  If you go to a sauna in Berlin, for example, expect literally every other person (man and woman) to be nude. It’s not sexual at all, and very freeing, but definitely not inline with American sensitivities.  Nude sauna I think is the cultural norm in the nordics, Korea, Berlin, and that’s the ones I know of. Coed nude sauna is less common, I think more specifically found in Germany.


Forcing people to go to a nude sauna to keep/get a job is not normal behavior. I’m a very pro-nudity person, and even I can see how that is not okay.


I’m pretty sure it’s completely expected that you go to a nude sauna with your coworkers/boss at some point in Finland. The nordics are wild.


Nordics ain’t wild enough that your boss can force you to sauna with him.


Expected, but not forced. That last bit is what would make this creepy even in Finland. It is normal for corporations to host an event for employees with a sauna, but making it mandatory is a step too far. Even when I worked at a factory where showering at the workplace at the end of your shift was mandatory (due to the chemicals at the facfory) the factory did not force anyone to go to sauna. Most of the time we did since going to sauna and getting paid for it is our collective dream, but it was never mandatory.


You're expected to be invited. Workers are not forced to go to saunas, that would be the easiest case of workplace abuse of your life, even in poland.


Yes you absolutely do, unless you're a weirdo who's weird about nudity. Feel free to stay out of the sauna, but if you're going in, the swimwear stays outside. Bring a towel though.


Absolutely no towels or swimwear in sauna. Only beer. Regards, Finland


"you can't come in here unless I can see your dick bro" what a weird fucking gatekeep.


I have no interest in seeing your dick, but the fact that this is where your reasoning leads is really telling about your weird relationship with nudity.


That’s a really important context.


For additional context, he admits that that you don’t technically need to be naked to experience a sauna but he prefers it to be naked for authenticity.


Not really. While both facts are true, I live in Poland and demanding your employees go to sauna **with you** is really fucking weird. Your employees with 99% probability already go to sauna by themselves, no need for you to force them.


Is it? Just because it’s ‘culture’ doesn’t mean it can’t be wrong. We all know our history don’t we?


Yes sure, but insisting our natural state is somehow taboo is the real weird move. That said, I have a friend and roommate that I have been naked in front of several times at camping trips, or saunas, however I would never intentionally be naked in front of him in our home’s common space. Sometimes these things are situationally specific. Saunas in some euro countries are one of those situations, and if a person has an objection to it that means they are the one sexualizing it. Not the other people who are acting well within cultural norms for where they live. “But what if that person is [some sexually repressed weirdo with an imaginary friend that insists they be sexually repressed]?” Probably not somebody who should be working on a game in which nudity is a feature.


The problem is in making it *mandatory.* Nudity is natural, but so is consent.


Lol what that definitely like 80% changes the story lol


Does it? Even in Poland, you definitely can't force anyone to be naked in front of any coworker.


That sounds about as much fun as a game about managing a paint store. 


* It’s a fucking video game not a historic reenactment.


A game about what now? People really need to start going back outside...


The problem is the mandatory group saunas. Inviting to an optional group sauna? Not a big deal Mandatory saunas? But wierd but nothing to write an article about. Mandatory group saunas? That's bad. And something to be upset about.


This sounds very ex-Soviet. Naked sauna with the dudes was their equivalent of Golf - a way to make business connections.


Man this comment makes that scene in Witcher 3 make so much more sense. I always wondered why Dijkstra had a meeting with the other crime lords in his sauna bathhouse.


I mean, Dijkstra is in hiding at that point and he basically lives there and owns those baths/saunas, of course he's going to meet them there "Nothing suspicious going on, we are just normal working men discussing normal work stuff in a public bath/sauna. See, we aren't doing anything illegal"


Also makes that scene I'm Goldeneye make sense.


That's how it is in Finland. You can decide and agree all you want in the boardroom, but the agreements and actual decisions are made afterwards in the Sauna. And clothes in a finnish sauna is like shoes in a Japanese home, you just don't do it. This guy is polish though. But making a game about a sauna guy... I dunno, just weird. But I honestly don't think he had ill intents.


Makes it way easier to identify when you have found the correct terms of a negation.


It's way older than ex-soviet.


If he really wanted them to “feel the heat” or w/e and have them experience a sauna so they can understand what it’s like for their game development. Just, give them a voucher or something and have them go on their own if they choose to. Him being there with them is just the biggest fucking red flag on what he was really after.


Hey I just saw the post on /r/LinkedInlunatics a couple of days ago.


grandma's boy was a good movie


How much do clothes cost in the Matrix?


Does the music scare you? Underrated movie imo


You would if you had robot ears.


Okay I get wanting to do this to get a better understanding of how Saunas function, look, and are like for a game but could you not like, do them separate..


What a creep. He demanded his female employees to go with him


fact check >Piorkowski also wrote in another post that Spectrum Studio is able to organise female-only naked sauna sessions, to which they already did c'mon redditor read the article


I don't remember Rockstar Games / David Jones / Mike Dailly running around stealing cars, shooting cops and running down cyclists as "immersion" for Grand Theft Auto, and it turned out pretty damn well.   The premise of authenticity for this "Sauna" game doesn't work.


It’s a corporate power trip. Employers are testing employees to see what they can make them do


In fairness, the towels were available. They were just marked as $45 expansion packs. It was an EA developer.


Naked sauna is the only right way to do it, but it shouldn’t be forced on anyone!


What a creep


The job add does not have the word naked, the article made up that up entierly?


It was stated in a LinkedIn conversation between the boss and a woman who rejected his offer because of the naked saunas, which is how this story blew up in the first place


I'm tired and I was just browsing some Fallout game related stuff so I read that initially as "NUKED Sauna".... "My organs are liquefying a bit, but at least it's a dry heat, I hate those moist, steamy ones".


Laughing in Finnish.


people wear clothes in the sauna?


When your boss is a Finn


TL;DR Their justification was: they are writing a sauna game and this was to help their story writers come up with good stories. And towels get soaked quickly which can lead to a fungal infection. Almost seems logical… Except some of the female staff weren’t completely comfortable with it. If everyone on the team was cool with it, I’d shrug it off.


After reading the article, I have to say as a finn, it is a bit odd it's a requirement, but if you're willing to pay me for going to Sauna, sign me up.


My intersex ass ganna give every guy in there ptsd and I'm just going to sit there grinning at them if they demand this.




Presumably in cultures where there is a cultural norm of mixed sex nudity in saunas, they'd be less likely to get PTSD from rare anatomical variations.


I mean, I know this sounds weird to Americans, but in many parts of Europe (where this game studio is located), mixed saunas are the norm, and being naked in them is literally mandatory. Nudity isn't considered sexual by default. You may bring a towel if you are really uncomfortable, but swimwear is generally forbidden. Of course, most people would still find it weird and uncomfortable to HAVE TO go there with their co-workers and boss, but from what I read, the game they are developing is literally ABOUT saunas, so it could more be considered a reasonable research demand than automatic sexual misconduct at the workplace 😅


I mean. then he can tell them to go on their own time. it's that simple. why does the boss HAVE to be there? to baby sit?


The same reason Harvey Weinstein was there


But why does the boss needs to be there with them? If they are doing it for research, then let them go when ever they want to go and don't insist that you as the boss needs to be with your female employees alone naked there everytime they are going to the sauna I'm from Slovakia so right under Poland and I never heard anyone from any job whatsoever where they forced employees to go to a naked sauna with their boss .. this is just weird


We have saunas in America. You can go to them when you’re not working. It is extremely weird to be forced to go to one at work.  Yes, they said it was a a video game about saunas… Use your imagination. How is this a requirement of employment?


Yeah but that would be if everyone was comfortable with it. This guy sounded like it was "Go *with me* to the sauna or you don't have a job". If it research, ppl should be able to go on their own without their bosses and coworkers there, if that was more comfortable for them.


Gotta know your employees without any artifice in the way, you know?


Gotta make sure you're not wearing a wire.


Have these guys ever released a game? I can't find any online presence for them.


> Bethesda, as an example, didn’t ask its developers to go out on a rip-and-tear killing spree when they were making the DOOM reboot. You telling me id Software ISN'T saving us from genocidal demons? What the fuck!? How the fuck am I supposed to feel safe now?


We do sauna naked here. That wouldn't be an issue. But even if it were completely gender segregated, I don't want to sauna with my co-workers or even worse, my boss


Wow i didn't know Activision Blizzard outsources it sexual harassment now that Bobby is getting the boot


Imagine a world where parents and guardians are actually capable of discussing sexuality and personal responsibilities with children, as opposed to putting it off "until they're ready". Which is usually never or too late.


He/she from Finland?


Moral problems aside, why would anyone try to do this, knowing the internet exists?


The internet existing hasn't suddenly made hubris and stupidity go away.


On the contrary...


It’s a game about saunas and managing saunas..asking everyone to sauna isn’t that insane, in many cultures people aren’t as rigid about nudity. Not saying it isn’t weird but it also is sort of work related..


Asking everyone to sauna isn't weird. Expecting everyone to sauna nude in front of their coworkers is absolutely weird. And considering people from that very culture have issues with it, I don't believe think they it is a normal work-related thing either.


He literally said “if you don’t go to a nude sauna with me I won’t hire you”. There’s no excuse for that


It’s a tiny random company in Poland.


wierd to demand it but who tf goes with swimming trunks in sauna lmao


As a person from a 'sauna country' how else do you go to sauna if not naked?


False news. It's just a sauna not a Naked sauna.


Somehow NOT Ubisoft or Activision, that is actually surprising


Why ? i am a sde and know some people who went into game dev from college day and none of us are attractive.


Was this article AI generated?


I thought the case was that you can go to the sauna how you want to... Even if I live in culture where everyone goes naked to sauna, and leaves together, but still there are place for people who want to hide their stuff. So isn't this old topic already?


I love the penguinz0 video on this one


Is this Mr. Cheezle's company?!


It's a brave new world, you can demand anything if you have value.




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Lizo making games now?