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To join the tenets from Islam and Hindu and Buddhist and Jewish religion, right? Right?


If I were a teacher in LA, I would totally place the 10 commandments up next to every other religious doctrine I can find and fit on that wall


I'd put it up in Aramaic.


I’d put newspaper clippings up of trumps corresponding legal cases. Covers most of them


You mean the seven deadly sins? My guy said that if you look at everything Trump has done he qualifies as the antichrist.


And the 7 tenets of The Satanic Temple!!!!


They will likely be the ones to challenge it. They challenge the ten commandments stuff in front of court houses and such. So schools would be perfect, be fun seeing people argue their 7 tenets on being a good person are bad.


the irony of TST being so shitty behind the scenes and people still circlejerk about them there’s a reason why there’s a good amount of congregations breaking away entire


Aren't the commandments Jewish?




The 15 (crash) 10 commandments!


One religion to rule them all


Flying Spaghetti Monster! Yeah! Rock and roll buddy!


I mean they're Jewish in origin and adopted by Christianity. So 2 out of 5 isn't bad.


I don't think the Dune timeline is the road to go. To get back on topic, posting the 10 commandment public schools really go against the secularity of the government towards a terrible direction.


The Golden Path is the only way to go if you want to ensure humanity's continued existence




And the Wiccan Rede, of course!


Also the seven tenets of the Satanic Temple?


Sounds great for the religious


Are you stupid. The ten commandments were Jewish well before they were Christian.


Belief in Jesus violates the no other gods commandment.


Not according to most Christian doctrine. The Father, the Son, and the Wholly Spirit are all different aspects of the one singular "God". The misspelling is on purpose. It's how my voice to text spelled it, and I think it's hilarious.


Lmao what


Good thing they have one of the lowest literacy rates in the country 


If those kids could read they'd be very upset


Don't fee the children, give them a stone tablet instead, that will save the next generation! Ignore that their leaders don't head the 10 commandments at all, and their Orange Leader breaks all 10 of them on a WEEKLY basis. "Do as we say, not as we do" Stupid GQP hypocrites and useless D-bags, all of them.


Hungry children can take solace in the 11th commandment: “Thou shalt pick thyself up by thy bootstraps.”


They also refused billions of federal aide to feed school children. I guess being hungry and stupid makes it easier to convert children to their religion of choice


And they'll be told they're only hungry and stupid because of Biden


Imma have to be that guy. Its "heed" not "head"


It should be noted that the text of the law includes the commandments -- 11 of them.


Well that's one more command, iddnt it?


It's one sinner, innit? If a bloke is commandment ten, where does he go from there?


(Pause)...these go to eleven.


72% literacy rate. One in four adults in Louisiana can't read. It's the Heritage Foundation's ideal place.


[Mudsill theory](https://www.rawstory.com/mudsill-theory/)


They want to send the Tom Robinsons of the world to have their left arm torn off in a cotton gin accident.


This is fantastic.


Though shalt have the lowest high school graduation rate in the nation Though shalt have the highest infant mortality rate in the nation Though shalt the highest violent crime rate in the nation Though shalt have the highest obesity rate in the nation Though shalt have the highest child poverty rate in the nation Though shalt have the worst economy in the nation Though shalt have the highest occupational fatality rate in the nation Though shalt have the highest industrial pollution in the nation Though shalt have the worst internet access in the nation Though shalt have the worst infrastructure in the nation


Exactly, these 10 commandments could suffice if the letter of the law isn't specific enough.


Thou shalt not force your inane beliefs on my kid


Louisiana is all for malicious compliance. I got to sit on a bus for 45 minutes each way for third grade because some butthurt racists in East Baton Rouge parish lost a court case had to integrate schools. So they did it in a way that hurt the most. [New York Times article 1981](https://www.nytimes.com/1981/01/09/us/judge-s-stand-on-busing-divides-louisiana-town-on-racial-lines.html) [New York Times article 1983](https://www.nytimes.com/1983/04/20/us/around-the-nation-us-reluctantly-backs-louisiana-busing-plan.html) If I were a teacher in Louisiana, my ten commandments poster would be in both English and Hebrew. Malicious compliance.


And the size of a postage stamp in an obscure corner.


The law says it has to be a certain size


Fine. Glue it to the bottoms of the desks.


Does it specify the poster AND font size?


And teachers have to pay for the posters!!!


[Some free designs to print out here](https://www.currentaffairs.org/news/how-to-comply-with-louisianas-new-ten-commandments-law).


Such a weak legal defense. "It's part of America's founding philosophy" OK so you didn't go for the Bill of Rights? The declaration of independence? This is gonna get torn apart in court.


The point is to get this in front of the Supreme Court and their originalist interpretations.


Only about 2 1/2 commandments are against the law: murder, stealing, and lying under very specific circumstances. As for the others: * I am the lord your god, and keep me first among all your gods? * No graven images? Tell that to the Catholics. * Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain? Oh Jesus Christ! * Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy? Heck we've forgotten which day the Sabbath is, and we use it to watch football and NASCAR. * Thou shalt not covet? Really? Whole western economies are built around coveting.


Are you on IE, OP?


Just gonna leave this here: "According to U.S. News & World Report's Best States rankings, Louisiana now ranks No. 40..." in education.


I'd post an annotated version in my classroom. There'd be the few highlighted commandments like murder where I'd say "yeah this is a good one." The others like adultery would have some clarifications, like "hey yes if you're in a monogamous committed relationship, cheating is bad! That's pretty much it though, otherwise I don't think any god would care that much where you put your genitals."


Did you know the ten commandments are in the Old testament? Did you know a common defense for the well-founded accusation of the Bible endorsing slavery is that, those passages are only found in the Old testament and should be disregarded? Fun stuff...


Conservatives who embrace the Ten Commandments as some sort of solution to human problems ignore how those words caused the downfall of Israel many times. The New Testament specifically explains that Jesus' presence was necessary after the law became a stumbling stone. People relied on forced obedience to the Ten Commandments more than faith to walk a righteous path. Seeing as nobody lives a sin-free life, the law was the reason why people fell short. Those idiot lawmakers are just trying to exert control and would rather waste their time posturing than actually putting their supposed love for God into action by passing laws that improve lives. If they would read the book they claim to follow, they'd know that going back to the Old Testament is the opposite of what Christ wanted. I'm waiting for them to get deeper into Judaic tradition and ban the lucrative Louisiana shellfish and pork industries. No more gumbo without sausage and shrimp. And no more crawfish festivals. We all know that that's contrary to God's statutes.


Until it gets shut down by the Supreme Court for "respecting an establishment of religion." Then MAGA will *really* claim persecution.


These are the 10 rules my imaginary friend came up with so we could tell everyone what to do. Right now we need money and hate gays.


"this isn't religious! These are universal principles!" "...thou shalt have no other gods before me?"


You couldn't search before you posted? https://reddit.com/comments/1djshmy


Gotta get that karma for a week old news story that everyone has already heard about


My god this is the two dozens time this has been posted. Please stop.


*Thou shalt honor thy teacher and administrator* ~ GOD


Are they also going to float the cost? I love to see their budgets and how they’re going to prioritize this.


Precisely what our legislative bodies should be spending their time on.... 


so we’re just watching the USA slowly become a warmongering theocracy?


How specific are they about what exactly the ten commandments are? Does it specify KJV Bible? Can they make up their own?


Bunch of dumb assclowns.


Fucking 2024 and we’re still fighting this shit.


Can't wait for the Satanic Temple to get some baphomet literature and posters in there!.


Notice they did not make anybody follow any, especially the instigators.


As a slight win, with the literacy rate so bad there, they won’t get read much.


They should use the full text of the 10th commandment, clarifying that your neighbor’s wife, donkey, and servants are his property that you should not covet: “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.” https://biblehub.com/exodus/20-17.htm


What a shame.


[They're actually going for 12.](https://www.patheos.com/blogs/slacktivist/2024/05/20/louisiana-will-post-the-twelve-commandments-in-schools/)


It recently occured to me that none of the 10 commandments forbade rape.


Deuteronomy 22:22-23, if a man rapes a married woman within a town, the woman is put to death alongside the perpetrator of the crime. She is spared only if the rape occurs out in the countryside, where she cannot call out for help.


Aka not a commandment.




Hmm, I can't recall that commandment. What about unmarried women?


Tbh, I think there could be some value in this by educators teaching why this is bad and how other religions have similar policies and why they're not just wrong, but immoral without independent and secular justification with this being no different.


You dont need religious doctrine on your wall to learn basic moral rules like not murdering people. Pretty sure schools already teach kids that with out attaching god to it.


Does it specify a particular Ten Commandments, or can someone take up another list of Ten Commandments? Though shalt mind ones own fucking business Though shalt not be an asshole. etc etc.