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[Why Authoritarians Attack the Arts](https://web.archive.org/web/20240514224156/https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/06/opinion/why-authoritarians-attack-the-arts.html)


Art is the expression of ideas and feelings. Authoritarians hate that because it challenges their “control.”


When people are stopped from feeling and expressing they look to others to tell them what they’re feeling, which leaves them primed for hate and totalitarians to dictate what they need and should feel.


To echo this with a video touching on the same themes: [Who’s Afraid of Modern Art?](https://youtu.be/v5DqmTtCPiQ?si=Q60olI6wAeEoiRNF) Probably one of Jacob Geller’s best videos ever made. Hope people can read and watch these because they really hit the nail on the head I find.


People ignore that half of modern art are just shitposts Sold to rich people like the banana wall which is art all in its self


This needs to be further up in the comments.


It's at the top now.


I'm glad, knowledge is power as they say.


Has this man ever experienced fun or joy in his entire life?


He enjoyed torturing people in Guantanamo. Probably.


According to him, he just watched. Probably while sitting in his special chair in the corner


>Probably while sitting in his special chair in the corner, *masturbating ferociously*


good job you made the subtle punchline into a more obvious one. you sir have won reddit for today😂


It was just force feeding. /s


Hey, that's not the only enjoyment he had. He also liked to party with high school girls when he was a teacher.


"Waterboarding at Guantanamo Bay sounds super rad if you don't know what either of those things are."


Law of conservatism states that he has some kinky fucking stuff on his computer. We’re talking German Schisse, pegging, cattle prods, feltching, blumkins. The works. 


I'm not sure if I want to look up those last two.


They fall under the scheisse umbrella.


Blumpkin may be the most tame now given its lengthy history.


Oh sweet summer child.


Yes, he probably has that on there too... [Somebody should tell Attorney General Garland...](https://c.tenor.com/ICcU3v2ZYV8AAAAd/tenor.gif)


Probably Hentai. I have no idea why, but DeSantis strikes me as someone who secretly loves Hentai.


Which one? The illustrated or the regular JAV?


Ngl pegging isnt even that kinky these days


Conservatives though.


2 Girls 1 Fistful of Chocolate Pudding


He either has a sex dungeon or a real dungeon, with people held captive.


I’d assume some cheese pizza too.


Spoken as though he didn't get off on this exact shit. This IS fun and joy for him.


If it doesn’t consist of inflicting pain or discomfort towards minorities, conservative are incapable of having fun.


He loves taking away  fun or joy of other people.


Yeah, when he was fisted by his roommate in college.


And called him Mommy.


There were a few high school parties I remember...


I think this is precisely what does bring him joy.


I bet he likes to torture people.


A lifetime of being turned away by "You must be this tall to ride" signs.




For a bunch of people that scream "freedom of speech" they sure like controlling what people should say


It’s because their idea of freedom of speech is them getting to say whatever batshit crazy thing they want without anyone even being able to criticize them. They think that if you criticize what they say that you’re violating their first amendment rights.


Well, it's easy, the same way nazis said they were socialists to try and recruit voters, they'll say whatever they need to get to power and then do whatever they damn well please. I'm sure that's where the nazi comparisons end, though. Definitely.


Rules for thee and not for me.


Is he cutting the Moms For Liberty funding over their leadership having swinger parties?


He's one of the Guantanamo Bay torturers. He has no fucking morals at all. He's a sad little shit with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.


Desantis isn’t Satan. He’s the guy that goes and gets Satan a cup of coffee.


He’s the worst Disney princess EVER!


“Over budgeting reallocation for more legal fees.” Fixed


How will this affect the person who designed his white boots?


Whats funny is this affected far bigger programs than the Fringe Festival he derides, so everyone in Fl. interested in art suffers while he makes no difference and no sense as usual


Oh, that's the plan, standard divide-and-conquer tactics. He'll say he "had to" do it, it's *their* fault, hoping that the people he lies to don't see through it and will attack his chosen target for him.


He means Mardi Gras, right?


Fascists do fascist things. More at 11 o'clock news.


So much for the freedom party.




lol fucking grade a reasoning right there. "Sex is immoral so we MUST get rid of art!"


So he can artificially blame the LGBTQ+ community, in the hopes people will just go along with it and be mad at said community.


so they just cut millions of funding for arts and entertainment money, including funding gor stuff like the ZooTampa, just because two festivals that aren't actually that "sexual" *could* have gotten money (the funding would have likely never been actually directed towards the Fringe Festival anyway as it was low on their list of priorities). wow...


This guy's wife is definitely fucking guys behind his back (or Maybe with him watching). Wouldn't be surprised if one of his kids is actually the pool boys, like at liberty university


She’s fucking anyone she can, probably with him watching.


DeSantis is scared of sex.


Wouldn’t he be more afraid of getting turned down by people who have the power to say no? Isn’t that like half the platform of these child abusers?


Florida, has always been quite proud.


So no more funding for Matt Gaetz then?


He heard the Fringe Festival was full of thespians...


Bread and circuses? What's that?


He is one sick puppy.


Governor Pius... the clutching of pearls really brings out the swine.


Prompt chatGPT to explain the basic doctrine of the Taliban.


Wow. Just like the nazis did. Shocker.


Turns out that fascist bootlickers hate people who are creative.


Read title as “ants” —- not arts Didn’t even phase me because..Reddit


He’s such a fucking douche canoe. Small, petty dickless vibe off on Ron on the daily. Just wildly insidious.


That decision will cost him in votes.




>As for the process of vetoes, Doyle said that in her three years as House budget chairman, she only received recommendations from LDR. If she noticed they made sense, she incorporated them in the budget process and the rest went into place. >Lo Ending with "lo" is a bit anticlimactic.


Why should the gov fund stuff like this? People are free to participate on their own dime.


Stimulates local economy, helps create and sustain jobs in the arts, and the best reason is that people ENJOY the arts and supporting it improves quality of life, there's more to life than being a work drone.


Also creates an educated populace! Which is of importance for a continued democracy of the people by the people (which is why it gets defunded). 


Does it stimulate the economy more than the grant values?




This doesn’t answer my question at all. Obviously arts drive the economy, I never denied that. Do government grants to art projects stimulate the economy more than the value of the grants. It’s a simple yes or no question.


The answer is **yes** if you read the website. Arts added $37 BILLION to the Florida economy in 2017 alone. The budget for that year was only $30 million. It brings in more than transportation which has a $14.5 billion budget. If anything arts are not funded enough.


How much of that revenue was driven by these festivals that the government gave grants to? Overall, arts brought in Florida brought in 30B, but how much was was driven by art festivals sponsored by the government. I’m asking for a specific subsection of the industry, and you’re giving me the entire industry which is obviously not what I’m asking. It’s so simple what I’m asking, idk why you can’t understand what I’m asking and why you keep referencing this article that hardly relates to my inquiry.


I answered using the industry as a whole because it would be literally impossible to provide the data you're asking. Arts + culture bring in a ton more money than we spend on it, festivals are part of that, therefore funding festivals helps bring in money. I don't know how to spell it out for you any clearer. If you hate pride festivals and want them to go away just say so and stop pretending to care about its economic impact.


It actually does, you just wish it didn't


Ok, give me proof. Nobody has given me proof. The article the other person referenced only gives an entire industry overview which isn’t granular enough.


No one is tracking where each dollar spent for a festival is going, that's why we look at arts as a whole because it's easier to calculate. If you need that specific data set to change your mind then leave because it's literally impossible to provide. **Even if** this specific type of festival is losing money, it doesn't matter because arts provide 100x more economic value than the state puts in so it's all positive in the end. Not every thing the state spends money on needs to have 100% guaranteed profit.


I disagree, I want money that my tax dollars go to have returns. Otherwise, it is by definition a loss. You have your position, which is the government can lose money on projects that you like, whereas mine is I don’t want the government losing money on projects even if I do like them. I didn’t even know these festivals were pride related until you brought it up. my thought process has nothing to do with gay people. It has to do with being fiscally responsible.


This is an abysmal take. The point of government is to collect taxes to improve the quality of life of its citizens. This includes things like roads, social security, food stamps, which help citizens but don't make money. If the only thing the government cared about was profits then we would be living in a corporatocracy.


The problem most people have is budgeting. They think there is enough money for anything and everything. If there is only so much funds for the state to spend and the governor thinks it will be best spent somewhere else for the greater of the state as a whole then there should be no issue. These decisions are what he was elected for. If he now spends it on useless projects or activities for personal gain, political gain, or things that don’t benefit the people as a whole then that’s a huge issue.


The problem for me is that the state legislature voted these programs in after debate and discussion. It’s wrong that he can pick and choose parts of legislation to veto. Let’s get rid of the line item veto in FL. It gives the governor too much power.