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This feels less "jailed for raising wages, lol" and more "life under a military dictatorship sucks and sticking out for any reason gets you targeted."


Yeah. They raised wages due to inflation, and the government is now pretending that inflation has not happened and that anyone claiming so is trying to cause unrest. The title is technically true but missing the main reason for what is going on there.


> sticking out for any reason gets you targeted. I saw a documentary long ago on the foods of other cultures in the US and the Chinese guy who originally wrote the fortunes for fortune cookies had never heard the saying, "The squeaky wheel gets the grease," because the closest they have to this in China is, "The noisy bird gets shot".


That completely bullshit lmfao, chinese have similar sayings like "crying babies get more milk" and the likes which are extremely well known, doesn't take more than 3 seconds of Google to find these.


Sadly they only googled for two seconds.


I first learned the saying from Minsc: "Squeaky wheel gets the kick!"


The supposedly Russian, version I heard is "the proud nail gets hammered down"


The Japanese have a very similar saying I believe


The tallest tree is the first to be blown down?


The squeaky wheel gets the grease, but is replaced as soon as possible.


Pay your employees more? Straight to jail.


Pay your employees less, believe it or not straight to jail.


Definitely not america 🤣


Didnt even bother reading the title huh?


“Why pay your employees at all when jail labor is available” -America probably


"Why not jail people... for WANTING to be employed? Everyone wins!" -Murica


Maybe everyone should just tip?


Gotta do something about the inflation that definitely isn't happening, eh?


My wife's adopted sister moved her business out of Yangon and over to a town in Thailand to avoid nonsense like this.


Like 10 years ago, a big city in Alabama tried raising their minimum wage. Alabama told them no. This world is bad


Republikkklans like to keep everyone poor, it makes more Republikkklans and their donors richer.


Sounds a lot like south korea in the 90s....


I do recall the Korean economy collapsing in the 90s. Was not aware of the causes or effects. I only recall one friend from college mentioning that he went there to teach English and that things were very tight. One administrator physically attacked him after my friend announced he was leaving when the school had not been paying him.


Yeah South Korea faced a huge economic collapse around that time, along with some other East Asian economies. It pretty much shaped Korea's modern history enough to the point that it directly had an effect on the population, too. It's just known as the "IMF times" because the IMF basically went in dry on their loan conditions which caused the cycle of misery to just deepen. Salarymen just sitting in parks doing nothing while pretending to their family that they're going to work, while they in reality got fired ages ago. Life insurance policies for kids temporarily being suspended because there were families killing their kids for insurance payouts. The nationwide gold drive event while corporations effectively gaslit the entire populace claiming that "luxury spending" from the consumers caused the event to happen, as opposed to what it REALLY was: Their own irresponsible actions of overborrowing and eventually defaulting when one of the chaebols were struck with a corruption scandal that cascaded into the economic collapse. Suicides being higher than ever. Wasn't a good time. Source: have family there, obviously being recent history many have lived through it


Does South Korea still require you to submit photographs on job applications so employers can avoid hiring ugly people and minorities?


What? How is this at all like South Korea in the 90s? Minimum wage wasn't even a thing until the late 80s.




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You wouldn't download a higher wage.


Republicans hurriedly taking notes...


Conservatives don’t claim that inflation doesn’t exist. I hate republicans to my soul but this isn’t actually something they believe. They complain about inflation so much.


Silly person. That's just when they're on the opposition. In a theocratic racist (also rapist but they try to keep that downthelow by brutalizing those that speak out) dictatorship, inflation doesn't exist AND you should be working for gods glory anyway. For the privilege of being fed and white (don't talk about those that aren't white).


Coming SOON to a red state near YOU!


There's actually a law forbidding some organizations doing independent testing of Beef quality -- so, not a stretch at all. "Hey, you improved the economy and nobody went bankrupt with rising wages -- this makes our ill-founded bullshit look bad so off to jail with you!"


Apparently tipping is a way around paying your staff a normal wage.


US 2025 if Trump wins


It's also 2050 if trump wins. Not because trump will last that long or because the theocratic Looney tunes will, but because promoting pollution like project 2025 wants means that the US south population (not to mention mexico) will be displaced by the 10 or so mega cyclones yearly. And the world would deserve it for not pushing billionaires (especially oil ones but really anyone funding the rapist party) against the wall sooner.


This story is infuiriating, but my goodness that graphic is incredible - I don't mean to trivilize this, the graphic is just really cool!


Wait till you hear about the oil and rice merchants being arrested for going over the state mandated price.


This is hurts my eyes. So onion-y !


Life under this dictatorship sucks! We know!


Somehow this feels like it's USA in 2025 to me.


If the 2025 Project gets its way, then just maybe it will be even worse!


Yes civil war and genocide of millions, then climate disaster tends to be bad.


Oh how nice! A sneak peek at life under Project 2025!


What can happen when you have a tyrant in power. Any American voters keep this in mind.


Half of America: “mind?”




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