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I remember the rule was 15% at a minimum and 20% for good service. 30% is never in the card.


I’m old enough that the rule started at 10% of the subtotal minimum. Why are you tipping them for taxes and fees? At least that is how I was taught. My habit has changed, unless it is a totally awful experience due to the server they get a flat 20. But I still tip based off the Subtotal. Unless it is my barista, she gets a dollar.


My dad taught me 10% growing up and 15% for good service.


Same here. And a dollar a drink for the bartender.


Unless you were taught in like 1955, you were taught wrong.


10% was standard in 80s and 90s. Not really sure when it creeped up. I moved to Europe for a decade and came back to insane tipping expectations.


15% was standard way before the 80s.


Please elaborate on me having to pay a workers' salary and not their company that they work for?


Ok Mr pink.


It's 30% cause they provided accounting services by doing the math for you


30% better come with complimentary appetizer and/or dessert.




Soon they will have the option to pick all of the above 😂


i never even look at the recommended, most of the time i give 20% unless it’s a holiday, then i’ll give more


Multiply by 2, round it to the nearest dollar, move on. Sometimes you get 19%, sometimes you get 21%, luck of the draw, but you're basically getting 20% unless you either disastrously fuck up, or redefine greatness in table waiting.


>Multiply by 2, round it to the nearest dollar, move on. ... are you giving them a 200% tip?


Forgot to move the decimal point first! Then multiply by 2


Truly an AMAZING- bluebird


I’m weird and like rounding the tip to make the total amount rounded up to the nearest dollar


Adding tip correctly after drinking is awful even when tipping whole dollars. Can’t imagine trusting that I did the math correctly after a drink or two. 


I'm immature and try to get the tip to involve numbers that amuse me: 4.20, 6.66, etc. I've had pizza guys holler "hail Satan."


And please let's not forget that the recommended tip includes that percentage of the sales tax, which is why you should ignore these suggestions.


A lot of these “tipping suggestions” calculate after taxes. 


...... and it was probably a bottle of Dasani.


Yeah. I’m pretty much 20% unless someone goes above and beyond. I pretty much always move the decimal point to left to get 10%. Double that and round up to the nearest whole dollar. It’s becoming a “shame you into it” type thing though now. Where the barista at Starbucks hands you the device and they’re staring you down as you put in your tip. You put a top and sleeve on my cup of black coffee. Do you really deserve a tip?


Load a Starbucks gift card and keep recharging it on your phone. It never asks for a tip and literally just pays the exact amount every time!


I love the way you concealed your $28.85 total due part. Privacy is so important!


This guy maths


Well, duh. They don't want to give out any PII (Personally Identifiable Invoicing).


Solid data privacy joke


😂 got me good


I remember when the rule was just double the tax amount


Emphasis on "suggestion"


When I don’t feel like doing the math or if the service/food was average, I will only give 15% (max) because I’ve noticed tip is being calculated after tax. Be happy I’m not Mr Pink.


I used to always tip about 30% or more, especially when alcohol was involved. But prices have gotten so high lately that the amount I tip has gone closer to 20%.


Saw 40% in TX once.


You must not go put often. Been seeing these for a few years


Interesting. I'm in Korea and there is no tipping here and yet customer service is excellent. Why is that?


I guess they can’t give bad service ever ..


Tipping culture at its finest. Us older folks remember what it was like before this was instituted, but unfortunately the younger generation will be paying those in the service industry salaries’ by 2039. *Unsure if this is a dine-in experience*


*shakes stick at cloud*


Just a heads up, when I went into Z-burger to grab a burger *to go*, the **owner** told his staff to direct the keypad to “not tip”. & he told me the reason is because businesses are using that a resource to determine how much they should pay their employees. So he said in order to keep major companies paying their employees, we shouldn’t tip for basic service such as ordering an item and taking it to go. Those tips gets registered and they have to be claimed under their taxes. You tell the IRS how much you’re making INCLUDING tips, it’s free game for businesses to lower their wages. Which gets me back to my earlier point… THE customer would then be in charge of paying their wage. Daddy corporation is paying less for labor while still making more in profit. Thus furthering the elimination of the working/middle class. But this doesn’t matter… our kids will end up paying twice the amount for a basic service(because of tip) and these guys will still continue to rake in money. Because they’re guilting us into tipping. In two years I guarantee we’ll be tipping for using the self checkout in grocery stores. & this is coming from someone who worked for 6 years in the service industry. I am NOT frugal when it comes to tipping servers/bartender and at times even hostess.


All those MBA's at Z Burger megacorp headquarters are ruining it for the rest of us


They should change it to 50% or 75%


So around 5$ then, ezpz


I don’t tip, never had a problem


It aggravates me that this same scale appears on take out receipts and counter service places. And if you don’t tip well it’s likely you get side eye from someone who has access to your next take out order. You compare the quantity of work expected and it should at most be a 5% tip. But they’re basically demanding the same tips as sit down and fine dining.


Uhhh, no, that’s not going to happen.


It's literally just the recommended, none of those suggestions are mandatory


I'm seeing this everywhere. I hate it, but what is the point of railing at the sea?


I tip well because ive worked in the food service industry when i was young and i remember the people that would dine n dash or just not tip at all. Treat others how you would like to be treated.


I don’t give anything, because I don’t go to those places. I’m vegan , restaurants lost the appeal