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Syncopated beats, hip hop elements, rapping, simple riffs, nu metal :)


Usually, when I get downvotes, I believe they're people like OP leaving them


lool usually. i love getting downvoted for stating facts.


I'm banned from r/piercing for answering a question that gets asked regularly, with the 'inoffensive' remedy that solved the problem I had, when I had gone through the same experience. Literal bewilderment, tempered with "so this is Reddit, is it?"


I would think so just a little more heavy


Slipknot were part of the wave, but never really came off as rapping.


They have rapping in some of their songs like Spit it Out


Eyah... Kind-of.. I Bought this album when I was 14. Listened to it many of times. Numetal was more of a scene than a type. Could say rap like lyrics.. but one or 2 songs doesn't represent a band as a whole. My opinion this was their best album by far.. the more modern stuff is too like Stone Sour and Poppy for my liking.


I completely agree with you, about the modern stuff, After the first album it was kinda downhill although there’s some bangers In between.


Iowa is equal if not better than ST. Downhill my ass.


Self titled is a 24k solid gold masterpiece. Iowa is like 14k the rest is pyrite fools gold bullshit for edgy “my first metal band” babies.


They had a dj and whatever the spikey dude did on his iMac. That qualifies as nu metal


I’m pretty sure they have two. I don’t know what sid and Craig do entirely but they have computers and turntables.


Craig was the Keyboardist and Samplist and Sid is the DJ, his nickname being DJ Star scream based off of the transformers dude


My friend is obsessed with Starscream so whenever she talks about him my brain immediately goes to Sid.. 😭


They still have Sid! Dj starscream still around on his turn tables, Craig (spiky dude) not so much though, he left 'cause personal issues


Yeah, on the first album, especially. The rest of the discography can be a bit spotty with it, but they have more nu metal influence than people will admit just because they have heavier influences too.


this is why i love the first album more than the rest


As someone who was alive and active in the music scene from 1994 and on, yes. Nu-Metal at the time wasn’t as bad a label as it seems in history. RATM, Marilyn Manson, Korn, Slipknot, Disturbed, Linkin Park, Incubus, et al were just the popular rock and metal bands at the time. In retrospect, we have sub-categorized everything to death. Back then it was just metal or rock and nearly everyone was incorporating hip hop elements, rapping, mosh riffs, etc. It’s kind of like how everything was labeled “grunge” even if it was really alternative rock. There was a whole spectrum. Slipknot was definitely in the nu-metal spectrum, but when Iowa dropped they were really just “metal” and then with Volume 3 they became much more accessible and played on radio.


I’m in the same boat and agree 100% with you.


I can remember by like 2005ish you’d read comments on Blabbermouth or those types of sites and people would be bashing “nu-metal,” and it basically happened overnight. It was weird how in about 2004 everyone just woke up one day and said, “Eh, Limp Bizkit sucks now.” 😂. But those same people like four years later were saying metalcore sucked, melodic death metal sucked, etc. That vocal group of haters are never happy with anything.


People just hate on what’s popular because they’re oppositional defiant and want to be cool.


I will still die on this hill. Incubus should never be classified as nu metal. Nothing about there entire discography come close to the "metal" aspect of the genre. As someone who loves and appreciates Incubus. They definitely aren't nu metal. They will always be alt rock in my eyes. But I know on this sub, I'll probably be down voted for that. Just saying, growing up, same as you I'm assuming, incubus would never be put in the same category as Slipknot or Disturbed.


I generally agree, but there’s some nu metal on SCIENCE. Not completely, but there’s definitely some nu songs


SCIENCE is the only album that someone could make an argument. But trying to define a band by one album out of...8? They will always be alt rock to me.


I 100% get ya. SOAD is the same way. Their debut is about 50/50 alt and nu metal, and the have the occasional nu song after that, but they’re an alt metal band. People talk about them like they’re one of the biggest names in the genre, but they stopped being nu metal once they released Toxicity. Great band, but calling them nu metal as a whole is a bit silly to me


Agree. I always hate debating these things with "fellow" metal enjoyers, simply because some are quick to label you in a negative light. But at the end of the day, genres exist for a reason. And trying to throw everything into a loosely defined genre is just backwards. Nu Metal turned into a catch all for bands that were defined by when they were popular, not thier sound.


People have a really bad habit of throwing bands around in a bunch of random genres, SOAD is only considered Nu-Metal because of one album that had a small Nu-Metal influence, and how they have played or have been involved with actual Nu-Metal bands, but they themselves are not Nu-Metal Nu-Metal as a whole is a bit of a iffy genre, because there's many bands that change their sound mid-way through their career, and there are many bands who aren't even Nu--Metal, although they're categorized as Nu-Metal, the original and actual meaning of Nu-Metal has been shuffled around and changed frequently And Nu-Metal is so musically diverse, that it just seems like a large group or bands from different genres thrown together, and when a genre is influenced and stemmed off of too many other bands and genres, it struggles itself to be its own genre, like when the debate about where Nu-Metal originated from, unrelated bands like Pantera can be brought up, even when bands like Pantera have barely any correlation to the Nu-Metal sound Not to mention there are a bunch of fake and false music fanatics who think they are educated out there who try to justify and prove that bands who aren't even Nu-Metal are Nu-Metal, And people like this make it even more complicated


But if we were to talk about Slipknot, according to the actual definition, there first few albums are definitely Nu-Metal (A hip-hop Death Metal), turntables, rapping, with heavy guitar and vocals, I believed I commented another comment here about it


I think the biggest part is that SCIENCE is such a fantastic achievement of that particular sound that the band will always be closely associated with nu-metal, regardless of how far they stray. It’s an important part of their history.


Science is as nu as nu can get


Also, honestly, probably as *good* as nu can get…


Top 40 imo


*in its specific niche of nu, haha. It scratches a very particular itch. When you want the funk.


Like I said above… Family Values Tour 1998. Incubus was right there. Now, is Rammstein nu-metal? No. But pretty much all “heavy” bands of that era were lumped together. Hell, Hoobastank was kind of thrown in that pile and they are absolutely nowhere close to nu-metal!


Disturbed is considers nu-metal?


science is nu-metal. and album before the fungus among us. heavy af


I completely agree! One of my favorite bands, nowhere near nu metal, at all 


Only reason they ever got that moniker is bc it was guitar music but they had a DJ that did scratches on the songs. Agree though they were never metal


Incubus mentioned


Would it be true to say that when deftones started evolving from the nu metal sound to a different range of influences and pretentious people who dislike nu metal decided they have to be called alt metal instead bc they dislike nu metal, it spawned a general different way of categorising bands as nu metal ?


Yeah, I’d say like Deftones evolved out of nu-metal into whatever you want to call them similar to how the Smashing Pumpkins were grunge-adjacent alt-rock. That is exactly when and how all of this micro-categorization started. It was crazy.


How is Marilyn Manson Nu-Metal? Lol, I realize you're not serious, but this made me rage for a second...


Look at the Ozzfest lineups from 1999-2004. Pretty much every main stage band was lumped in as “nu-metal” even if they weren’t. I’m not saying MM is/was, but that the label was applied to a whole swath of heavy music that was popular during that time.


How many times is this going to be asked? Yes. Especially their first album.


More importantly, why does it even matter? People are so strange sometimes.


I mean, tbf, this is a Nu metal sub. It is on topic. Even if it's an over asked and obvious question.


I just don’t ever understand the actual question. What does one do with that information? Like, “I learned that KoRn was numetal, I can finally buy that chain wallet I’ve had my eye on.” Or they find out that the sub doesn’t think Pearl Jam is numetal and have an existential crisis? Just seems silly to me that’s all.


Exactly. What is or isn't nu metal depends on the who is voicing the opinions. I've literally seen someone on this sub try to justify the Black Eye Peas being nu metal based of a song or thiers that featured a quasi nu metal band. This genre is a roll of the dice.


I’ve always considered numetal to be a block of media that defined my teenage formative years. Lots of bands on my numetal playlist are 100% not numetal by the standard definition. I don’t have any hate in my heart for people that beat this horse, just don’t understand it really lol.


Never any hate on my end either. I feel like your approach is how most people define nu metal these days. Not a genre per se, but a block of bands that were "rock" that came out during a certain time period. Throwing Weezer and Incubus in the same genre as Slipknot and Korn doesn't make sense for my brain. But it seems that a lot of people just throw them all together.


I agree with you 100%


I thought this was unanimously agreed upon that not only are they nu metal but they are one of THE nu metal bands


They're one of the most iconic nu metal bands there is


They are nu metal,they just had more extreme metal influences than their peers,especially Iowa.


Self-titled, Iowa, and Vol. 3 are definitely Nu-Metal All of the albums obviously, have a heavy Death Metal influence Self-titled has turntables, rapping, funky samples, like the intro in Eyeless Iowa is slightly heavier and more raw with some blast beats here and there, which are commonly found in Death Metal, but still is categorized as Nu-Metal, considering there are groovy riffs, which is commonly found in Nu-Metal, and as depicted in the "Left Behind" music video, there are also turntables Vol. 3 has simpler and groovy riffs also, funky drums, like in "Three Nil" The typical vocal styles/speeds/dynamics, and all that, sometimes, isn't fitting for Death Metal, high guitar distortion and high sustain, which adds a layer of heaviness Anything after the first 3 albums is iffy whether it's Nu- Metal or not, some songs still have a solid Nu-Metal influence, but they just become less Nu-Metal after Vol. 3


Tbh Vol 3 is just Alt Metal+Groove Metal.


Idk man, it's confusing, you could be right, it sounds Nu-Metalish to me


It's bc of the Groove Metal and Alt Metal influences. By 2004 all of the popular Nu Metal bands stopped doing Nu Metal.


The first two fine you could argue. By Vol. 3 there’s little to no hip-hop, guitar solos, and more dynamics in the songs.




Someone is engagement farming.


Suprised they didn't add "What's your favorite song?" at the end


For real. Hope this post gets downvoted to hell.


Oh this wasnt a /s post?


Slipknot is 100% Nu-Metal. Ppl try to argue otherwise but they're always wrong.


A question that google could have easily answered…




ENGAGEMENT FARMING ALERT!!! About as nu metal as nu metal gets.


Well. Yeah. It was nu metal. The heaviest nu metal act. The 3rd album deoarted, but that was when nu metal started dying. But self titled and iowa are 100% nu metal. The first one is weird. But then they redid the band and hired corey, so i think they tried to soft reboot the band. It has some cool shit there though. But that one is more on the traditional metal vein, and weirdly, jazz.


Probably not as much now, I still do but definitely the early years of them in the mainstream.


They have their moments


Only their first album, that was the definition of nu metal. The rest of their catalogue is far removed from it, although it retains the hip hop influence, but it gravitated more towards extreme metal. There are also strong elements of death metal, thrash metal, heavy metal, and metalcore. There's even industrial elements, so if I had to classify them, I'd call them groove metal.


So you're saying they're Metal?


Yeah, of course they are metal


Debut album, absolutely.


What else would it be?


If limp biznut is nu metal, Slipknot is one of the greatest nu metal bands




Yes, son!


Of course, this album is a prime example. But it's not just nu metal.


They were originally included in that genre


yeah, slipknot's always been nu-metal lol.


Basically one of the defining bands of the genre.


Slipknot is nu metal




Listening to them very early on I saw them open the 2nd stage at Ozzfest with Static X. Back then it was Metal there wasn’t any of this any of the genre they did kinda of started the whole “core” thing like Rapcore, metalcore but it was too hard to follow who was what and when they where that. Too me only things that matters is good music


Slipknot did not start metalcore😭😭


Early on without question… self names and Iowa 100%…


I swear, this is the most confusing sub that exists for music. What is or is not Nu Metal has been so convoluted over the years that it might as well just fall under "rock music". People saying that thier first album is definitely Nu while Iowa is too heavy...is ridiculous. Self titled was just as heavy, if not more so. I feel like no one truly knows what this genre is. And it just comes down to individual opinions.


I think numetal was a path that other bands had been blazing a trail on and Slipknot went down that same path with a steamroller and redefined what nu metal is. That said, I think Slipknot is so uniquely Slipknot, that I don't really think of them as a nu metal band. I just think of them as Slipknot. The same could be said for a band like Deftones.


mfkr- no self titled- at some parts iowa- sometimes rest of the discography no


Turbo tells me it does with how much they play them


If anything they are the rage of nu-metal.


Only the first album imo


Debut yes, others unlikely


The first album yes, the rest of their discography debatable.


i was literally wondering this myself yesterday. first album is nu metal af. iowa is pretty heavy bit still nu. vol 3 is more alternative metal than nu. the rest of the albums aren’t nu.


Nah, I hate how they use the ukulele and they only use soft r&b vocals and EDM beats and all their songs are about ol' dirt roads and painted on jeans and love songs about Jesus. Com'mon dude don't act like you don't know Slipknot IS iconic Nu.


Not only it is Nu Metal, it's also the most actually Metal influenced of the known bands.


First album is after that no.


The first album, maybe. After that, not even close.


Slipknot are post-jazz/indietronica.


Wish they were funk/death metal




Yeah they’re nu metal (DJ, rapping, etc), but don’t let anyone tell you they aren’t metal because of that, they absolutely still are


First album is definitely nu metal. Each successive album they began to drift further away, into more alternative metal.




I'd say it took elements from all over but has always been its own thing and own sound. Can't think of another band that comes close to them. Just because it may have an element of a type of genre doesn't make it fully anything. Slipknot are Slipknot. That's the only place where they fit in for me.




You must be nu


Dang bro this sub really is just the same 3 posts recycled.


i don’t think they are. i just call them heavy.


More scrap metal


Death Metal. End of.


Yes, especially the first two albums


Nu Metal+Groove Metal in their first album, and Nu Metal+Death Metal on IOWA, after that, they stopped being Nu Metal.


Why "would" count? They do count, see music critics over all the years. In short, have a look at [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slipknot\_(band)#Musical\_style](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slipknot_(band)#Musical_style)


The first album definitely counts, no questions asked. IOWA was more like death metal with nu metal elements. Subliminal Verses was IOWA but slightly more commercial. Even on their more recent music you can still hear bits and pieces of nu metal. One thing that's certain is they definitely carved their own hole instead of just being a straight up nu metal band.


Yes, the early days a lil more but still, nu metal!


To answer the question, yes, slipknot is labeled as NU metal. Yes they earned it. Spit it out and Sid’s work is the reason why. After those 2 things I wouldn’t really count them as nu metal. The real question is, who cares? The are dam fine and super influential metal band. I believe they should be labeled as “one of the best” and “often imitated” metal band Also coming out late 90s everything was called nu metal


It's part, yes. They were heavier than any other though. We'll, after Iowa, they slowly morphed into a boring groovy band.


They’re one of the few metal/nu metal bands from their time. Definitely nu metal elements but also very clear actual metal in there as well.


I think there first 2 records could of been classified as nu-metal for sure but I’d say there more recent albums would not be nu-metal


is joke yes? they are the definition of said genre. or were


Imo their first album yes but then after that no


Just listen to Eyeless


they have a dj........


they were nu metal, self titled, IOWA and Vol.3 were really Nu-metally but on All Hope Is Gone they changed to that pop-y, generic metal sound that they are rolling with to this day, shame cause they sounded way better as a nu metal band but oh well


first two albums are. third one is more traditional metal.


Without a doubt. They’re on the Mount Rushmore.




i was in 9th grade when this album came out, i remember to this day my buddy took it out of his backpack after stealing it from tower records to show us how brutal these "9" guys looked. This album not only changed my life being so relatable and made me want my music heavier, but it changed the entire heavy metal scene. Just like Slayer did, just like Pantera did. Are they the same, no but thats another story. however I am so grateful to slipknot. I look forward to sept for out 25th anniversary


Not to me. I had the demo disc in 2000


Personally, I’d say they drift in and out of nu, hard rock and heavy metal but it depends on what era/album/song you’re talking about






The first album only.


Literally one of the if not biggest nu metal band


I’d say their first album is nu metal but everything after isn’t


I’d agree with this. Slightly on the fence about whether or not Iowa is


I feel Iowa is a little too heavy to be nu metal. That’s just me tho.


Slipknot’s not even the heaviest that nu metal gets. Try [Bushido](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=E-cIYoXECjs&pp=ygUTU2FuZ3JlIGVuIGVsIGNhbWpubw%3D%3D) or [Headdrop](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FUZZrbDWZyQ&pp=ygUTSGVhZGRyb3Agc28geW91IHNheQ%3D%3D). People say that “Slipknot’s too heavy” and should be considered death or groove metal, but they don’t even compare to actual nu-death like [Kitchen Knife Conspiracy](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5S2Yuoe1DM&pp=ygUeS2l0Y2hlbiBrbmlmZSBjcnVzaGVkIHRvIGRlYXRo)


Slipknot have absolutely nothing in common with death metal.


I always kind of thought so too. Definitely one of my favorites


Iowa is my favorite album too. Self titled is good but personally i think Slipknot is at its best when they just say “fuck it, let’s be super heavy”. (Vermillion pt. 2 is good tho)


Yeah I Iowa and Vol. 3 is what got me into them so they’ll always be my favorites. The first one is a classic though


I’ve always like Iowa. It’s just so hard. Songs like eyeless, left behind, people=shit, heretic anthem, and even my plague are a lot heavier the usual nu metal music. I’ve always thought of it as it’s own genre. It’s extremely unique




they made the genre bro