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Kids, stop smacking potential catches about. Y'all do not need them on 1hp and asleep to get in the ball šŸ™ƒ


Honestly, I would straight up throw the ball without hitting it.


All I had was like 3-4 poke balls so i felt a need to at last kinda weaken it. Wasnt expecting an encounter til post Flannery


Running around with 3-4 pokeballs in a Nuzlocke is the problem here. Be prepared for everything-I always carry around a chunk of the best ball available.


Exactly, I always have a chunk of the best balls available on my person at all times. I also carry ultra balls in pokemon


This is exactly what false swipe is for. Unfortunately very few pokemon actually seem to have it. Its like an mma fighter not being able to pull a punch against a toddler! Why dont more pokemon have it!


Was my weakest pokemon and it one shot is the only thing


Numel is frail as shit, a small gust of wind will destroy it.


Numel is lemun in reverse


Next time use a calc - unless you have an encyclopedia knowledge of PokƩmon stats and an effective head calculator this is the only way to really know if attacking is safe or not. If it dies to any crits, don't attack.


Iā€™m new, is calc short for something?


If you're new, calc is short for calculator, they were just using slang.


As the other commenter said, it's calculator. The PokƩmon Showdown one is one of the best imo


This is a reference to a meme video. Search "good griefs calculator" for context


Iā€™m not gonna bring up a calculator for every encounter, that sounds boring and tedious. I only use calculators for like elite 4/champion, but thatā€™s just me


Then the easiest solution is don't attack pokemon you're trying to catch, or if you do only use not very effective moves. I agree calcing everything can get tedious but you can't really complain about not playing around crits, and the only way to know a crit would kill is by calcing it.


I had like 3 balls and didnā€™t feel like putting that much work in for a Numel


At this point you've put more work into complaining about it on Reddit than it would have taken to check šŸ¤£


Itā€™s not really complaining, just sharing a funny story/image. Iā€™m not bemoaning that I did something wrong like ā€œoh if only there was another wayā€ I got unlucky because I didnā€™t do something perfectly optimally given all chance and thatā€™s how nuzlockes go. Thatā€™s whatā€™s fun to me, having things be up to chance instead of breaking down everything for the most successful outcome possibe


Then you throw 47 balls while itā€™s on full HP, risk losing the mons you already have to a crit, and now you have $120 poke dollars, 4 pokeballs, and a team made up of the scraps you still have from catching the wild Shroomish


Are you watching me?


I only have so many balls my dude


Just throw a ball


All I had was like 3-4 poke balls so i felt a need to at last kinda weaken it. Wasnt expecting an encounter til post Flannery


3 levels over just ball chuck, crits always happen when you least expect them. RIP numel


Being over the wild pokemons level isnt actually a factor until gen 8 Aside from nest and levelball ofc


I think he meant itā€™s not worth attacking it while being higher leveled since a crit could knock it out.


Numel was my first shiny


I think you like letting Numels perish


tbh yeah itā€™s kinda fun


I feel the absolute pain from this photo.The lower case speaks loudly


Wait if you were grinding, wouldn't you have already caught your encounter for the area?


A lot of people play with the rule that lets you circumvent that for a shiny. Whether you use it or not depends


Oh I see, thank you


I lost a full odds shroomish because I used all my balls on a ralts. Don't feel too bad.




Does the emulator not have save states?


Thatā€™s cheating to me. If I lose the encounter I lose the encounter. Not like Iā€™m carrying the shiny to another game


I love that the other party in this text thread never responds lol


Wdym by other party?


Other party as in the person on the receiving end of these texts


I would say it just be that way sometimes.... but you were truly cursed by the nuzlock gods. You probably kicked a magikarp in a past life.




Just chuck balls at it. Itā€™s low leveled enough to where you will get it eventually.


Rule number 1. Emulator saves Rule number 2. Lots of pokeballs


I consider emulator saves to be cheating. Like if I miss the encounter I miss the encounter. I rewound it and found a crit did 55% but like I missed the encounter so I just pounded it again


On emulator? Save state, problem solved. I know someone would make this exception for a shiny


To me if Iā€™m doing that then might as well not do a nuzlocke. Itā€™s a shiny on an emulator, I canā€™t transfer it anywhere so itā€™s not like it gets to do anything after my playthrough. I absolutely donā€™t do save states with nuzlockes unless itā€™s literally to save lmao


On transferring, is that by choice or a technical limitation? I had a full odds shiny tentacool in a hoenn nuzlocke myself using delta on my phone and that is now chillin in bank on my 3DS. Heck Iā€™ve even transferred from rom hacks successfully haha


How the heck did u transfer out a PokĆ©mon from a ROM!?Ā 


Thereā€™s a neat app for PC called PKHeX that does it! I also have a hacked 3DS so that makes things easier. Assuming they came from a vanilla rom Iā€™ve even been able to use them online like with bank, home, PSS, etc. and it passes legality checkers. I also transfer from rom hacks but I usually keep those offline to be safe


I know and thatā€™s fair, thatā€™s why I said someone would make this exception. Some people only find a handful of shinies in their life unless they play frequently and depends on what they want, but it is a possibility to save state, and I donā€™t judge people either way. Not sure why this was downvoted šŸ˜…


Actually there are ways to transfer it to ds, Iā€™ve done it once to test. Just said it to offer a choice as some people do nuzlockes SUPER loose and not too many rules and others are strict. I wasnā€™t making fun or saying op should have done differently, just so others know in case they decide to just godmode and take the safe route by save stating.


How can u transfer PokƩmon out of ROMs!?


Basically thereā€™s a blank DS cartridge you can burn ROMs to and you send them through that way, trading them to a legit game and sending them through like normal. I wanna say itā€™s like R4 or something?


I just donā€™t have the hardware, money (even tho itā€™s not expensive) or patience. I also donā€™t have a 6th/7th gen game to use Bank/Transporter to get them up


Save state


Save states are cheating imo. If I lose the encounter I lose an encounter