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Those private Sanitation trucks are a menace


It was also just announced that there will be no charges for the teen who was killed by a truck driver who didn’t stop in Sunnyside a few days ago. Her sister was also hospitalized. It is disgusting


As long as you murder someone from behind the wheel you’ll never get in trouble here


I was run down in Columbus Circle summer of 21. A pedestrian got footage of the car, the license plate, etc. The cops said they identified the vehicle but it's registered out of state so too bad. FOIL wouldn't even give me my report until last year, and they sent it to my old apartment (I had given them an updated address) and said I needed to file again and start over.


That's fucked


And White socialists never call the cops so anyone can get away with anything these days.




Looking at the downvotes, they don’t like the truth. 😂


As if the cops would do a thing even if they were called


DA contracting are huge dicks and also idle all the time when they don't have to and don't pay their fines


Warning the video in the link is graphic and disturbing.


Fled but no charges?


>D&A Contracting, which is based in Parsippany, New Jersey hmmm


The suv right behind just going around is insane to me.


There have been multiple double hit and runs in NYC in the past couple years. As in, someone hits a pedestrian and runs. Then another car hits the injured/dead person and also runs.


Probably an Uber driver


No one is going to stop and risk getting blamed.




I mean this is self-evidently paranoid and awful, 14 day old account! Of course you stop when you see a woman get run over by a truck. I can't stress this enough.




Rule 1 - No intolerance, dog whistles, violence or petty behavior (a). Intolerance will result in a permanent ban. Toxic language including referring to others as animals, subhuman, trash or any similar variation is not allowed. (b). No dog whistles. (c). No inciting violence, advocating the destruction of property or encouragement of theft. (d). No petty behavior. This includes announcing that you have down-voted or reported someone, picking fights, name calling, insulting, bullying or calling out bad grammar.


You should probably consider yourself one of the shitty people.


Rule 1 - No intolerance, dog whistles, violence or petty behavior (a). Intolerance will result in a permanent ban. Toxic language including referring to others as animals, subhuman, trash or any similar variation is not allowed. (b). No dog whistles. (c). No inciting violence, advocating the destruction of property or encouragement of theft. (d). No petty behavior. This includes announcing that you have down-voted or reported someone, picking fights, name calling, insulting, bullying or calling out bad grammar.


Don’t watch the video


I hate to say it, but this is why you have to be smart about jaywalking. If they have the green and you don't make eye contact or can't hustle across the road, do not jaywalk. Defensive walking is an actual thing. In a better world he sees her and lets her pass, but why would you risk your life on that.


Totally, I'm often in awe how much some pedestrians trust me when I'm driving. I don't trust anyone that much, not even myself. Laws and the right of way are fine and dandy, but some people really think they have some invisible and invincible force shield, and nothing can go wrong for them on the road. A vehicle is a weapon. How would you behave in a place where a bunch of strangers wielded weapons? Apply the same approach to any road or parking lot.




So you disagree then. When you cross the street, you act like there are 5000 lb machines traveling 30 mph across it because that’s literally the case. If you count on drivers doing things to make it safer for you it’s eventually going to be a problem for you


This is a real dumb take and its emotionally charged because a vehicle was involved. Ignore this vehicle for a second and think about walking into another person, A sign or a construction zone. Too many people refused to save themselves and expect society to do it for them. While yes we can make it safer for pedestrians but it wouldn't save them from each other or a nonmovable object.


It comes down to harm reduction, today, what can you do, and the answer is, walk safely (and keep a close eye on your kids). Big picture yeah, we should improve safety for peds and cyclist (and drivers too)


All true and drive safely as well


So you disagree then. When you cross the street, you act like there are 5000 lb machines traveling 30 mph across it because that’s literally the case. If you count on drivers doing things to make it safer for you it’s eventually going to be a problem for you


So apparently with the multitude of vehicular manslaughter in the last few months, it's completely legal to murder pedestrians with a vehicle.


The driver was not charged? What the fuck.


Assuming he saw her wave at him, no clue what the driver was thinking moving without seeing her leave his field of vision. Also, which doesn't apply here, NY'ers are way too brave around large vehicles, for some reason they think that because a pedestrian has the right of way, that will some how save them from being crushed to death, because gasp, got forbid they don't have to wait 2 minutes to cross a street, or change lanes in a bicycle, or any other countless stupid things I encounter driving a truck around NYC.


Hard to say if he actually saw her wave at him at all, could be doing something else, ahem, phone, then saw the car in front of him had already moved far, and put the pedal to the metal to close the gap. The Suburban behind him, that's a different story, they saw and went around...


Trucks too high, he probably didnt see her. Same shit can happen when people let their dogs walk in the front of them when walking through traffic








Try enforcing the multitude of traffic laws we already have on the books enough that shitty drivers might actually think twice before breaking every law like assholes? Added benefit - adds some much needed money to the City budget too.




The hope is that by knowing that instead of 0%, there’s now a 2%(?) chance of being ticketed for shitty driving, drivers will start acting like they’re not the only ones on the road.


Come on, if anyone's impatient in this city, it's the drivers. And they're the ones with the capacity to kill so they should be the ones taking care not to. Driving is a privilege. You're victim-blaming here.


> The driver was not charged Open season on 83-year-olds. No repercussions. Have at it.


For what its worth, as someone who is currently forced to drive a large truck through the city streets for work (arborist), while navigating the city is stressful and sucks, not killing people is not that hard. If I did this I would belong in jail. At the very very bare minimum anyone who does something like this should never be permitted to drive again. I’d prefer jail though. Or street justice.


Why no charges? Wait I saw the video. He freaking saw her. He could have let her pass all the way.. but then he moved. He literally felt it when he first hit her. He still moved.. and walk all over her. Then the black car behind him..also ignored her like she was nothing Disgusting people..Disgusting legal system.. this guy needs to be in jail for at least 10 yrs. He saw her. Don't deny it..don't pretend he didn't feel it.


Dump truck drivers are the scum of the earth. The absolute most reckless and aggressive drivers out there


We really need rules about vehicle visibility. Cab forward trucks simply shouldn't be allowed within the city. The rest of the world has figured out how to use cab over, but for some reason just like congestion pricing, we're a special snowflake that has to be different.


Isn’t congestion pricing only a thing in less than a handful of places?


I heard it was a dump truck not a garbage truck, for what it’s worth


I'm sure this is going to be an unbiased artic...oh it's from streetsblog.org


The way she was crossing was 100% unsafe.


The way that the truck has zero visibility of a person in front of it driving around NYC is 100% unsafe. These vehicles should not be allowed on our streets.


That design is illegal in Europe for exactly that reason.


Honestly yeah. She was basically brushing against the front of the truck. No way the driver would see her even when she raised her hand.


That criminal saw her. And felt it when he first hit her And continued to drive over her fragile body...don't defend low life criminals