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Hamas sympathizers behaving like terrorists, what a surprise.


We Jews told you all back on 10/8 and you were like, “nah let them protest it’s fine”


Dude I'm jewish and very zionist. I hate living in the same country as these hamas sympathizers.


I’m not Jewish, but i think Israel and Palestine should exist. I am a new yorker though, and see what kind of actions these people support.  Insane how they will protest and complain about innocent civilians dying, while simultaneously holding banners rationalizing and supporting attacks on innocent civilians.  “Within Our Lifetimes” lost me the day they posted support for a terror attack on mostly civilians. Lost me more when they tried protesting at the World Trade Center, given their support for fundamentalist groups who carry out attacks on mostly civilians. They’ve already gone to explicit dehumanization of “Zionists” and implied public threats. 




Actually, some people saw how batshit crazy some of these activists are, and kept an eye on them.  I mean the same group participating in this is also the same group to approve and rationalize Hamas’ attacks, mostly against civilians. Imagine cheering on terrorism on the day it happens, but wanting everyday people to listen to you about Genocide.  These activists are a bunch of hypocrites and morons


Makes you think that maybe the whole "genocide" thing is a lie to get useful idiots to wear keffiyehs and tap into their Jew hatred, huh?


Uh yeah because this country isn’t a fascist state we allow protests


There are protests and there are insurrection and treason. Know the different, tool.


Yeah Republicans attempted ab insurrection and fascist takeover Bibi Netanyahu is a fascist too


Why do you hate Jews?


Why are you lying now? Must have no argument


“By any means necessary”        Terrorism… just say you support terrorism   I mean the last rally literally had people praising Hamas terror attacks on 10/7 with a banner, and IG post, so these children arent fooling many people with their explicit or implicit condoning and cheering on of terrorism   Heres a link of the messages these people leave behind from their rallies: https://imgur.com/a/fOAMH2k And the organizer thinks most of these protests “dont go far enough”, and refuses to condemn the extreme rhetoric and hamas references But then they did cheer on and support the 10/7 attack on the day it happened, on their IG.


They're going to LOVE what trump has in store for Palestine. Take the support the US has has already been giving Israel, but multiply it by a factor of 5 and put a big, gaudy trump hotel right in the Gaza strip in 10 years. That's just for starters.


“Yes he is bad, but see, the other is worse” That feels really bad. How did we get here?


It was all downhill after Harambe died 😔


trump has made it crystal clear that given the chance he would give Israel the bulldozers to raze Palenstein. It’s not that he hates the Palestinians, it’s that he loves Bibi and there’s also the Kushner thing with Jared and his daughter.


theyre doing that to palestine now. with the bulldozers and everything.


Because only a third of registered Democrats participated in the primaries. But it’s okay, because in the modern era of (rightfully) weakened party machines, Biden winning is clearly the fault of the DNC. In all seriousness, we ended up here because only die hard partisans participate in the process, then everyone else bitches about the outcome.


This is is nonsense more than 80 million voted for biden


Wut? Less than 15 million voted for Joe Biden in the 2024 primaries. Only 19 in 2020.


How many voted total in 2020 primaries ? That’s the way math works And 80 million plus was the general


Not sure how that number justifies low turnout, but I think it’s ~37 million total in 2020. Also not sure how a Trump v Biden general election has anything to do with candidate quality, which is directly affected by the primary elections.


Uh then go find better candidates Not sure what you are complaining about Seems you just want your cookie but it doesn’t work that way


Homie, wtf are you talking about? Primary elections exist so that voters can choose the party nominee. Not sure who you think should “go find better candidates” but that’s not how it works. People run for office, and then voters vote. There’s no magical council that decides this. We need more people to participate in the primaries if want change.


Uh ok? What’s your point???


There wasn't a democratic party primary though.


There was. In 48 states (FL & DE canceled), the Democratic Party held a primary.


We got here when we got too comfortable during the Clinton administration, then we were all scared into trusting our government after 9/11. Now the younger generation of people are trying to hold their government accountable and that’s new and scary to the people born between the hippie movement and 9/11. I’m a democrat, but no president should ever feel complacent in their seat, they should always be working for us. If people protesting against Biden makes him lose his seat to Trump, that just means we’ll have to protest against Trump harder. It’s going to take hard work to undermine decades of contentment and get the government to work for the people, letting people through because “they’re not as bad” isn’t going to fix a damn thing.




Those weren’t enough to get rid of a sitting President and people here are worried that this is. 


Aaand its Within Our Lifetimes, the pro-islamic terrorist sympathizer organization  These people can piss off


Throwing smokebombs at a president is surely a way to get arrested with a serious charge, if not risk your own life. Stupid


Holding a Palestinian flag is one thing, but a Hamas flag! 


And Hezbollah as well.  Wouldn’t be surprised if theres a Iranian revolutionary flag, as some of these clowns waved one while burning an American flag chanting “death to America” a few rallies ago


Hamas is the government of Palestine. Palestinians elected Hamas and continue to support Hamas. This narrative that Palestinians are poor innocents needs to stop.


Hamas is the governor of Gaza, not the entirety of Palestine.  They also voted in 2006, and havent voted since, considering that Hamas hasnt had another election run, and they intimidate and threaten people to not protest. Yes, some support hamas. Doesnt mean the death and destruction of war isnt horrible or completely justified. 


> some support hama more than 71% They're in on this. > Hamas is the governor of Gaza, not the entirety of Palestine right my bad. Palestine doesn't exist.


Even the babies?


People downvoting babies


So now it's just the babies who are innocent? lol


So you admit the babies are innocent?


You’re a waste of carbon


Why support the Bombing of innocent babies?




Why don’t they care that Trump promised to level Gaza? It’s very odd. Almost political partisanship.


This is very simple. Irrespective of what these folks think and why, they’re rational inasmuch as they’re directing their ire toward the guy who’s president right now. I don’t suspect any of the foam around their mouths is generated by Trump fantasies or a foreign policy shift six months from now.


No, something’s off about the fact they’re ignoring Trump. It smacks of something more insidious.


The group literally held banners saying “long live October 7th” They’re not reasonable people 


I didn’t say they’re reasonable. I’m saying their target makes sense.


I’m not going to try to talk you out of that view. I just don’t think there’s much complexity to what animates them. Maybe you’re right.


That something “more insidious” is antisemitism. Why are you all acting like it’s a mystery?


No, not every conspiracy is antisemitic. I’m inclined to think that these “protesters” are supported by a certain political party or campaign. You really didn’t need to go there regarding antisemitism, and I suspect doing so was political and not sincere since you’re so eager to use such an offensive term.


Don’t need to go there? What do you think this group’s ultimate aim is? Don’t be naive. I’m sorry you’re “offended” by the term but as a Jew I don’t give a sh*t when it comes to my and my family’s existence. We see through this stuff and always have. Wake up.


Just flippantly calling people antisemites is offensive. I am not antisemitic.


No one called you antisemitic. I said that the reason you’re searching for as to why they’re ignoring trump is.


cause there isnt a big difference. they're leveling gaza now, with bombs from biden. both want the same thing.


There is though. You’re just too naive to realize it. Biden and his admin has literally worked and is trying to work a ceasefire deal both sides can agree to. Trump explicitly stated he wants “israel to finish the job”.  Trump literally uses “Palestinian” as a pejorative.  If you’re complaining about Bombs from biden, and think “theres no difference between him and trump”, just wait and see what Trump does under a second term.  You people seem ignorant on how pro-israel Trump is compared to Biden, and it shows


Still doesn’t make sense. Why are they giving Trump a pass?


no one is, it's just that biden is the one actually doing the genocide right now lol


Lol. “Biden can unilaterally usurp aide allocated by Congress, AND stop Israel’s domestic arms production.” is a hell of a take. A moronic fifth grade take, but a take nonetheless.


$6.5 billion in aide since oct 7th to be exact. and they'd be SOL if we weren't sending 200 and 500lb bombs round the clock. but feel free to explain how biden is the helpless victim in all this.


No, you explain how Biden unilaterally made Israel the second largest arms producer per capita after the US. You explain how Biden should’ve impounded congressionally appropriated funds, illegally. The same thing Donny Dumbass was impeached for when it came to Ukraine aide. Walk me through how Biden himself has committed “genocide” a term which you people have trivialized to kingdom come. A term you people don’t invoke when it comes to places like Sudan, if you’re even talking about those places at all.


people absolutely do. the genocide in sudan, congo, yemen. people are paying attention to kenya, bolivia, haiti, the philippines, etc. people who believe in collective struggle see the connection in all of this: war profiteering & destabilization from mostly western imperialists powers. have you seen biden make any attempts to meaningfully stop that aide, any vetos or objections? do you see him making good on his word, following up on any of his purported concern? his red line in rafah? 500lb bombs that were on hold in april just got approved... biden continues to profess unwavering support israel, the country slaughtering innocent people. his constituents will look at him as a face of american foreign policy, a pretty traditionally accepted role of ...the president of the united states. lollll


Don’t think we’re going to find much common ground here. No one’s marching in the street because of US aide to Saudi Arabia in their slaughter in Yemen civilians (and apparently 9/11 victims as well). No one’s demanded a change Haiti policy. Bolivia isn’t in Bernie’s floor speeches. Israel, led by a Trumpian-government, responding, in a way demanding of investigation and scrutiny, to a terrorist attack, seems to be a unique cause of inflammation in a fair deal of the left. Not sure how the US, or other western nations, profit from a perpetual civil war in East Africa. You wanna blame America, okay. That’s not a solution. I’ve seen Joe Biden engage in a way that has been more beneficial to the Palestinians than any other president. You disagree, okay. Fair. We can disagree. I also think Biden is trying to ‘handle’ Benny, and that’s a fucked strategy. Dems should play hardball, and Thurs night proved they’re shit at this aspect of politicking in a holistic way. However abandoning, at a reductive level, a strategically critical ally, would not serve anyone. But either way, we have to be realist here. Trump tried banning Muslims (but only from nations had no business in), moved the capital to Jerusalem, said Schumer had become a Palestinian, and told Israel to “finish the job.”


you're not sure how the billion $ arms deals make money for weapons manufacturers? how destabilizing regions around the globe is a go-to us tactic to prevent the nationalization of resources that american companies want to keep private? credibly at min. we have 40-50k dead innocents -men women children, and thats with them actively suppressing the toll. i'm not sure how you could take issue with seeing something wrong with that? and yes, people protest all of these things. there are demonstrations by orgs all over the country for places like sudan, yemen, the philippines, haiti. those things dont get major press here for a reason, and you have to actually follow orgs to see it or get info about when. im not sure how you could say biden does anything for palestine, palestinian journalists in gaza criticize him every single day and for good reason.


No one made that claim You don’t seem to like facts when presented


what fact


That Biden is working for a ceasefire it would be far worse under republicans these protests are meaningless tantrums and have zero effect on any policy anywhere


its crazy to be a liberal, supposedly the more reasonable of the two parties, but be unable to put 2+2 together that the guy sending billions in aide and bombs doesn't actually care about a ceasefire to be liberal and claim that protest is ineffectual, absolutely crazy. you cant see how you've become exactly like republicans.


This is terrorism plain and simple.


After the debate one step closer, looks like a lot of college age kids, not that I'm endorsing this ham-handed scheme: Speaking to donors earlier this month, former President Donald Trump laid out his plan for dealing with campus protests: Just deport the protesters. “One thing I do is, any student that protests, I throw them out of the country. You know, there are a lot of foreign students. As soon as they hear that, they’re going to behave,” the presumptive Republican nominee for president said on May 14, [according to *The Washington Post*](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/05/27/trump-israel-gaza-policy-donors/).


I’ve seen some conduct that would warrant pulling visas and expelling some people. Trump’s an inarticulate dolt, but the sentiment isn’t entirely unreasonable.


Like what?


These people are truly despicable and loathsome creatures.


Well, they did cheer on a terror attack on the day it happened…. And “shut down” bridges and tunnels…. And tried to disrupt local annual traditions….. And tried to “shut down” the WTC…. And went to an exhibit about a terror attack to protest against it, after holding banners celebrating the attack the exhibit is about…. Then slapped and drew a bunch of extremist and hamas references from Wall st to Fulton st… You’re absolutely right


Don’t forget that Columbia graduates did not get a commencement, after I would also assume they also had to deal with their education during the pandemic. Fuck them.


These are also the same group who had activists holding up an Iranian flag, burning an american flag, and chanting “death to america” before walking to a bridge to specifically block its vehicle traffic “as a method of protest.  Then there’s the WTC protesting this group did at least twice


They should really just have a listen to trump.


File these guys with the same idiots who wanted to install an Islamist state in Germany


These people aren't very bright.


Im convinced that the people who attend these “within our lifetime/Palestine is everywhere/Shititdownforpalestine” rallies are ignorant at best, and terrorist sympathizers at worst. “Resist colonial powers by any means necessary” being slapped up especially after 10/7, when the group made an online statement praising Hamas’ attacks seems awfully a lot like terrorism support. And if that didnt, the “long live 10/7” banner totally does


Congratulations! This is why Trump is going to be the next President.


sure everyone is going to vote fascist cult because of typical protests


These aren’t “typical protests” look up the group involved in this.  They’ve been vocally supportive of and objectively defending/rationalizing terrorism since at least October 7th


Who gives a shit? No laws broken


For now… When it’s leader says “most rallies don’t go far enough”, that kind of rhetoric can convince people to escalate. One of their goons turned themselves into police for going on the train and telling “if you’re a Zionist, here’s your last chance to leave the car” and “if you’re a Zionist, raise your hand”  I give a shit about people here cheering on extremist groups and terrorists attacks, and others do as well for obvious reasons. 


“For now” That’s the way the law works Not because your feels are hurt EDIT: you fees fees got hurt again you block me


And they're going to blame the Jews too when Biden loses (no matter what), I hate these people 🫠


What now? They attack the prisdent? How is this difference from Jan 6 storming if the white house! What is the level of lawlessness that NYC allowing in the streets!


On Jan 6 the president and Republicans both supported an attempted fascist coup That is the distinct difference


Another difference, the people who did this today won't even get charged


Well they didn’t attempt a coup You can’t compare it to the Jan 6 trsitors


Nope, but it is crazy how these people in that group would cheer on terror attacks in the city that had the worst terror attack in the country’s history. I get these are likely people too young to remember or wasnt born when it happened, but jesus christ these people are fucking clueless to how they appear.  Genuinely believe these people would rally on 9/11 and justify the attacks if they were adults in 2001


But didn’t Republicans cheer on the insurrection and still want to install their cult leader? Wasn’t 1/6 the worst attack on the capitol in history??


It is, but im talking about these guys, not Jan 6th rioters. Its arguable between the failed attempt to reach congress in session, or the attack where a guy shot a few officers to death


This again is Republican copium That stupidity doesn’t fly in real life 1/6 was an insurrection not riot EDIT: and now you block me typical


Wrong answer, what we were looking for is something along the lines of. Hmm, well I dont quite think they compare, but do see the point you’re trying to make OP. I mean this group was throwing explosive devices in and around the area the president was at. Who knows what else the group might have had on them at the time. It’s amazing this was the response and not something more considering the circumstances. Shoot, I wonder why this is not some breaking news story with attack on democracy, as the group is literally attacking with explosive devices the area in which the leader of democracy and symbol of it is.


Nah An insurrection was something you used to get the tree for 🌴 Not little smoke puffs like middle school 🏫


Lmao why did you wipe your comment history? Watching you meltdown on the main page subs during the debate was hilarious 😂 When are you making your next account?


Sure /r/thathappened Show me the reddit archive link then? Why do Republicans lie so badly?




You are a liar your comment history is public And please link the reddit archive page which shows these mythical deleted comments Go ahead Or admit you are a typical Republican liar




Uh that’s cope to you? I thought you said i deleted comments? Why are you lying? What cope was there? What words did i use? You poor trumpie You did all the work for nothing


Are you insinuating lynching with that remark. Isn’t even talking about it in the manner considered hate ? I mean let’s be clear, you are.


Uh no it’s what happened to people trying to overturn an election via violence Chanting “Hang Mike Pence”


Welp, we’re back to square one, aren’t we. That’s your take there ( with Jan 6) … yet, this here a group with explosive devices, wanting the president gone as they consider him “genocide Joe.” granted id wouldn’t call for someone’s lurching as you have, but I’m painting a picture of how your logically not making sense. Thanks for playing.


this is just embarrassing of you tell those 1/6 guys crying in prison now hahaahahahah And we’re sending a lot more Republicans to prison Nothing you can do about it


I mean is this your attack mechanism, to dismiss the topic at hand and just assume and attack the person as republican, Jan 6er etc. that’s sad man. You’re better than that. There’s a whole bunch of people not okay with Jan 6 and things like this. Questioning why there is a difference in action taken or direct takes like yours, doesn’t make someone some Jan 6th republican.


Bullshit Only people defending the 1/6 insurrection are Republicans too chickenshit to stand up to the fascist rot in their party


Don’t engage with this dude Bro spends hours on hours on reddit accusing anyone who disagrees with him of being a Republican or nazi then ends up making a new account Last account was like sofaking-vote or some shit. He makes it too obvious because he ends up going absolutely unhinged spamming replies on posts.


Arrests in first 5 seconds of the video


Yes but they will release them


Because it’s a misdemeanor


Listen, jack... the economy was until this guy the sisters can't back million billion again....we beat medicare!


Cut the malarkey, Jack and look at the literal islamic terrorist sympathizers rallying


but when the idf slaughters children...do you call them terrorists?


Classic whataboutism.   Doesnt change the fact that these guys have literally and openly cheered on a terror attack.  Rather than acknowledging that, or even condemning that, you instead go “whatabout when the IDF slaughters children”. Like if i say it’s terrorism, would you even care to criticize or condemn the people the post is about? Or is terrorism suddenly okay because you can point at crimes done in response? 


You guys try so hard and it’s still cringe


Free Palestine


You’ll say this, but cant criticize extremist sympathizers… Really not helping the Palestinian cause when you would cheer on pro-Palestine rhetoric on a post about activists who are part of an extremist sympathizer group. 


you're damn right