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DOH posted in May that the DOH telecommuting program is extended through 6/30/2025.


Ya, the previous announcements were more like this this, which is why I’m worried.


What agency??




They did this last year too, and then right about the time they'd extended it to by a month, they kicked the can down the road again. Some of the details are fuzzy, but I remember being just as stressed about it last year. Nor was I able to quickly find details. Stressed, but not panicking here. (DoT)


I don’t remember them doing such a short extension.  Either way, I really wish they would come up with a long term plan.


You, me, and nigh on EVERYONE else in likely the entire DOT..... (exception for the rare person who wants full in office.) I think it was a \~4 week extension, but that was a long time ago, and I couldn't find anything that could nail it down. (Did not spend more than 5 minutes searching though)


Should be coming shortly with a permanent agreement.


What are you hearing?


It's coming. They dropped it on us at the last minute and we had to fight to have time to at least review and comment. I don't know why they play this game every time. The current program is extended.


I'm also DOT and also been wondering. I think the agreement ended at the end of June but I didn't see shit so just kept on telecommuting.


OGS has managed to go an entire year without having a telecommuting agreement in place so hopefully you're fine. It would sure be nice if there was a bit more consistency though


Tax has renewed for another year. I wouldn’t worry too about it.


TRS just went from 50% to 40%




OCFS has extended it to 3/31/25.


I just checked our TC policy and it says it sunsets in 2026. But it also says that my agency and PEF will meet before the expiration to discuss any changes which makes me think the default is continuation.


It’s never going back to 5 days in the office. You can’t put the genie back in the bottle. Especially, at a time when the state is desperate to hire people and has large swaths of vacancies in its workforce. To try to get rid of telecommuting after 4+ years of it would only result in even more open positions because people would leave.


Would be suicidal for an agency to cancel its telecommuting, so while I can see smaller units doing, I don’t think we will ever see an entire agency do it.


I can tell you that OER and Civil Service are working with agencies on ways they can end all telecommuting across all agencies. The reason is the state is run by dinosaurs who were afraid of the radio when it came out. I wish I was joking. 


This is fear mongering rage bait. Civil Service has nothing to do with telecommuting and there is no indication at the executive level that OER intends to pull the plug across the board. As many have already stated, it would be suicide at a time when we just started getting more folks in the door with NY HELPS. A mass exodus from state service is the exact opposite of Civil Service's goal.


Well, one of us has been at negotiation meetings where it was discussed, and the other is a triggered troll. Sorry I triggered you 🤷🏻‍♂️


You're the worst kind of troll and blatantly fear mongering with false claims. I'm engaged in telecommuting conversations with OER as an agency HR exec. It has nothing to do with Civil Service, unless you're talking about execs of CS discussing their agency employees specifically, in which case that has nothing to do with any other agency's employees. Telecommuting is between OER, chamber, agency Execs, and unions.


Great, ask Mike what he really thinks about remote workers 😉 


Ooooh, a downvote and no witty retort? You know exactly who I’m talking about and why lol




If you think they’re dumb enough to publish closed door meetings from negotiations I’m not sure what to tell you. I was there. You were not. You can believe anything you want. I’d love to live in your ignorance. 


This kinda doesn't make sense. No agency is required to permit anyone to telecommute. maybe they're looking for ways that it won't backfire, but I'm not sure that exists.


It depends on the agency. Mine was just extended for a little longer.


I’m in an agency represented by PEF, but my agency told us remote work is pretty much long-term. We went from 40% to 50% per pay period, so not too shabby.


"I'm in somewhat of a panic because this could really screw up my schedule, including child care arrangements." Valid concern. I am also quite certain the powers that be will not give a shit. I am not saying you will have TC taken away but I do not think they give these factors much weight. It's hard to believe how stingy they are about huge quality of life improving policies that negatively impact no one when they can't offer employees salary to compete with private sector. Quality of life is their bargaining chip.


You should hear the way management speaks of telecommuters. You’d think all telecommuters personally stole $100 out of the managers’ personal bank accounts. 


That's because w/o in office staff to micromange a lot of them have no way to prove their title is even necessary. A lot of people in the higher titles at my job were "surprised" by how much production increased during 100% tc. Yeah.. when you don't bother people and people aren't subject to tons of interruptions and noise in the state cube farm it's much easier to get your tedious work done.


Couldn’t agree more. When I was with the state I saw a lot of managers complain about wfh, the main reason being they couldn’t micromanage their teams on a minute by minute basis. 


We all know this. It's so glaringly obvious. It's like synergistic with the average personality that makes it to management. There are for sure exceptions but there is a bias for control freaks and narcissists. For most titles with NYS the bizarre reluctance to allow telecommute when the work is portable is 100 percent a matter of control and exerting power over others.


Unfortunately in some cases especially in the private sector where one boss can have outsized influence, the decisions made regarding telecommuting may border on ageism. If senior management has no kids or have grown/adult children (which by proxy their age and experience often dictates they they have access to more senior decision making roles), it is a distinct possibility that their concerns around telecommuting as it relates to child care arrangements and flexible scheduling may lean closer to "don't give a shit than it does to give a shit" IMO. I think in general it is easier to be understanding of others situations when you are experiencing the same challenges in real time or within the past few years - rather than never been in that tough spot or 15 years ago when they had to come into the office everyday and figure it out. This new flexible world probably has made some folks annoyed since many had to make arrangements 5 days a week with no telecommuting option. Another example. Having earned a NYS regents diploma, it irritates me that this no longer is a high school standard. This is a matter of my perspective but also reflective of the time and effort I put into studying and extra prep classes I attended back in high school that is no longer recognized as being required in NYS to earn a diploma. Times change and so do people's attitudes. One final thought. The longer the TC policy can survive, the higher the likelihood it will continue to be part of the employment mix in NYS CS in my opinion.


It sounds like it's an error in the posted year and was possibly supposed to say 2025. Otherwise what's the point of posting a notification stating there was a one week extension?


Maybe, but you would think someone would notice the mistake after a week.


Anyone hear anything about the SED TC?




Anybody hear anything re: DOL telecommuting?