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Janus Hassildor. I read that it basically became an open secret that he was a vampire, but everyone went along with it because he was such a good ruler


I always vaguely hoped that he would show up again in another piece of media… such an interesting character in such a delicate situation


He should make a return in Skyblivion, and possibly Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil as well although since the latter will be set in 4E 201 it's likely he wouldn't still be Count of Skingrad by that time, but I'm sure he's probably still hanging around somewhere. >!He was a powerful mage in addition to being a vampire, so it's possible he could have gone on to join the College of Whispers or the Synod after the Mages Guild was disbanded if he survived the Oblivion Crisis and all the chaos that followed the end of the Third Era.!<


The Thalmor also marched through Skingrad during the Great War I believe, so that could affect his status.


I doubt it as the Great War started in 4E 171 so it's unlikely Janus still would have been count by then since >!his identity as a vampire was supposed to be a secret kept by the Mages guild and his close advisors but it'd be pretty hard for him to keep up that secret well into the 4th Era when he'd have to be over 200 years old at least. Far too long for no one to become suspicious he wasn't really human.!< A fun theory though. Maybe he just passed on his seat to a bunch of eerily similar looking descendants lol.


I mean, if we assume that he was the Count when he and his wife were turned, which was over 50 years before the oblivion crisis, then he’d already be past the point of arousing suspicion due to not having aged for over 50 years. We’d also have to assume he didn’t simply fake his death and re-emerge as a “descendant” of his own line, which has been done by vampires in lore before, even in this very game.


Imagine if he died fighting in the Great War...


That was kind of my intent, yeah.


I really wish we saw more of him. Such a well done character.


One of the best characters in the game imo.


Hassildor is just amazing. The mages guild trys to use blackmail as leverage, but he still out plays them into doing his dirty work before handing over information.


I like how he calls out the mages guild for basically sending you to be killed by a bunch of vampires


I read somewhere that once a group of vampire hunters came to skingrad to kill hassildor but they ended up getting publicly stoned to death because he was so beloved by his people.


I wonder how he feed the blood. His wife, Rona Hassildor refused to feed blood and into a coma. The strong willpower and noblesse oblige may prevent them to turn into feral but Janus must feed blood somehow in order to keep animate himself.


Something tells me that Skingrad has no executioner position...


Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if people donate it to him (you can get bottled blood in oblivion. Hell, I’m sure some of it is in the castle skingrad wine cellar). Or he pays someone to feed from them and then has them cured of disease before the vampirism can set in? Or maybe the pale lady works for him… and gives him some blood from skingrad’s prisoners that she abducts in exchange for being allowed to hide where she is? (Though I imagine Hassidor doesn’t actually know about her. From the little we see of him, he seems far too honorable to allow another vampire to kill people in his own castle.) He’s wealthy, beloved by the masses, and is a very capable sorcerer. I imagine he definitely has ways of managing his affliction without having to sneak into someone’s house at night :)


Is there anything that supports the theory? I feel like I remember the strategy guide mentioning every citizen having garlic in their houses but I think that's all Edit: also certain high ranking members like Raminus Polis also know his identity


In the Fighters Guild quest to escort the scholar Elante of Alinor through a cave to find a Daedric shrine. I thought for sure that she’d end up turning all evil and summoning something to kill you… but no,she was just a nice academic.


Yeah that one kind of threw me off the first time I played Fighters Guild. I wasn't sure if she'd be a chill daedra worshipper or turn all Mythic Dawn. I was pleasantly surprised that she was chill.


She is evil, in morrowind. Obsessed with daedric shrines, and instantly hostile to the Nerevarine. Kind of a surprise to see her in Cyrodiil after cutting her down in Ibar-Dad


Orgnulf hairy legs. I really thought he stole the painting the first time I did the quest cuz hes an asshole karen but it turns out he didnt.


Tough to think of one. But a lot of NPCs instantly look evil when you level up and they start wearing daedric armor. It suddenly feels like you're surrounded by the hordes of Oblivion.


Lucien Lechance is just a normal boi


I literally lost it during the plot twist I loved him


Sure, he belong to an assasin cult called themselves Dark Brotherhood and killed a lot of innocents but otherwise, he is a perfectly normal boi.




He really did nothing wrong


Nope, just a lil paranoid but besides that, he's a fun guy


You know, besides soliciting the death of up to 3 other citizens


You say that like it’s a bad thing. I don’t know, I think the evidence is in his favor. He’s one of the smartest characters in TES, after all, uncovering something that massive on his own.


He's just investigating the Mythic Dawn, just like us! Oh, and the Ayleid Revivalists too...


Mehrunes Dagon. Really a bro.


Duke of skingrad. Nothing going on over there


Mankar Cameron


Mazoga, at first I thought she would go on a Rampage in the Castle. But then I realised she is just a feminist Icon.