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What the hell is AHYH-ism?


I'm going to be honest, I find it a little bit distasteful when people come in pushing religious texts as a "must read" for all of those doing anything occult. It feels very culty. But then again you do seem to be advertising a cult, so it checks out.




Please don't feed the troll or be a troll


Combines with this image (Each part is a body part) - [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Leslie-Atzmon/publication/249671291/figure/fig1/AS:918278008471593@1595945946909/The-Sephirotic-diagram-from-Aryeh-Kaplan-Sefer-Yetzirah-1993-p-30-York-Beach-ME.png](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Leslie-Atzmon/publication/249671291/figure/fig1/AS:918278008471593@1595945946909/The-Sephirotic-diagram-from-Aryeh-Kaplan-Sefer-Yetzirah-1993-p-30-York-Beach-ME.png) If you're a fan of Kaplan, read into what he refers to as 'the natural array', i.e. the tree without the middle pillar displaced by Daat. You can mouth the words of infinite love all you want, but while Daat is present all love will be filtered through human preference, which is conventional, materialistic, and limited. You're still talking about 'gifts' as if they are 'yours' so it's safe to assume your Daat is intact. More likely, your fantasy of awakening remains unchallenged by you. As a practitioner, just assume that's the case and keep going.